I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 828: 0 Jun 1 shot

Chapter 832: A Thousand Opportunities (Two in One, Monthly Ticket)

Among the many schools of "Eternal Chivalry", Peach Blossom Island can definitely be regarded as a special one.

As far as traffic is concerned, it is very special.

Major big schools such as Shaolin, Wudang, and Mingjiao all have independent martial post stations among them. Players do not need to walk out of the door of the martial arts at all. If they want to go to any place that also has a post, it can be transmitted directly through the post in the martial arts, which is convenient.

For small martial arts such as Blood Knife Gate and Snow Mountain School, you need to walk into the martial arts and light up the map before entering the martial arts, and then you can use the post in the martial arts to transmit.

Hidden martial arts such as Shensi Division and the Tomb School have no post at all, but there are other post stations that can be used not far from the martial arts. Although traveling is not very convenient, it is not too troublesome.

However, Peach Blossom Island is also a hidden martial art, but the terrain is destined to have no public transmission facilities such as post and dock within a few dozen nautical miles.

Therefore, there is still a pier on Taohua Island. Under normal circumstances, players can take a ferry boat to enter and exit.

However, once the plot tasks related to Peach Blossom Island are involved, these paths of entry and exit will change, such as the previous "Second Huang Rong Cup Tournament Competition", Ye Weiming and others need to find ways to go to Peach Blossom Island. .

Although this time the task is not so troublesome, the ferry really has to sail for several hours at sea to reach Taohua Island, and there is no transmission function for instant arrival.

This is more painful!

Before the night was unknown, I did not expect to have this out. Until the boat traveled a certain distance out of the dock, I asked the boatman to know that this voyage could not enjoy the transmission speed.

Then take a yarn boat!

Unknown at night, even when A Hong and his solo flying chair were summoned at the bow of the ship, he went directly to the chair and controlled A Hong to go away.

At this time, the ones that fly are much faster!

With the previous flight experience, it was arguable that this flight was easy to fly at night, and all the way to the sky above Taohua Island, but because of the large array, it could only land outside the Taohua array.

After putting away A Hong and Fei Yi each, Ye Weiming did not have any hesitation. He was directly sulking Dan Tian, ​​shouting at the large formation: "Yellow Master Huang, send someone out to greet me, and I came to visit at night. Now!"

The sound was driven by the internal force for a long time around the island, but there was no response.

It was no surprise to see him at night, and immediately shouted again: "Yellow Medicine Master, if you don’t let me in again, I will immediately summon you with the flying sword order, and then let you learn how to bark at Sansheng first, and then call I will go in!"


This time, Ye Weiming finally received a response, but it was only a cold hum.

Ye Weiming frowned slightly, and then said again, "I will give you five minutes. If you don't see anyone picking me up after five minutes, I will really use the flying sword."

After talking, Ye Mingming stopped staring at the peach blossom in front of him, turned his head and turned his head to the other side, enjoying the sea view outside.

A moment later, suddenly heard a sound of shattered footsteps behind him, turned his head to look, but saw a familiar figure already appeared in front of him.

This person is no one else, it is the only known player successor of Peach Blossom Island, Jinghu Mingyue.

Stepping out of the peach blossoms, Jinghu Mingyue said with a smile on his skin: "Brother Ye is really good at it, and he can actually force me to send me out to welcome you."

"Since all come here, come with me."

After talking, Jinghu Mingyue turned around and walked towards the peach blossom array: "If you can't keep up, don't blame me."

For this guy's lukewarm but attitude, Ye Mingming can understand.

If someone ran to the door of Shensi Division, spoke to Huang Shouzun badly, and went out to greet himself... Although that kind of thing would certainly not happen, Ye Mingming would certainly not give the other person a good face.

Behind Jinghu Mingyue, he walked through the peach blossom formation and saw the familiar sword pavilion.

Ye Weiming suddenly asked, "Are the six Jiangnan monsters coming?"

Jinghu Mingyue did not answer the rhetorical question: "I seem to be under no obligation to answer any of your questions."

The reason why this guy's attitude is so bad is that it is only a small factor that Ye Weiming insults Huang Yaoshi. After all, everyone is a game player. Naturally, there can be no sense of belonging to the teacher.

Rather than saying that his face was flicked to Ye Wuming, it was better to show it to Huang Yaoshi.

Master, do you see that? For such a guy who dares to humiliate the master, even if I can't treat him, I will never give him a good face. My teachers have a strong sense of honor! Should I consider giving me a quirky mission or something in order to show recognition?

