I Can Extract Proficiency

Vol 2 Chapter 887: The position should be high and the horizon should be wide! (2 in 1)

Shouting on World Channel and publishing all the information he had, not only did Luo Tiandao be caught by surprise, he didn't even think that he would make such a decision even before he knew it at night.

In fact, according to the original plan of Ye Mingming, the team of Shensi Division was the main team, supplemented by the three teams of Wudang, Tombs, and Tangmen. With the power of these four teams, everything in this mission was solved. Obstacles, and successfully rescued Guo Jing's mother and son back to the Central Plains, all the credit goes to him and his friends.

Only in this way is it more in line with Ye Weiming's two major rules of conduct...

1. Maximize benefits.

2. Mix with me, eat spicy and spicy.

Moreover, according to his previous deductions, it is finally determined that the success rate of this plan is at least 70%.

During the four squads, there may be some personnel injuries, but the mission rewards afterwards are definitely enough to make up for their losses, and even earn a lot of money.

However, the previous conversation with Auntie Guo made Ye Wuming change her original idea.

Five minutes ago...

Ye Weiming and Aunt Guo hurried all the way among the secret roads. Due to the relationship between the back team and the front team, Aunt Guo, who walked in front of her, shivered involuntarily.

After all, this secret is too long and too dark. After all, Aunt Guo is also a woman, even if she is a strange woman who can calmly die for the sake of justice, but she is afraid of the dark **** horse.

Even if there is a night bright to illuminate her night pearl, but the cold light can not give her too much psychological comfort.

From the cold hairs blown up by the other party, Ye Wuyi clearly saw the fear in her heart, and she thought to lead the way ahead, but the secret path was so narrow that the two people had to squeeze close together if they wanted to exchange positions. Just fine.

Again, Auntie Guo is a woman after all.

Ye Wuming is a self-proclaimed person who is fair and selfless. He is more concerned about this kind of courtesy.

If you change the young and beautiful heterosexual npc like Huang Rong or Li Mochou, Ye Mingming may be able to do big things at will when he needs them, but for the eyes of this Aunt Guo, his heart is full of respect and naturally does Nothing like that.

But looking at Aunt Guo's nervousness, if you do it, you will be scared out of yourself.

Ye Weiming turned his eyes and thought of a way to alleviate the psychological pressure of the other party, so he actively said: "Aunt Guo, I heard Daomei before, just talking about it, Guo Jing, after knowing that you are in danger, actually Rather than prioritizing your old security, let us go first and tell Temujin's ambition to invade the Central Plains to the court."

"Have you blamed him for this?"

Sure enough, Aunt Guo, who was distracted after hearing Ye Mingming's distraction, immediately relieved her nervousness, even tightening her pores again. Then he said in a proud tone: "Why would I blame him? After all, he is a descendant of the Guo family, and he must do everything to focus on the overall situation, if he abandons the nation for the safety of my wife. Dayi, I will really scold him!"

When Dafa saw his diversion, and Ye Weiming smiled slightly, he said, "Aunt Guo, did you educate Guo Jing like this since childhood?"


Aunt Guo, who has been completely relaxed between questions and answers, replied: "In fact, I didn't do anything, but I often told him that when looking at the problem, it may not be necessary to see how deep the problem is, but look at it. The horizon of the problem must be wide enough. Only in this way will it not be swayed by personal success or failure, nor be blinded by the false good and evil in front of it."

"In this way, although you can't be a real wise man, at least you can not face yourself in a situation where you can't look back because of the wrong step when facing the choice of right and wrong."

After hearing what Aunt Guo said, Ye Wuming couldn't help but admire the woman in front of her.

Think about Guo Jing, and think about Linghu Chong, if that goods can be taught by such an old lady...

and many more!

Suddenly, Ye Mingming suddenly realized a very serious problem.

In fact, from the beginning of this mission of "saving the soldier Guo Jing", it seems that something is not quite right at night.

But after he combined many clues in his own hands with the possibility of changes in the situation that he can think of, after repeated thinking and deduction, he again determined the chance of the task being completed perfectly. After absolutely more than 70%, he felt This feeling of not being right is just an illusion of oneself, so I didn't think about it any more.

