I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 827: 8-Star Mission: Change Your Life!

   This Nima, the bridge and dialogue of good dog blood!

   heard this sound from far away in the woods, and felt helpless for a while before the night.

   The figure immediately flashed over Ahuang and rushed towards the woods.

   has jumped between the canopy and the canopy, and then flew above the canopy, using only two breathing kung fu, has come to the position where the sound comes.

   saw that it was a relatively wide place in the woods. There was a woman in white who was so embarrassed that she was in the arms of a brother in the same white clothes.

   Around this two, there were also six women in the same white clothes, each holding their swords, looking at the surrounding with vigilance, as if to give the younger brother... the wind?

  Under the light of day and the sky, there are special beauties around to take care of this sloppy thing?

   Throughout the entire "Eternal Chivalry", I am afraid that only Ouyang Young Master in front of him will have such a show.

   What Ye Weiming didn't expect was that the woman who was caught by Ouyang Ke and intended to do something indescribable turned out to be an acquaintance of him.

   This woman is no one else, it is the snake-catcher who has been robbed twice and rescued by Ye Mingming, Yang Guotang, Qin Nanqin!

   Seeing that Qin Nanqin was being robbed again at this moment, and looking at the appearance of Ouyang Ke, he also plans to use it to rectify the Fa right away as an impartial, selfless, and kind male sage, how can he just ignore it?

   "Stop it!"

  By the sound of crying, Ye Mingming had fallen down from above the canopy, and at the same time, he extended a finger to Ouyang Ke and yelled angrily: "You shameless harlot, let go of that girl!"

  Because of his way of playing too much, he shocked everyone when he appeared.

Hearing Ye Weiming's scolding, Ouyang Ke hadn't had time to move yet. The six women in white who were in charge of the wind had been stopped between him and Ouyang Ke together. They pulled out their long swords and pointed to the unknown night. The mouth shouted uniformly: "Protect Young Master!"


   Ye Weiming expressed his satisfaction with the performance of the female disciples of Baituoshan.

   This is also the real purpose of his choice of this handsome appearance.

   Seeing that the six girls were ready for battle, they immediately sprinted forward, and the sound of dragon chant between their palms was masterpiece. At the next moment, they shot towards the six girls.

  If he took a sneak attack and directly killed Ouyang Ke. Then these six women may rush up to fight with him desperately, or they may run away from the heart.

  In order not to let them escape and lead to the risk of leaking fish, Ye Weiming decided to first show up to attract a wave of hatred, clean up all the mobs, and then kill Ouyang Ke later.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!..."

   "Pap! Pap! Pap!......"

   "Ah! Ah! Ah!..."

  Five rounds of fire in the "Unprecedented Dragon and Eighteen Palms", the six white camel mountain female disciples beside Ouyangke were killed together.

  At the same time, Ye Mingming suddenly heard a gust of breeze coming from behind him, subconsciously sideways to avoid it, but saw Ouyang Ke's right hand rubbing his body with a paw and grabbed an empty space.

   When the opponent's claws passed near his cheek, Ye Mingming even smelled on the opponent's finger, exuding a sweet breath.

  I don't know if it was contaminated with the powdery smell of Qin Nanqin's body, or was he poisoned on his claws?

   couldn't help but think about it, and Ouyang Ke, who failed in one move, had succeeded in the follow-up killing moves, but he saw his hands forming claws and flipped up and down.

The martial arts used by    are "Nine Yin Bone Claws"!

  Undetected for a while, he was snatched by the opponent with a move, but after flashing the opponent's three strokes in succession, he seized the opportunity and forced the opponent to retreat with a backhand.

   frowned slightly, looking at the Ouyang Ke who seemed to be a little different in front of him, Ye Weiming not only slightly frowned, but said, "Will you actually use Jiuyin Bone Claw?"

   "Hey, is it great?"

  Ouyang Ke just smiled pretendingly, without much explanation.

   But Ye Yeming has figured out various keys.

  Ouyang Keneng Society's "Nine Yin White Bone Claws" is actually not surprising!

  As early as the 2nd Huang Rong Cup Competition Procurement Conference held in Taohua Island, during the NPC competition, Huang Yaoshi asked him to compete with Guo Jing for the memory and silently recite the remaining content of the volume of the Nine Yin Zhen Jing.

   After that, Ouyang Feng and his son even set out a set of "Nine Yin False Classics" from Guo Jing's mouth. Although there are many confusions in the content, they can also be cultivated, and the power is also very amazing.

In the original book, Ouyang Ke was smashed by Huang Rong when he was on Mingxia Island. He naturally had no intention of practicing "Nine Yin Bone Claw", but in the game, his legs were kept because of the player's participation. Too.

  After Yang Kang was killed by Ye Weiming, Wan Yanlie had taken Ouyang Ke as his righteous son, making him inherit Yang Kang's original fate to a certain extent.

  Since this is the case, let him practice "Nine Yin White Bone Claw", it seems to become a matter of course.

