I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 548: Golden Snake Sword

When Ye Weiming asked every question, the faces of the six people were ugly. When he finished his statement, the six people looked at him as if they were looking at a monster.

At the moment, the catch of this **** catching division is fast, and they can analyze the problem to this extent through a little clue that they have exposed in the action before.

This guy is too calm!

It's terrifyingly calm!

But to this day, they will not be really afraid of the night unknown.

How about you analyze again?

But it's just an afterthought!

If you are present when we act, or we can find out in advance and break the game in advance.

But now that everything is a foregone conclusion, the conspiracy has become a conspiracy since March when they took Liu Zhengfeng and they entered the Qingyin Cave.

Even if you see everything, you can't change anything.

Because there is only one exit for this unvoiced hole!

They do not think that in this situation, Ye Weiming still has the ability to protect Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang, who have lost their combat power, and rushed out of their blockade of more than a hundred people.

As for escorting the two NPCs with five injuries and seven injuries to a safe place to complete the task, it is even a joke!

"Hahaha ... want to know our purpose?" After strengthening his confidence again, he led the layup and sneered with a sneer: "Aren't you very likely to guess? Then you might guess what our purpose is ? "

"Don't say it?" Ye Weiming shrugged and said indifferently: "In fact, it doesn't matter if you don't say it, because from your previous expressions, I have already got the answer I want."

"Although, I can't guess what your ultimate goal is. But at least your expressions have told me that my previous inferences were completely correct and there were no deviations!"

Hearing Ye Weiming said this, the faces of the six people across the face became even more ugly.

In some cases, it doesn't mean that you only reveal important information when you are talking. Sometimes, just listening, it is also easy to expose something.

And if Ye Weiming is like this, say to yourself, let the other party listen. Just analyzing the information you want from the expressions that the other party unconsciously revealed after hearing something, is actually nothing extraordinary.

In the dictionary, even a noun is set up specifically for this operation, that is-tentative!

Facts have proved that his trial was very successful.

After all, all the things he analyzed before were only based on some information he had before, and the conclusions reached after analysis. Like this conclusion, Ye Weiming couldn't guarantee its correctness at all.

Because in such a reasoning process, it is very likely that an analysis he did not have led to his analysis being divergent.

However, judging from the reaction of the other six, his previous analysis was a little bit good.

Ye Weiming said that he was extremely satisfied with the outcome of the negotiations, but the other people were upset.

The first person to attack was the young girl in light blue national costume, but saw her step forward violently, saying: "Since we are so determined that our goal is not to kill, then do you dare to stand still and let me sting? Last sword? "

Before speaking, the girl had taken out a silver sword curved like a snake from her bag, twisted like a spirit snake, and had followed a strange arc to the side of Ye Weiming, The sword in your hand is transformed into a silver awn, and you can take the throat of the night unknown!

Her swordsmanship is also a weird and spicy way, but compared to a "sword-style sword" and a "sword-evil sword" that will be drunk, her moves are strangely different from the two. Bo Zhong, but when he was out of the sword, it was a little bit quicker and a little bit more fierce.

The overall power is only slightly worse than the two, but the gap is definitely not large.

Seeing the woman's skill, even if the night was not clear, she did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out the Yangyang Lixue sword, and took a "sweeping snow and brewing tea" swinging out the serpentine sword in the other's hands, and at the same time answered her calmly. Question: "Dare to."

At the same time, the news of Tang Sancai popped out from the team channel: "This beautiful girl is named Ghost Heart Shadow, and is from Miaojiang Wuduo Education. She is suspected to be the first master of Wuduo Education. Of course, because the players I know are limited , This cannot be confirmed. "

"But in addition to her superb use of poison, her sword skills are also extremely fierce. It is said that the martial art she used is called" Golden Snake Sword ", and the weapon in her hand is the silver weapon, a silver weapon, which is extremely lethal. , You have to be careful. "

Ye Weiming heard a slight difference in the team channel and asked, "How do you know so clearly?"

"Because I used to form a team with this girl before." Tang Sancai replied: "Also, the poisonous master I mentioned before said this beautiful and hot girl."

Although he only saw the text, Ye Weiming found something different from the other person's tone, so he teased: "Listen to your tone, how do I feel you seem to be interesting to her? Don't you want to be fish?"

When he failed to hit it, the ghost shadow was persevering. The "Golden Snake Sword" was followed by another move, and he was struggling towards the night without knowing it.

However, Ye Weiming only defended himself by supporting the sword screen of "Driving Dragons and Phoenixes" by relying on his more than double the reaction properties of ordinary masters. While pretending to look like a wolf howling, he intentionally or unintentionally attracted the other party to retreat towards the entrance of the Qingyin Cave.

While playing, I also sent a message to the team channel: "Brother Sancai, if you say that this girl is a master of poison in the other camp, we should get rid of her first!"

"The poison of cartilage incense itself is not very powerful. Only the masters of poisoning can use them to threaten their masters with deep internal strength in March."

"When I was just in the back room, Feiyu had shared the task of washing my hands with the golden basin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Now when I encounter a player who actively attacks like her, the system will default to obstructing official duties. "

"Do you remember when I was in Fuzhou City, did I tell you about the authority of the arresting division?"

"That is to say, as long as this girl is killed, she will be placed in quarantine for at least two hours.

"Without her continued detoxification, the toxin from the cartilage fragrance will dissipate in only ten minutes. At that time, we can free everyone's hands and the winning rate will increase greatly!"

"I'm leading her to the hole now, you are ready, once you find an opportunity, immediately set fire to kill the girl!"

On the side of the news, Ye Weiming was "forced" by the ghost shadow to retreat to a distance less than one meter away from the entrance of Qingyin.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Ye Weiming turned defensively and attacked. In the hands of Canyang Lixue sword contained a strange angle, rubbing the edge of the silver snake sword, along an opponent was absolutely unexpected, more unavoidable. Angle, stabbing towards her squishy throat.

撩 Sword style!

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