I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: Know how to bet and fight, paint the ground as a prison

Accompanied by a roar, the biting wind of fist has already pressed towards the sword girl who just killed Juetian.

Judging from the strength of this fist alone, even if it was compared to Bi Xuan's fist, it was a bit stronger. But if you take into account the flames of the sun that comes with Bi Xuan's fist, it looks slightly inferior.

Ye Weiming's gaze fell on this fist wind, and he didn't intend to help Sword Sister to block it, even Sword Sister didn't move.

Because, just as the fist wind flew to the halfway, a silver streamer suddenly shot out from the diagonally downwards, and went straight to the fist wind. This streamer is extremely subtle, but it is unusually sharp, it directly penetrates the seemingly fierce boxing strength without any hindrance, and directly embeds it.

next moment……


Accompanied by a loud explosion, the silver light and fist strength exploded at the same time, and suddenly turned into a violent wind that swept around, blowing Ye Weiming and the other three's hair flying, clothes moving with the wind, making a hunting sound.

Ye Weiming and the others turned their attention to the person who attacked, but they saw that this person was burly and as strong as a fat cow from Kobe. His upper body only wore a simple half-length shoulder armor. Most of the solid and terrifying muscles are exposed.

There was a strong and domineering vile spirit all over his body.

Only the hair doesn't look very good. Anyway, the hair style used by the Eastern warriors is a Mediterranean Sea in the eyes of Ye Weiming.

At the same time, above his head, there is also a daunting BOSS attribute.

No god

Dongying Godless Palace Master, a generation hegemony!

grade:? ? ?

Qi and blood:? ? ? /? ? ?

Internal force:? ? ? /? ? ?


Really as the hot spring service staff said, he is an unfathomable super master!

Following Jue Wushen's gaze, she saw a beautiful woman in a red dress walking slowly downwards. Even in the face of Jue Wushen's majesty, she was not afraid of it, and she walked calmly. However, it seems that he hasn't put Jue Wushen in his eyes at all.

This woman, Ye Weiming and Sword Sister both recognized, it was Xue Qianxun!

When the two of them were wondering why Xue Chihiro suddenly appeared here, and even dared to face it and be absolutely innocent, they suddenly heard the pencil **** the side asking timidly: "That... I can open my eyes. ?"

Because this girl had an instinctive reaction in the battle before, she almost destroyed the battle dominated by Ye Weiming, so after she was blindfolded, she always maintained a kind of redemptive heart and dared not make any difference.

Under the influence of this kind of psychology, even after she heard the system prompt that Ju Tian is dead, she still did not dare to take off the blindfolded black cloth rashly.

It was only because the series of voices made by Absolute Wushen and Xue Qianxun's appearance sounded a bit scary, and at the same time, he didn't receive further reminders from Ye Weiming, and felt panicked, so he finally couldn't help but ask.


Hearing the other party’s inquiry, Ye Weiming remembered that this girl was still blindfolded, so he quickly said, “It’s all about you. You can unmask the blindfold and return the Imperial Sword to me, and then grab the flash Up."

"Who said it's all about her?"

At this moment, Xue Chihiro suddenly said: "The people from the Absolute Palace of Godless Gods have been staying in this hot spring bath these days. The purpose of this is the "Sea of ​​Qi and Unlimited" in her hand. In her hands, the Godless Absolute Palace is definitely not so easy to give up with her."

After that, his gaze fell on Jue Wushen again: "Am I right, Jue Wushen?"

Hearing Xue Qianxun's words, Jue Wu Shen immediately snorted: "Your news is well-informed. However, "The Sea of ​​Qi Without End" is my thing in the East, do you need to intervene in this matter too? ?"

Xue Qianxun sneered softly: "Since you have come out of the'Wind and Cloud Secret Realm' and walk in the main world, you must abide by the rules in the main world. If you really follow the rules of this bath, you will reward guests with rewards. Get this picture, then I have nothing to say, but if you want to break the rules..."

Having said this, Xue Qianxun's eyes turned cold: "This is not where you go wild!"

Hearing that, Jue Wu Shen was furious.

But thinking of the consequences of invoking a character like Xue Qianxun in the main world, he still managed to hold back his anger: "That little **** just injured my Tianer's life, what do you say?"