It wasn't until after the exchange with Auntie Guo that the key to the problem was finally discovered.

Many of his deductions seem to be almost perfect, and there seems to be nothing to be missed, but in fact, it is ridiculously wrong, even utterly wrong!

Because he began to analyze the problem from the starting point, there was a slight deviation, and then how to calculate it carefully, the results obtained are also destined to not be truly perfect.

And the farther the calculation is, the more ridiculous the exposed errors.

It's as if a person's muzzle is shifted by one millimeter before firing, then the farther the bullet is fired, the greater the gap between it and the grip!

The mistake of Ye Wuming is that from the beginning, he was not high enough to look at the problem, and his vision was very narrow!

From the beginning to the end, he took himself as the core, bound the interests of the Shensi Division and his friends to himself, and formed many subsequent plans.

Therefore, the entire mission plan is for the benefit of small groups centered on him.

This kind of thinking is naturally no problem when performing general tasks.

But what is the nature of the task this time, can it be the same as the general task?

Before the loss, he still had a face and said what Daomei said. "Me and Guo Jing both believe that Jiangshan She Ji in the Central Plains is more important than Guo Jing's mother and son's lives." Although it is true, it is true that there is even a person in his heart. The balance that didn't even realize that there was a deviation.

That is, he actually believed that "our mission rewards are much more important than the lives of Guo Jing's mother and son!".

Therefore, from the beginning of making the plan, Ye Weiming subconsciously put the interests of the team and friends first, and on the basis of ensuring this, he will work hard to strive for better completion of the task and ensure that Guo Jing’s mother and son Safety is no accident.

And in this way, the success rate of the task is already very good to achieve seven achievements.

But if we put the angle on the big stand of the Division of the Gods or the Imperial Court, shouldn't it be to unite all the forces that can be united on the rivers and lakes to ensure that the task is absolutely foolproof, and on this basis, try to strive for more personal credit?

In this way, even if you don't need so many calculations, Ye Weiming is sure to increase the winning percentage of only 70% to more than 90%!

The remaining 10% is left to the system for ventilation.

Having figured this out, Ye Weiming felt suddenly brighter all over himself.

Many things that haven't been figured out before, at this moment, seem to be fully understood.

In fact, taking his vision of the problem a little higher not only does not conflict with his starting point of consolidating his own interests, but also a complementary relationship between the two.

For this mission, assuming that Ye Wuming was seriously in accordance with his previous plan, all of the credit was given to the Shensi Division and a limited number of teams, so that the other martial teams played soy sauce all the way. Even if he completed the task perfectly in the end, Huang Shouzun wouldn't say anything about it, how much would he feel a little disappointed in him?

Similarly, although the three teams of Wudang, Ancient Tombs and Tangmen have benefited, I am afraid that they will also be isolated by players, and their martial arts...

In general, no matter from what perspective, the previous plan is absolutely worth the gains!

Of course, even if it were that way, Huang Shouzun would still let him take over the big picture next time he encountered a similar task.

But this is not because his approach can completely satisfy the other party, but because he has no better choice than the unknown at night!

Conversely, if you give away part of the credit for this task and let other martial arts take a sip of soup, not only can you greatly improve your win rate, but you can also get a good impression from Huang Shouzun.

How can the interests represented by a good impression of leadership be comparable to the degree of task completion?

Although according to system rules, as long as the task completion is high enough, Huang Shouzun must also give enough good things as a reward. But for some tasks, Huang Shouzun has the right to decide whether to send it to you.

More importantly, is this game really just as simple as a game?

Even the non-fish kid could have noticed the player's behavior in the game a long time ago, which would affect everyone's social division of labor after the spacecraft arrives at the station.

Therefore, Ye Mingming completely disrupted and reorganized the previous plan in just two minutes. After confirming that there were no omissions, when the flying pigeons passed the book Tang Sancai, Naoqi, Xiaoqiao, Yunguan, Jiangjin, and They negotiated with each other.

After that, the world channel scrolled and shouted ten times.

In this plan, Luo Tiandao was immediately blinded by the fight, and I didn't know how to take the move.

