I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1169: The legend of Xiaoxi Mi and Ye Qiuquan!

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Up and down Qingcheng, Suzhen Restaurant, a box of heaven and man.

"Are you Ye Weiming?"

The speaker is wearing a very ordinary samurai suit, which looks probably of golden quality. It is one of the conventional equipment of the players in "Chivalrous Eternity". Just pull out an ordinary player on the street, and his equipment is probably all It's what this quality looks like.

In addition to his clothes, the hat on his head and the shoes under his feet are all popular products. Even his appearance is also extremely popular. It is not handsome or ugly. It belongs to the type that is not easy to be noticed when standing in a crowd. It may even turn around and can't remember what this person looks like after seeing one.

In general, the presence is extremely low!

This non-existent guy is called Ukiyo Chihiro Mo, and he is the one who knows the secret of the "Xiafeng Secret Realm" main story and Huangfu Dengyun's identity. He was also the key figure who thought of one of several ways to solve the case before Ye Weiming.

Because of Huashan's theory of swords, Ye Weiming's reputation has been so hot now that almost all players in the game believe that he is the top player among the players.

Seeing this ordinary player in front of him, he naturally felt somewhat restrained, and he didn't even know where to put his hands and feet.

Hearing the other party asking for his name in that kind of agitated tone, Ye Weiming smiled slightly, and after looking at the wine at the side of him, he nodded and replied: "Yes, it is me."

Seeing the other party and not knowing what to say is good, Ye Weiming simply went straight to the subject: "I heard that you know the specific background of the'Xiafeng Secret Realm' and some secrets of Huangfu Dengyun?"

"That's right!" Hearing Ye Weiming talked about this floating world Qian Xun Mo, he immediately became energetic, and immediately patted his chest and said: "Although I don't dare to know the plot of the five-part "Jin Yong Group of Heroes", I can clearly know the ins and outs of each branch plot, but I still remember the main plot and some important things clearly."

"The Legend of Jin Yong's Heroes" five parts?

Obediently, just this name that makes Ye Weiming and Jiang Jinjiu unheard of has fully demonstrated the compelling character of the original party! Is there wood?

But after that, I saw the floating world Chihiro Mo smiled, and said: "After all, this is my unique news. In terms of price..."

Ye Weiming was not long-winded, and directly stretched out a finger, sternly said: "A treasure!"

Hearing that the mouth is a treasure, Chihiro Ukiyo's eyes suddenly lit up, but she followed closely but deliberately pretended to be embarrassed, shook his head and said, "Brother Ye. You should know that this is about Involving the core secrets of the five-part series of "The Legend of Jin Yong's Heroes", one of them is the background story of "The Legend of Heroes"."

"After knowing these news, as long as you turn around in the'Xiafeng Secret Realm' and want to get a few treasures at random, it is not difficult to think about it?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Even without March being present, he could see that the treasure he proposed had far exceeded the opponent's expectations.

It's just that when the other party saw his bid so happily, he suddenly gave birth to a kind of "I bid less" heart, and this is how the above rhetoric was made. Its purpose is just to sit down and raise the price.

Ye Weiming can't talk about favorability or contempt for a small citizen like Chihiro Ukiyo Mo.

After all, the levels of the two are too different, and he doesn't even have the thought to care about each other. In his opinion, the value of the information provided by the other party is definitely more than a treasure, and his price should be around two to three treasures.

To say one thing is just to facilitate bargaining.

But since the other party wants to sit on the ground and raise the price, Ye Weiming glances over the other party with a smile, and asks inadvertently: "Since you are so familiar with the'Xiafeng Secret Realm', you want to come when you choose the previous secret realm. , Is it also the'Xiafeng Secret Realm' that you entered?"

Floating Chihiro Mo immediately nodded when he heard the words: "Yes, the two secret realms opened before, and I entered the Xiafeng secret realm!"

Seeing the other party's cooperation, Ye Weiming nodded immediately and said, "You are so familiar with the'Xiafeng Secret Realm'. You entered the Xiafeng Secret Realm two times before and wandered in the'Xiafeng Secret Realm. Then..."

