I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 3 Chapter 1040: Bet increase, super artifact! (For [The Sun and Moon in the Pot]...

In fact, Ye Weiming’s way of drawing a prison for a battle, from a common sense point of view, is definitely more beneficial to Jue Wushen, who has stronger individual combat capability.

But precisely because of this, Ye Weiming dared to put it forward. There must be a calculation that no one else knew.

If you change someone, you will more or less have some doubts, but Jue Wu Shen is also an extremely confident and swollen master. Unless it is the kind of trap that can be seen clearly, he will never shrink from a little worry. Before.

Hearing that, Absolute Wushen immediately replied: "Why don't you dare?"

After that, he jumped to the center of the circle first, wrapped his hands around his chest, and looked proudly at Ye Weiming and the knife girl and pencil beside him.

At the same time, a system prompt suddenly sounded in Ye Weiming’s ear:

Ding! Trigger the hidden mission "Jun Xue Gambling Fight".


In the gambling fight to defeat the absolute godless.

Victory conditions: kill Jue Wu Shen or force out of the circle

Failure conditions: All members of the team are killed, or all members are forced out of the circle (During the battle, anyone who steps outside the circle will lose the qualification to continue participating in the battle)

Task reward: After winning the game, you can discuss with Xue Qianxun and choose the task reward that suits you within the scope of the task completion amount. You can also choose to accumulate task rewards, and then take other tasks in exchange for better task rewards.

Mission Penalty: Snow Chihiro’s favorability decreased by 30 points!


Judging from the amount of rewards for this task, Xue Chihiro seems to be too good for Ye Weiming?

Although Ye Weiming was puzzled, he didn't care too much. It was good anyway, and other things could not be analyzed based on the information content he had now.

Thinking too much will only increase worries.

After seeing Jue Wushen arrogantly, Sister Dao was naturally eager to try, but the pencil hesitated and said: "What do I need to do for a while, or blindfold it?"

"No." Ye Weiming smiled slightly and said confidently: "You just stand here and just cheer for the three of us."

With a big wave of his hand while speaking, a white dove has already flown towards the hot spring bath.

Seeing Ye Weiming's behavior, the pencil girl was stunned for a moment before reacting. The three people mentioned by Ye Weiming did not include her...

But think about it, I can't even fight an absolute heaven, and I am not qualified to participate in this battle, but I don't know what kind of master Ye Weiming will find as her teammate?

Amidst doubts, I soon saw a monk with fat head and big ears, with a smile on his face performing light work, and ran out of the hot spring bath.

What the pencil girl didn't expect was that she still recognized Ye Weiming's friend, and she was also her fellow brother, the direct disciple of Changchun Zhenren Qiu Chuji, and Niu Zhichun, a monk and demon!

Although Niu Zhichun has a fat body, the Quanzhen Sect's light skill is definitely not weak. Between the seemingly awkward ups and downs, he has already arrived in front of Ye Weiming and others, and then he smiled:" Brother Ye, I am ready to fight according to your request."

Ye Weiming nodded when he heard the words, and stepped into the battle circle he drew. Sister Dao and Niu Zhichun naturally followed.

Seeing that his three opponents were already in place, Absolute Wushen smiled coldly, still putting on a condescending tone and said: "Little beast, it's definitely the three of you who made the shot, no more?"

Ye Weiming smiled coldly, and said unceremoniously: "Why, the old tortoise is scared?"

Jue Wu Shen frowned: "What do you call me?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "I heard that your most powerful skill is called "The Immortal Golden Body". The shell is very hard. What is it that is not an old tortoise?"

Jue Wushen saw that this guy in front of him was the kind of lord who would never show weakness in his tongue, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, but saw that he was angry around him for a while, but he was ready to fight: "Since If so, then prepare to die!"


Seeing that Jue Wushen was ready to do it, Xue Qianxun on the side suddenly stopped and said, "Since you have agreed to the place where Ye Weiming proposed the gambling, then should you take out your bet first? Don’t look at me like that, be more confident, I just can’t believe in your character, and I’m afraid you will cheat if you lose.”

