I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 846: Now the best, 3 auspicious treasures!

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Because it is early in the morning, the little friends in the team did not have time to gather in the first time.

On the way to the gathering place, Daomei found a big year beast that had not been discovered by other players according to the coordinates given by non-fish yesterday. Unexpectedly, besides the fixed New Year's suit, it actually burst out. Unexpected super equipment!

Money source rolling (treasure tool): This is a New Year blessing from heaven, one of the three auspicious treasures. Body +100, physique +100, body +100, reaction +100, internal power increase +20%, gain money by fighting 10%.

Seeing the link of items sent by Daomei in the gang chat channel, the friends in the gang were stunned.

This ring not only increases the horror attribute bonus of the owner's surrounding attributes by 100 points, but also increases the money earned by killing the enemy by 10%!

This is a huge increase for Daomei who has always been more diligent in killing monsters.

It is completely conceivable that the appearance of this ring can make this rich little girl who is already rich become even richer.

The strong is always strong, and it's just heartless!

It seems that this kind of superb equipment with super powers feels greedy even if it is not seen at night, let alone those who are not as good as his equipment.

Suddenly, the gang chat channel became boiling.

All started to discuss the properties of this ring intensely.

At the same time, from the name "Auspicious Three Treasures", everyone also confirmed another thing.

That is, such a good thing is definitely not the only one of the scorpions. At least from these big beasts, there are two good things with similar properties hidden!

Thinking of this, everyone became energetic all at once, and they all started to form a team to brush the beast.

It's like a posture that doesn't give up the best.

It can be seen that the inflammatory nature of the link to this item is far more real than any discourse.

Because the team was already arranged yesterday, Ye Ming did not want to cause trouble to others, so he did not team up with anyone else.

Moreover, if the enemy is just such a big beast, even if he is alone, the speed of brushing is also very fast.

With the big move fully open, within a time limit of a crowed monkey's crit, you can basically get the battle done.

And after killing a big beast every time, a monkey can surely burst out, and in the nearby treasure chest, you can find another one.

Therefore, it is arguable that the sky-walking monkeys on Ye Mingming are playing more and more.

Coupled with his huge advantage in body method, he is more efficient in finding a young beast than in teaming with other people, so it is more enjoyable to kill alone.

Although it seems that such a big beast, as long as one is killed, it is not clear enough to raise the "Vietnamese Sword Art" to the full level. But Ye Wuming didn't rush to upgrade it in order to ensure efficiency.

It wasn't until lunch that I read while reading something, and finally advanced this advanced "Vietnamese Sword Art" to the 10th level of perfection.

After the upgrade, the "Vietnamese Sword Art", the increase in attributes can be said to be quite satisfactory, what really makes Ye Weiming excited, or after the sword skill is full again, it drives the changes produced by the "Shadow of the Sword God".

Sword God's Shadow:...

Passive effect: The effect of the "Reaction" attribute is doubled, the speed of the sword is increased by 20%, the strength effect is increased by 20%, and the body effect is increased by 20%!

After the upgrade again, in addition to the original increase in sword speed and strength effect, each of which has increased by 5 percentage points on the original basis, there is an additional attribute that increases the body effect by 20%.

What is the concept of increasing the body effect by 20%?

This means that his running speed will be increased by about 20% on the original basis, and the evasion speed in battle and the transformation speed of body style will also increase year-on-year!

It has to be said that the same is the advanced martial arts. Although there is only one special attribute in the "Vietnamese Sword Art", compared with other advanced martial arts, I do not know how much stronger it is.

This special effect of "Shadow of the Sword God" is really more and more powerful!

Satisfied, he withdrew his gaze from the "Shadow of the Sword God". Ye Wuming turned to the rest of the book and continued to use it to upgrade the remaining moves of "Jianglong Eighteen Palms", and raised two of them to full rank. status.

Only then turned off the system interface, and turned on the roasted chicken called Roasted Chicken in front of him, so as to eliminate his hunger.

Speaking of which, the branch of this big beast is really too scattered. It often takes more than half an hour to find one of them. Sometimes it was difficult to find the place, but found that the big beast he had booked had already become a prey for others.

