I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 338 Chess and Cards (two in one)

In the afternoon.

The not too hot sunshine in autumn shines on the clear lake, evaporating a few water element molecules that cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Wisps of breeze swept across the lake, carrying the water vapor across the pavilion, making the surrounding area feel a little cooler.

Li Qiuzhi took a sip of the unknown tea, which was slightly green and bland but evocative, but since it was used by Ningguang to entertain guests, it must be very precious.

When the tea fell down his throat, the doubts in his heart rose. After hearing Ningguang's words, he felt a little confused:

"Form a chamber of commerce? Why should we form a chamber of commerce?"

Li Qiuzhi was a little confused at first, and then made some guesses.

Could it be that Ningguang felt that they might suffer a bit if they directly bought out the bicycle technology with 500 million molas, so they adopted the model of forming a chamber of commerce to operate together and then share the profits?

But in this case, earning 500 million molas is not something that can be done in a short time.

Moreover, managing a chamber of commerce is probably similar to running a company on earth. It will probably be very troublesome and there are a lot of things to do.

"I think you may have guessed it. The purpose of establishing the new chamber of commerce is to use it as the main body to deal with bicycles."

Ning Guang looked at Li Qiuzhi's thoughtful look and said with a smile.

"But I don't want to manage the Chamber of Commerce or anything like that." Li Qiuzhi explained his difficulties.

"It can be seen that you are not someone who likes such trivial matters. I want to form a chamber of commerce with you not just for bicycles, but because I see business opportunities from you and Ying."

Ning Guang, wearing long black sleeves, elegantly picked up the tea cup and took a sip.

"Oh? You mean that"

Could it be that Ning Guang is interested in other otherworldly technologies besides bicycles that he and Ying possess?

Otherwise, apart from this, where would they get any business opportunities?

It can only be said that he is worthy of Ning Guang. As a big businessman, his vision is indeed sharp. No matter how much money he makes from bicycles, they are just a product, but Li Qiuzhi has many insights from another civilization in his mind.

Ying has traveled to many worlds and seen more civilizations.

Their knowledge and experience, which is different from that of Teyvat, is a more valuable asset, and it is an endless supply!

"Yes, I want to cooperate with you. If you and Ying don't want to participate in the management of the chamber of commerce, then you can just provide knowledge, technology or ideas. Everything else can be left to me."

Ning Guang briefly stated his thoughts.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it carefully. If this was really the arrangement, it would be a good idea and would not hinder his daily experience points or getting along with girls.

Just reproduce various products that Teyvat doesn’t have when you have time.

"Well, this method of cooperation is indeed good. Then how many shares of this chamber of commerce do Ying and I hold?"

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Since he thought it was good, he didn't try to be mysterious. As long as the Mora he finally got was suitable, he would agree!

"Haha, I have always believed that shopping malls are battlefields, and there are many things that can be deceitful and deceptive. For the sake of profit, no matter what is discussed, it must be made difficult.

"Every family has a young and old, this won't work and that won't work, all kinds of ridiculous reasons will be given.

"It's rare to see Mr. Li Qiuzhi so happy."

A smile appeared on Ningguang's fair face, and she liked Li Qiuzhi even more.

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (480/500)]

What a joy, he just doesn't understand this. Anyway, based on his understanding of Ningguang, a person with a lofty ideal like her will definitely not do something like deceiving herself for a little profit.

In this case, it is better to act like you have full trust in her, so as to gain favor.

When the favorability level is higher, maybe Li Qiuzhi can hold her legs and say - Sister Ningguang, I don't want to work hard anymore.

Ugh, how could I have such depraved thoughts.

Li Qiuzhi quickly put it away from his mind. People still have to work hard on their own.

"Well, since you said that, I'll be more direct.

“If you only provide technical knowledge and do not participate in other work of the chamber of commerce, then you can hold 30% of the shares of this chamber of commerce.

"If we participate more deeply in the operation and management of the chamber of commerce, this number can be increased to 50%. What do you think?"

Ning Guang thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts that he had already planned.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and found that this share ratio was quite reasonable. It could be said that Ningguang took better care of them.

After all, they only provide technical knowledge, and Ningguang will be responsible for establishing the chamber of commerce and all future production matters, so she naturally wants more.

Even the initial capital of the Chamber of Commerce was condensed.

He didn't think that he and his daughter's combined net worth of several million Moras could allow the Chamber of Commerce to operate for a few days.