Jue Wushen snorted, then flipped his wrist, but a dark green cheat book came out, and then showed the cover of the cheat book to Xue Qianxun, and then said: "I use my "Indestructible" "Golden Body" cheats, gamble on your "The Sea of ​​Qi Unbounded"."

"If I lose the battle, I will naturally abide by the agreement and give the cheat book of the "Indestructible Golden Body" with both hands. If I am killed by them, this cheat book will also become a certain drop. Now you can rest assured. Right?"

Xue Qianxun nodded: "If that's the case, then you can start."

After saying this, Ye Weiming was full of fire. Dao Mei once again pulled out the pufferfish poison behind her, and used it to comb her elegant and smooth dark hair. Only Niu Zhichun, who just chuckled, seemed to be ready to fight, but didn't take out his weapons, and put on a posture of wanting to fight back.

With a slight smile, Ye Weiming said proudly, "Old tortoise, if you are ready, we can do it."

"Wait!" This time the person who called for the stop was Absolute Wushen, and he felt very uncomfortable at Ye Weiming. When he complained about these NPCs endlessly, Absolute Wushen said something to his mind. Unexpected words: "I want to raise!"

Xue Qianxun obviously didn't expect that Absolute Wushen would suddenly make this incident, so she asked curiously, "How to add it?"

At this time, I saw Jue Wushen’s wrist flipped again, but another cheat book was taken out and said: "This "Wolf Killing" is a super master of the'Fengyun Secret Realm' breaking the army. Dedicated in "Slaying the Wolf", as one of the terms of exchange, this cheat book contains the essence of martial arts that Pojun had learned all his life before learning "Slaying the Wolf", and its moves are weird, regardless of the use of knives or All swords can be used."

After saying this, his eyes fell on the puffer fish poisonous knife in the hands of the sword sister: "This little **** holds the treasure of our Dongying sword. I will use this "Wolf Kill" to bet on the puffer fish in your hand. poison!"

Sword Girl was taken aback when she heard the words, she did not expect that the target of Jue Wushen's bet that she wanted to raise was her. So he immediately asked in the team channel: "Smelly catch fast, what is your chance of winning this gambling fight?"

Ye Weiming answered five words in seconds: "Only 90%."

Hearing Ye Weiming's cautious answer, a smile of excitement suddenly appeared on the corner of Sword Girl's mouth, and she said, "I bet!"

Ding! Your mission "Knowledge Bet" has been changed, and additional bets have been added to the "Wolf Kill" cheats and "pufferfish poison". If you lose, the "pufferfish poison" in my killer will fall into the hands of no gods , If you win, if I kill you will get the "Wolf Kill" cheat.

After hearing this system prompt, Ye Weiming not only glanced at Sister Dao, but said: "This time it's really cheap for you. After finishing the game, let me watch the "Wolf Kill" secret book for three days."

Sister Dao replied very readily: "No problem!"

As Sister Dao's voice fell, Ye Weiming, Sister Dao and Jue Wushen moved together. However, he saw Jue Wushen's legs exert force, and his figure slammed forward. At the same time, the monstrous fist strength was already condensed on his hands, with the infinite killing intent to kill everything, and he went straight to Ye Weiming. Two people bombarded out with Dao Mei.

The first style of "Kill Boxing"-Killing Heart!

At the same time, the pufferfish poison in the sword sister's hand swept through the vertical cuts, but it cut out two incredibly powerful sword lights, which seemed to have the terrifying power of opening the world, and directly met one of the punches of Absolute Wushen.

Heaven asks the second knife-Yin and Yang triple, what is it?

At the same time, an incandescent fireball that was as dazzling as the sun had already condensed between Ye Weiming's palms, but it was smashed against Jue Wushen's other fist.

"Holy Qi of the Sun"-the sky over the sun!

The pencil girl who watched this scene from a distance was stunned when she saw it.

The fist that kills everything, the blade that cuts through the world, the sun that does not fall or shake!

Is this the ultimate duel between the top masters among players today and the top NPC masters?

Simply wonderful!

Seeing this kind of battle, not only did the pencil girl feel that the many swordsmanship and martial arts she had learned in Quanzhen Teaching before were all things for children to play.

At least in terms of light and shadow effects, is it not in one dimension at all?