If the players who are fighting the Big Nian beast are not good enough, he can wait for the opponent to die before taking away the Big Nian beast. But if the opponent's strength is strong enough, Ye Wuming can only find another target if he is not willing to take the initiative.

If we look at the experience and cultivation of the harvest, it seems that his operation of killing big beasts is not as efficient as killing ordinary beasts.

Especially in the case of more and more new spring suits, the defense power of ordinary young beasts has been unable to cause any trouble to him.

However, the explosion rate of the unbearable beast is high!

There are many good things that must be killed when the big year beasts are killed. Ordinary year beasts can really only report some ordinary New Year activities items, can it be better than nothing?

In this way, a whole day passed, and a total of 17 big beasts were killed at night.

The experience and cultivation of the seventeen-year-old beasts not only allowed the unknown level to be raised to level 69, but also allowed him to add "Dragons and Eighteen Palms" in addition to All moves have been improved to the perfect level of level 10!

And the last move, "Yuyue Yuyuan", was not promoted to the 9th level, but found that the proficiency required for the upgrade suddenly became a terrible 50 million!

Originally, Ye Mingming still had a special position in this game in "Dragon Eighteen Palms", but when I thought about it, I suddenly realized that this should be all the moves of "Dragon Eighteen Palms". The final step of the level, the required proficiency!

That is to say, even if you change any other palm in "Dragon Eighteen Palms", as long as it is the last upgrade, there will be such a gap between the ground 9th and 10th level.

However, in the view of Ye Ming, this situation is not a bad thing, but a big good thing.

Numerous previous experiences have fully proved to him that the more proficiency the martial arts require when upgrading, the more abnormal the special effects after full level.

The BUFF that was resurrected on the spot after death is a good proof!

Seeing that after the first batch of big year beasts were strangled by players, the total number of subsequent big year beasts brushed out was much less than the first batch. Although the system has been brushing, its refresh rate, but Far less than the speed of player beheading.

Ye Weiming didn't know that at least in this New Year's event, he didn't have a chance to pile up "Falling Dragon and Eighteen Palms" to the full level. Let's take a look at the unexpected surprise in Huang Rong's mouth.

In this case, he gave up this plan for the unknown moment and turned his emphasis on the upgrade to the "Jiuyang Divine Skill" that he had just started.

After another day of hard work, he finally got 20 million points for cultivation, and successfully upgraded the level of "Nine Yang Divine Skills" to level 9.

The result was not unexpected, and there were no qualitative changes.

It's just that the top-level internal strength of the Buddhist door from Zhiyang to Gang, the proficiency required to upgrade from level 9 to level 10 is 50 million points, which not only makes Ye Mingming feel a little disappointed.

It seems that the attributes of the "Nine Yang Divine Skills" after the full level will still be very powerful, but it is certainly not as perverted as the "Shen Zhao Jing" resurrected after death.

Perhaps this is also a flaw in the top internal strength of this Buddhist door, right?

In addition to the upgrade of martial arts, in the collection of Foca, he also encountered a thing that made Ye Weiming feel very depressed.

Through three days of activities, the players finally summed up some rules for the fall of Fuka.

In fact, the drop probability of Foca every day is different.

On the first day, the day of New Year's Eve. Whether the player is killing the year beast, opening the treasure chest, or the red envelope, almost all of the four lucky cards appear are patriotic, dedicated, honest, and friendly. It is unclear whether the other lucky cards are completely absent. At least in the entire "League of Legends", on the first day did not see any one of these four kinds of Fuka.

From the next day, the emergence of the Fuka has become a free blessing, an equal blessing, a fair blessing and a rule of law blessing. After a day of hard work, Ye Fuming has collected these four blessing cards and synthesized a Daifuku card of "Taiping Fu".

On the third day, the emergence of the Fuka was also unsurprisingly centered on the prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony. Ye Weiming, with his amazing luck under the blessing of the New Year BGM, was approaching dusk. , And also collected all the four kinds of Fortune cards together, and synthesized two full-length big fortune cards called "Fortune".

However, this is not satisfactory!

Because on the first day, Ye Weiming was anxious to complete the task of unblocking the Jiuyang Zhenjing, he did half of the New Year's activities, so he hurried to Wudang Mountain and gave Zhang Sanfeng a new year.