Having said that, Ye Weiming paused for a while, and then suddenly asked, "Where is your treasure?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chihiro Ukiyo was taken aback, not knowing how to answer.

Although he is familiar with the plot of chivalrous style, in the game "Chivalrous Eternity", the advantage of the original party is far less than many people think. Knowing the original works can only be regarded as having a certain advantage in information. But how to turn this advantage into self-interest depends on your own strength and ability!

Regardless of strength or ability, Chihiro Mo of the floating world can only be regarded as an ordinary member of millions of players, and does not have the strength and ability to transform those intelligence into benefits.

Therefore, the best equipment on his body is the golden equipment, and martial arts has learned the advanced martial arts in the martial arts.

As for the treasure...

Where is his treasure?

Suddenly asked by Ye Weiming, Chihiro Ukiyo was immediately speechless. After a long silence, he said again: "I really don't have the ability to transform this information into a fascinating and magical weapon, but you do, otherwise, as you, you will not ask me to meet here. Then since you can pass My intelligence has gained a huge amount of benefits, and I ask for more benefits, right?"

Ye Weiming did not deny it. Instead, he nodded honestly: "If you can say this, it means that you are also a sensible person. Therefore, I am willing to exchange this information with a treasure. The price is somewhere in the range. After you and I got this information, the average value of the benefits will be enough to further your strength."

"As for how I can use this information to get more benefits, it has nothing to do with you." Ye Weiming smiled slightly: "After all, even if it is me, I want to turn things like these background settings into my own strength. Some other resources must also be used."

"For example, my strength, methods, or connections in the circle of friends, etc... And these are not what your intelligence can provide."

"how do you feel?"

After hearing the words, Chihiro Mo was silent for a while, feeling that he was indeed a little greedy, and adding a treasure was far beyond his expectations. In the end, he nodded and said: "Yes, then do as you said."

Ye Weiming smiled at Jiang Jinjiu, and then said: "Happy cooperation. Then, please tell me your information first. The reputation of me and Jiang Jinjiu are more than a treasure."

"I understand!" Chihiro Ukiyo no longer twitched, and immediately regained seriousness, and said: "The source of all stories must start with Xiao Xiami..."

The story of the floating world Chihiro Mo is very complete and detailed, covering "Jin Yong's Heroes", "Wulin Heroes", "Knights Story", "Knights Story" and "Heluo Heroes" 》The contents of five antique-level stand-alone games.

Xiao Xiami, as an important figure running through the four works, is also the protagonist of the first work in the series "The Legend of Jin Yong and the Heroes". The story is probably the story of a modern teenager inexplicably crossing into a martial arts world similar to the mystery of "Chivalrous Eternity", searching for 14 books of heaven (that is, the 14 works of Master Jin Yong), and finally returning to the real world through the temple.

What makes Ye Weiming feel a little creepy is that the strength of this little Xiami and his unique "Wild Ball Fist" are a bit mysterious in the original game settings.

At the end of the game, Xiao Xiami did not encounter a super-powerful villain BOSS, but faced the siege of the top ten masters at the same time!

In the game, the protagonist's prestige value, which is a data similar to the chivalrous value, is used to judge the protagonist's good or evil. Fortunately, the top ten masters that need to be faced in the end are: Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianren, Hong Antong, Ren Woxing, Zuo Lengchan, Yue Buqun, Murong Fu, Jinlun Fawang, Tang Wenliang, and He Taichong.

It can be seen from the list of top ten "evil sects" that are full of slots, that in Master Jin's pen, there are indeed no villains who can survive a plot (including forcibly survived in the game). There are a few and even hesitate to pull out the decent heads like Tang Wenliang and He Taichong to make up the number.

This can't help but give Ye Weiming a feeling of "I can do it, too."

Although, he is not yet confident enough that he thinks that he can now rely on his own strength to directly fight ten. But if you want to retreat under these ten people, you are still more than 80% sure.

If he was given another six months to a year, he would dare to pat his chest and say, these ten people, I can also fight!

But the top ten decent masters are a bit tangled. They are: Qiu Chuji, Miao Renfeng, Xuan Ci, Huang Rong, um... these four are Ye Weiming can now rub on the ground. The threat is not great, but the remaining six are more vigorous than the other. .

