After continuing to wait for a while, Li Qiuzhi finally waited until Shatang, who was feeling a little depressed, opened the door of the laboratory.

"Uh, long time no see, Sugar. What's wrong?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at Shatang's somewhat depressed look, and said while restraining his happy mood.

"Ugh, you're disturbing my experiment!"

Sugar didn't want to say it at first, but the more she thought about it, the more she clenched her fists unwillingly and puffed up her fair cheeks to look at him with dissatisfaction.

"Haha, sorry."

Li Qiuzhi didn't know that Sugar was working seriously. If he had known about it in advance, this kind of accident would not have happened.

"I think you could put a 'Working, Do Not Disturb' sign on the door."

He looked away trying to avoid responsibility.

"Well, you came over here suddenly, what do you want to see me for?"

Sugar's temperament was as soft as a piece of bread and a bit shy, so she just puffed her cheeks to express her dissatisfaction and couldn't beat him.

I can only reluctantly accept the results of this experiment.

It's normal for experiments to fail anyway, just treat this one as good as the previous ones.

"Didn't I find a lot of material that you should be interested in during the adventure? I'm bringing it to you now."

Li Qiuzhi walked into the laboratory under the guidance of Sugar.

The alchemy laboratory used by the Knights to make sugar looks quite large, with all kinds of equipment available.

At the place where the observation area was written, Li Qiuzhi saw a berry tree with a single blue berry on the top of its palm.

I don’t know if the experiment was a success or a failure.

"What I'm interested in." After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Sugar's pupils behind the round half-rimmed glasses lit up slightly, "Did you find the bones of some rare creature? Please show me!"

She had asked Li Qiuzhi to help pay attention to these things before, and it seemed that he had gained something now.

"Well, don't worry, do you have somewhere to sit here?"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded. Just as he was about to take out the things, he suddenly found that the tables in the laboratory were full of things and there was no place to put them.

"Sorry, only Mr. Abedo comes here occasionally. I have used all the tables and chairs used to entertain guests."

Sugar's face turned slightly red, and he looked at the ground. His fingers in his gloves poked each other, showing his embarrassment.

"Okay, it doesn't matter. That's the experimental bench over there. Let's take the things away first and then show you the monster bones I collected."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the cute looking Sugar and smiled.

Then he saw a table a little ahead with only a glass flask and other experimental equipment.


Sugar nodded and walked to the experimental table, trying to put away the "smear-type healing ointment" that failed in the previous experiment.

But suddenly, he discovered that in the flask into which too much plant extract solution had been poured, the dark earth-colored ointment inside had undergone wonderful changes.

The ointments turned into jelly-like objects the color of grass.

Although this was not the result she expected after the experiment was successful, it did not look like the experiment failed either.

"Is there something wrong with the contents of this flask?"

Li Qiuzhi asked, feeling a little confused as he watched Sutang staring at the glass flask and thinking.

"Well, the experiment just now seems to have been successful, but it's a little different." Sugar seemed to be in a serious state, and there was no hesitation in speaking.

"Do I need to test it?"

Li Qiuzhi was a little curious about doing experiments.

The semi-transparent suspender stockings on Sugar's legs looked slightly reflective under the bright skylight that shone into the room, and the elastic band stretched out the fleshy feeling on her fair and smooth thighs.

Just the sight of her makes her feel soft.

"Of course it is needed. Many useful results are accomplished accidentally during experiments, so they must be tested rigorously."

Sugar seems to have completely put aside the initial matter of clearing the table to see what bones of rare creatures Li Qiuzhi brought.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a scientific researcher. When he is serious, he feels like a different person.

"Okay, let me be the assistant to the master of sugar alchemy for a while. Is there anything you need my help with?"

Li Qiuzhi said half-jokingly.

Why is it "half-joking", because he really thinks that Sugar can be regarded as a previous master in "bioalchemy".

Don't look at this laboratory as ordinary.

But if an outsider comes in to visit and looks at the fist-sized dandelions and head-sized sunflowers growing out of the ground, they might also feel the same way.

Moreover, these experimental projects were all completed by Sugar himself, which is really amazing.

"Ah, Mr. Adventurer, please stop making such jokes. I am still far from a true master like Mr. Abedo."

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Shatang almost quit her serious state and quickly waved her hands and said.

I didn't even mention Abedo. It seems that Sugar's ambition is not small. He actually wants to surpass Abedo in alchemy.

Li Qiuzhi saw what was in Shatang's heart from her words.

But that's right, there is no student who doesn't want to surpass his teacher in the professional field.

"If Mr. Adventurer wants to help, can you go to the cage near the window and grab a white mouse? I want to test whether these healing ointments have any effect."

Sugar put her round half-rimmed glasses on her head with her fingers, pushed them up and said.

"A guinea pig?"

Li Qiuzhi has been a bit averse to contact with small animals since he was a child, especially cockroaches and caterpillars.

See if there is no problem, even if it is only one centimeter away from you, as long as you don't really touch him, it will be fine, but if you touch him, you will only feel uncomfortable.

Will jump up in psychological discomfort.

But that shouldn't be a problem now, he has spiritual tentacles that can grab it from the air.

Li Qiuzhi walked to the window.

I found that there was indeed an iron cage containing many white mice, which was no different from what I had seen on TV.

And it can be found that Sugar usually takes good care of them and they are in good spirits.

It looked a little cute, but he still felt like he didn't want to touch it.

So he summoned a translucent tentacle that blocked sensory feedback, controlled it to reach into the cage, picked out one at random and brought it to Granu.

"Hey, what a convenient ability."

Sugar said with a little envy as she looked at the translucent tentacles holding the mouse.

For the experimenters, the help of an extra tool hand is self-evident, and they don't know if their own wind elemental power can do such a thing.

After thinking about it, Sartang realized that he was thinking too far, and quickly shook his head and said to Li Qiuzhi:

"Mr. Adventurer, can you help stun this little white rat? I'll cut a wound on its hand later. I don't want to see it in pain."

I stayed up late, missed work, and was in a bad mental state, so I forced myself to get out.

Thanks to "Duanmu Ci 10086" for the 183-coin reward!

Thanks to "Shen Xian" for the 500 coin reward!

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