I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 886: Yuanmeng 5 Jie



As the figure of Shura Dao disappeared into a white light, Ye Mingming finally saw the appearance of the second enemy on the ground through the light of the torch on the ground. It was Luo Tiandao, the head of the Six Dao.

Na Luo Tiandao saw his companion being seconds, but the expression on his face was Gu Jing, but he saw his left hand flexing his fingers, a soft claw, and immediately produced a suction out of thin air, bringing the previous Shura Dao still on the ground. The torch is drawn into the palm.

Seeing the other party's magical method of fetching objects from the air, Ye Mingming secretly shocked at the same time, secretly said...

I will do this too!

This method of Luo Tiandao used to fetch objects from the sky is unfamiliar at night. It is "Control Crane Skill"!

Following closely, he saw that the other party suddenly raised his right hand and gently pushed in the direction of Ye Ming, where a golden glory had condensed in his palm, and then he spit with his palm power, instantaneously Formed a golden shock wave, went straight to the unknown night.

Another Shaolin seventy-two stunt, Prajna!

First, "Controlling Crane Skills", and "Pan Ruo Zhang", it seems that Luo Tiandao really got a few true stories from Kumaki.

I just don't know, did he learn the little incompetence that Kumomochi later got?

Thinking in this way, Ye Mingwu's hands are not indifferent.

But he saw his left hand gently push forward in a circle, and a golden dragon had formed in his palm, screaming to meet the opponent's golden palm.

Kang Long has regrets!


Under the palms of the two sides, a tremendous noise suddenly sounded in the secret road, and the breath of energy directly shattered the already crumbling secret road between the two.

Before the dense road was completely buried by the scattered mud, Ye Mingming vaguely saw Luo Tiandao's figure slammed and flew backwards with his palm, and at the same time, a crushing injury blood loss appeared on the top of his head. digital.

It's just that this figure is blocked by the dirt, and the specific value is not clear at night. It was only determined that the opponent was under this palm, but was not badly injured, but was not killed on the spot.

Can you hard-wire yourself to die?

Sure enough, he is a master!

At this time, it seemed that the two of them would make a loud noise to the palm, and Aunt Guo, who covered her ears in advance, finally put down her hands that covered her ears, looked at the collapsed tunnel in front, and asked nervously: "Ye Young hero, what shall we do next?"

Illuminated by Ye Mingzhu's light, Ye Weiming's smile appeared calm and confident, and made Aunt Guo feel relieved a lot: "Don't worry, everything is under control."

"It's just that there is another person in the other party who is not dead. With his ability, he will definitely be able to find the location where we met from the ground after going out. Then, as long as the Yuanmeng soldiers dig down from the ground, you can quickly find it here. "

Aunt Guo felt speechless for a while, and the situation was so serious that you still said everything was under control?

Can you tell me, how do you master it?

At this time, Ye Mingming continued to say: "It's not too late, we will now go back along the same road, and then leave this secret road from other exits."

Aunt Guo heard the words and couldn't help but feel more stunned. What other outlets are there?

I followed you all the way from this secret road, don't you remember that this secret road does not have any forks at all, it is just a road to black?

In other words, does this kid have any score?

But looking at Ye Weiming's extremely serious look, and now there is really no other way to think besides choosing to believe him. Aunt Guo finally turned around and walked in the direction of her arrival as Ye Weiming told him.

In this way, Ye Mingming and Guo Jing's mother-in-law team changed to the front team and began to retreat the same way. Every time you walk a distance, you don’t forget to look back and blast a hand over the earth wall at night, so that the tunnel that is destined for use is directly collapsed, so that the enemy will not reapply it after digging the tunnel. Method, catch up to lock their position.


Luo Tiandao, who had just drilled a head out of the secret road, saw the cold light flashing, but the spear tips of more than ten spears had all pointed to his nose.

Shocked, Luo Tiandao quickly said, "Don't be nervous, everyone!"

Seeing that the person who crawled out of the ground was Luo Tiandao, General Yuanmeng Bolshu finally said, "How come you came out so quickly, and find out where the other side of the tunnel leads?"

Luo Tiandao had jumped out of the narrow exit of the secret road at the same time, and at the same time said, "We have encountered a spy who has infiltrated our military camp before we have entered the secret road.

"It's just that the spy's strength is really strong. Under some battle, Shura Road was killed on the spot, and in the process of fighting with the spy, I have collapsed the secret road."

