I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 250 Magical Ability (please vote for me~)

"Glittery, what is this?"

The golden stars on Li Qiuzhi's hands were reflected in the pupils of Ying, Paimon and Hutao, and their pretty fair faces were also covered with a layer of brilliant golden light.

"I told you before that every time I become stronger, I may awaken some abilities."

Li Qiuzhi glanced at Ying and Paimeng and continued:

“This thing is called ‘Beacon’, and it is a derivative of my ability called ‘Interstellar Travel’.

"It can be integrated into other people's bodies, so that people with 'beacons' can sense other people with 'beacons' and communicate with them regardless of distance or transfer to that person's location."

In fact, it is equivalent to the person who owns the "Beacon" gaining the permission to borrow Li Qiuzhi's "Interstellar Travel".

"Is this thing so powerful?" Hu Tao said with some surprise, crossing his arms.

"I see, then how can we use this shiny golden thing to escape from here?"

Paimon understood, but didn't think of how to use it to escape.

"You don't want to hide yourself and run out, and let us follow you through the transfer ability of the 'beacon'."

Ying had some guesses about Li Qiuzhi's thoughts.

After all, she had been with Li Qiuzhi for so long, and she still had an understanding of his character and way of thinking.

Li Qiuzhi nodded. With his speed, as long as he became invisible, he would be able to rush out under the cover of Ying and Hutao.

"Almost, but the problem now is that after I run out, the wind element shield will no longer have elemental power to maintain.

"It can only last two or three seconds at most before it disappears naturally. You must always be ready to transfer."

Li Qiuzhi reminded.

"Well, two or three seconds is enough. So how to use this interesting thing?"

Hu Tao nodded slightly, raised his finger and tapped the light ball on Li Qiuzhi's hand, and found that there was no reaction. It was like an illusory existence, and his white fingers went directly through it.

"This requires my consent before touching it."

Li Qiuzhi opened the right to use the "Beacon" to Hu Tao, and the golden light group automatically floated up and flew towards the girl in front of him.

Under Hu Tao's surprised gaze, he slowly sank into her chest.

"Is this done?"

Hutao lowered his head slightly and looked at the position where the golden light had just disappeared. He raised his right hand and touched the clothes, but found nothing unusual.

"Yes, now you should be able to sense my location and try to move to me."

Li Qiuzhi replied with a "hmm".

Hutao heard this and tried to sense Li Qiuzhi's location. Sure enough, when she came up with this idea, Li Qiuzhi's location information appeared in her mind.

[Coordinates: thirty centimeters ahead]

At the same time, she also felt that she could initiate a conversation with Li Qiuzhi directly in her mind.

Walnut tried it curiously.

Li Qiuzhi, who was standing not far in front of Hu Tao, received her call request. After confirming his agreement, Hu Tao's voice immediately appeared in his mind.

"Hey, can you hear me?" It's very smooth, not much different from talking face to face.

You can even feel the other person's emotions more clearly.

For example, Hutao now conveys a "novel and fun" emotion, probably because it is a direct dialogue between souls.

"I heard it." Li Qiuzhi smiled and simply answered in his mind.

Hu Tao's eyes were slightly enlarged, and he could actually communicate remotely!

She tried again and moved to Li Qiuzhi. After he agreed, Hu Tao immediately disappeared from everyone's sight. At the same time, her figure appeared behind Li Qiuzhi.

"Wow, that's a pretty good ability. It seems like we do have a chance to escape."

Paimon looked at this situation and excitedly waved his fist in the air.

"Well. Without further ado, let's use that golden ball of light for us." Ying crossed her arms and nodded gently.


Li Qiuzhi took out two more "beacons" and sent them into Ying and Paimeng's bodies respectively.

Then everyone continued to spend a few minutes to experiment and become familiar with the ability of spatial transfer, which mainly involves sensing each other and moving there.

Since there are only two or three seconds left for everyone, these exercises are necessary.

Especially Paimon. She is not a combatant after all, so she may not be able to react that quickly. She must use it several times to form a conditioned reflex.

"Hey everyone, are you ready? I'm going to rush out."

Li Qiuzhi felt that his elemental power was almost exhausted. If he didn't take action, he would have no chance, so he couldn't delay it any longer.

"Don't worry, there's no problem at all."

Hutao patted his chest, and Ying and Paimon also nodded their chins solemnly. They were ready.

Li Qiuzhi nodded to express his understanding.

He turned to the left, with his body center of gravity slightly forward, in a posture ready to start, and activated the "Shadow Concealment" skill to activate the invisibility field to hide his figure.

Ying and Hutao used various elemental powers to launch attacks from above.

The target this time was not the green-eyed crows, but the fireballs they spit out, so as to protect Li Qiuzhi from being hit by the fireballs and breaking his invisibility.

The moment the two blocked the attack, Li Qiuzhi, who was invisible, temporarily opened a gap in the elemental shield and rushed out as quickly as possible.

He ran several hundred meters away in just two or three seconds.

As for the girls, after Li Qiuzhi ran away, his wind element shield also became unstable and quickly collapsed, and they were about to be hit by the green fireball.

The three of them simultaneously issued space transfer applications to Li Qiuzhi in their hearts.

Li Qiuzhi, who had been paying attention all the time, immediately agreed, and the three of them disappeared instantly.

When those green fireballs hit the ground and exploded violently, tiny sparks ricocheted to other locations, corroding pits.

When the green-eyed crows discovered that the enemy was running away under their noses, they let out an angry cry of "Quack".

And quickly spread out, looking for those human figures in the woods.

In fact, Li Qiuzhi and the others did not go very far.

Just a few hundred meters away I heard the crows flying away noisily.

The reason why they didn't notice a few people was naturally because Li Qiuzhi was seamlessly rendered invisible the moment Hutao, Ying, and Paimeng transferred over.

Crows that don't find humans have no choice but to look elsewhere.

However, Li Qiuzhi and others discovered that those green-eyed crows had deliberately left dozens of them nearby, so they could only hide temporarily.

Fortunately, his invisibility field can be maintained for a long enough time, so there is no need to worry about being discovered.

"Great, we managed to escape. When I was about to be hit by a green fireball, I was so scared that I almost couldn't react!"

Paimon said with lingering fear.

"Yes, yes." Hutao parted her lips and let out a small breath. She rarely encountered such a dangerous situation.

[Hutao has a good impression of you and gains 280 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (290/300)]

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