Ye Weiming keenly guessed the other person’s heart, but just shook his head and smiled, then said suddenly: "Brother Mingyue, have you ever thought that the yellow pharmacist on Taohua Island may not be a deity, but someone else pretends to be ?"

Jinghu Mingyue heard the tiger body suddenly shocked, and immediately turned back, glaring at the unknown night: "You are talking nonsense!"

"I didn't talk nonsense." Ye Weiming said quietly: "I came to Taohua Island today to complete a mission. Its content is roughly that Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke conspired to kill the six Jiangnan monsters on Taohua Island, and they blamed them for blame. To Huang Yaoshi, I want to prevent this from happening."

Jianghu Mingyue frowned: "Why should I believe you?"

Ye Mingming did not explain much, but sent a screenshot of the task directly. Of course, what he sent was just the part of the task description, and did not involve the task reward part, so that Jinghu Mingyue would look jealous.

This is also for his good!

And Jinghu Mingyue obviously didn't mean to ask about the task reward, but after reading the task's internal power and task level, his brows became a Sichuan word.

Ye Weiming saw his hesitant appearance, and immediately continued: "If the screenshot of the content of this task is not enough to get the letter with you. Then you may wish to think about it, just when the yellow pharmacist asked you to pick me up, Is it wearing a mask?"


Jinghu Mingyue heard the words immediately entangled, but eventually nodded.

Ye Weiming smiled a little at the sight, and then continued: "Did you ever think about it, "Yellow Yaoshi" wants you to pick me out of the peach blossoms instead of directly opening a channel for me to let me Enter on your own, and you just have to wait here. It’s like the last Qu Ling'er."

"After all, this kind of operation is more in line with Huang Yaoshi's disposition of saobao, right?"

Jinghu Mingyue's mood became more complicated when she heard Yan Yan. Then she suddenly thought of something, and immediately asked, "If it is as you said, the master is now pretending to be Ouyang Feng, why did he let you in here?" ?"

"It stands to reason that he just needs not to let you in. You naturally have no good way to destroy."

"Isn't he doing more than that?"

"No!" Ye Weiming shook his head decisively. "Because I have a way to destroy his plan, he had to let me in."

During the talk, Ye Wuming's wrist turned over, and the Flying Sword had already appeared in his hand: "With only one internal force to activate this object, I can immediately summon Huang Yaoshi to the side. Li Kui, Ouyang Feng's plan will definitely be revealed on the spot."

"It's just that, like this kind of treasure, if I can't use it, of course I will keep it as the hole card."

Jinghu Mingyue hesitated again, and after another two seconds, she suddenly asked, "Can your task be shared?"

Ye Mingming answered truthfully: "No."

"Why do you help me?"

Ye Weiming smiled, "You are a disciple of Taohua Island, and you happen to be on the island. If something like that happens, do you really think you can get rid of it?"

Seeing the other person’s face became difficult to see, Ye Weiming waved his hand: "Of course, this matter is strictly not related to you. If you want to come to the Master of the Yellow Medicine Master, you can’t do anything that angers people."


Speaking of which, Ye Mingming violently remarked: "If you can help me in this matter, it will be tantamount to helping Huang Yaoshi solve a big trouble in disguise."

"Of course, with Yao Yao's arrogant personality, you are counting on him to praise you for this matter, and you are definitely thinking of peaches. But, for the actual benefits, do you think he will be stingy?"

Jing Hu Mingyue also agrees with the truth of Ye Weiming.

Except for one thing!

This guy actually said that Huang Yaoshi will not be angry with others?

How dare you say this in front of Qu Lingfeng, Lu Chengfeng and Feng Mofeng?

After weighing for another moment, Jinghu Mingyue finally made up his mind and immediately said, "The Jiangnan Six Monsters have been invited to the fingertips. Come with me!"

"I don't need to lead the way, I know how the fingertips should go." Ye Mingming is still familiar with the terrain inside Peach Blossom Island. After determining the target location, when he unfolded his body, he swept straight towards the fingertips.

At the same time, secretly fluke in my heart.

Fortunately, after he came to Taohua Island, he met Jinghu Mingyue directly and successfully persuaded the other party to cooperate with himself.

If you follow the instructions of the original book and rush to the buried incense mound, I am afraid that you will not only save yourself, but also delay the time to save people.

