I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 847: Dominate now, peerless beast! (2 in 1)

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As the countdown in the system prompt sounded, Ye Mingming immediately frowned.

There is no other reason, just because this place is not remote enough!

Just when he came here along the coordinates, he saw several teams of players fighting fiercely with other young beasts nearby.

And this year the beast leader, just listening to the name, knows that it is not a irritating master.

I am afraid that it is difficult to solve the battle within a certain period of time just like the big beast.

And once the time is long, if the movement gets bigger...

Those who rob monsters and PK gods are boring. After struggling to achieve nothing, how can you get the benefits of heads-up with BOSS?

Ye Mingming looked around and quickly observed the surrounding terrain. Even if he could not lead the Nian Beast to a place with few people, at least he had to choose from a battlefield that was beneficial to him and then start fighting.

However, this idea just emerged in the brain of the unknown night, and he was immediately rejected by him.

Because he couldn't be sure what kind of advent method this year beast commanded.

Whether it is destined to come next to the murderer who has beheaded its children and grandchildren for many years, or the place where the other party came, has been decided at the moment when the system prompt sounds.

If the former is okay, but once it is the latter, then he ran too far, wouldn't it give others an opportunity?

After all, even in the case of robbing monsters, it is important to occupy a rational word.

Having made up my mind, Ye Mingming immediately brought up the gang chat window in the system interface, and entered a line of text in it: "Don’t just kill the big beast, even the small one should kill. In After killing 10 big nian beasts and 100 ordinary nian beasts, there will be a larger nian beast commander to seek revenge."

Without waiting for everyone's inquiry, another message was immediately sent out: "I will start playing soon, and I will report to you the data of the animal leader this year."

Seeing this news, the chat channel immediately boiled again.

Niu Zhichun: "I'm going, Yexiong is awesome, waiting for your good news!"

Non-fish: "Remember not only the data, but also the main fighting method of the big boss."

Tang Sancai: "Brother Ye, come on!"

Transparent flyover: "Brother Night, be careful."

March: "Amin, if you need help, say it at any time."

Suddenly: "If you need help, say it at any time."


Foodie Fairy: "If you need help, say it at any time." (+1)

Just when the gang chat channel has fallen into repeat mode, there is a red light in the sky suddenly falling from the sky, falling unbiasedly three feet in front of Ye Mingming.

Unknown at night, he frowned, his tiptoe was on the ground, and his figure backed away.

Under this distance, no matter what happens, he can have enough time and distance to deal with it calmly.


With a trembling roar, a giant like a mammoth has come to the world!

Just looking at the guy in front of him is enough to overwhelm the body, and he knows that it is definitely not easy to deal with.

Looking at the attributes of this stuff again, I couldn't help but take a breath of breath even at night.

Year Beast Command

A kind of evil beast in the folk mythology and legend of the Nian Beast will appear every New Year and attack the people to eat people and make chaos. This is the leader among the young beasts, and its strength is far superior to that of ordinary beasts.

Level: 150

Qi and blood: 5000000050000000

Internal force: 50000005000000


The level of the Year Beast Commander is as high as 150, and the blood is up to half a small target!

This is not the thing that shocked Ye Weiming the most. What really shocked him was that this year the beast leader had internal force, and the internal force value of this product was as high as 5 million!

With so much internal force, how can it be used?

At the moment of doubt in Ye Ming's mind, the mammoth leader of the size of a mammoth suddenly made a breathing action.

Ye Wuming sees this, and there is a fearful heart palpitation for no reason.

not good!

Suddenly thinking of something, Ye Wuming quickly pulled away and backed away.

But after all, he was still one step late, because the next moment, this year the Beast Commander used his own actual actions to let Ye Wu know what its 5 million internal force value is for!

But I saw that this year the beast leader, after inhaling, suddenly sprayed a large blue flame, towards the unknown position of the night, split his head and covered his face.

