"I was passing by and was going to the snowy mountains to find Albedo. Who are you?"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and asked casually.

"Oh, that Chief Alchemist."

Barbara nodded slightly. Albedo's name was still very loud. Everyone in Mondstadt had heard of it:

"I went to support the other nuns and priests in the church, while Miss Rosalia protected me in the snowy mountains."

"Support? What happened?"

Li Qiuzhi asked doubtfully while walking.

“A large avalanche occurred near the Snow Capital. It is said that many adventurers were trapped and many others were injured.

"So everyone from the West Wind Church went to help treat the wounded, but there was not enough manpower, so I asked Rosalia to bring me over immediately."

Barbara explained a few things briefly.

"I see."

Li Qiuzhi nodded thoughtfully. After all, he was in a snow-capped mountain, and avalanches were common.

Hopefully not too many people were hurt.

He thought for a while and said:

"It happens to be on the way. Let me take you to fly up. After all, climbing a snow-capped mountain is not easy."

Rosalia, who was folding her arms and putting her arms under her chest, glanced at Li Qiuzhi and said nothing. When Barbara heard the Honorary Knight saying that she wanted to help, she clenched her white little fists and said in surprise:

"Really! Will it be troublesome?"

Normally, Barbara might be afraid of troublesome others, so it would be okay if she took a few more steps.

But now we are going to rescue the wounded. Arriving earlier can save them from suffering.

Therefore, I had no choice but to trouble the honorary knight.

"Small problem. You spread out the wings of wind, and it's not difficult for me to control the wind elements and fly up together."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face.


Barbara nodded heavily, her pale golden twin tails and the hem of her white off-shoulder dress swaying.

"Okay, finish things early and get off work early."

Rosalia summoned the Wings of Wind and couldn't help but yawn slightly.

Unlike orthodox nuns, she usually works at night, and her job is to patrol the city and clean up and arrest some suspicious people.

According to her own words: In a happy and boring city like Mondstadt, someone has to do the dirty work.

All in all, the responsibility is quite heavy.

Besides, working the night shift, I would be a little sleepy during the day. It would be really dangerous if Barbara hadn’t come to the snowy mountains alone, and Sister Victoria’s request.

She didn't want to come to a snowy mountain in broad daylight. Wouldn't it be better to fish in the church?

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Rosalia."

Barbara's fair and lovely face showed a healing smile, and ordinary citizens would have cheered and screamed.

Unfortunately, Rosalia is obviously not interested in this.

Li Qiuzhi did not like this. Seeing Barbara's smile felt warm both physically and mentally even in the cold snowy mountains.

He quickly inflated the wind field, and everyone took off on the updraft, and then was propelled forward by the wind element.

The oncoming wind and snow were also blocked by the wind element.

Flying is much faster than walking slowly up the snow-capped mountains, and we successfully arrived at the place where the avalanche occurred in less than half an hour.

Looking from the top down, we can see that a large section of the road has been buried by heavy snow. There are several tents pitched in the areas not covered by snow, and there are people coming and going. It seems that they should be temporarily housing the injured.

Li Qiuzhi led the two of them down slowly, and the position was right in front of the tents.

At this time, a nun from the West Wind Church walked out of the tent. When she saw Barbara finally arriving, her eyes brightened slightly:

"Barbara, you're here!"

"Yes, Miss Scolin, how is the situation now?"

The cold wind on the mountain slightly blew the hem of Barbara's skirt, and only the calves and the lapel boots of her legs in white stockings were exposed.

“Well, for unknown reasons, an avalanche suddenly occurred on the nearby mountain.

"Three adventure groups, totaling more than 20 people, who were exploring nearby were affected.

“Fortunately, the Adventurers Association’s rescue was timely and everyone was rescued, but most of them suffered serious injuries.

"They have seriously injured their organs. The healing magic we have is not enough to cure them, so we can only ask Miss Barbara to come."

The nun named Scolin explained.

"An avalanche occurred due to an unknown reason? Well, among those adventure groups affected by the avalanche, was Benny's Adventure Group?"

Li Qiuzhi couldn't help but ask after hearing what the young nun said.

If Bennett is nearby and encounters an accident for no reason, there must be only one truth: his bad luck has struck.