   Just when Ye Weiming figured out the origin of Ouyang Ke’s martial arts, Ouyang Ke had taken the lead and said, "Ye Wei Ming, since I know the power of my "Nine Yin White Bone Claw", I advise you to leave early."

   "As long as you don't disturb Xiao Wang's good things, Xiao Wang is generous, you can ignore the matter of killing my maid before, how?"

   Wen Yan, Qin Nanqin who was temporarily placed under a pine tree by Ouyang Ke immediately exclaimed: "Brother Ye, save me!"

   Ye Weiming smiled at Qin Nanqin: "Qin girl rest assured, since I am here today, naturally I will not let you have anything to do."

  Ouyang Ke's eyes turned cold when he saw this: "So, Ye Xiaoxia made up his mind to embarrass Xiao Wang?"

   "Yes!" Ye Weiyi said righteously: "It just happened that I got a new sword. I haven't seen blood at this moment. I just took you to sacrifice the sword today!"

  Following the beginning of "Long Life Mantra", the sword in the sword rose from the sword sheath of Shang Fang's sword behind the unknown night.

   A round of crisp and melodious sword sounds, flew around the night before Ming Ming, and then, with the guidance of his fingers, went straight toward Ouyang Ke's choking throat.

  At the same time, Ye Mingming's mouth was very pretending to shout: "Ill!"

Upon seeing this, Ouyang Ke immediately exhibited the method of "Nine Yin Bone Claws", and a tight airtight claw net was woven around him. The sword in the sword was attacked several times by changing angles, and was blocked by this claw net. Drive away.


  Ouyang Ke suddenly felt a palpitation originating from the soul. Under extreme fear, even the movement of his hands could not help but show a slight delay.

  At this time, he suddenly saw the figure flashing in front of him, but it was a smile that was unclear at night, and he had appeared before him.

   At the next moment, Ouyang Ke suddenly felt a cold blade, directly penetrated his lower abdomen, and stabbed hard into his right kidney.

  Guo Jing dagger, Xizi holding kidney!



   was shocked, and the expression on Ouyang Ke's face suddenly twisted in pain.

  Yue was unclear at night, and was unbearable, so he immediately pulled out the dagger.

   But after thinking about it again, this product deserves to be so, so he reinserted the knife along the previous wound again.

   Then I felt wrong again, unplug it again, and after thinking about it again, plug it in again...

   After so many times...

Ding! You killed the 95-level BOSS Ouyangke and received rewards: 2.5 million experience points and 500,000 points.

  I have to say that after this Ouyang Ke practiced "Nine Yin White Bone Claws", his level actually improved again, killing and harvesting, to a lot more than before.

  Withdrew the dagger and withdrew the sword in the sword. Ye Mingming directly pushed Ouyang Ke's dead body.

   Then he closed his eyes with the sole of the shoe and finished the work of touching the body by the way.

   Gentleman's white robe (treasure): Young Master Bai Tuoshan, the grandfather of the Sixth King of Daikin, who finished Yan Honglie's righteous son, Ouyang Ke, dressed up specifically for the sao package prepared for the flowers and willows. Maximum blood +1000, internal force +1000, special effect: gentleman

   Gentleman: When facing a female opponent, the basic attack power is increased by 20%, and the poisoning success rate is increased by 20%.

   Gentleman Jade (treasure): Master Bai Tuoshan, the king of Daikin Six, Yan Yanlie’s righteous son, Ouyang Ke, is specially prepared for the Sao package prepared for flowering willows. Ability +200, special effect: gentleman

   Gentleman: ... (ibid.)

  Women's apron: Indescribable things collected by Ouyang Ke.

   I love a piece of wood: Ouyang Ke's secret secret medicine is a kind of indescribable medicine. NPC can be used to do some indescribable things. As for players? Wake up, you can’t even take off your pants, still thinking about peaches?

   Money: 2333 gold

   glanced at a few items that Ouyang Ke dropped, Ye Weiming not only sighed, this Ouyang Ke has been killed by himself to be worthless, and he has begun to drop such strange things.

Ye Weiming collected the money on his body, as well as the two pieces of gentleman's equipment and the bottle of "I love a material", and then took out a yellow birch coffin to break Ouyangke's body into it and drop the dragon's palm to plan Pit, drop the dragon palm to bury the earth, the "Meng Sheng Man" during the period has not stopped, and a wave of super-flow process is directly completed.

   In this process, Ye Weiming harvested a copy of "Inner Power Experience", a "Fist Palm Experience", a "Claw Power Experience", and 100 points of chivalry and merit.

  I don’t know if I don’t spend the night, and I am already interested in Ouyang Ke.

   not only helped him deal with the aftermath, but even he did not pick up the apron collected by the other party, but left it to Ouyang Ke for his funeral.

   Pay more attention to it!

After cooking Ouyangke completely, Ye Weiming turned to look at Qin Nanqin, who was made of acupuncture points, followed by a double click, and used the air finger of "Yiyang Finger" to unlock the acupuncture point of the other side, and then softly heard Asked: "Miss Qin, are you okay?"

   "Brother Ye shot, of course it's all right."