The area radiated by the flame covers every inch of land within three square feet of the left and right before and after night!

This guy actually breathes fire!

When Ye Weiming was shocked, his feet vigorously exerted force, and his body immediately rose into the air, dangerously and dangerously avoiding the blue flames spitting out from the leader of the year beast.

However, that year the Beast Commander failed to hit, but immediately lifted his head upward, and the blue flame erupted in his mouth also chased toward the unknown night in the air as he had to move.

In an instant, a large area of ​​sky was covered by this blue flame, and the air around it was distorted!

The flames spit out by the leader of the beast this year actually continued to hurt!

Shocked in his heart, Ye Mingming quickly hurriedly left his toes gently on the right foot surface, changed his body into a traverse, and rushed toward the right side of the body. The area enveloped by the blue flame.

But this is already the limit that the night can't do between the haste, if the mouth of the Nian Beast commanding flames turns again...

Do not!

Never give it a chance to change the direction of the flame attack again!

Just at night, when he used the means of moving across the sky to avoid the blue fire, a white light spot had been blasted from his hands, and it directly hit the left face of the head of the Nian Beast, and then In the brittle sound, a white ball of light burst out.




Sky Monkey!

Suddenly attacked by something with absolute restraint effect on him, the Nian Beast Commander, even with a sigh of pain, the big head turned to the side, the blue flame spewing out of his mouth, but also under this blow. stop.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Mingming finally landed safely on the ground, and after turning forward, he had completely restored his balance.

Turning my head back again, I saw that the ground that had been grilled by the blue flame had now turned into white clay. The flowers and grass that had grown quite vigorously were not seen at the moment.

What a terrible flame attack!

However, the night that had just escaped was unknown, but he did not retreat because of it. Instead, taking advantage of the broken gap of the Nian Beast's defense, he took out the three-day activity and changed it into a sword that was stored in the baggage. He took a sprint forward from the Nian Beast. Passing by, the sword in the sharp sword was also swept under the rib of the Nian Beast, and brought a gorgeous blood flower!


Seeing the number of injuries floating above the head of the Nian Beast Commander, the one-hit night was unclear but he could not help but frown.

It was not a crit!

What a terrible year beast leader.

Not only is the method of attack terribly terrifying, but even the defense is a lot higher than ordinary beasts and big beasts!

After being shocked, Ye Mingming's figure had been turned behind the Nian Beast Commander. The sword in his hand was pierced with a sword in his backhand, and it was a "sword-style" that directly penetrated the Nian Beast Commander. The Department (Password) Department is the key.



Lu Xun once said: The crit may be late, but it will never be absent!

It turns out that this year's beast commander is not like ordinary year beast or big year beast, either it is not critical, or it is blown up by the sky monkey, and the whole body is vital.

If you want to strike a critical strike on this guy, you must attack the fragile parts of its body after being bombarded with a sky monkey!

Just when Ye Ming was not happy for the crit he hit, and when he began to analyze the weakness and flaws of the first beast leader, he saw that the two hind legs of this beast leader suddenly turned into two. Afterimage, kicked directly between the chest and abdomen.

The attack wasn't there yet. The roaring gust of wind had blown the unpredictable and loose position of Ye Mingming's clothes all the way and stretched straight back, but it also made his majestic and burly figure stand out.

Quick attack!

Ye Weiming didn't expect that this year the Beast Commander was not only strong in attributes, but even his speed of reaction was so sensitive. It is obviously too late to evade between hastily.

In desperation, he could only push his mediocre left palm in a semi-suspended air, gently pushing it in the direction of kicking the foot of the beast.

Don't use Qianlong!



In a head-to-head confrontation, with the unknown strength of the night, he was actually beaten by a beast leader of this year with a crushing injury of more than 50,000.

This is already close to one-third of his current upper limit of qi and blood!

The strength of the opponent's catch is evident from this!

And if this blow is actually hit by it, the consequences will be afraid...