"Now, the secret passage has been divided into two sections from the middle, and they are not connected to each other."

"Fortunately, I still remember where I was fighting with the opponent at that time. I can find it according to the coordinates, and then let the soldiers dig down from the ground to find the second half of the secret road."

Luo Tiandao didn't mention Guo Jing's **** things. Although in the secret road, he also faintly saw that there was a person behind Ye Weiming, who seemed to be a woman.

But a woman does not necessarily mean Guo Jing’s mother.

Unless he sees each other's face with his own eyes, this "seeing is believing" will not be recognized by the system. Even if it is said, Bol will not believe at all, only when he is out of nothing, dark Chen Cang, imagination out of thin air, fabrication from out of thin air...

It is better not to say that.

After all, just a "criminal who may have successfully sneaked into the big camp" is enough for these Yuanmeng soldiers to cooperate fully with his actions.

Borshu was overjoyed and immediately said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go find it!"

"Not in a hurry." Luo Tiandao said calmly: "If this secret road is really dug out by the spy I saw, then since he can dig through such a long secret road, he wants to collapse it in battle before. It’s not difficult to think about it again.”

"So, we still have to leave a part of the army to handle this exit, and don't give the other party a chance to fish in muddy water."

Borshu heard the words and slapped his head: "You are right, I almost ignored this stubble. Then we will leave 200 soldiers to guard the exit as you said, and the rest will go with you to the position you said. , Dig that mouse out of the ground!"

Luo Tiandao said that the expression on his face was still very worried.

He had personally learned the strength of the unknown night before. Just a serious and positive fight, he crushed nearly half of his blood with crushing injuries.

Where is the strength that a 70-level player should have?

This is simply a humanoid boss above level 130!

In the face of such an enemy, with only 200 Yuanmeng cavalry who have a serious lack of combat experience with martial arts masters, it is impossible to stop the other party, and even if he joins with the human Dao, it is also impossible!

Unless under the double blessings of war horses and battle arrays, and his strength has reached the level of 141, Boer shot himself, he can be sure to leave the super player master from the Central Plains with Li Ping who was brought out by him. !

It is a pity that there is only one Bol technique, but there are two entrances and exits of the secret road, and they will dig a third soon.

Even if the entrance and exit inside the Mongolian camp is aside, just outside the camp, there are two entrances and exits that need to be guarded, and it is impossible to cover everything with just one Bol technique. Regardless of where Boershu is kept, the opponent has a one-half chance to take Guo Jing's mother to kill a blood from another exit, and even a chance to escape.

Then the question arises, will the master of the Central Plains dig up in situ from the place where he encountered before, or dig through the dense passage of the previous collapse and rush out of this exit?

Suddenly, Luo Tiandao felt as if he was caught in a matryoshka theory. No matter how he thought about empathy, he couldn't get an accurate answer.

After hesitating for about two seconds, he decided to leave this place alone, and it would be safer to bring Bol to his side.

After all, it is more decisive than mission failure + mission failure + the cost of losing experience and training.

and many more!

In other words, will the other party anticipate that he will think so, so...

In this way, Luo Tiandao's thinking once again fell into the matryoshka model.

At this moment, suddenly heard a rapid horseshoe sound from the direction of Tiemuzhen camp. Turning his head to see it, it was the four riding fast horses that were rushing in the direction they were from.

But at the moment the sky was near dusk, and the distance between the two parties was far away, Luo Tiandao failed to recognize the identity of the four people at first glance. He quickly gathered his skills over his eyes, and then he could clearly see the physical appearance of the four people who were coming quickly, and then his face suddenly showed great joy.

It turns out that the four people who are coming up at the moment are the fourth of the five braveest warriors under Temujin. They are:

Mu Huali!

Chi Lao Wen!

Bol Su!


These four people are the most courageous and brave generals under Tiemu Zhen's, like the Bol technique beside Luo Tiandao, and they become five masters!

In fact, in the real history, Tiemu Zhen's command does not say "five masters", only "four masters", and the status of the philosophers among them is lower than that of the other four.

It’s just that “Eternal Chivalry” is a martial arts-based online game, and the most important thing is to respect the teacher and respect the master, and Zhebei, as the destiny son of Guo Jing’s story of “The Legend of the Condor Heroes”, Guo Jing’s riding and shooting master, naturally received his apprenticeship. Not only can the influence be matched with four others, but its combat effectiveness is the most powerful one among the five.