When Xue Qianxun heard the words, he said: "If you are not as skilled as people, you dare to find something, and you deserve it if you die."


After a slight pause, he turned to look at the pencil and said, "You call it a pencil, right?"

Pencil knew that the beauty in front of her seemed weak, but she was a super boss who made the strong like Jue Wu Shen lose temper, so she nodded her head very well, and then she realized that she clasped her fists and saluted: "Quan Zhen Pencil, meet seniors."

Xue Qianxun waved his hand: "I have no friendship with Wang Chongyang, and it's useless to mention the truth."

The pencil was choked by Xue Chihiro, but at this moment, a smile suddenly appeared on Xue Chihiro’s face, and he said, “But since I met it today, I think Ye Weiming and I will kill these two little guys. For the sake of it, I don’t mind helping you."

After a slight pause, he said: "It's true that you are not hiding it. The "Qihai Wuyatu" in your hand actually contains a unique internal skill. But that internal skill still has this fatal danger, and that crisis will wait for you. Only after practicing this inner strength to the extreme will it be triggered."

"If you can get over it, of course you can greatly increase your strength, but if you can't get over it, the price you have to pay is definitely not just a waste of all the efforts spent on this internal skill."


Pencil never expected the matter to be so serious, and immediately after being surprised, he once again held a fist and saluted Xue Qianxun: "Please also ask senior to teach me."

At this time, Sister Dao had already applied to join Ye Weiming's team. Seeing this, she couldn't help but joked: "Smelly catch, this girl is quite good at talking and doing things, no wonder you are willing to help her."

Ye Weiming immediately said righteously: "Seeing his compatriots being bullied by Japanese pirates, you can't help but make a move."

"Actually, I have already taken action." The sister said in a strange tone: "And as soon as I shot, I solved the battle cleanly, but unlike some people, patronizing and interacting with the girl, I haven't killed an 85 for a long time. Grade slag."

Ye Weiming retorted with righteous words: "I am showing the demeanor of a great country in the Central Plains. I have to be forgiving and forgiving."

Without waiting for the sword girl to refute, she immediately continued to ask: "By the way, did Jueten's sword burst out?"

"No." Sister Dao replied.

When Ye Weiming was communicating privately with Sister Dao, she heard Xue Qianxun say again: "I can give you a choice to eliminate this hidden danger, and that is to sell me the painting."

Hearing that Xue Chihiro was also interested in this "The Sea of ​​Qi Without End", the pencil girl was stunned, but when she heard the word "sell", she felt a little unhappy.

After all, no matter who gets a jerk, he won’t want to sell it for money!

At this moment, Xue Qianxun continued to say: "The way you give me the painting first, I will give you a unique task. The difficulty of the task will change after deducting the value of the "Unbounded Sea of ​​Qi" itself. It’s very low. After you finish it, you can get a complete secret book without side effects."

After listening to Xue Qianxun's method, Pencil finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it should be a good thing for her to be able to exchange for a complete kyushu without side effects.

However, she did not immediately agree, but asked for help on the team channel: "Brother Ye Weiming, can you give me some advice."

"I can't give advice, but I can tell you something."

Ye Weiming also knew that giving opinions on this kind of matter might end up complaining. After all, the two of them had just met each other, and it was impossible for them to put their hearts on them like Xiaoqiao and Sanyue.

So he just said truthfully: "According to the rules of the system, there is an equivalent model for all the tasks and rewards the player does."

"Since Xue Qianxun said that he wanted you to do another task on the basis of handing over the "Qihai Wuyatu", it means that the secret knowledge she said must be in the value of "Qihai Wuyatu". on."

"But when you do a task, there is a risk of failure. So you have to weigh the pros and cons by yourself."

Hearing Ye Weiming's words, the pencil immediately replied: "I see, thank you Ye Weiming!"

After saying that, I have already taken out the "Sea of ​​Qi Without End" from the baggage, holding it in both hands, and sending it to Xue Qianxun: "Just do what the predecessor said."

Xue Qianxun accepted the picture with satisfaction, but then looked at Ye Weiming and said, "Ye Weiming, I also have a word to remind you."

"Snow Maiden, please tell me something."

