I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 240 Concentration Technique (Two in One)

"Cousin? Is that Baixiao your cousin? You didn't come to Qunyu Pavilion as a guard because of your connections, right?"

Paimon crossed his arms and looked at Zhenhai suspiciously.

"Cousin, don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense, you must have heard wrong just now!"


Zhenhai didn't give Paimeng a chance to refute, and quickly opened the door and went in to find Baixiao.

"What, acting so panicked, isn't it just like 'there are no two, two or three molas here'!"

Paimon complained speechlessly.

"Well, that's a strange metaphor."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect that Liyue had other allusions like "There are no three hundred taels of silver here". Could this be the similarity in the development of human society in different worlds?

"Hehe, everyone uses it like this to describe someone who wants to hide something, but ends up showing his flaws."

Paimon said with a smile, his hands behind his back.

Not long after, Zhenhai came out with Bai Xiao, one of Ningguang's secretaries. She looked at several people and waved hello, and then said:

"If you are looking for Miss Shen He, she went out for morning exercises in the early morning when the sky seemed bright but not bright. She said that if you want to find her, you can go to the top of Tianheng Mountain."

Bai Xiao conveyed what she learned.

"Tianheng Mountain? Well, I understand."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. He didn't expect Shen He to go out so early. As expected of a disciple of the Xian family, he was really self-disciplined.

"Then let's go to Tianheng Mountain now." Paimon said with a smile.


Ying brushed the blond hair on the side of her face and said lightly while tapping her chin.

Tianheng Mountain is not far from Qunyu Pavilion. You can even create a wind field on Qunyu Pavilion to rise to a higher place and fly directly to Tianheng Mountain.

This saves a lot of time climbing up the road.

This is what they think and do.

"Wow, I saw Liyue Port. There are so many densely packed houses and buildings!"

Paimon held on to the white ribbon on her fluorescent dress to prevent it from being blown away by the air currents high in the sky.

At this time, she looked excitedly through the towering peaks of Tianheng Mountain and looked at Liyue Port over there.

"Okay, I've seen it many times, let's fly to Tianheng Mountain quickly."

Li Qiuzhi drove the wind element to blow the three people forward.

I have to say that the wind elemental power is indeed very useful, although it is not an elemental power known for its power.

However, it is particularly useful when combined with Wings of Wind when assisting exploration, especially on the road.

Based on his current level of control over the wind element, he can probably create a wind field that rises about thirty meters by himself.

Together with Ying, he can probably fly up to a hundred meters on the spot, which is why he is sure to fly over Tianheng Mountain smoothly.

After all, it is supported by the wind element and will not slowly decline. The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of physical strength.

Of course, with the expertise of "abundant life", Li Qiuzhi can persist longer than ordinary people.

If you want to consume less and fly higher and faster, you can only upgrade the "Wind Element Control" skill.

Unfortunately, I only upgraded "Form Concealment" to the full level yesterday, which consumed a lot of experience points, and I can't vote for "Wind Element Control" for the time being.


Ying can control the seven elements, but they have been in Liyue for so long, but they have not yet met the Seven Heavens Statue.

Therefore, she did not resonate and awaken the elemental power of the rock.

It seems that the next time I go to the Adventurers Association to receive a commission, I have to ask Catherine where there is a statue of the Seven Heavenly Gods in the wild.

The earlier you awaken the rock element, the faster you can become familiar with controlling it.

While Li Qiuzhi was thinking, they soon approached Tianheng Mountain.

Dense vegetation covers most of the mountain, while in some places barren rocky mountains are exposed, and some marcasite and iron ore are exposed there.

These ores are difficult to dig and are not worth much. Even adventurers rarely climb mountains to dig.

Of course, if it's a crystal mine, that's a different story.

Li Qiuzhi and the others landed on this rocky mountain. Tianheng Mountain was higher than expected and they had no way to fly directly to the top of the mountain.

So I could only fold up the wings of wind and continue walking along the path.

Fortunately, this place was already on the mountainside. After walking for more than ten minutes, Li Qiuzhi and the others reached the top of the mountain. There were no tall plants here, but instead they were covered with short green grass.

The girl, whose long white hair was tied into a braid in the middle, was sitting cross-legged on a flat stone, meditating with her eyes closed.

