I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 378 Beast Realm from Another World (Two in One)

Chapter 378 Different World·Beast Realm (Two in One)

The "erosive" power that can erode the boundaries of the world, and the "elemental immunity" that Li Qiuzhi is proud of are useless against it.

After all, only "elements" are exempt.

A "charged body" may be able to absorb this energy, but it has an upper limit for absorption and may not be able to last long in a space crack with very strong corrosive power.

In addition, Li Qiuzhi's body's own defensive power is not weak, but it cannot be compared with the "border of the world".

So of course not taking any chances!

He always does things with the safety of himself and those around him in mind, except when absolutely necessary.

Abedo shook his head gently:

"Of course I won't let you go there in person. Even if you use alchemy to create a rock a hundred times harder than steel, the power there can only last for a second or two."

"Uh, is it so scary? How can I help?"

Li Qiuzhi asked again.

“I previously killed the beast realm monster and used alchemy to refine its body into a leather sheath before it disappeared and put it on a Qiuqiu man, allowing it to walk into the space crack.

"But because I can't observe the subsequent situation and I don't know whether the experiment is successful, so I want to try it with your avatar this time."

Abedo said to Li Qiuzhi.

Incarnations can generally share senses with the main body, and Li Qiuzhi's avatar is so powerful that he doesn't have to worry about being torn apart by monsters on the opposite side, so it's perfect for experimenting with it.

"Leather case? Is there such an operation?" Li Qiuzhi looked surprised.

There are always more solutions than problems. As expected of a scholar, his thinking is quick.

"This method is really good. I feel like I can try it."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

"The Sword God of Ying" is just a spiritual incarnation. If it is destroyed, it will only have a slight mental backlash. It can be summoned again after taking a rest.

"Well, if I'm sorry to bother you, Knight of Honor, I'll prepare a leather sheath for a beastly monster for you now."

Abedo was also looking forward to whether the experiment would be as he expected. He immediately killed the two beast-realm demon bears in the seal and instantly refined them into leather holsters.

The appearance has not changed, it is just a larger demon bear, and the inside is enough to fit the "Sword God of Ying".

"That's it."

Abedo also thoughtfully added a zipper to the leather case. When you open the leather case, you can see a layer of velvet inside. It really looks like an ordinary leather case and does not look like it is made of corpses at all.

Li Qiuzhi also cooperated by summoning the "Sword God of Ying" and putting on the Beast Realm Demon Bear leather sheath.

A little heavy, but overall it feels pretty good.

"Abedo can open the seal." Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and walked forward.

Abedo nodded after hearing this. While he was paying attention to preventing those beast-realm demon bears from coming out, he opened a slight gap in the seal to let the "Sword God of Ying" in.

Those beast-level demon bears seemed to feel a little strange looking at this companion who was obviously one size larger than them. They felt that there was something wrong with it but it also had the aura of their companion.

When they were hesitating about what to do, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and successfully arrived in front of the golden space crack.

Then he didn't hesitate and walked in directly.

It was extremely dark inside the space crack. There was nothing underfoot to touch, so I could only use my mental power to fly. Except for the clearly visible entrance behind, everything above, below, left, and right was pitch black and void.

It gives people the feeling that they don’t know how to go at all.

"Because of the protection of the leather sheath, the corrosive power inside did not affect my incarnation, but I don't know which way to go for the time being."

Li Qiuzhi spread his hands and said helplessly.

Inside the space crack, it feels like you are in the deep space of the universe. There is no distinction between the front, back, left, and right. If you run around at will, you will probably get lost.

"Well, it looks like the first step of the experiment was successful!"

Abedo didn't pay attention to the situation inside for the time being. Instead, he focused on the fact that the leather sheath could indeed withstand the erosion of power inside.

This proved that his idea was not wrong.

"That is indeed the case, and it may be because the space crack is no longer Teyvat, and the leather cases made from the corpses of monsters in the beast realm show no signs of disappearing."

