I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1038: Maiden pencil, kill Jue Tian! (For [cannot bear...

The Taishou in the hands of the Dongying young man was full of luxurious golden color, and the blade's cold light bloomed, reflecting the glorious light. With the ability of recognizing swords that Ye Weiming has trained for more than a year, he can tell at a glance that this sword is at least a treasure.

The performance of this female player also made Ye Weiming feel very satisfied.

If she didn't even know how to fight for her own interests, and instead handed over the scroll easily, it would be inconvenient for Ye Weiming to intervene. But since she dared to fight, Ye Weiming didn't mind helping a group of her compatriots.

It was just that after seeing the treasured sword in the young man's hand, Ye Weiming felt that he had to carefully consider his strategy.

At this time, everyone suddenly heard the hot spring bath service staff suddenly speak: "Remind you two, this restaurant is a state-owned bath established by the court. If the two insist on doing it here, our restaurant will take the lead. They were arrested on the spot and escorted to the government for conviction. Therefore, I hope the two of you will think twice."

It seems that in order to verify the words of this young man, from the side door on the side of the hall, at this moment, five system guards holding swords have just walked out, the level is marked as eye-catching 200.

And this waiter's words seemed to be warning the two at the same time, but combined with the previous situation, the implications were obviously obvious.

The Dongying young man snorted disdainfully after hearing this: "These guards are invincible only for your players. In front of me, they are nothing at all?"

The waiter did not deny this, and immediately nodded and said randomly: "But when they arrest you, if you dare to resist, our store will issue a reward task to all players in the area, and hope you It can be so hard."

"If you dare to hurt any guard, it is not as simple as a regional mission. You will enjoy the pleasure of being wanted in the full server."

"That feeling, I promise you will never forget it!"

Hearing the threat from the waiter, Dongying boy's face suddenly became hard to look. He followed with a cold snort, then gave the female player a fierce look, then walked towards the outside of the bath, and said as he walked: "I don't believe you will never come out by hiding here!"

Hearing what he meant, obviously he was going to stay outside.

Seeing Dongying boy leaving the lobby, the waiter turned his head and suddenly reminded the female player: "The impolite Dongying boy did not come alone. There were three other people who came with him, including one. Unfathomable masters included."

"As long as you are still in this store, I can guarantee that the other party will never move you, but if you leave here..."

Shaking his head, the waiter did not finish the rest, but the meaning is self-evident.

After hearing this, the female player politely thanked the service staff, and then immediately asked: "Then where is his companion, especially the unfathomable master, now?"

The service staff pointed their finger in the direction of the upstairs, and then said: "They have ordered a separate bathroom, and they have not come out yet."

Is that so?

The female player nodded immediately after hearing the words, and after thanking again, she walked out of the bath without hesitation.

Going out now, although it is necessary to immediately face the difficulties of the Dongying boy, it is better than facing four opponents at the same time, including the unfathomable master in the waiter's mouth.

I have to say that this girl's carefulness and determination is still very commendable.

Ye Weiming smiled when he saw it, and followed out calmly.

Walking out of the large courtyard where the hot spring bath is located, I saw that Dongying boy was guarding outside with a proud face, and saw that the female player also followed out. He immediately jumped and jumped over the figure of the female player. The golden sword on the back was once again unsheathed, but it drew a trace like a crescent moon in the air, slashing down towards the female player.

The female player was not negligent, and with a slender hand, a long sword had appeared in her palm, and then she leaned back, and at the same time a sword swept out. The sword used was actually "Sweeping Snow and Cooking Tea" in "Sweeping Snow and Cooking Tea" greeted the scimitar in the hands of the young Dongying, but at the same time the figure was rushing forward.

Hearing a crisp sound of "Qiang!", the long sword in the female player's hand was cut in two under the golden sword.

However, after the obstacle of the sword blade, the female player had already rushed out of Zhang Xu in front of her, and happened to avoid the Dongying boy's homeopathic cut after cutting her saber.