My style of painting is above you, how can I fight this?

Thinking of the word "painting style", the pencil girl suddenly felt an impulse that was difficult to suppress, and with a wave of her hand, he took out several items that looked very professional.

Drawing board, drawing paper, carbon strips, eraser, and a wooden chair.

At the same time, the three attacks had collided head-on.

Accompanied by two complete bangs that shook the sky, the violent and tyrannical energy centered on the two points where the three-person punches, knives, and fireballs collided, and quickly swept away in all directions.

Wherever he went, dust was flying, sand and rocks were everywhere!

Seeing that under such a gust of wind, the painting supplies that the pencil girl just took out will be blown up and smashed. An invisible wall of air suddenly blocks the oncoming vigor. , So that she and her painting supplies were not affected at all.

The head of the doubt, Xue Qianxun's voice came in his ear: "You continue to paint, I am here, to ensure that you will not be disturbed by the aftermath of the battle."

While talking, there was a smile full of interest on the corner of Yuki Chihiro's mouth. Obviously, she wanted to see it too. With a pencil, what could be drawn with these special objects that were very strange at first glance.

After a blow, the blood bar on the top of Sister Dao's head immediately slipped one-third, and when she fell, Yuzu withdrew seven steps backwards, leaving seven incomparably clear footprints on the ground.

Obviously, with her skill, she still has some strength to compete with a boss of the level of Jue Wu Shen.

However, neither Ye Weiming nor Jue Wushen was crushed and hurt. After the first blow, Jue Wushen’s figure only retreated half a step backward, while Ye Weiming floated backwards and withdrew far away, still Maintaining the attitude of advancing and retreating together with Sword Sister.

Rather than saying that he was shaken back further, it is better to say that he deliberately kept pace with Sword Girl, so as to facilitate the most perfect cooperation in the second round of onslaught.

Just as Ye Weiming and Sister Dao were backing together, Niu Zhichun stepped forward, passing between the two in the opposite direction, and brazenly greeted with his fist. Just being offset by the blade and flame, he was at the end of his old strength. , Absolutely Godless in the state of Xinli not being born.

Seeing Niu Zhichun unexpectedly greeted him at this moment, Jue Wushen's face immediately showed a disdainful sneer.

From the first sight of the three of them, he had already seen that Niu Zhichun's strength was not weak, but it was still inferior to Sword Sister, let alone compared to Ye Weiming.

And with his own "Indestructible Golden Body", even in the face of Ye Weiming's full attack, he still has the confidence that he can resist with his own defense. For Niu Zhichun, who is far less powerful than Ye Weiming, he naturally will not put it In the eyes.

He has full self-confidence. No matter what kind of attack Niu Zhichun shows, he can never make him take a step back!

This flag has been inserted here, if you have the ability, you let me slap in the face!

However, in the next moment, as Niu Zhichun took out the weapons he prepared specifically for this gambling fight, Jue Wushen's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously retreated seven steps back, as if he did not want to let the bulls escape the plague. Zhichun approached him.

To say that Niu Zhichun's "fixing fire needle" now only has a special restraint effect on fire attribute masters like Bi Xuan, how can we make old tortoises like Jue Wushen fear this?

In fact, the reason is very simple~www.wuxiaspot.com~ because the weapon he took out at this moment is not a "fixed fire needle", let alone any treasure in "Chivalrous Eternity" or a magic weapon, but just A used mop he bought in the bath before.

Different from different mops, the mop Niu Zhichun is holding at this moment is covered with some kind of dark yellow special thing, which appears along with it, and there is a terrible stench that makes ordinary people unbearable. Niu Zhichun stabbed forward with the mop, and the stench that went straight to the heart and lungs rushed towards the absolutely Wushen face.

This is Ye Weiming's secret weapon specially prepared by Niu Zhichun for this competition-the mop Zhanxiang!

Of course, as a fair, selfless and kind-hearted male sage, when there are other options, he will never do such nasty things by himself.

That's why he proposed a three-on-one competition, and selflessly handed over the glorious task of restraining Absolute Godless to the lovely classmate Niu Zhichun.

This is the realization that a righteous model who regards vanity as dung and courtesy his companions should have!

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