So Li Qiuzhi nodded and said:

"Thirty percent is enough, that's it. As for participating in the work of the Chamber of Commerce, you know I really don't want to be in such trouble."


Ning Guang was silent for a moment.

It was rare for her to negotiate such a major cooperation matter so quickly. Should I say that Li Qiuzhi was ambitious or out of trust in herself.

"Okay, I have prepared all the relevant documents for the establishment of the Chamber of Commerce. After the approval process is completed, we can build a factory to produce bicycles as soon as possible.

"For the relevant contract documents, just sign yours first. You can also wait until she comes back from Dao Wife before signing."

Ningguang was naturally very happy to see things going so smoothly.

"No need to go to such trouble, I'll let her come back now."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

Then he used the ability of "interstellar travel" to contact Ying again, who was far away on the sea, and asked her to come back and sign a contract. Anyway, with Paimon over there, it would be easy for her to teleport back.

Therefore, Ying quickly appeared next to Li Qiuzhi.

Seeing Ying suddenly appear quietly, Ning Guang was also a little surprised. This space transfer ability did not seem to cause any space fluctuations or abnormalities.

Even she didn't notice anything in advance. It can only be said that it is a miraculous ability of a stranger.

Ningguang didn't waste time and directly took out the contract document that had been drawn up in advance and handed it to Li Qiuzhi and Ying.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying took a brief look at it and signed after confirming that there was no problem.

It doesn’t matter if there are any text traps, the main thing is trust.

"This is the first time I've seen people talking about business like this." Hutao on the side said a little speechlessly, "Speaking of which, whatever chamber of commerce you form must have a name. Hehe, would you like my hall master to help you come up with one?"

"Well, let me listen to your thoughts. Actually, I think it's good to call it 'Zhiyuan Chamber of Commerce'. Not only does it have a word in my name, but it also means high ambitions."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, and then said excitedly.

Ying crossed her arms and gave him a disgusted look:

"This name is too common, we might as well call it 'Tiantian Flower Merchant Guild'."

"Haha, Hall Master Hu is a great poet, so he must be able to choose a more meaningful name."

Ning Guang covered her mouth and looked at Hu Tao with a smile.

"Hehe, this is natural, okay! Here comes my inspiration. On one side you are a stranger from outside the starry sky, and on the other side you are the Tianquan Star of the Seven Stars of Liyue. Both of them are related to the 'star', so why not call it the 'Star Chamber of Commerce' !”

Hu Tao held her chest with her left hand, touched her chin with her right hand and thought for a while, then clapped her palms and nodded to herself.


Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Ningguang were all a little silent when they heard Hu Tao's name.

How should I put it? If I didn’t know that it was the master of the Rebirth Hall who started it, and if others saw it, they would think it was a child who said it casually.

"Well, I think the 'Sweet Flower Merchant's Guild' is better. Don't worry about it, let's just do this. Plants like the sweet flower can bloom all over the Teyvat continent tenaciously.

"It's the same reason to use it as the name of a chamber of commerce. I think our chamber of commerce will be able to open all over Teyvat!"

Li Qiuzhi made a final decision.

This is also very casual! Ningguang closed his eyes and sighed.

Forget it, we finally reached a cooperation plan with the two strangers, so the name doesn't matter.

As long as there is knowledge and technology from another world, there is no need to worry about the Chamber of Commerce not being able to develop.

Logically speaking, as a big businessman, she is not short of money at all. As for why she must cooperate with two strangers to establish a chamber of commerce, it is nothing more than the same sentence:

——Nothing is too much for Mora.

Ning Guang was in a good mood, the corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said with a smile:

"We have agreed on such a big matter, so we can't help but celebrate. Let me entertain you all at the Xinyue Pavilion tonight."

[Ningguang has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (300/600)]

"Oh, since it's Master Ningguang's banquet, I have to go."

Li Qiuzhi saw that the favor reminder came again, his eyes lit up and he said subconsciously.

"Well, I'll ask Paimon to come over then. She's most interested in eating big meals and stuff."

Ying nodded slightly and smiled.

There is no way to "travel between the stars". Although it is wonderful, one person must be left on the boat. Otherwise, if both of them return to Liyue Port, the boat ride these days will be in vain.

"How can such a lively event be without this Hall Master!"

Hutao patted her slightly barren chest, raised her white chin and said.

"Haha, this is natural."

