I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1170: Huang Chang's exit, rewards are in place! (For [The sun and the moon in th

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Jin Yiwei directs you to swim in?

When Ye Weiming heard this name, it immediately appeared in his mind that when he first met with You Jin, the other party introduced himself simply and clearly: "The former commander of Jin Yiwei, now the deputy commander of the Shenchou Division, Yu Jin."

He swims in, does he swim in this way?

Wanting to know the answer to this question, Ye Weiming felt that he still needs to keep listening.

Soon, Ye Weiming sorted out the causes and consequences of swimming in from the context of the story told by Chihiro Mo.

Swim in, formerly known as Dongfang Xi.

Originally one of the two best disciples of the Wudang Sect in the "Xiafeng Secret Realm", he was later ordered to undercover the Tianlong Sect, but he was influenced by Li Canglong’s mind and married with his righteous daughter Gong Xiyao, which can be regarded as an undercover status. A model of anti-object-oriented.

And his behavior, in the eyes of other martial artists, is tantamount to a betrayal of the right way of martial arts.

Coincident with the Tianlong Sect’s civil strife, Li Canglong conspired to seize power. At the same time, various major sects in the Central Plains besieged the Tianlong Sect. Under internal and external troubles, Li Canglong was captured by the martial arts decent sect. The pursuit of good and evil. In order to prevent their children from suffering bad luck, Dongfang Weiming, who was a baby, was fostered in a small mountain village.

After that, Gong Xiyao was seriously injured and killed by the pursuit of good and evil, but Dongfang Xi survived by chance and went black. After Tuntan was disfigured, he swam in to join Jinyiwei under the pseudonym, determined to destroy the entire martial arts, regardless of right and evil, to eradicate all martial arts schools, and kill all martial arts people!

Later, it seemed that he forgave each other with Gu Yuexuan, the big disciple of Xiaoyao Valley. After successfully washing himself, with his deputy surrendering himself, the storm that swept the court and the martial arts was finally over.

Soon after surrendering himself, Yu Jin was released by the court.

In fact, this kind of thing is easy to understand.

After all, the **** determines the head. From the view of courts in most eras, chivalrous people use martial arts to ban them, and most martial arts practitioners are not peaceful people. It would definitely not be a bad thing if they could severely inflict, hit, or even wipe out this arena forces.

It doesn't matter whether you have ever done anything to kill officials and rebel. As long as you have such strength, even if you don't say it, the court secretly hopes that all such existences will disappear.

Therefore, what the imperial court did not seem to be an unforgivable felony.

If he didn't surrender, even if the court knew all his plans, he would probably choose to close one eye. Even if he surrendered, the court would just let him go after being closed for a few days, and the right should be no such thing. If he can continue to do things after he leaves the court, the court will be happy to see it happen.

Of course, the imperial court here refers to the imperial court in the "Xiafeng Secret Realm" with the Ming Dynasty as the background.

In the main world, the court still paid more attention to the power of martial arts. Because of the martial arts inheritance of the major martial arts schools, to a large extent, it can stimulate the spirit of national martial arts. This is the real reason why the **** catching division can coexist peacefully with the martial arts schools.

Said to swim in.

After he was released from prison, he heard the news of his son Dongfang Weiming, so he went to Dukang Village to visit his son in secret, but was attacked and killed by the Lord God's Will. At the end of her life, she was also used by the Lord of Heaven’s Will to temper one of the harems in the east with an unknown future. The female assassin of Heaven’s Will, Feng Chuuxue, asked her to make up for the knife.

After that, it is the story of Dongfang Weiming who used Xiaoxiimi as his life idol, learned from Xiaoyao Valley, learned martial arts, and wandered the world.

Ye Weiming is not very interested in Dongfang Weiming's story. However, from the perspective of Dongfang Xi's life and experience, it is almost the same as swimming in and out of his immediate boss. All the details show that this and that are the same person.

This is the only way to explain why You Jin had been the commander of Jin Yiwei, his husky voice, his disfigured horrible face, and the iron mask on his face. as well as……

Every time that guy called him "Wei Ming", Ye Weiming always gave birth to the feeling that he was taken advantage of.

Inferring from this perspective, the fate of this swimmer should have changed a bit. That is, he can enter the main world like other characters in the "Previous Secret Realm", and then be subdued by Huang Shouzun, and then become the deputy commander of the main world.

However, with the opening of the "Xiafeng Secret Realm", the characters in the plot that need to be completed by him still have to go again. Among them, naturally also included the bridge section where he was attacked to death by the Lord Providence.

This is a plot kill, and before Ye Weiming used many methods to save him, it was also considered a change of fate.