But after the previous conversation, the benefit is not just the night. After Aunt Guo said the awe-inspiring words, she also felt that the whole person was also protected by the righteousness in her words. It’s black, I’m not afraid.

At this moment, suddenly heard the night behind him said: "Aunt Guo, don't go any further, the other exit of the secret road is here, we should turn."


Auntie Guo heard that the first part was forced again, where did it come from?

It is clearly a straight tunnel here!

Turning around in doubt, he saw that Unknown had taken a shovel out of his bag and said, "Two feet from here to the left is a natural cave. The cave is about five feet long and directly above the ground."

Aunt Guo couldn't help but say with a shocked face: "Yue Shaoxia, have you even investigated this?"

Ye Weiming didn’t explain that this was actually the three-dimensional map effect produced by the simultaneous touch of gold + hair Qiuyin equipment. At the same time, he began to dig his own soil and said: "I want to come to Aunt Guo, who has also discovered it. The passage is not straight forward, but winding and winding. This is of course not because I have no sense of direction in the underground, but to leave myself a few more escape routes."

"There are three exits that need to be digged a few times to be discovered. There are three places near this secret road, and the one we have chosen is the most hidden one."

In fact, digging tunnels is not that simple.

One of the most important points is the excavated soil, because the reason for the loosening is larger than the original volume, no matter where it is piled up, it will be particularly eye-catching.

However, in the game, the player's gaming experience is the mainstay, so in many details, everything is simple.

I dug through the three-foot tunnel easily. Ye Weiming just wanted to turn his head and blow two words to Aunt Guo, but suddenly felt a stormy wind, and then he saw a gray wolf, which was already open. The blood basin swallowed at him.


Isn't even this exit exposed?

Shocked in the heart, Ye Kyi kicked out unconsciously, kicking straight above the wolf's abdomen.

The wild wolf was hit twice, and his body was suddenly flicked out with a full-stroke pedal under the shock of unknown night. He fell on the rock wall on the other side of the cave and directly burst into a blur. flesh.

Ye Ming didn't see the natural cave in front of him.

The bottom of this cave is very wide, about a few feet square, and the narrower it goes up. However, because the three-dimensional map could not detect the creatures, Ye Weiming did not find out that there were wild wolves in this cave, and there were more than one head.

In addition to the side that had just been kicked into meat sauce by his foot, there was another head that was rushing towards him, and there were five little wolf cubs.

It turned out that this so-called natural cave was actually a wolf den!

After the mood calmed down, the night was no longer as brutal as before, and a white **** was shot at once, and a blood hole was opened directly on the thundering wolf's head, sending it to reunite with its other half. .

The wolf head wolf seems to have just learned to walk, it does not have any aggressiveness, and it looks fluffy and very cute.

One sword goes down, five kills spray him q!

Creatures like wolves can't bear revenge.

Don't hold the idea that after killing the female wolf, the little wolf is raised next to it and used as a super hound. Because when the little wolf grows up, he will definitely find a chance to avenge his parents.

Aunt Guo had lived on the grassland for 20 years, and naturally understood this truth, so she did not express any objections when she saw the wolf slaughtering wolf in the night, but she couldn’t bear to see the death of several wild wolves and silently followed Behind the unknown night, www.wuxiaspot.com~ walked out of the cave.

Especially the wolf that was kicked and kicked by the unknown night and turned into a pile of minced meat hanging on the stone wall. It looks too miserable. After seeing the kind-hearted Aunt Guo, she even felt a little nausea and felt that the beef sauce at noon today was suddenly not fragrant!

Although this cave occupied by wild wolves has a large internal space, the entrance is very small, and can only accommodate adult wild wolves to enter and exit freely, but humans want to stand and go out.

Ye Mingming didn't feel wronged. He bent down and crawled out. Immediately, he used a shovel to widen the exit a bit, and then took Aunt Guo out of the wolf den.

When I came to the ground, I saw that the surrounding mountains and fields were all Yuanmeng cavalry. However, the opposing party scattered the limited troops, and covered a large area around it with a net.

Ye Weiming and Aunt Guo had just appeared, and they were immediately spotted by a cavalry about ten feet away.

At the first sight, the latter immediately roared loudly, but did not speak Chinese.


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