Ningguang smiled and nodded, stood up with her knees straight, and her long, silky platinum hair fell along her back to her white calves. She said:

"Let Baiwen and the others make arrangements now."

After Yue Haiting and Ningguang agreed on cooperation matters.

Everyone continued to chat about the products that the "Tiantian Flower Merchant Association" will launch in the future in addition to bicycles.

First of all, these products are naturally easy to reproduce, mainly because they are too difficult, such as textile machines, steam trains, etc. Li Qiuzhi can only provide an idea.

He is just an ordinary person on earth, and he has no time to understand the specific principles of these things.

And it’s not good to move too fast.

"By the way, I often travel between Mondstadt and Liyue Port, and I found that everyone's usual entertainment after work is to go to the pub to drink and chat.

"Adventurers are the most common among them. It is not good for your health to relieve stress in this way. How about bringing some board and card games from my world over here?

“The fact that they can endure for a long time in our area proves that many people like them.

"I think it should be popular even in Teyvat. Moreover, it is much simpler to produce than bicycles and the cost is not high. There will be a lot of profits on the premise of shipping in large quantities."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

"Chess and card games? There are some chess and card games in Liyue, but they are all tepid. Either the rules are too complicated and the cost of learning is too high to become popular, or the price is too high to become popular.

"If your chess and card games can solve these two pain points while still having enough gameplay, then there will indeed be a good market."

Ningguang folded his arms and nodded gently.

"In that case, let me introduce them to you first. You and Ying can make a sample using rock elements according to my description and try it out."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and introduced in detail the popular playing cards, chess and mahjong on earth.

These things are relatively educational, and the learning cost is not high. Playing them on a daily basis can really relieve stress.

Of course, the prerequisite is not to bet on Maura, otherwise you will really fall into a sea of ​​misery, and your family will be destroyed, not far away.

If people buy into them after they are launched on the market, then Ningguang must be reminded to crack down on casual gambling on Mora.

He allows these puzzle and card games to appear, just for people to have more entertainment activities, and they are not poisoning society!

Of course, there seems to be a gambling house in Liyue, so some things may be unavoidable.

After all, "gambling" makes money very quickly, and many people are very enthusiastic about it. Even if there is no poker or mahjong, people already have other gambling equipment.

So there is no need to pay too much attention.

Just don't let this trend prevail.

Soon, under the guidance of Li Qiuzhi, Yinghe Ningguang also easily reproduced them using rock elements.

Then there happened to be four people present, so we could try out the mainstream games of mahjong and poker, and we could also play chess in pairs.

After some trial play.

Everyone was really amazed by their entertainment effects, especially Hu Tao, who has a playful nature, and soon became addicted to them after playing.

It can be seen that they are also likely to become popular when they come to Teyvat.

Ning Guang is a person who is very keen on business opportunities. After experiencing them all, he knows that it is only a matter of time before they become popular.

She thought for a long time.

After confirming that their appearance was generally beneficial to society, the decision was quickly made to produce them in small batches for sale.

Test the market response and increase production if sales are good.

Li Qiuzhi was also very happy. After all, only when the chamber of commerce made money did he get Mora's dividends.

A few people played poker, mahjong and chess all afternoon, and they didn't stop playing until dark. Maybe it was because they hadn't played for a long time, and even Li Qiuzhi found it novel and played a few more games.

In the evening, Ying teleported back to the Omen of Death and asked Paimeng to come over and have a feast at Crescent Pavilion with everyone.

Little Paimon was very happy about this!

I'm almost tired of eating fish every day on the boat. Travelers love me so much. I always call her when there's a big meal.

Li Qiuzhi heard little Paimon's complaint and looked at her speechlessly. Since he was tired of eating fish, wouldn't it be nice to teleport him back for a change.

Little Paimon was stunned when he heard this.

Then she was a little annoyed that Li Qiuzhi didn't remind her earlier!

Seeing little Paimon stamping his feet in anger, Ning Guang and Hu Tao couldn't help but smile.

Not long after, the banquet for only a few people ended, and everyone returned with satisfaction.

Ning Guang will take care of the business of the Chamber of Commerce, so there is no need for Li Qiuzhi to worry about it. Then he is also planning to go to the Death Omen Star tomorrow. According to Ying, there are quite a lot of monsters on the sea.

He also wanted to gain experience points.

It's still a little late. It took a while to modify it. Sorry, I will be on time tomorrow!

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