The saber was cut in half by the opponent after only one face to face, and this true female disciple couldn't help being shocked. However, she didn't stop her actions because of this, but continued to perform light work and fled straight towards the station below the mountain.

In fact, from the beginning of the fight, this true female disciple had no idea of ​​a showdown with this Dongying boy.

Now that the treasure is on her body, and with the fight, she also knows that the "Unbounded Sea of ​​Qi" has become an inevitable drop in this battle, so of course her strategy is to keep the treasure. It will not be delayed here for too long because of a temporary impulse.

As long as she can rush to the inn, she can directly teleport back to Zhongnan Mountain.

At that time, this NPC, who cannot use the station's teleport function, naturally wants to chase but has no way of chasing it.

Moreover, as long as she keeps things in the warehouse of the novice school, this "The Sea of ​​Qi" will become an item protected by the system, let alone the boy from the East, even the unfathomable mysterious master behind him. , There is no way to take her.

However, what she didn't expect was that the Dongying young man was not only a sharp sword and a sharp sword, but even his light skill was far above her. Before she could run three feet away, the young Dongying had already jumped past her, and then slashed at her with a backhand.

The true female disciple was shocked, and hurriedly used the defensive trick in the "True Sword Technique", blocking the opponent's sword with the half-cut sword in her hand, and at the same time, both feet exerted force to perform the "Golden Goose Skill" Shenfa, retreat sharply.


With another crisp sound, the broken sword in the hands of the true female disciple was chopped off again. At the same time, the sharp blade slashed across it, but it left a small trace on the black skirt of the female Huashan disciple.的口子. Following that, this tiny wound was repaired in an instant under the intervention of the system will.

Not weak. Even so, the durability of this piece of equipment dropped a lot, but it was a reminder of this true female disciple, how terrible the Taitou in the hands of this young man from Dongying!

At this time, the figure of the Dongying boy was in a sharp rush, and the golden sword in his hand was cut out for the third time in a shock, and he wiped directly at her choked throat.

The opponent's sword came quickly and in a hurry, but the sword in the hands of the true female disciple had been broken to only a section of the hilt. Whether it was for defense or evasion, it had become an impossible luxury.

Seeing that the sword of Dongying boy was about to fight on her body, a cold light suddenly brushed from the ear of this true female disciple, and then it shot at the most accurate place of Dongying boy's blade.


Accompanied by the sound of a sharp sword confrontation, the Dongying young man was shocked to take a few steps backwards. It was only at this time that this true female disciple could not see clearly the name and attribute data of this person...


The young master of Dongying Wushen Absolute Palace, at a young age, has the appearance of a master.

Level: 85

Qi and blood: 380000/380000

Internal force: 248800/250000


At the same time, the sword that was shot at her ears, but after spinning in the air for a full circle, plunged straight into the ground in front of her. Immediately afterwards, an unexpected system prompt sounded in the ears of this true female disciple:

Ding! Player Ye Weiming invited you to join the team. Do you agree to join?


Hearing this system prompt, this true female disciple didn't know that Ye Weiming rescued her? So he immediately chose to agree without hesitation, and then turned around, holding a fist to thank Ye Weiming who had just rushed over.

She didn't worry at all that the Dongying boy would attack her when she turned to thank her, because she knew that as long as Ye Weiming didn't want to, the Dongying boy would definitely not be able to kill her even if he attacked her.

Nodded, Ye Weiming only saw the face of the true female disciple in front of him for the first time. But she saw her skin is white and smooth, with short hair that matches her ears, and under the corner of her right mouth, there is a small beauty mole. Her figure is staggered. She is wearing a black western-style skirt and black stockings. Hunyuan's sleeve-length thighs look more and more beautiful.

I don't know where this girl got the equipment. It feels like the classical beauties that can be seen everywhere in "Chivalrous Eternity", but has a different exotic style.