If you look carefully, you can see that the stone is too smooth and flat. It must have been cut by a weapon.

"It's Shen He, let's go say hello quickly."

With that said, the little Paimon with the crown on his head was about to fly forward to say good morning, but at this moment Li Qiuzhi quickly grabbed her and said:

"Wait a minute, Shen He is obviously meditating, so let's not disturb him for now."

"Okay, that seems to be the case."

Paimon put his index finger against his lower lip and observed for a while that Shen He was extremely quiet, as if he was integrated with the natural environment.

It seems that he is indeed practicing.

Ying stood on a patch of dirt with no grass.

The golden hair and skirt were slightly lifted by the breeze blowing from the front. The lines of the calves wrapped in over-the-knee boots were well-proportioned and soft, and the snow-white thighs exposed at the top of the boots were also very dazzling.

She also closed her eyes, as if she was feeling something.

After a few seconds, Li Qiuzhi suddenly stopped when he saw the breeze blowing in front of him, and faint fluctuations of wind elemental power came from Ying's body.

She opened her eyes, revealing a pair of excited amber pupils.

"What's wrong? Did you suddenly have some insights?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

"Well, I just felt the rhythm of the wind on the top of the mountain. Now I should be more skilled in using the wind elemental power."

Ying tapped his chin.

"You are here."

Shen He, who was wearing a black leather jumpsuit and a chest-covering short top, also felt a little abnormal in the environment, so he ended his meditation and stood up from the flat stone, looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others and said.

"Hey, good morning Shen He, we didn't disturb your practice, right?"

Pamon waved his hand and flew forward. Li Qiuzhi and Ying followed slowly and stopped a little in front of Shen He.

"My meditation time is enough, so it won't be a problem." Shen He shook his head slightly and continued without saying it was a big problem, "You are here to learn how to exercise your mental power, right?"

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

Although it was mainly Li Qiuzhi who wanted to learn this, since Ying and Paimeng were both here, they naturally learned it by the way. Anyway, it didn't make any difference to teach them a few.

"Then let's start now. Find a place to sit down cross-legged."

Shen He folded his hands under his chest, and his flat and smooth belly was vaguely exposed through the black silk fabric of the one-piece bodysuit.

"Sit cross-legged? Do you want to meditate like you?"

Paimon touched his hair and asked doubtfully.

"Yes, the method I taught you to train your mental power is called the 'Spirit Concentration Technique'. Even river fish with no talent can practice it, so it shouldn't be difficult for you."

Shen He sat down on the flat stone again, while Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Xiao Paimeng were all sitting on the ground.

Ying also deliberately folded the hem of her skirt twice and placed it on her buttocks wrapped in white bloomers before sitting down cross-legged, otherwise the sharp grass leaves would itch her buttocks and thighs.

After getting ready, several people looked at Shen He expectantly and listened to her subsequent explanation.

"The main principle of the 'Concentration Technique' is to gather and consolidate mental power. During this process, mental power will increase due to repeated exercise and become more 'strong'."

Shen He is not good at teaching others, but she also learned this technique under the explanation of her master when she first started practicing.

So now she just needs to repeat what Master explained at that time in similar words.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both nodded, "Concentration Technique", the name is easy to understand.

"Then let's take the first step."

After Shen He saw that everyone understood clearly, he continued to speak:

"The first step, according to Master, is to block distracting thoughts in the mind and enter a state of calmness and no emotional fluctuations in body and mind. Only in this way can one easily perceive one's own mental power."

This step shouldn't be difficult. When her master taught her, it only took her two minutes to do it.

"Well, let's try."

Sitting cross-legged, Li Qiuzhi nodded his head lightly and closed his eyes with Ying and Paimon at the same time, trying to block out the distracting thoughts in his mind.

Before I started doing it, I thought it would be easy.

But in fact, the more Li Qiuzhi wanted to put away those distracting thoughts, such as Fischer's body was so soft and he wanted to touch Ying's thigh, the more they popped up.

For example, the soft touch of stroking Fischer's calves and ankles through black semi-transparent stockings.

The more we try to get rid of these thoughts, they become like a swollen flood that cannot be contained at all!

Half an hour later, Li Qiuzhi slowly opened his eyes and sighed silently.