  Qin Nanqin smiled, got up and moved a bit and said: "How did Brother Ye night pass by here today?"

   Perhaps he was robbed and rescued by Ye Weiming too many times. Now Qin Nanqin has been very calm about this kind of thing.

   Calmly distressed!

   At this time, A Huang had also ran in from outside Lin, first yelled at Qin Nanqin twice, and then backed to Ye Mingming's side, rubbing on his calf.

  I saw the situation and became more convinced of the previous guess. Then he took out the tag that Han Xiaoying gave him and said, "I didn't happen to pass by here, but came here to find you."

   Seeing the sign in Ye Weiming's hands, Qin Nanqin probably guessed the cause and effect of the matter, and immediately said: "Yes, I was indeed a pretender at the time, and gave this tag to Jiangnan Seven Monsters."

  Yue Weiwen couldn't help but asked curiously: "How did the Qin girl know that they will be in danger next?"

Qin Nanqin said: "When I was staying in the hotel, I overheard the conversation of Uncle Ouyang Feng's nephew, and learned that they wanted to use the Jiangnan Seven Monsters to persuade Taohua Island to kill them, and then kill them. 'S death, blame it on Huang Yaoshi's head."

   "They do this for three purposes."

"First, it will help Ouyang Feng to win the next Huashan Mountain Sword. Because whether Quanzhen's Seven Sons were destroyed or Huang Yaoshi's death, it is equal to removing the strong points that Ouyang Feng may encounter on Huashan Mountain Sword. enemy."

"Second, it is conducive to the action of the Golden Soldiers. After all, Quanzhen Religion has always been right against the Golden Man since he played Wang Chongyang. At that time, Yan Honglie almost died in the hands of Qiu Chuji, so the Golden Man can say It hates the Quanzhen religion."

   "Now, as long as Quanzhen Qizi and Huang Yaoshi fight, no matter whether they can kill Huang Yaoshi, Quan Zhenjiao must have some casualties, regardless of the size of the damage, which is a good thing for the Jin people."

   "Thirdly, once the two sides develop, Guo Jing and Huang Rong will surely turn against each other, will Ouyang Ke have the opportunity to take advantage of it?"

   "At the time they said that this is a three birds with one stone."

   Listening to Qin Nanqin's words, Ye Weiming touched his chin and muttered, "Wonderful! But when did Ouyang Ke become so smart?"

At this time, I heard Qin Nanqin continue to say: "After I overheard the news, I thought about telling the Seven Monsters in Jiangnan. But I found out that there was someone around them who didn't dare to rush in, so I could pretend to be a fortune teller. Taoist, trying to get through."

   Speaking here, could not help sighing: "But even so, I was found to be flawed by the opposition, and this is what happened today. If it wasn't Brother Ye that you appeared in time, I'm afraid..."

   That is because your method of informing the Jiangnan Seven Monsters is indeed not clever.

  Not only did he fail to hide himself well, but he also had a great chance of failing to remind the Jiangnan Seven Monsters.

   But it was obviously not time to discuss the way with her. Ye Weiming nodded directly, and then said, "Since that is the case, let me go to Jiangnan Seven Monsters to explain this matter."

   "And you, it is best to find a safe place to avoid for a period of time, and don't give the enemy the opportunity."

  Qin Nanqin nodded: "Okay, I know. Brother Xie Ye cares."

   said goodbye to Qin Nanqin, and Ye Mingming summoned Ahuang back to the pet space, followed his way, and ran towards the defense line of Yanyu Tower.

   This matter must be told to Jiangnan Seven Monsters as soon as possible!

   If possible, it is best to be able to team up with them to Taohua Island.

  Only in the game, it is convenient for him to make a timely response to the conspiracy of Ouyang Feng's father and son.

there is always a solution to a problem!

  However, when Ye Mingming felt Yanyulou, he heard that Jiangnan Qiguai had left the room and left~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Among them, Han Xiaoying also commissioned a letter from Ye Weiming.

   Night young man:

   Brother was anxious to rush to Taohua Island immediately, and we set off.

  ——Han Xiaoying

  Unknown at night, I just finished reading the letter left by Han Xiaoying, and immediately a series of two system prompts sounded from his ear:

Ding! You have completed the plot mission "Tracking the Truth" and received a reward for the mission: 100,000 experience points and 10,000 points.

Ding! You have triggered the plot task "Reversing the Sky".

Change one's life

   Jiangnan Seven Monsters rushed to Taohua Island in order to resolve the contradiction between Huang Yaoshi and Quanzhen Sect, but they did not know that Ouyang Feng and his son had arranged a horrible killing game for them. As the heir to Jiangnan's seven strange Chinese and Korean Xiaoying, you should come forward to resolve this killing and let good people get rewards!

   Mission Level: Eight Stars

   Task reward: According to the task completion degree, complete the part of "Dragon Eighteen Palms" moves.

   Mission Penalty: None


   PS: Today is the beginning of the month. Dongli is here to wish you all a happy Children's Day and keep your innocence forever.

   8600 words, by the way, weakly asked, is there a monthly ticket? (=^▽^=)

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