I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 241 Zhongli (two in one)

"Well, that's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Although Shen He taught them how to improve their mental power, it was Liuyun Jifengzhenjun's order, but of course she must remember her help when facing the actual contributor.

However, Shen He is a disciple of the Xian family and is very powerful. Due to the seal of the red rope, he has less emotions and no desires.

Therefore, there is a high probability that she will not need their help for anything.


Shen He's chest-covering short top was slightly lifted by the breeze on the mountain, and the plump and round breasts on the lower side wrapped in the black one-piece leather jacket could be seen slightly.

She lowered her head and thought for a few seconds:

"I do have some confusion and would like to consult you."

Well, it really happened. Li Qiuzhi felt that his previous guess was a bit presumptuous.

"Confused? How can you still be confused when you have an immortal master?"

In Paimon's understanding, even if the immortal is not omniscient, he should be a person of great wisdom. How come there are still questions that the immortal cannot answer.

"Master once said that although I have outstanding talents in immortality, I have also cut off all the worldly ties.

"But I am still a human being. Even if the immortal lifestyle of 'drinking morning dew in the morning and eating fairy grass in the evening' does not hinder me for the time being, it is not a long-term solution. I need to find a balance between immortals and humans.

"At that time, I also asked my master about this issue. She said that she was an immortal and she didn't understand humans. I needed to find it myself."

Shen He expressed his confusion.

"The balance between immortals and humans? What a profound question!"

Paimon, who was originally full of confidence and wanted to show off his knowledge and wisdom as the most powerful guide in Teyvat, was unexpectedly stumped.

She covered her head in distress.

"Is it because eating fairy grass nectar is not nutritious enough?" Ying asked with some doubts.

For immortals, there may be a way to "die from grains", just eat some fairy grass and nectar. Although Shen He is a disciple of the Immortal family, he may not have reached the realm of "die from grains" yet.

"That makes sense, maybe it would be nice to have two more big meals!"

When Paimon mentioned eating, a steady stream of transcendental wisdom immediately came to his mind.

"Of course that's not the case. Immortals can't only eat fairy grass and nectar, but they don't like mortal food."

Shen He shook his head in denial.

Maybe she was used to it being light, but she didn't find the big fish and meat with a lot of seasonings to be delicious.

"After all, most immortals are not human beings, so if you learn their way of life and thinking for a long time, the 'humanity' side may really fade away.

"When you see us, we might feel like ants.

"Zhenjun Liuyun probably didn't want this to happen, so he asked you to find a way to balance immortals and humans."

Li Qiuzhi relied on his understanding of the game to make a slightly possible guess.

"is that so?"

Shen He straightened his hair. She was not very clear about this, but because she lived in the mountains and forests, with only a few immortals and forest animals as companions, it was true that her personality became more indifferent and distant.

“Actually, this matter is not as difficult as imagined.

"You are living like an immortal in the mountains and wilderness, so as long as you live in Liyue Port for a while and get in touch with humans, you may be able to find a lifestyle that suits you."

Ying also gave his own suggestions.

"Well, Master and other immortals should come to Liyue Port as soon as possible to confirm whether the emperor is really dead. After the incident, I will tell Master to stay here and live for a while.

"But I don't have many acquaintances here. If you can, how about you take me around Liyue Port?"

Shen He thought for a while and said.

"Hehe, of course there is no problem. Anyway, we usually have to accept commissions. Then we can accept some commissions and complete them together!"

Paimon said constructively.

"Okay, thank you." Shen He stood on the flat stone and said calmly with a fairy spirit in every move.

[Shen He has a good impression of you and gains 180 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (10/300)]

After learning the skills to enhance mental power and making an appointment with Shen He with the King of Rocks, he took her around Liyue Port to experience the human way of life.

It's almost noon.

Li Qiuzhi and the others flew directly from Tianheng Mountain to Liyue Port using Wings of Wind, and had lunch at Wanmin Hall. Shen He said that the soup noodles made by Xiang Ling tasted good.

"I recently developed a recipe of lean meat and onions fried with slime condensation. Are you interested in trying it?"

