I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 547: The purpose of the enemy

Seeing Ye Weiming appearing, the six players seated in the front row stood up first, and the guys behind them chatting, shouting, playing cards, and eating all ended their affairs at hand and followed the order of time. Get up, and invariably look at the handsome catch fast body.

One of the guys who was about to lose at first saw that he put a bad card in his hand to the card pile, and then he suddenly got up and pumped his sword, posing like an enemy, but in his heart It's too timely to secretly celebrate that the night is unknown!

Among the six masters standing in the forefront, the man in the center showed a calm smile on his face, and first asked, "You are the night?"

Ye Weiming shrugged, glanced across the dark crowd, the expression on his face was still relaxed, but secretly strained.

Even if the night is not clear, I dare not recklessly go up to the front with a hundred players with six masters!

You have to be strategic.

Seeing Ye Weiming and not answering, the person headed by the other person's face became slightly gloomy: "Yue Weiming, I really admire you. When one person faces more than a hundred of us, dare to come out alone to die?" ! "

Ye Weiming smiled softly, and didn't seem to put anyone in his eyes: "It's meaningless to slam each other and self-promote. Before I started, I was only very curious about one thing, so curious . "

"Oh?" The head of the other person raised an eyebrow, and Lu showed an interested look. "What are you curious about?"

After Ye Weiming observed all the people on the opposite side, he set his eyes on the other person again and calmly asked, "What is your purpose?"

After hearing Ye Weiming's inquiries, the six people on the opposite side stunned at the same time, and the more than a hundred players in the back also had different expressions, but no one was anxious to answer.

In the end, the head of the man with a frenzied tone said, "Before the sunset and Xingyun said how smart you are and how to deal with it, it seems that this is not the case anymore. It ’s such a simple question. Do n’t even understand? ”

The head of the person was full of arrogance, and he looked at him with his nostrils and said, "But since you asked the question in good faith, I will tell you with compassion. We did this because we received the Wuyue Leader. The mission released by Song Shan's head Zuo Lengchan must not allow Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang to live until the end of this mission. "

After a slight pause, he asked, "Do you think you have the ability to protect both of them?"

Ye Weiming heard the words, but just shook his head gently, followed by a disgusting look back and asked: "Are you stupid or are you stupid?"

The person headed across the face looked cold and asked coldly, "What do you mean?"

Ye Weiming did not answer his words, but asked a question again: "What's your surname?"

The head of the man proudly said: "Huashan, layup with the ball!"

"I'm still a fan." Ye Weiming shook his head gently. Then he gave an evaluation of his previous answer. "From the beginning of your operation, you first attacked the Liu family compound with a sea of ​​tactics. The siege of siege to Liu Zhengfeng was later changed to the siege of Quyang. It is the same regardless of loss and cost. "

"What's more interesting is that after Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang left, many people continued to attack Liu Zhengfeng's family."

After a slight pause, Ye Weiming continued: "From the perspective of the situation, you attacked Liu Zhengfeng or could occupy some unreasonable truth on the rivers and lakes, but attacked his family, other NPCs have absolute reasons to attack you."

"That kind of attack is tantamount to a suicide attack!"

"Not only is there not much that can really hurt Liu Zhengfeng's family, the probability of being killed by a senior NPC present is infinitely close to 100%!"

"In this case, saying that it was a suicide attack is already overestimating the actions of these people. Their behavior is more like deliberately rushing to send, or sending the tower without a brain!"

"Even if the task given by Zuo Lengchan is to destroy Liu Manman's door, the rewards that those old, weak women and children can get, I am afraid they are too small, right?"

"For a trivial reward, is it worth it for my players to fight the huge death penalty to send the tower?"

Dribble with a layup and sneer: "At any time, anywhere, there will be no shortage of people with a feverish mind or luck. This is not surprising, is it?"

"Hot head?" Ye Weiming continued to sneer: "Did you really be our **** catcher without any intelligence gathering ability?"

"In fact, we all have our own channels of information when performing some large tasks."

"However, before the wave of players suddenly attacked the Liu family, we did not collect any relevant information, and even did not find any signs of it. As if they all appeared out of thin air!"

After a slight pause, Ye Weiming replied with a smile, "How can some people who are rushed to the tower and send to the tower, how can they not leak beforehand? And the strange thing is more than that ..."

Listening to Ye Weiming's speech was wonderful. No one on the other side took the lead in attacking one by one. He was listening quietly. He planned to listen to it. To what extent could he analyze things?

At this time, he heard Ye Weiming continue to say, "Besides, the dozens of people who stayed outside the cave before were not so much here to wait for the rabbits as to wait for us to kill them. Sixteen people, none of them can fight! The three of us gave us the slaughter without fear and danger, and then easily entered the voiceless hole, like no one. "

The eyes glanced at the six people in front of them: "At that time, where were you masters?"

He didn't explain when he heard the dunk with the ball, but just casually asked with a faint smile, "Is there anything else?"

Ye Weiming shrugged: "To sum up, the only reasonable explanation is that all this is your premeditation!"

"You attacked the Liu family before, but you forced Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang to leave, and even March and Feiyu also left together. Those who carried out suicide attacks on Liu's family actually rushed to send them. . "

"The purpose is just to dispel their wariness in March ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so that they think that most of their enemies have been defeated, so that they will not be overly careful in subsequent tasks."

"If you had attacked Liu Mansion before, or the first raid in Qingyin Valley, you would have appeared in such a lineup, or if in March they could kill the encirclement, but wanted to protect the safety of Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang. It is impossible. "

"As for the task of Zuo Lengzen, that is just a joke or an excuse." Ye Weiming shook his head gently and sighed: "Because your behavior is completely an organized and premeditated action, and you are in The losses suffered in this operation are far beyond the upper limit of the task rewards that Zuo Lengchan can give! "

"So, your real purpose is to temporarily trap us here, even at the cost of so many people, so much time and huge casualties!"

Ye Weiming watched the expressions of everyone present, especially the first six, and said in a deep voice: "This makes me curious, what is your purpose?"

"What good is it to trap us here? Is it worth making you pay so much for it?"

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