I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 251 Dark Qiuqiu Ballad (please vote for me~)

He hid his figure and stood under the shadow of the trees.

"With so many crow monsters appearing, even if few people from Wuwangpo come, there won't be any news at all. Hutao, do you have any clues?"

Ying looked at the green-eyed crow standing on the branch in front of him and felt a little strange.

"If one or two can be said to have migrated in from outside, but if there is any reasonable explanation for such a huge number, they probably came from the secret realm."

Hutao rested his chin and thought for a moment.

"Secret Realm!"

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised.

If it is a secret realm, it can indeed explain where those crows come from.

"How about we follow these green-eyed crows to find out where the secret realm is. If we don't deal with them, it will only be a matter of time before Wuwanpo is occupied by them."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

The reason why he wanted to find that secret realm was partly because of the above mentioned, but more importantly, it was for experience points.

I just used "Ying's Sword Intent" to defeat many green-eyed crows.

The experience points on Li Qiuzhi's character panel also experienced a crazy surge, from the previous 13,000 points to more than 97,000 now.

In other words, more than 80,000 experience points were obtained.

Li Qiuzhi had never been so wealthy, and he couldn't wait to cause trouble for those green-eyed crows again.

It would be better if he could find that secret realm, which means that a large number of experience points are waving to him!

"They do need to be dealt with, but have you forgotten how we struggled to escape just now?"

Her fair-skinned hands clenched into fists against her waist, and she rolled her eyes at him helplessly.

"Haha, you are quite enthusiastic."

Hutao hugged her chest and looked at him in surprise:

"However, let's find Glazed Lily first. We'll leave the matter of the secret realm behind. Even if we find it, we won't be able to deal with it."


Since both Ying and Hutao disagreed, Li Qiuzhi could only temporarily suppress his ungrateful thoughts just now.

Wuwangpo, the side close to Qingce Village.

When Li Qiuzhi and the others came here, they found that everyone seemed to have walked out of the gloomy area in the center, but maybe they had stayed in there for too long.

The sun in the sky outside had already set, and it was near night when the sky was dark.

"Have you reached the place you mentioned, Hutao?"

Paimon let her limbs hang down in the air. She was tired and hungry after flying for so long, and her hands and feet had no strength at all.

"Don't rush it, it's almost there"

Hu Tao responded casually. She didn't know how many times she had said this.

Could it be that she remembered the wrong place? Why hasn't she arrived in so long?

"Did you go the wrong way?"

Li Qiuzhi looked sideways at Hu Tao, with some suspicion in his eyes.

"It must be right. You have to believe me, the Hall Master!" He glared at Li Qiuzhi with walnut-like plum blossom eyes and said dissatisfiedly.

"How about we take a rest on the spot and you go look for it yourself. If you find it, use the 'beacon' to notify us and we can transfer directly to Ahli."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Hehe, yes, if you do this, I will let the little ghost possess you and make you have nightmares every day!"

Hu Tao raised the corners of his mouth and looked at him with a smile.

"Haha, just kidding, just kidding." Li Qiuzhi quickly gave in and surrendered.

Ying touched the ends of her golden hair beside her ears and ignored these two guys who were idle and looking for trouble.

She noticed that there seemed to be a small light blue flower on the weedy soil in front of her.

Yingying trotted forward, pressed her hands on her knees and leaned over to watch carefully.

It is exactly the same as the artificially planted glazed lilies in the city. There are few people here, and there is only one flower with no trace of mass planting. If nothing else, it should be wild.

"Phew, I finally found it. It seems to be exactly where it is. I didn't expect it to still be here two months later."

Hutao walked up quickly and saw the glazed lily.

"Could it be that it hasn't grown up at that time, otherwise the glazed lily shouldn't be able to grow for so long."

Paimon spread his hands and said.

"Maybe, but it hasn't bloomed yet, so it shouldn't be used in the 'Send to Immortal Ceremony' if you pick it."

Walnut said with her arms crossed.

"I remember that glass lilies should bloom at night. Let's wait here. It's almost time anyway."

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the sky, and there were already stars hanging on it.

"Yeah, I agree, let's eat and wait!" Pamon nodded in agreement.

"That's fine."

Ying and Hutao have no objection.

An hour later, Li Qiuzhi and the others also finished their dinner. It was now seven o'clock in the evening, but the glazed lilies had not bloomed yet.

Li Qiuzhi suddenly recalled that in the game plot, there was a singing part in making the wild glass lily bloom.

He thought for a while and said to a few girls:

"Which of you can sing? I seem to have heard that melodious singing helps the flowering of glass lilies. I think it's worth a try."

"Singing? I'll forget it, I've never tried it before!"

Pamon shook his head and refused.

"Humph~ This is easy, let me do it." Hutao puffed up his chest confidently, "In addition to being the master of the Rebirth Hall, I am also a quite famous poet!"

Li Qiuzhi knew that Hutao was a "dark poet of the alley style", but could she really sing?

He doubted this.

"How about you give it a try?" Li Qiuzhi ignored Hu Tao and turned his attention to the blond-haired girl.

"Hey, what's your attitude? Don't think that poets can only recite poems but not sing!"

Hu Tao looked at Li Qiuzhi dissatisfiedly with her hands on her hips.

The cool wind at night gently blew her long bifurcated back hems from behind, and they slid into the inside of a pair of snow-white soft calves with the wind.

"I haven't sung much, so let Hu Tao do it." A smile appeared on Ying's face.

"Okay, then let's ask our Hall Master Hu to show off his singing voice."

Li Qiuzhi himself is tone-deaf and can sing, but there is really nothing he can do about singing pleasant songs.

"Just listen carefully."

Hutao walked up to Liuli Lily and cleared her throat twice: "Ahem":

"Da Qiuqiu is sick, Er Qiuqiu looks at you;

“Three hills are used to gather herbs, and four hills are used to boil them;

"Five Qiuqiu is dead, Six Qiuqiu is raised~"

As expected, Hutao sang her strange "Qiuqiu Ballad", but because it was sung in a singing voice, it turned out to be surprisingly good.

Just when Li Qiuzhi had an accident.

The glass lily, which had been silent all this time, first trembled, and then its tightly closed buds opened slowly and rhythmically like ripples in the water.

Please vote for me, please read, thank you all for your support! I'm coming back a little late, and I'm updating a little late. Readers who still have unused monthly votes at the end of the month, please vote. Don't waste it. If the monthly votes exceed 1,000 this month, try to arrange additional updates. Please, the author is limited and can only do this. Thank you very much. Everyone!

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