He found that letting go of distracting thoughts seemed to be a difficult challenge for him.

This has nothing to do with willpower, because distracting thoughts are also human thoughts themselves. Once you are used to their existence, it takes time to change them.

It probably won't be possible to succeed in a day and a half.

He looked around and found that Ying next to him was still closing her eyes to collect distracting thoughts. Her calm expression seemed to have some effect?

The little Paimon next to her was completely lying on the ground, his eyes were blank and he seemed to be spinning in circles. It was obvious that he had failed.

Having had experience, Li Qiuzhi knew without thinking that when Paimeng closed his eyes, all kinds of delicacies came to his mind.

Looking at so many delicious foods, I probably didn’t know which one to choose, so I simply got confused.

After another half hour, Ying finally slowly opened her eyes.

"How's it going? Did you succeed?" Li Qiuzhi asked curiously.

After closing his eyes for so long, he felt that there should be some results unexpectedly.

"Well, I seem to feel spiritual power. It's invisible and insubstantial, like some kind of 'force field'."

Ying stretched out the tip of her pink tongue and slightly moistened her dry upper and lower lips.

"What about you?" she asked Li Qiuzhi.

"Well, I was thinking too much and didn't succeed." Li Qiuzhi replied with a helpless shrug.

"Humph, idiot!"

Ying rolled her eyes at him with disdain. We all ate, lived, and traveled and had adventures together. Naturally, we all knew what kind of virtue this guy had.

He was just thinking about the soft white body under the girl's clothes.

"I failed too. What I saw just now was all delicious. How could I be willing to block them?"

Paimon sighed as he floated in the air.

Ying helplessly raised her eyebrows, these two guys were essentially the same in loving a certain aspect of things, to the point where they both had no resistance.

So it’s strange to be able to successfully learn the “Concentration Technique”!

"Master said before that it's normal for mortals to care about the world of mortals, so it's normal for them to fail due to distracting thoughts. If you really can't succeed, you can use the 'Calming Talisman' for assistance."

Shen He saw the situation of several people in his eyes.

Although it didn't happen that she imagined that all three of them could succeed easily.

But she also knows that there are many people living in a big city with many distractions, and it may be difficult for them to calm down.

So she prepared to use additional auxiliary means for those who failed.

"The name 'Calming Talisman' sounds like it is very useful. Come on, give us a try!"

When Paimon heard that he still had hope, he excitedly clenched his fists in mid-air and said quickly.


Shen He stood up and took out two previously made "calming charms" from the Eye of God.

They are ice-blue rectangles, as if they are made entirely of ice elements, a thin piece.

"Miss Shen He, how do you use this?"

Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Paimeng each took a "Calming Talisman" and asked.

"Just stick it on your forehead and it will take effect."

The not-so-hot sunlight shines lightly on the delicate snow-white skin exposed by the diamond-shaped cutouts on both sides of the waist and hips of Shen He's black one-piece leather jacket.

Li Qiuzhi followed Shen He's words and put the "Calming Talisman" on his forehead. It felt like he was playing a zombie.

The next second.

Sure enough, as Shen He said, the "Calming Talisman" had an effect, and a cold energy poured into his mind.

It felt like my consciousness was put into a silent refrigerator, and all kinds of distracting thoughts were quieted.

This "soothing charm" seems to have the effect of healing mental injuries, but it is overkill for just blocking distracting thoughts.

No wonder Shen He didn't take it out at first. After all, if he could do it, there was no need to waste it.

Ah, thinking this way is a bit frustrating, and it failed to live up to Shen He's expectations.

"The first step has been completed. Next, try to gather and concentrate your mental power." Shen He continued to speak to Li Qiuzhi and the others in a tone without any emotional changes.

After being able to sense mental power, this step is not difficult. After trying it a few times, everyone has done it one after another.

[Comprehended skill: Concentration 1 (1/1000)]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi knew that he had just started, and he would be able to level up as long as he invested experience points in the future.

In this way, I finally learned a skill that improves my mental strength.

"Thank you Shen He. As a thank you, is there anything you need our help with?"

Paimon learned other skills besides his natural ability to use his phantom limbs to fly magically. He seemed very happy, and then he took the initiative to thank Shen He.

This is very rare for little Paimon.

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