It was only a moment of effort, and a group of four riders had come to Luo Tiandao and Borshu. Mu Huali said, "Da Khan attaches great importance to criminal matters. I am afraid that only Borshu may not be able to catch those few. I have ulterior motives, so I sent a few of us together to act with you, and we must kill all of them!"

As Mu Huali's voice fell, Luo Tiandao immediately found that the bodies of the five warlords were looming at the same time, and the boss attributes above their heads also changed dramatically.

Mu Huali

One of the five masters of Temujin

Level: 153 (increase in battle formation, increase in combination of five heroes)


This Mu Huali's normal level is only 83, but after riding the horse, the level will suddenly rise from the previous 83 to 133!

Like a warrior like him, yards and yards are completely two people, they can't be put together for comparison.

Coupled with the double increase of battle formation and combination, its level was again raised by a full 20 levels, directly reaching the terrible height of 153 levels.

This is true of Mu Huali, and the same is true of Chi Laowen, Bolhu, Bolshu and Zhebei!

In particular, Zhebei, who is extremely powerful in his individual combat ability, has undergone three successive increases of warhorse, battle array, and combination, and his level has jumped to a terrible 155 level!

This is already equivalent to the strength of the master of Shaolin abbot Xuanci!

Looking at the five super bosses with level 150 and above, Luo Tiandao was almost excited and laughed. He didn't expect his luck to be so good. He was worried about the lack of manpower. Tiemuzhen sent him a set of strength Such a terrifying reinforcement.

With their help, why not worry about the task?

It is said that the reason why Luo Tiandao gave birth to such an idea is because his knowledge of system rules is far less thorough than the night.

If you change Ye Mingming here, you will definitely think in the first time that the appearance of the other four masters is entirely because Ye Weiming brought Auntie Guo out of the area of ​​Tiemuzhen Camp and activated the hidden enemy.

After all, in the plot of the original book, Aunt Guo was about to die in a real gold account, and she used her life to give Guo Jing the last lesson in patriotism education.

It is unknown at night that I want to save Aunt Guo, who was going to die, back to the Central Plains alive. It is tantamount to giving a npc whose identity is not so important to change his life. The system does not take the opportunity to add some difficulty to him!

This is still because of the life and death of Aunt Guo, which did not have much impact on the subsequent plot development of the story line of "Jiaodiao" and "Shendiao", and gave him a certain operability space.

Otherwise, if you think about Zhou Zhiruo's father who had died, she knew how simple the system would be if she wanted to kill an npc!

However, even without seeing the situation outside, Ye Ming still made the most favorable choice for the overall situation in the first place.

[World Channel] Unknown at night: All masters from all schools participating in this mission of "Saving the Great Soldier Guo Jing" please note that there are now 1,000 Yuanmeng chasing soldiers outside the Tiemuzhen camp, trying to prevent me from safety Rescued Guo Jing's mother.

I can't take the time to reply to everyone's news one by one, but I have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with three other teams.

Anyone who wants to earn this credit with me can contact one of the five people, Tang Sancai, Qiuyu, Yun Mian, Transparent Sky Bridge, and Jinjin Jiu, by the way of Flying Pigeon Biography. They will tell you how to cooperate Action, use our power to crush these 1,000 yuan Mongolian chasing soldiers completely!

The chief disciples of all major schools! In the future, when your heads meet with their peers, they will say, "My disciple once threw his head in the Central Plains to sprinkle his blood" or "My disciple once went to the prairie for public expense", depending on your decision now!

[World Channel] Unknown at night: all attend...

[World Channel]...



Ye Mingming also got a **** book today~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The same World Channel shouting function, he sent it 10 times in a row.

Seeing the world shouting scrolling on the chat channel, Luo Tiandao, who was just excited because Zhebei and others came, almost spit out old blood.

This operation is so crazy!

Originally, the six of them felt very strenuous to deal with an unknown night, and they had to rely on the power of npc to have this certain victory.

But now that Ye Mingming has engaged in this, their opponents have suddenly changed from the former Shensi Division to all the chief disciples of all major schools in the Central Plains, and the elite teams formed by those chief disciples!

Still winning?

As long as it is not inevitable, Luo Tiandao feels that he can burn high fragrance!


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