Xue Qianxun said faintly: "The refueling tactic you just said was a very stupid behavior, because it is absolutely impossible to succeed. Unless there is a reason to win, any NPC, Nor will he easily use the power of the'Deity's Coming' to send his life to you completely."

Hearing Xue Chihiro's words, the Sword Sister in the team channel immediately looked at Ye Weiming strangely: "This is the etiquette of a great country that you are talking about. Should I be forgiving and forgiving?"

At this time, Absolute Wushen also cast a murderous look at Ye Weiming.

Ye Weiming ignored Sister Dao's ridicule and Jue Wushen's killing intent. Instead, he looked at Xue Qianxun seriously and said, "I don't think that Jue Tian is very smart, and I feel that he is probably deceived."

"Absolutely impossible." Xue Qianxun said very confidently: "Because of the limitations of heaven..."

Well, this ultimate reason is too strong, Ye Weiming can't refute it at all. However, he also silently kept this restriction in his heart, and it would save a lot of useless work in the future.

After mentioning Ye Weiming's sentence, Xue Qianxun then turned to Jue Wushen and said: "Ze Wushen, now this "The Sea of ​​Qi Without End" has become my thing, if you feel so much about it If you are interested, I can give you a chance."

Absolutely Wushen was shocked upon hearing this: "What opportunity?"

On the surface, Jue Wu Shen was not very concerned about Jue Tian's death, but it wasn't because he didn't care about this son. It was because he knew that even if Jue Tian was killed in the mission mode, he would be resurrected in the "Wind and Cloud Secret Realm".

In comparison, he is more concerned about whether he can get "The Sea of ​​Qi" in his hands.

Xue Chihiro smiled charmingly: "Let's make a bet. You can take out the equivalent and bet on the "The Sea of ​​Qi" in my hand.

Jue Wu Shen did not immediately give an affirmative or negative answer when he heard this. Instead, he asked very cautiously: "How to bet?"

Xue Qianxun looked at Ye Weiming at this time, and then said, "I bet you are not Ye Weiming's opponent."

Absolute Wushen also turned his gaze on Ye Weiming's body at this time, and then said disdainfully: "Just rely on him?"

"Don't worry," Xue Qianxun added again: "My condition is that the specific gambling method is decided by Ye Weiming."

Jue Wu Shen immediately shook his head when he heard the words: "If he wants to compare with me something that only he can, won't I lose?"

However, Xue Chihiro's answer was: "You can ask him to propose a specific way of fighting, and then you can decide whether to gamble or not based on the specific way."

Seeing the two NPC bosses, they wanted to finalize the matter without anyone else, but Ye Weiming immediately raised an objection: "Snow Maiden, you don't seem to have asked my opinion."

Snow Chihiro said indifferently, "You don't need to ask for your opinion in advance."

Ye Weiming asked dissatisfiedly: "Why?"

"Because there are task rewards."

"That's okay..."

Ye Weiming nodded, and he had already begun to wonder what method he would use to compete in order to get Jue Wushen's consent and guarantee the absolute winning rate of this gambling fight.

He didn't worry about the quality of the task reward, because there were system rules, Xue Qianxun chose to deduct it, but he couldn't deduct it.

After hesitating for a moment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Ye Weiming suddenly turned to Xue Qianxun and asked, "Snow Maiden, what will happen if I lose?"

Xue Qianxun replied leisurely: "In that case, I would be very disappointed in you."

Ye Weiming was taken aback: "Nothing?"

Xue Qianxun nodded, and then added: "I know you have won Dugu in a similar gambling battle before, so I want to see if you really have this ability, and just create a miracle again. ."

As he said, he just tossed the "The Sea of ​​Qi Wuya" in his hand casually: "As for whether this picture will be won by Jue Wushen, it really doesn't matter to me."

Ye Weiming nodded, and then his thoughts moved, the imperial virtual sword flew out immediately, but in a large flat area not far away, he drew a circle with a diameter of thirty feet out, and said, "My The proposal is for us to fight against Jue Wu Shen in this circle with three enemies and one. If all three of us get out of the circle, we will lose, but if we force Jue Wu God out of this circle, he will lose."

After that, he then recalled the Yuxu Baojian, turned to Jue Wushen and asked, "How is it, do you dare to answer this bet?"

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