Without time to make hypothetical conjectures, Ye Mingming has been kicked back by the Nian Beast commander and flew back more than ten feet away.

However, he also took a slender and strong **** toward the Nian Beast Commander who had just turned back.

With an invisible sword qi sprayed out from his fingers, the left eye of the middle-aged beast commanded!



With this blow, Nian Beast wailed again.

But what makes Ye Weiming feel incredible is that his strongest blow in this normal situation was actually just above the head of the Beast Commander this year, hitting a very explosive crushing damage, but he was not able to shoot blind at all. The other party's eyes, that is to say, did not play the expected blinding effect!

What the hell!

This year the beast leader, is it still immune to all the negative effects except firecrackers and sky-piercing monkeys?

In order to make further attempts, after Ye Ming fell to the ground, he flipped his left hand and pointed out that he directly shot three streams of gold, red, and blue, which was his only hidden weapon, the three-color lotus seed!

However, in the face of this serial attack, which was unknown at night, the Beast Commander only shook its head that year and avoided the eyes. The only one among the three lotus seeds was the fire lotus seed, which happened to hit the other party. Nose, hit a critical crit, the other two are just ordinary attacks.




There is no accident. Among the three attacks, whether it is a normal attack or a critical strike, none of them can leave a unique negative state of the hidden weapon on the body of the young beast.

Only the last one is the special effect of the ice lotus seed. After hitting the target for 2.5 seconds, the dark weapon automatically returns to the baggage, and at the same time, the special effect of restoring its own internal force of 3500 points plays a role.

However, this is still intact to the fighting power of the Nian Beast Commander itself.

In desperation, Ye Mingming could only wave his hand again, and a pierced monkey lased towards the left eye of the Nian Beast again.

Strange to say, in the face of the more rapid and fierce three-color lotus seeds, the Nian Beast Commander can also avoid the vitality by shaking his head, but when facing the monkey, he seems to be stupid, and he doesn’t even know. Dodge.

Just let this white light ball hit the left eye accurately.


The crit effect of Daizong is also effective even for the sky-walking monkeys.

This sky-walking monkey was also shot at the last second before the end of the last day-wearing monkey's anti-defense effect, so it still enjoys the effects of anti-defense and crit, which can be said to be a perfect connection.

And there are 23 such monkeys in the baggage that is unknown at night!

With these twenty or so monkeys, it’s definitely not a good idea to blow up this year’s Beast Master directly, but if it is combined with some other attack methods, Ye Weiming asks himself, even if he kills two such Beast Masters, he should also It's enough!

Seeing that the rhythm of the battle has been completely controlled in the hands, at night, he suddenly heard a noisy noise coming from behind the direction. He turned his head and looked at it, but it was a team of more than a dozen players who had been dominated by the young beast. The noise from the noise attracted me.

While practicing their own methods, they quickly approached this side, and these people were still unscrupulously talking about how to pit father.

"Let me go, there will be such a big guy here, domineering! Boss, shall we grab it?"

"Grab! Such a big boss, with a virtuous person in it, since we were discovered, it shows that this is our chance, why not rob?"

In the middle of the party, a guy dressed up as a disciple of the Sun and Moon gods showed an evil smile on his face, and said in a cold voice: "However, it is better to be skillful in stealing monsters."

"Let's lean over quietly first, don't say anything."

"When the guy who is fighting the Nian Beast Commander reveals flaws, UU reads the book www.uukanshu.com and swarms up to kill him!"

"After killing the guy, let's throw all the firecrackers and sky monkeys that we accumulated earlier into the body of this year's beast."

"With the accumulation of more than a dozen of us, it is not impossible to want to blow up a wave of this year's beast command."

Hearing the Mingjiao disciple, the group of fellows immediately agreed readily.


"Just do what you said."

"The boss's method can not only minimize our losses, but also grab the 150-year-old BOSS.

High, really high! "

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