It's just that this change of fate is not yet complete. If you want to truly change your fate, it is definitely impossible to swim into this half-dead vegetative state.

He must be completely rescued before he can get the reward of this defying mission!

Compared with quest rewards, Ye Weiming is now more concerned about the question: "Who is the Lord of Providence City? What do you know about the killers of Providence City?"

Ukiyo Chihiro Mo replied with a serious face: "The previous city owner of Tianyi City was an old man who warded off evil spirits. In the world view of'Xia Feng', it should be Lin Pingzhi who was imprisoned after being abolished by Xiao Xiami and Linghu Chong."

"Because there is no system announcement for the death of NPC in the'Frontier Secret Realm', I don't know if the old man warding off evil has died like the original. However, in the original, the second city lord, that is, the second city lord, is killed by sneak attack. Heluo hero Jiang Tianxiong."

"And there are many masters in Tianyi City. In addition to Jiang Tianxiong and his sons, there are the four killers of poison, wave, flower, and madness, the four masters of North Korea, Duke Xuanli, Xinchou, Mulian nun, He Tuo, King Sai and his sons. , Kuisi, Ouyang Xiao, Jiuyin and others...including those who used to cooperate with the old man to ward off evil spirits, and the purpose is to wipe out the entire martial arts and swim in!"

"However, according to the original plot of the game, Xin Mian, Mu Lian nun, He Tuo, King Sai, Kui Shi, Ouyang Xiao, Jiu Yin and others have all died because my strength is not enough to participate in those important plots. In, I don’t know if these plots have changed. So many things, you still need to confirm yourself."

Ye Weiming heard the words and nodded: "I have to say that the information you provided is very detailed and very important to me. I take back what I said before. The value of these information is more than a treasure. You turn around and help me. Organize these materials into a document, and I am willing to exchange them with two treasures!"

When Ukiyo Chihiro Mo heard this, his eyes flashed: "Is this true?"

"I will not lie about one or two treasures." Ye Weiming smiled softly: "In addition, you can also use this time to think about what type of treasure you need, such as weapons or protective gear. The category requirements of this category, but the cloak, inner armor and jewellery are not superfluous here. You should avoid these three categories."

"After you have sorted out the information, just tell me the types of treasures you have chosen."

Hearing that Ye Weiming said that he could not only get half of the benefits he had expected before, but he could also choose the classification of treasures by himself. Chihiro Ukiyo was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

I immediately slapped my chest to make sure: "In fact, when I was just telling the plot, some parts may not be described clearly enough. However, when organizing the information, I will think carefully, and write everything I know as much as possible. Just take a look!"

Ye Weiming smiled slightly and made an "OK" gesture at the other party, which was regarded as encouragement.

After Ukiyo Chihiro Mo left, Ye Weiming turned his head to look at Jiang Jinjiu, and then smiled: "Brother Jiang, thanks to your help this time the sect mission can make such progress. Let’s talk about it. How do you plan to let me thank you?"

He smiled softly when he heard the words of the wine. Obviously he had already made plans: "I heard that you had been with Sister Dao, Xiaoqiao and March, and received a help from Invincible in the East to find "Eternal Immortality". Mission, can you share the mission so that I can follow along?"

Ye Weiming couldn't help but stunned: "Once that mission fails, it will be pursued and killed by the Eastern Unbeaten. And the retreat I thought of before does not seem to apply to you."

Jiang Jinjiu didn't care at all, but said firmly with a face: "As the so-called wealth is seeking in danger, the more serious the punishment is, the more generous the reward is."

"In fact, during the battle between the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect before, I did not redeem the points for any rewards. Instead, I applied to keep the points. After being cut in half, I kept it for the next task. Perform unified settlement. The purpose is to be able to accumulate enough task completion to exchange for what I really want in the East."

Ye Weiming couldn't help but froze upon hearing this: "Sunflower Treasure?"

Will enter the wine with a smile, be regarded as a default.

At this moment, a white dove appeared out of thin air, and did not disappear out of thin air after falling on Ye Weiming's shoulder. After untying the secret letter tied to the pigeon's legs, Ye Weiming's face suddenly showed joy.

[I have time to come back to the God Hunting Division and receive the reward for the previous task. 】——Huang Shang

Huang Shouzun is out!

Hearing about receiving the task rewards, the night will not be sleepy. When even sharing the task of "compensating for losses" with Jiang Jinjiu, he hurriedly left and ran back to the Shenchou Division.

In the meeting room, Huang Shouzun was still holding the Taoist scriptures in his hand, studying slowly and calmly. It was no different from every time Ye Weiming came here to see him.