Xiangling said with a very confident smile when they were ordering.

Although Li Qiuzhi believed in Xiangling's cooking skills, he still didn't dare to be the first to taste the new dishes, so he quickly declined.

Paimon was actually a little interested in it, ordered a plate and ate it very happily.

After lunch, Shen He left first, saying that he would go back to Qunyu Pavilion and wait for her immortals to come.

Li Qiuzhi and the others chatted with Xiang Ling who was temporarily free at Wanmin Hall.

As long as they talked about the interesting things they encountered in the process of searching for immortals.

When it was almost three o'clock, they walked towards Liuli Pavilion.

The Fool Executive and his friends should be waiting.

Liyue Harbor, Liuli Pavilion.

In front of one of the two largest and most luxurious restaurants in Liyue, even though it was afternoon time, there were many well-dressed people coming and going.

The Xin Yuexuan I went to last night was similar.

"Welcome to Liuli Pavilion. Are the three of you sitting down directly or have you made a reservation?"

The two receptionists standing at the door smiled and said to the two young adventurers and the white humanoid elf who were walking here.

"We should have someone who came here in advance to make a reservation. It's a guy with orange hair."

Paimon explained.

"Orange hair?" A male receptionist shook his head slightly, "We have a lot of people coming and going in Liuli Pavilion, and there are quite a few people with orange hair, so I don't know which one you are talking about."

"Oh, okay then, let's go in and look for it ourselves." Ying said, tapping her white chin lightly.

"Okay, come in!"

The receptionist made a please gesture.

The door was always open. When Li Qiuzhi and others walked in, they saw round tables placed in the hall. There were people sitting in many seats, and there were relatively few empty seats.

"Oops, I forgot to ask where the executive officer was sitting. How should I find him now?"

Paimon spread his hands and said.

"It's indeed a bit troublesome. I didn't see his shadow in the hall. You can't knock on the door in each room. That would be too rude." Li Qiuzhi shook his head gently.

Just when a few people were at a loss, a voice suddenly came from upstairs:

"You are finally here, haha, come up, we are on the second floor."

"Young Master", the executive officer of the Fools, was lying on the guardrail on the second floor, raising a hand to greet them.

"Wow, you finally showed up! We almost had to go back!"

Pamon said while glaring at the "Master".

"Haha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't think well enough and forgot to tell you which private room I booked in advance, so please come up, my friend is already waiting."

Dadalia rubbed the back of his head a little embarrassed and said with a smile.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi and the others stepped onto the stairs and walked up to the second floor.

There are basically various private rooms here. Maybe it’s not dinner time yet, so there are much fewer people than in the lobby on the first floor.

Soon Li Qiuzhi and the others followed the "gongzi" to a room and gently opened the door. Sitting inside was a man with short black hair and a somewhat majestic appearance in the silence.

It was like there was a calm feeling that after experiencing a lot and seeing everything in the world, nothing could catch his attention.

"Hey, hello, my friend."

Paimon said hello to this man who looked calm and elegant.

Zhong Li took a sip of tea, looked sideways at the people who entered the room, and nodded lightly:

"It seems that these few are famous travelers. I heard our hall master talk about you.

"Recently, she brought back a novelty called a bicycle. She rides it around and doesn't care about anything in the classroom. She is such a troublesome child."

"Master, bicycle? Could it be you?" A thoughtful look appeared on Ying's fair face.

"Hey, hey, don't talk to yourself. I'm your leader, okay? Let me introduce you."

Dadalia felt that she had been left out, so she quickly walked to the middle and spoke in an attempt to save face.

"Ahem." Dadalia coughed twice, then pointed at Zhongli and said, "Yes, this is Mr. Zhongli, the guest of the Rebirth Hall, who is the main person in charge of this 'Send to Immortal Ceremony'."

Then he pointed at Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng, and said: "Brother Zhongli, these two are Mr. Li Qiuzhi and Miss Ying, the honorary knights from Mondstadt, and their good partner Paimeng!"

"So he's from the Purity Hall? No wonder he knows Hu Tao."

Paimon suddenly realized.