This led to the very limited energy and time he invested in the first day of the New Year’s event. He collected only three of the four different styles of Foca.

There is still a dedicated dedication, and I haven't seen what it looks like at night.

This makes people more tangled.

After all, he has collected eleven of the full set of twelve fortune cards, but the last one is not satisfactory. How can he be reconciled?

But what if you are not reconciled?

Although ordinary Fukas that have not been synthesized can be traded, others do not!

Inquired in the gang chat channel, it seems that this dedicated blessing is one of the three cards with the lowest probability of appearing in this new year's "collecting blessing cards" event.

The other two are the harmonious blessing and the just blessing, and the probability of the other two is obviously higher than that of the professional blessing.

In other words, this dedicated blessing is the one with the lowest probability of occurrence of all foca.

none of them!

Of the entire gang, only one was obtained in March in the "Four Arts Competition" event, and she has synthesized a big lucky card called "Family Portrait", and there is no remaining.

In the World Channel, the price of Jingyefu has been copied to the sky-high price of 8,000 gold, which is still the priceless one.

From this point, it can be seen that players are generally looking forward to the upcoming secret realm of the former dynasty. Many people hope to take this opportunity to make a difference in that brand-new copy.

Fortunately, there are a total of four days in this New Year's event. The probability of the appearance of the Foca in the first three days is dispersed, and the fourth day should be all kinds of blessings.

He still has a chance!

Because there is a goal, so there is motivation.

On the fourth day, that is, the early morning and early morning of the New Year’s Day, after a simple breakfast, he immediately turned on the flying mode by A Hong to find the anger of the nearest big beast. Too.

Facts have proved that Ye Weiming guessed a little well.

In the fourth day of the event, the three groups of Fuka really appeared randomly. But this does not mean that he can get the dedication that he lacks at night.

After all, from a theoretical analysis, if you want to get a professional blessing in the fourth day of the event, the chance is only one-third of that day.

After a whole morning of hard work, Ye Mingming still finds the professional blessings he thinks about day and night. Instead, the beautiful team in the gang has sent good news again.

After the five of them beheaded a big beast near Songshan, they even burst a super ring again!

Fuxing Gaozhao (Treasure): This is a New Year blessing from Heaven, one of the three auspicious treasures. Attack +200, defense +200, internal power increase +20%, Fuyuan +3, charm +5!

This "Fu Xing Gao Zhao" attribute is no worse than Dao Mei's "Fortune", even in some ways.

In particular, after seeing the attribute of "Fuyuan + 3" unclearly at night, it has been determined in my heart that its value must definitely be higher than the "source of wealth".

The things that Ye Weiming can love are naturally not short of competitors. At least the five girls in that team can’t wait to smash all their net worth in exchange for ownership of the ring.

But their reasons for being so obsessed with this ring are different from the night.

The property that really makes the girls crazy is actually the "Charm + 5" that looks like chicken ribs in the dark.

What makes sense?

However, as the deputy helper of the "Vogue League", Ye Mingming certainly could not let them go like this. In the end, under the proposal of Ye Mingming, the five girls set the price of the ring at 4,000 gold, and then lost the dice. Determine its purchase rights.

In the end, this beloved ring fell on Xiaoqiao's sister's left index finger.

Here just helped the five little beauties come up with an idea to solve a big problem. Ye Wuming was already a firecracker, followed by several swords, and easily killed an ordinary young beast.

Because the ordinary year beast and the big year beast are the same in the fall of Fuka, Ye Weiming has begun to give up the big year beast and killed more in order to have a greater chance of getting dedicated devotion. , The smaller base beast came.

However, after touching the corpse again, it was another disappointment.

Patriotic blessing?

This stuff~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he already has 21!

Just when Ye Weiming felt a little helpless because he could not show his professional dedication, a system prompt came unexpectedly in his ear:

Ding! The number of annual beasts that you beheaded in the New Year's event exceeds 100, and the number of big beasts exceeds 10, which has successfully angered the beast leader.

The Nian Beast Commander will show up after 10 seconds to avenge his hatred for his children and grandchildren.

Please be prepared for battle!





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