I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1037: Hot spring bath, 0 million reward

The place mentioned by Dao Mei does not refer to a certain place, but refers to a high-end entertainment place in the game that can provide leisure and relaxation services-hot spring baths.

Here, players can finally take off all the clothes that they usually wear on their bodies at all times, and happily soak themselves in the hot water unique to the hot springs to wash away the fatigue accumulated over the years.

What, do you mean the dirt accumulated on the surface of the human body?

No, no, no.

In the game, under normal circumstances, players can enjoy the pleasure of automatic purification.

No matter what kind of dirty things are stuck to the body or clothes, as long as you get out of the dirty environment for a while, you can return to the most clean and tidy initial state.

As for the scope of this "normal situation"?

In fact, even if Ye Weiming can do this, it is the first time today that he has encountered a special situation that cannot be directly cleaned by the automatic purification mode after entering the game for more than a year.

Therefore, it is reasonable for normal players not to know that there is a place like a bathhouse.

Unlike male players, female players tend to pay more attention to these details. Even if they don't actually have this need, they still like the good habit of taking a shower every once in a while.

Daomei is one of the more informal ones, and the frequency of hot springs is about once a week.

It is said that the food fairy who has also entered the Knights League is a frequent visitor in the bathhouse. It is said that she will come to the hot spring bath every one or two days to soak in the hot spring bath. The frequency of bathing is comparable to that of the mad demon Shizuka.

In order to meet the bathing needs of different players, each hot spring bath also has a different bathing area. It can be roughly divided into three mixed bathing areas, countless independent bathrooms, a relaxation area, a lounge and countless individual private rooms.

The three mixed bathing areas are men's bathing area, women's bathing area and men's and women's mixed bathing area.

As the name suggests, the male and female bathing areas are separate areas for male and female players. Players can meet honestly and honestly there. There are two bathing masters for men and women. Of course, there is only Male master and vice versa.

And the mixed bathing area for men and women can basically be regarded as the only place in the game that can satisfy the eyes of wolf friends.

This is equivalent to a large-scale comprehensive water park. Both male and female players can come here to play, play in the water, or order a pot of tea, and three or two people can soak in the hot spring to drink tea and chat.

Of course, just like a water park in reality, players cannot meet frankly without reservation. Men must wear large shorts, while women must wear swimsuits to enter this area.

Those private bathrooms are prepared for players who don't like to have a pool with other people. The price is higher, but after entering, one can enjoy all the resources in the hot spring.

You can understand it as a copy, which is the kind that is absolutely inaccessible to others except you.

The rest of the recreation area is a place for players to relax and relax. The rest hall is similar. You can lie down and sleep, or order some massages and foot treatments. This kind of bath supporting services is very complete.

As for those individual private rooms, no matter how many players can share a room, they can play cards, chess, and chat in them. However, the requirements for clothing are no different from other places outside the hot spring bath, and you must wrap yourself tightly.

In general, if the player has nothing to worry about, it is normal to enter the bath in the morning, and to go out after eating and playing. Even in a sense, the existence of this kind of place can well control the player's level increase speed?

There are ten places of consumption like this that waste lives in the game, which correspond to the top ten natural hot springs in reality. The facilities in each hot spring bath are similar, so I won’t repeat them here.

And Dao Mei took Ye Weiming to the Hailuogou Hot Spring Bath.

There was nothing all the way, when Ye Weiming and Sword Sister got the number plate at the service counter, they entered the men's and women's baths and went to wash their own.

What I have to say is that in this place where the per capita cleanliness is infinitely close to 100%, Ye Weiming's gray appearance, after entering the bath, still attracted many special eyes.

There were even some buddies who knew each other, whispering to each other after seeing him.

With Ye Weiming's keen insight, even if he didn't deliberately eavesdrop, he also unintentionally heard a lot. When he found out that most of these guys can actually be the unexplored prophet, even after guessing that Ye Weiming has an indissoluble bond with the coffin, he also felt a little dumbfounded.

But even in the face of other people's weird eyes, Ye Weiming still maintained his own high quality. First, I went to the shower area and washed my body briefly, and washed away more than ninety-nine percent of the dead skin on my body. Only then did I enter the large public pool and soaked it through. Then, I went to the scrubbing area and rubbed all the places I didn't wash before, and then flushed...

A fair, sunny, handsome, and handsome young man reappeared like this. Even after this molting, Ye Weiming now looks more pure and unsullied than before, and the white jade skin can even reflect a faint halo under the sunlight, as if the ten is turned on. The special effects of the double soft light are average, and the extra points for appearance are definitely not one or two points, but 8 (+5) points!

Now that the purpose of washing for nothing has been achieved, Ye Weiming is naturally unwilling to waste time in this place.

With a thought moved, the equipment was once again neatly dressed, and the gleaming golden sword behind it was especially dazzling in this frankly met public bath.

"Brother Ye!"

How about saying that people are clothes and horses or saddles? No one could recognize Ye Weiming in the past when it was only in the autumn. As soon as the clothes were put on, someone immediately called out his name behind him.

The voice sounded so familiar. When I turned my head and looked, I saw a burly tall figure walking behind him, with a shawl and long hair hanging down to his back. At first sight, it gave people a very sunny and tough look. feel.

Ye Weiming frowned upon seeing this, and couldn't help but ask in confusion, "You are?"

Hearing Ye Weiming's question, the man couldn't help but speak again, his expression was very exaggerated and said: "No, Brother Ye, you can't even recognize me?"

Hearing this familiar voice and seeing the exaggerated and familiar expression change on the other party's face, Ye Weiming couldn't help but stunned: "Old cow?"

The visitor is Niu Zhichun, a monk and demon!

Seeing that Ye Weiming had recognized himself, Niu Zhichun immediately smiled and said, "Why, change the look, you can't recognize him?"