"That unfortunate adventurer Mr. Bennett was not present."

Scolin shook his head and said.

"Well, it seems to be a normal accident." Li Qiuzhi nodded lightly.

By the way, although Bennett was not here and was not affected by the avalanche, he probably encountered other dangerous things elsewhere.

After all, his destiny seat "Danger Road Seat" has the same negative effects as Lisa's "Hourglass Seat", but it also has a very strong positive effect.

For example, no matter how many dangers Bennett encounters, he will eventually save himself from danger.

I remember before time travel, when doing daily tasks in the Xumi area, I would meet a person who couldn't catch any fish, but could always catch other things.

I guess he also has some weird destiny seat.

"Mr. Honorary Knight, thank you for bringing us up. Miss Scolin and I will go to treat the injured adventurer first."

Barbara understood the situation and did not waste time. It was important to treat the wounded, but she expressed her gratitude to Li Qiuzhi before leaving.

[Barbara becomes fond of you and gains 240 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (200/300)]

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi smiled.

Barbara and Sister Scolin walked into the tent, and Rosalia, who had been observing the surroundings with her arms folded and looking dull and bored, followed them in.

Then a favorability reminder popped up:

[Rosalia has a good impression of you and gains 200 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (100/200)]

Just bringing the two of them up was enough to gain favorability points. Do you want to take them with you again when they come down the mountain?

Li Qiuzhi looked at the mountain where the avalanche occurred and thought to himself.

Just when he was about to look back, he suddenly vaguely saw a figure on the mountain. It seemed to be Albedo?

Li Qiuzhi had excellent eyesight and could distinguish people on the mountain.

Isn't this a coincidence? He was the one whom Abedo called to come to Xueshan through Captain Qin. Li Qiuzhi was slightly surprised, then spread out his wings of wind and flew towards Abedo on the mountain.

I just have a little doubt in my heart, why is Albedo here?

Could it be that after learning about the avalanche, you came here to see if there was anything you needed help with?

Snow Burial Capital, on the top of the mountain on the left side of the mountain road.

"Hi, Abedo, I heard you were looking for me?"

Li Qiuzhi came to the top of the snow-covered mountain and said to Abedo who seemed to have turned around and was about to leave.

Abedo was silent for a while, turned around and nodded:

"I didn't expect you to come here so soon. You go to the camp first. I still have some alchemy-related materials to collect. I'll tell you the details when I get back."

"Uh okay."

Li Qiuzhi was stunned for a moment. He suddenly felt that this Abedo was a little strange, and something was wrong.

He looked towards Albedo's neck, and there was no golden star mark there.

Li Qiuzhi was silent for a moment. If he remembered correctly, the person in front of him seemed to be the fake Abedo in the Snow Mountain plot.

It is the same "gold" work as Albedo.

But because of his flaws, he was fed to Dulin. The demon dragon Dulin died in the snowy mountains for hundreds of years and only recently woke up.

When the fake Abedo saw that his "brother", the real Abedo, was living so well, he wanted to become like him and try to replace him.

But he also felt that the golden star mark that was born on Albedo's neck was flawed and was proof of imperfection.

Therefore, this mark was not added when he became Albedo.

So Li Qiuzhi could easily tell that this was a fake Abedo. He didn't meet him last time he came to the snow mountain, but he did meet him this time.

Fake Abedo felt a little irritated when he saw Li Qiuzhi holding his chin and lowering his head in deep thought, not leaving or talking.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have killed him long ago!

But some time ago, the fake Abedo saw this man fighting Du Lin, and knowing that he couldn't afford to offend him, he could only hope that he would leave quickly!

Li Qiuzhi didn't know the fake Abedo's inner thoughts, and he was thinking about how to deal with this guy.

It would definitely not work to just let him go, nor would it work to kill him. After all, he was Albedo's "brother."

In the end, Li Qiuzhi thought of the most suitable way, which was to just knock him unconscious and bring him over to Abedo to deal with him. In this way, he could gain experience points without having to worry about how to deal with him.

Thinking like this, Li Qiuzhi's pupils gradually turned golden and looked at the fake Abedo:

[Level: seventy-two]

He was only level seventy-two, which was much worse than Abedo. He didn't talk nonsense to the fake Abedo, and translucent tentacles appeared quietly behind him.