Guo Jing, Hong Qigong, Huang Yaoshi, Old Urchin, Xiao Feng and Zhang Sanfeng in their heyday!

A 200-level full-level BOSS, a 190-level or higher super master, plus four five absolute levels of existence, such a lineup, just look at it, is it desperate?

But fortunately, the game is based on the settings of several subsequent works. In the plot, Xiao Xiami should follow the decent route, so there is no need to overestimate his strength.

Speaking of which, some people may be tempted to ask.

Why does Ye Weiming care about the strength of this little shrimp?

The reason is actually very simple. Because from the fourth work of the series, which is the story of "The Legend of Heroes in Heluo", the Huangfu Dengyun that Ye Weiming met before is the old version of the blackened shrimp!

However, according to the story line, he is also taking the decent line in "The Legend of Jin Yong and the Heroes", and the decent path still taken in the plot of "The Legend of Heroes in Heluo". After returning to reality, Xiao Xiami smoothly blackened after being severely beaten by the society, and then found a way to travel back to the world of martial arts again, and began to become a villain.

Therefore, "The Legend of Heroes in Heluo" is a story of Xiao Xiami fighting himself.

According to the previous situation of Huang Shouzun and Xiao Xiami, his strength should be a 200-level top BOSS with particularly strong offensive power and hard skills. Playing against top powerhouses such as Huang Shouzun, Zhang Sanfeng, and the Unbeaten East cannot form an overwhelming advantage, at best, it takes advantage of information and vision.

Just like the previous time, even if Huang Shouzun suffered a big loss in information, he just couldn't stand the edge of the wild ball boxing and started to fight. For a while, Huangfu Dengyun couldn't help him.

After this retreat, I believe that this situation will definitely be further improved.

When the time comes, if two people fight each other, it's hard to say who loses and who wins.

What made Ye Weiming more relieved was that Huangfu Dengyun's appearance didn't seem to have any other collateral reactions. In other words, he seems to be a person, who came here alone, and it should have nothing to do with Yu Jin's death. At the same time, there is no immediate conflict of interest between him and Shenshousi.

Therefore, this person is indeed worthy of attention, but at least in a short period of time, he will not become a powerful enemy of the gods.

When it comes to Xiao Xiami, we have to mention "Wild Ball Boxing".

This style of boxing, as the protagonist of "The Legend of Jin Yong's Heroes" comes with martial arts, which is like an Easter egg. The initial batch of dishes, from level 1 to level 9, can be said to be the best martial arts in the entire game, none of them. But once it reaches the 10th level, then this set of martial arts will become the strongest martial arts in the game, and there is no one!

Even the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, which is known as the most fierce in the world, is far behind it.

This setting has been continuously improved in several subsequent works, and is finally defined as a special boxing technique that is strong and fierce, easy to learn and difficult to master. Among many martial arts, it can only be regarded as the highest attack power. Other characteristics may not be optimal. It's not like in the original works anymore, it's an unreasonable invincible existence.

Ye Weiming once again recalled the scene of Huang Shouzun's battle against Huangfu ascending the clouds~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seems that in "Chivalrous Eternity", the final setting of "Wild Ball Boxing" should also be used.

After focusing on Xiao Xiami, Huangfu Dengyun and "Yeqiuquan", Ukiyo Chihiro Mo finally talked about the key parts that Ye Weiming most urgently wants to know, "The Legend of Wu Lin Qun Xia", "The Legend of Chivalrous Man" and "The Knight The Story of the Storm.

The "Legend of Martial Arts Heroes" can basically be omitted, because the later "Story of the Heroes" is actually its high-definition remake. The story content of the two is basically the same, and the background of the "Xiafeng Secret Realm" adopts It is the story of the prequel and the true story of "The Legend of the Knight".

During the two previous openings of the secret realm of the previous dynasty, the main storyline of the story has been pushed by players to finish the storyline of the prequel, and when it is opened again, it is probably the main storyline of the main story.

In the plot of the prequel, there is a very important villain, the commander of Jin Yiwei-You Jin!

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