In other words, do the disciples of Quanzhen Sect like to dress themselves up so differently?

Wait...Why should I say "both"?

At this time, the Dongying young man named Juetian asked in a cold voice, "You damned fellow, do you want to be nosy?"

Ye Weiming didn't bother to pay attention to that Juetian, but he said to the true female disciple: "Pencil? A very special name."

The true female disciple named "Pencil" smiled slightly, and then explained: "I have loved drawing since I was a child. When I entered the game, I couldn't think of a better name, so I used this."

Ye Weiming nodded, and then went straight to the subject and asked: "I lent you this imperial sword to defend against the enemy, but the treasure dropped by the opponent belongs to me. Do you have any comments?"

The pencil was taken aback when he heard the words, followed by a wry smile: "Although I am not greedy for what the other party drops, this Japanese pirate is also a level 85 BOSS. For me, I am afraid that it is not just a sword that can be used to fight. Passable."

Ye Weiming smiled mysteriously: "If you don't try, how can you know?"

Pencil is not the kind of lonely player who doesn't hear things outside the window. He still knows the famous name of Ye Weiming, but it often appears in the system announcements. Killing the one hundred and forty-fifth level of BOSS is like a commonplace super power. .

After hearing Ye Weiming's words, Dang Even unconditionally chose to believe him, and then grabbed the imperial sword inserted in front of her, followed by surprise.

The reason why she was stunned was not because she was shocked by the magical attributes of the Imperial Sword, but because she could not see any attribute data of this sword at all!

What does this show?

This shows that Ye Weiming has not given up control of this sword.

As the first person to meet, she certainly knew that Ye Weiming had no reason to believe that she would not hack her equipment. But the question is, like this, how do you let me hold it against the enemy?

Just when the pencil was stunned, she suddenly felt that the sword in her hand slammed involuntarily, driving her arm to sweep out, but it was the "sweeping snow" in the "True Sword". "Cooking tea", unbiasedly greeted Jue Tian's treasured sword.

"Chang!" After a loud noise, the two went backwards three steps each, but the pencil faintly felt that this situation had nothing to do with her own skill, because whether she made a move or retreated, it was in her hands. Dominated by the sword.

Even at the moment of the sword confrontation, she didn't feel any counter-shock force. The reason for her retreat was that the sword in her hand pushed her backwards three steps.

Without waiting for the pencil to figure out the key points, the Yuxu Sword has changed again, but it is pulling her arms and body, using a trick "Langji Tianya" to stab directly towards Juetian's Xinkou Tanzhong acupoint.

Pencil is also an extremely clever woman. She feels that this sword is actually actively using the "True Sword Technique" to help her defend her from the enemy. Even if she no longer has any active thoughts, she just cooperates with it whenever the sword is shot. The change in body shape and footwork corresponding to this move is coordinated with the sword to counterattack absolutely.

After a series of seven strokes, Yuxu Baojian has guided the pencil to completely push Juetian down!

Juetian's eyes were invincible, but a fierce light burst out in his eyes: "Humph! Don't think that this will defeat me, Half Moon Dance!"

Amidst the roar, he saw that the golden sword in his hand had turned into a shadow of a sword in the sky, like a round of meniscus, layered on top of each other, spreading into a net of swords, cutting it head-on towards the pencil.

When Ye Weiming saw this, there was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "It's fancy, flashy."

However, what Ye Weiming didn't expect was that such a flashy attack was dazzled by the dazzling pencil, and he subconsciously wanted to control the Yuxu Sword to resist.

But her struggle like this completely disrupted Ye Weiming's sword moves using the "li sword style". Seeing that due to the mistakes of the two, the sword technique had revealed amazing flaws, and Jue Tian immediately grasped it. Taking the opportunity, he wanted to chop the pencil under the knife in one fell swoop, and Ye Weiming no longer had to hide it. With a turn of the right hand sword art, he forcibly controlled the imperial sword with three consecutive moves.