Ye Mingming's body style is extremely fast today. When he uses his body style to the extreme, his speed can only be described by terror!

Jinghu Mingyue, as one of the world’s five disciples, was also a disciple of self-ask, but he was also good, but he walked in the same direction with Ye Ming, but he could only eat ash behind his ass.

It took less than ten breaths, and the night walker who had walked in front of him had already come to the fingertips first.

I was about to go directly up the mountain, but suddenly I heard a dull and low frog cry from the forest.


"call out!"

Along with the frogs, followed by a very sharp sound of breaking the sky.

In the screams, a dark light had lased from far to near towards the unclear back of the night.

The speed is faster than that of the unknown "Finger Finger Power"!

The night that is driving at full speed is unclear, how can you get away at this moment?

On the occasion of a thousand shots, he saw his left hand slammed with a violent palm, a strong wall of internal force exuding a crystal blue luster, and instantly condensed in the loud dragon sound.



The hidden weapon struck against the inner strong wall, making a crisp sound like a silver bell, and then the hidden weapon was shattered, and Ye Weiming's inner strong wall built with "Seeing Dragon in the Field" also shattered into invisible.

A dozen two eliminations!

After blocking the opponent's sneak attack, Ye Wuming's wrist turned over, and a fiery red lotus seed was buckled between his thumb and middle finger, and he was ejected without hesitation in the direction of the previously hidden weapon.


Because the distance was too far, the other party was already prepared. Almost as soon as Ye Mingying shot, the sneak attacker had already jumped out of the dark, avoiding the killing blow of Ye Mingming.

This guy who is hiding in a secret attack is no one else, it is Ouyang Feng's player who spread his disciples, and it is also alone.

In the entire "Chivalrous Eternity" game, only he alone will use this method of spitting weapon with "Toad Gong", no semicolon!

The power of this method is indeed very strong, but the nature of the cloud alone is very different from Ye Mingming, so this trick for Ye Mingming can only play some role when it is attacked, positive There is no threat at all.

Seeing this guy who was suddenly spoiled, Ye Mingming had begun to hesitate whether to waste a few seconds to kill the goods, and then went up the mountain to fight Ouyang Feng.

Although Ye Weiming didn't take the opponent's strength into consideration, it was also a depressing thing if he was torn up by this guy in the process of dealing with Ouyang Feng.

This product is definitely a variable!

"Brother Ye!" When the decision was about to be made before night, the figure suddenly flashed behind him, but Jinghu Mingyue, who was behind him, had arrived.

When the wrist turned, Jinghu Mingyue had a golden flute in his right palm. At the same time, he said, "I don't have any confidence in dealing with Ouyang Feng, but if the opponent is a lone brother, he still has some chances of winning. "

"How about Brother Ye giving me this opponent?"

Ye Weiming nodded and reminded in a low voice: "This guy is now a kung fu using the internal force of "Toad Kung Fu". It is powerful and fast, but you need to condense the internal force before launching. Be careful. response."

After he finished speaking, he had already started his way and went straight to the top.

Only Jinghu Mingyue and Dugu Xingyun's eyes are left. The latter first said: "Brother Mingyue, compared to the unknown at night, the two of us are friends. Do you really want to destroy my mission to help him?"

Jinghu Mingyue was unimpressed: "Duogu Brother, when doing this task, did you ever think what it would bring me?"


Calculating, this matter can indeed be said to be alone, so he gave up continuing to argue with the counter-attack, and instead said: "Since that is the case, it is useless to say more, do it."

"That's happy!"


Down the hill, the successors of the players from the East to the West started to formally fight.

On the top of the mountain, Ye Mingming has seen far away that the six Jiangnan monsters are standing in a row at the moment, bowing to a man in a blue shirt who is holding a hand~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And behind everyone, a white figure Already appeared like a ghost, and slowly leaned towards the back of the six people.

Thank you book friends [Green Mia] for the 100 starting coins!

Thank you book friends [Heart changes to iron] 200 starting coins for rewards!

Thank you book friends [Book Friends 140602203155728] 200 starting coins for rewards!

Thank you bookworm [Locust Stone] for the 100 starting coins!

Thanks to the book friend [Drunken Xiyan] for the 500 starting coins!

Thanks to book friends [月丶凛] for the 100 starting coins!

Thank you book pal [Busy Lao Guo] for the 20,000 starting coins!

Thank you [Willy^o^] for the 100 starting coins!

(End of this chapter)

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