Li Qiuzhi took Fischer's soft hands, pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead through the golden hair before introducing:

"She is a friend that Ying and I met in Liyue, and she is currently visiting our house."

"Hello, my name is Shen He. I'm sorry to bother you these days."

When Shen He heard someone talking about him, he came out of his practice state and said to the girl with the same golden hair as Ying who appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"My name is Fischer, and I am the princess from the Pure Land of Youye. Hello!"

Fischer raised his lips and nodded in response, then looked at Li Qiuzhi with contempt and stepped on his foot hard.

This hateful guy must have ideas for others!

She pushed Li Qiuzhi away with disgust, walked over and sat on the sofa. Since she was a guest at home, she naturally had to get to know him well.

Shen He glanced at Li Qiuzhi strangely, as if wondering why he was stepped on.

"Ha ha."

Li Qiuzhi smiled awkwardly and walked to the kitchen to see if he needed help. After all, preparing dinner for five people was a bit troublesome.

With two people working on it, dinner was quickly prepared and served on the table.

Pamon smelled the aroma and floated to the table to sit down.

During the meal, Ying said that he was going to rest for two days and take Shen He around Mondstadt. Naturally, Li Qiuzhi had no problem.

Just recently, I collected a lot of monster materials, so I can bring them to Sugar for her to study.

After dinner, we cleared the table, rested for a while, and after taking a shower, it was time to go to bed.

Since there were only two bedrooms, Shen He could only go to Ying's room to sleep with Paimeng, and Ying came to Li Qiuzhi's room to sleep with him and Fischer.

When Li Qiuzhi was lying between the two girls, he started to be dishonest with them.

First, he hugged them from left to right and pressed them against his body.

He just liked having a girl's soft and warm body lying on him like he was sleeping on his stomach. This was a more addictive feeling than curling up under the quilt in the cold winter.

Ying and Fischer knew that this guy wanted to be intimate with them again.

Originally, the two of them were a little unaccustomed and a little resistant, but when Li Qiuzhi, that hateful guy, reached into his clothes, groped around and kneaded them.

They also slowly couldn't help themselves.

Li Qiuzhi has a "charging body" with a large amount of energy stored in his cells, which can continuously replenish and consume the universal energy of physical strength, mental strength and "reconciliation" expertise.

The characteristics of universal energy also become more powerful as his strength becomes stronger.

Under its effect of eliminating fatigue, Ying and Fischer became more and more energetic and did not feel sleepy at all.

So the whole night passed with the three of them making out and making love.

It wasn't until three or four in the morning that everyone felt a little sleepy because the energy stored in the "charging body" had long been exhausted and the body had no replenishment.

I fell asleep with this little bit of sleepiness.

Although with the physiques of three people, it would be okay for these things to last for a whole day, but after all, we still have to exercise some restraint.

The ones who gained the most this night were Ying and Fischer.

They continuously absorbed a large amount of universal energy from "reconciliation" that was even more powerful than before, and their overall physical strength became much stronger, reaching levels 47 and 42 respectively.

This is much more efficient than exercising on your own.

After a few more attempts, it will soon be time for the next breakthrough. Of course, as they become stronger and stronger, more coordination energy will be required.

It won't always be such a high speed.

As for why Ying improved two levels more than Fischer, it probably has something to do with her own physique.

She used to be a very powerful person. Although she has lost her power now, the process of growing up again is still much faster than that of ordinary people because of her previous foundation.

It can be said that the process of her growing up again is also the process of regaining her former strength.

Nine in the morning.

Li Qiuzhi slightly overslept. Ying and Fischer were not in bed, and seemed to have already gotten up.

When he got up and went downstairs, he only saw the breakfast left for him on the table.

Then no one was there, it seemed like he had gone out.

Li Qiuzhi used the long-distance communication ability of "Interstellar Travel" to ask the girl, and when she got the answer, she, Fischer, Shen He and Paimeng all went shopping.

Seeing that he was sleeping like a pig, he didn't wake him up.

All right

Li Qiuzhi didn't care, there was nothing fun about shopping, it would only make his feet tired.

It just so happened that he was also going to find sugar today.

If they follow, they may say that they are philandering, although this is an indisputable fact.

After Li Qiuzhi finished breakfast, he went out without taking the "Moonlight Epee" with him.

It is too heavy, and the Fire Elemental Evil Eye, which can only carry ten kilograms, cannot be put down. There is no need to carry it around the market if we don't take risks today.

Moreover, his "Ying's Sword Intent" can be used without a sword.

Although this will be a little weaker in power, if you encounter any danger, it is enough to use it.

Sugar's alchemy laboratory is near the Knights.

It didn't take much time for Li Qiuzhi to run over invisibly, and he didn't attract the attention of pedestrians.

It wasn't until the door of the laboratory that he appeared and knocked on the door.

However, no one came out after waiting for a long time.

Li Qiuzhi knocked on the door again and a little harder, but still no one showed up.

Isn't it there? Li Qiuzhi thought doubtfully.

Instinctively, he wanted to use the "invisibility field" to hide the door in front of him and see what was going on inside, but then he thought about it, although Granu also had a high opinion of him.

But after all, they haven't become lovers yet, so it seems a bit inappropriate to peek at others like this.

So I knocked again and shouted twice. When there was no response, I went to the Knights to ask if Sugar had gone out to perform any mission.


Granu is concentrating on holding a glass test tube steadily and pouring the solution into a flask.

The contents of the flask were as black as clay.

The graininess is very obvious, and there is also a medicinal smell.

This is her 19th experiment to study the sixth improved type of "smear-type healing ointment", and the most critical step of the experiment is now underway.

Even the first two knocks on the door were automatically ignored by her and she didn't hear them at all.

It wasn't until he knocked on the door for the third time and heard Li Qiuzhi's voice that Su Tang's green furry ears twitched, and his original state of concentration was broken by the sound.

The test tube in his hand tipped over subconsciously.

All the green solution inside was poured into the flask with dark earth-colored ointment.

"Ugh, that's too much!"

Only then did Granu react, and he sat down on the ground as if he had lost all his strength. He parted his soft lips slightly and sighed.

I've been staying up too late lately and I'm not energetic, so the update is a bit late.

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