Caizhou is light!

Tragedy hits the building!

Cold smoke and grass!

A series of three moves, each of which is pierced by the sword, brings out two physical sword auras, dozens of sword auras slams the bracket in a series, not only breaks the ultimate move, but also hits two on his shoulder and thigh. Remember, knocked out the opponent's more than 30,000 points of vitality.

Yu Jian took a pencil and drew back. Ye Weiming immediately said in the team channel: "Take a breath and pretend to be a little harder."

When the pencil heard the words, he did it immediately, and immediately gave people a sense of sight that had just exploded with a trick, and the sense of instinct was not smooth for a while, and the interpretation was very good.

At the same time, Pencil immediately apologized on the team channel: "I'm sorry, I just saw the sky full of knives too nervous, so..."

"It's okay."

Ye Weiming quickly replied, and then he said in front of Juetian: "As the saying goes, seeing happiness, hearing anger, smelling love, tasting the tongue, worrying about the body, and desire for opinion, try to close Close your eyes and let your mind go, how can "Zhenzhen Sword Art" be able to exert unexpected power."

Senior knew that Ye Weiming was teaching her a way not to make trouble, so she did it even better.

However, I saw that this girl actually inserted the imperial sword in her hand on the ground beside her, then removed a black ribbon from her baggage, blindfolded her eyes, and tied a knot behind her head. Then he grabbed Yu Xu and said, "In this way, there should be no problem."

I have to say that the girl does not seem to have a lot of fun in doing this. (See this chapter, if you can pass the trial)

At the same time, it was already in the actual combat "Li Jian", using the imperial sword to guide the "Pencil" girl to shoot again.

Sure enough, in blocking his vision, Pencil Girl would no longer compete with Ye Weiming, allowing him to easily deal with any of Juetian's moves with his own strength and vision.

After ten moves, Jue Tian's blood volume has been knocked out by one third.

After twenty strokes, even if Ye Weiming intentionally kept his hands, Juetian's blood volume still fell below the safety line.

Seeing that there was less than 40,000 blood left, Jue Tian could be killed at any time, but Ye Weiming couldn't help but frown.

In other words, why hasn't this guy's true body come yet?

This is obviously different from what I planned!

Just when Ye Weiming was about to try to break his opponent's limb and beat him to a disabled state, he suddenly saw a red figure flashing by his side, followed by a white blade of light on Juetian's neck. Scratched above, the heads of the big fights rose to the sky!

Ding! You participate in the killing of the 85th level BOSS. As the BOSS kills you and players from other teams together, you will get part of the kill reward.

Reward: 1.3 million points of experience, 200,000 points of repair, "Half-Moon Sword Technique" cheats×1, Ninja battle clothes×1, Ninja boots×1!

There is no system announcement. It can be seen from this that Jue Tian, ​​the bear boy who owed his beating, was obviously not the first time he was killed by the player.

After sharply cutting the blade, the red shadow of the blade turned and threw away the blood stained on the blade, and then inserted it into the scabbard behind with a "clang!"

Those who shot, UU reading www. uukanshu.com is the sword girl!

After robbing the head of Juetian, Sister Dao didn't take another look at the corpse of this 85-level little BOSS. Instead, she looked at Ye Weiming with a smile. Escort to kill the enemy, if you think about it, you wouldn't mind my sudden intervention, right?"

Ye Weiming rubbed his nose: "I don't mind if you turn in the things that Juetian dropped."

Sister Dao raised her eyebrows and was about to refute, but she suddenly heard the direction of the hot spring bath door, and she heard a confident anger: "Little bitch, I want you to give my Tian'er your life!"

Amidst the roar, a fierce punch was already several feet away, hitting directly at the door of Sister Dao.

The sword girl's hair flew upside down, and the roots were straight as needles!


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