Give the fake Albedo a slap on the back of the head!


The substantial mental shock caused him to faint without any resistance, and he didn't even react.

Li Qiuzhi felt that he could easily kill beings below level 80 or those with no breakthrough at level 80.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 11592 experience points. 】

More than 10,000 experience points, not bad. Li Qiuzhi smiled when he saw the prompt that popped up on the character panel, then rolled up the fake Abedo with his spiritual tentacles and flew to Abedo's snow mountain camp.

After blocking the cold icy wind, it didn't take long for Li Qiuzhi to arrive at the snow mountain camp.

The first thing I saw was the demon dragon Dulin outside the camp. At this time, its body had become much larger and its appearance was quite majestic. It was probably returning to its former form.

"It's you, the little one who beat me up!" Du Lin shouted casually as he watched Li Qiuzhi arrive.

This guy seems to have regained a little bit of his former majesty because of his increased size, and his mentality has begun to expand. He actually dares to call him a little boy.

Well, from the dragon's point of view, he was really small, so Li Qiuzhi didn't care about it.

"Albedo, look what gift I brought you?"

Li Qiuzhi walked into the camp with a smile and said to Abedo inside.

"Knight of Honor, I'm asking you to come and help me. You don't need to bring any gifts."

Abedo looked at Li Qiuzhi and smiled, and then he was slightly stunned when his eyes moved to the figure behind him caught with his spiritual tentacles.

"He looks exactly like you. He is indeed your brother. He seemed to have caused an avalanche to attack some adventurers."

Li Qiuzhi placed the fake Abedo in front of Abedo and briefly explained the situation.

"I probably know what's going on. My alchemy notes disappeared a few days ago. He must have taken them secretly. Xuebeng may be him practicing alchemy."

Abedo looked at the sleeping person on the ground who looked exactly like him, and briefly explained the identity of the fake Abedo.

"Well, your 'brother' has quite a bad character, so you should discipline him properly. Fortunately, no one died because of this."

Li Qiuzhi said speechlessly.


Abedo also did not want to kill his "brother". He believed that the fake Abedo just had extreme ideas for a while and tried to replace him.

But it’s not impossible to change his mind with a little discipline.

"If you really don't want to, I have the ability to restrain his behavior." Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.

Of course he was talking about "Command Seals".

"This will definitely arouse his rebellious psychology. Let me try it first."

Abedo shook his head and said.

"That's right." Li Qiuzhi nodded indifferently. Anyway, with Abedo in the fake Abedo, there won't be any trouble.

He turned to ask about business:

"Captain Qin said that you want to study how to get to the beast realm. Have you made any progress? What help do you need from me?"

"Hold on."

Abedo nodded and temporarily used the rock elemental power to tie up the fake Abedo to prevent him from waking up and running away again.

After finishing it and instructing Du Lin to keep an eye on the fake Abedo, Abedo left the camp with Li Qiuzhi and went to the space crack found inside Longji Snow Mountain.

With Abedo leading the way, it didn’t take much time.

The spatial rift is located in a cave inside the snow-capped mountains. The beast-level monster that appears here is a bear-like monster that Li Qiuzhi has never seen before, and its body is also black.

It doesn't look easy to mess with.

However, at this time, they were all restricted around the space cracks by the seals created by Abedo using alchemy and rock elemental power.

Abedo and Li Qiuzhi stood outside the seal. He thought for a while and said:

"The way to go to the Beast Realm is actually not difficult. Those Beast Realm monsters come out of the space cracks and can also return through the space cracks.

"If we can pass through the space cracks, we should be able to reach the beast realm."

Abedo's words were easy to understand, and Li Qiuzhi naturally understood them too. He guessed, "So are you encountering difficulties in passing through the space cracks?"

"Yes, this kind of golden space crack has extremely powerful 'corrosion' power. At present, except for beast-level monsters, nothing can resist it."

Abedo nodded and said.

"Hey, hey, you don't want me to go, that's impossible." Li Qiuzhi's eyes widened and he immediately refused.

What a joke, with a power that can even erode the borders of the world, how could he take risks!

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