Ye Weiming felt a little embarrassed when he heard the old cow asking this, and replied a little embarrassingly: "Indeed, I didn't recognize you for a while when I saw your hair grow."

Niu Zhichun's face suddenly turned black when he heard this: "Can't you see the shape of the monk emperor's laurel crown, I remember 7 you still said it was Vairocara crown?"

"Don't pay attention to the details!" Ye Weiming realized that he had missed his mouth, so he immediately changed the subject and said: "I have finished washing, do you plan to soak for a while?"

"Isn't it?"

Niu Zhichun was surprised when he heard the words: "Isn't it? It's too early now, you have spent all your money, why don't you enjoy it here? I tell you, there are many fun places besides bathing. . For example, the water park is very good, we can order a pot of good tea, while drinking tea, while admiring the swimsuit girls, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

Seeing this guy's idiot expression, Ye Weiming suddenly took a step back in disgust, shook his head gently and said: "It's still not. I still have an important task to do. You don't have to look at me expectantly, this task. You can’t share it with others casually. So, you’d better go to the water park to enjoy the swimsuit girls. See you later!"

Seeing that Ye Weiming is not like him, Niu Zhichun felt a little regretful, but he could only say goodbye to him in anguish, and then put on the large shorts specially provided for the bath and went straight to the water park.

Leaving the bathing area and closing the bill, Ye Weiming came to sit on the sofa aside like this, and then sent a flying pigeon biography to Sister Dao:

[I have washed it, if you are done, come out quickly, let's go find Li Guishou together. 】——Ye Weiming

【what? You run so far, really just to take a bath? 】——If I kill (In order to avoid wearing a gang, Sword Girl maintains the "If I Kill" vest in most cases, deducing herself as a true Sun Moon God disciple.)

[I just came down from Guangmingding and asked Feiyu about the location of Li Gui's hands. If the delay is too long, I am worried that there will be unexpected changes. 】——Ye Weiming

[Well, wait a minute, I'll come out immediately. 】——If I kill

After reluctantly replied, the Sword Girl in the virgin bathroom took off her swimsuit depressed, and with a thought, she had put on her iconic red dress again.

On the other hand, after Ye Weiming finished the pigeon chat, he saw something that made him extremely unhappy.

But I saw a player coming out of the women’s bathroom, just before coming to the bar, preparing to check out, but was pushed aside very brutally by a very rude teenager, and said domineeringly: "Get out, let me finish first. ."

It can be seen from the clothing of this young man that he should not be from the Central Plains, but rather seems to be from Dongying.

The female player was so violently and brutally cut into the line by others. Although it could be seen that she was obviously unhappy, she still sensibly chose to calm down, so she took a step back and didn't have a dispute with the Dongying boy.

Seeing the female player's swallowing gaze, Dongying Junior became more and more proud. After the very arrogant checkout, he turned and came to Ye Weiming's face, and said with a high-pitched voice, looking at people through his nostrils: "Get up, I'll sit down."

Ye Weiming frowned slightly, and spit out a word in his mouth: "Get out!"

The boy from Dongying was taken aback when he heard the words, obviously he had never been treated like this before, and he was furious immediately after hearing the words, "What did you say?"

"Doesn't you understand?" Ye Weiming still said unsatisfactorily: "Getout! 消えろ!..." After that, Ye Weiming said it again in several languages ​​that he could master, but no matter what he used. Which language, the meaning is the same.

After expressing it in multiple languages, Ye Weiming asked calmly: "I have said so much, you should always have something you can understand, right?"


Hearing Ye Weiming's tireless use of multiple languages ​​to express his contempt for him, the young Dongying suddenly became furious.

However, he did not quarrel with Ye Weiming at the first time, or even do it, because...

"Congratulations!" After the female player who had been cut in by Dongying Junior had checked out, the service staff at the front desk immediately put on a bright smile and said: "As the one millionth customer in this store, you won Our store specially prepared a million prizes. This precious painting is your reward, please take it!"

While talking, the service staff had already held a pair of scrolls in both hands and sent it to the female player.

When the female player saw this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then cautiously asked: "This scrolling shouldn’t require me to be a super VIP member, or how much deposit is required to receive it?"

The beauty waiter smiled and explained: "Of course not. At this time, this shop is a special event to give back to customers. This scroll is given to you for free, without any additional requirements." Looking at her appearance, it is obvious that the players will have it. This question is average, and it doesn't feel strange at all.

Seeing that there are benefits to be taken, the Dongying boy immediately forgot the dispute with Ye Weiming, and instead rushed to the female player who had just taken the picture from the service staff and said: "Hand over the scroll, this picture It should have been mine!"

According to the logic of this Dongying boy, if he hadn't jumped in the line just now, it would have been the female player who checked out first, and then this scroll would become his reward. Therefore, it is reasonable that he now asks the female player to call something out.

However, the female player who was still good at talking, heard that the scroll was immediately burdened, and then said disdainfully: "Who asked you to jump in, now it is mine. UU Reading www.ukanshu.com "

For the player, there are some things you can let, but some things you can't let.

This reward for the 1 millionth consumption is obviously very unusual. If there is a secret book of martial arts hidden in the scroll, isn't it a fool to hand it over?

What's more, just the name "Qihai Wuyatu" is obviously directly related to martial arts, right?

This is no longer the initial enthusiasm. When it comes to actual interests, especially a huge one, few people have the negative thoughts of "too lazy to care".

"court death!"

That Dongying young man, seeing the female player dared to disobey his intentions, he drew a knife from his waist with a disagreement.

Originally sitting on the sofa, Ye Weiming, who was watching the development of the situation, suddenly brightened his eyes and made a secret in his heart:

Good knife!

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