"It seems that we have only heard of the 'Send Immortal Ceremony' today. Is this the formal channel you mentioned for meeting the Rock King?"

Ying looked at the "young master" and asked.

"That's right, those Liyue Seven Stars have been looking for the murderer all day long, and they have delayed even such an important matter as the 'fairy ceremony' until now. Even an outsider like me can't stand it anymore."

Dadalia said with a slightly regretful tone.

"So you are going to hold the 'Send the Immortal Ceremony' by yourself?" Paimon was a little confused.

"Well, don't worry, this is with the consent of Liyue Qixing, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take you to see the emperor's immortal body."

It was Zhongli who spoke, and his voice was unhurried and steady.

"I see, then what do we need to do?" Li Qiuzhi was a little tired with his hands hanging down, so he imitated and asked, clasping his hands on his waist.

"Well, this is complicated to say. Let's sit down and talk while drinking tea."

Dadalia said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi and the others sat down around the large round table. Some afternoon tea snacks were already placed on the table. It looked very exquisite and high-end. It was worthy of being a large restaurant Liuli Pavilion as famous as Xinyue Xuan.

Paimon didn't politely eat whatever he liked. Anyway, it was the fool who paid the bill.

“Because the ‘Send the Immortal Ceremony’ has not been held for a long time.

“Even in the Hall of Rebirth, we have to consult past data to restore the entire process.

"Unfortunately, I know a little bit about this, so Hall Master Hu entrusted me with the important task of 'sending the immortal ceremony'.

"The hall master has arranged for people to arrange the venue for the 'Immortal Sending Ceremony'. Now I still need a few assistants to help collect the main materials needed for the 'Immortal Sending Ceremony'."

Zhongli continued to take a sip of tea, then put the cup on the table and said.

"So I recommend you to Brother Zhongli." Dadalia sat on the chair nearby and crossed her legs to add.

"Well, besides that, I would also like to thank you for your financial sponsorship of this 'Immortal Gifting Ceremony'."

Zhongli glanced at him, and then continued calmly:

"Next, you can separate from me to collect supplies. If there is enough time, these supplies should be ready within today."

"That's no problem, so what materials do you want to collect?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded, indicating that there was no problem and he would ask again.

"Excellent Yebo stones and neon flowers, do you know how to identify their quality?"

Zhongli looked calm and did not show a smile, but no matter what he said or every other move he made, there was a feeling of spring breeze.

broken! I actually think a man is good-looking!

Li Qiuzhi quickly let the beautiful faces and graceful figures of Captain Qin, Miss Lisa, Amber, Sugar, Yura, Fischer and other girls come to mind, which diluted the idea that men are good-looking just now.

He poured himself a cup of tea calmly, took a sip, and said calmly:

"To be honest, we haven't even seen Yeboshi or Nishanghua."


Zhongli was silent for a moment:

"It doesn't matter. When you buy the night stone, just ask the boss and he will naturally show it to you.

"At that time, you can ask the boss to cut off some scraps and put them in high temperature. The brighter and bluer the Yepo stone is, the better its quality is."

"Oh, I understand, what about the colorful flowers?" Pamon nodded excitedly and then asked.

"The explanation of Nishanghua is a little complicated. To improve efficiency, let me do it."

Zhongli thought for a while and said.

They agreed to buy things and meet at the Hall of Purity. Li Qiuzhi and the others had nothing else to talk about. After having some afternoon tea and snacks, they set off to buy Yepo stones.

Li Qiuzhi remembered that in the game plot, he bought it from the shop of a fat businessman whose name he forgot at the Alchemy Platform Square.

So there's no need to ask, just head over there.

After walking for a long time, Li Qiuzhi and the others finally arrived at Alchemy Terrace Square. The sun was just setting, and the ore stall had not yet finished get off work.

Shitou, who was fanning himself out of boredom, saw several young people walking straight towards his stall.

He knew he was here for business.

So Shitou stood up and said to Li Qiuzhi and the others:

"Guests, welcome. Do you want to buy stones or gamble on stones? The stones I buy are all top quality and I will never let you suffer!"

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