"Subordinate Night..."

"Get in!"



After sitting down on the chair in the conference room, Ye Weiming immediately asked: "Huang Shouzun came out of the retreat so quickly, has he thought of a way to restrain "Wild Ball Fist"?"

Huang Shouzun shook his head slightly when he heard the words: "Although "Yeqiuquan" is simple to get started, it is easy to learn and difficult to learn. It is even more profound to practice. It can be said to be an undefeated martial arts. Is it that simple?"

"After some retreat, I just thought of some targeted strategies to prevent myself from becoming passive the next time I face Shang Huangfu ascending the clouds."

In other words, now you know the other side's martial arts just like the other side knows you. If you fight again, you can basically achieve a 50-50 mark?

However, since Huang Shouzun was able to achieve this level, Ye Weiming was completely relieved about the safety of the Shenchou Division.

And Huang Shouzun also knew that he was anxious for task rewards, so he said: "I have just read the task report you left before. You did a very good job with the Five Mountains Sword Sect and the Sun Moon God Sect. Be a reward! "

Ye Weiming smiled hesitantly when he heard the words, and then immediately complained: "Speaking of this matter, we actually got into a big trouble. For some reason, our plan was known by Dongfang Undefeated. He returned A mission was specially released for us. If it cannot be completed within three months, we will have to hunt down and kill us for four to ten days, which is terrible!"

According to Ye Weiming's understanding of Huang Shouzun, at this time he should say: "It turned him over!"

However, Huang Shouzun’s actual answer was: "Since you have accepted the task, you have to work hard to do it well." After saying that, before Ye Weiming made a retort, he waved a big hand, and a system prompt followed Ye Weiming's ear. Sounds:

Ding! You have completed the seven-star hidden mission "Balanced Martial Arts" and received the following mission rewards:

1. Open the station function of "Tianjian Villa".

2. Players who have the permission to enter the villa, no matter if they teleport from any station to "Heaven Sword Villa" or leave from the "Heaven Sword Villa" station, they will be exempted from the transmission fee.

3. If other players teleport to or leave from the station of "Heavenly Sword Villa", 50% of their transmission costs will become the income of the owner of "Heavenly Sword Villa".

4. A random skill is increased by 1 level!

5. Your position in the God Catching Division has been promoted, and you will be temporarily replaced by You Jin, acting as the "Deputy Commander of the God Catching Division", with the highest authority second only to Huang Shouzun in the God Catching Division. Under the condition of not conflicting with Huang Shouzun's orders, he can command all things of the Shenshui Division.

Ding! Your peculiar mental method "Game Gaming" has been upgraded, and the current skill level is 10!

Game game (unlearned)

A peculiar mental method that includes a special calculation method that can use the active clues you have mastered to calculate the answer you want to get.

Level: 10

Proficiency: ——

Hit +550%, dodge +550%, critical strike damage +110%!

Special effect: Arithmetic

Arithmetic: When casting active skills that require calculation, the calculation difficulty is automatically reduced by one level!


? ? ?

Why would it be the "Yiboshu" that is not very useful, and not the "Sacred Qi of the Sun" that he has been waiting for?

Fortunately, we have the foresight. Long before we came back to collect the task rewards, we raised the obviously useless "Game Game" to level 9. Otherwise, wouldn't it be a loss?

and also……

Compared with the problem of random failure, Ye Weiming is more concerned about the task rewards that have not been mentioned before: "What is the matter with the deputy commander of the Acting God Hunting Division, are you planning to give up swimming in?"

Huang Shouzun shook his head lightly when he heard the words: "Our principle is not to abandon, not to give up. It’s just that you are responsible for many things in the God’s Trap Division on weekdays, and now you can’t work. I Only another competent helper can be selected to take charge of this matter."

"Zhanzhao rivers and lakes are too heavy, Bai Zhanji is indifferent to death, and I can't trust the pyrotechnical leader~www.wuxiaspot.com~ If you count it, only you are the most suitable. In other words, your kid shouldn't be at this time, Look at my old man’s jokes?"

Ye Weiming hurriedly said: "Subordinates dare not!"

"Then this matter, that's it." After Huang Shouzun made a final decision on the matter, he turned around, and showed a kind smile at Ye Weiming: "Speaking of the firework master, I have to say, you are The Catch Division has brought in a powerful master. And the reward for this task must be what you have been waiting for for a long time, right?"

As Huang Shouzun's voice fell, a more pleasing system prompt sounded in Ye Weiming's ear as promised:

Ding! You have completed the eight-star hidden mission "Conquer the Fireman Touto", and you will get the task reward: "Seven Star Heart Method" cheats × 1!

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