Li Qiuzhi crossed his arms and said with a smile.

It is indeed gratifying that the experiment has made progress. Now that the most important problem of "erosion" power has been solved, the next step is to find the direction inside the space crack.

The direction to the beast realm.

"This problem is not difficult. You let your avatar stay behind the space crack for the time being. Those beast-realm demon bears can't find much to eat here, so they will take turns returning to the beast-realm. Just follow them later."

Abedo said with a smile.

After studying and observing these beast-realm demon bears for so long, he still has some understanding of their habits.

Li Qiuzhi nodded. No wonder Abedo didn't think it was a difficult problem. Could it be solved with such a simple method? Use the Beast Realm Demonic Bear as a guide.

He felt that if he thought about it a little, he should be able to come up with this simple and practical method.

After the "Sword God of Ying" waited quietly for a while behind the crack in space, as Abedo said, two beast-realm demon bears also came in through the crack.

They were also startled when they saw Li Qiuzhi guarding behind, but they didn't pay attention after sensing the aura of their companion.

Li Qiuzhi quickly controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to follow them.

And there are subtle golden dots left every one meter along the way. These are Li Qiuzhi's sword intentions. In this way, some road signs are set up. Whether you come back later or come back later, you don't have to worry about getting lost.

About half an hour passed.

When the golden road signs left by Li Qiuzhi formed a winding line up and down, he finally saw another space crack following the two beast-realm demon bears.

This must be the entrance to the beast realm.

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" not to act rashly, and continued to follow the two beast-realm demon bears unhurriedly.

Unable to detect the passage of time in the dark and empty space, Li Qiuzhi looked at his pocket watch. A few more minutes passed, and the "Sword God of Ying" finally came to the crack in space.

The two Beast Realm Demon Bears flew in naturally as if they were going home, and the same was true for the "Sword God of Ying".

The sky was red and gray, like an apocalyptic world at dusk.

The "Sword God of Ying", wearing a beast-realm demon bear holster, walked out of the space crack and saw such a scene. It was surrounded by a desolate rocky desert, and a gentle blow of the wind would stir up a large amount of red sand.

The most concerning thing is the group of beast-realm demon bears here.

Surprisingly, there are not many in number, only about five or six hundred, but their strength is pretty good, with an average of around level 50 or 60 like those over the snow mountain.

There are also people in their 70s and 80s.

It's just that there is one particularly strong person who has been excluded from the statistics.

This beast-level demonic bear is at least two stories tall. Its dark body has golden lines, and the hard ridges on its head look very serious.

In fact, it is leaning leisurely against the mountain wall.

He smacked his lips without knowing what he had just eaten, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

If Li Qiuzhi guessed correctly, this giant bear should be the king beast of this beast realm demon bear race.

Through the golden sin-destroying eye, you can see that its level is as high as ninety-three, which is similar to many demon-god-affiliated characters.

Li Qiuzhi observed around the Demonic Bear territory in the Beast Realm, but found nothing special.

He told Abedo about the situation here.

As for immediately "surging up and hurting the bear" to gain experience points, this is not possible for the time being.

When he came over, Abedo specifically told him not to make a big fuss when encountering the monsters on the opposite side.

I am afraid that they will be scared away, and there will be no monsters to maintain the space cracks, so they will not be able to come over later.

"A desolate world," Albedo rested his chin in thought.

He still knew too little about the world over there. The scenery Li Qiuzhi saw in the Demon Bear Territory was not enough to fully judge what was going on there.

However, the first step of the "Beast Realm Anti-Invasion Plan", the "smuggling into the Beast Realm" experiment, was considered a success.

Li Qiuzhi's avatar did successfully get there through the leather sheath, and no accidents occurred. It just needs to be verified a few more times to prevent the possibility that Li Qiuzhi can let the avatar pass through.

Of course, he was 80% sure that there was no problem. The reason why he tried again was due to the need of a scholar's rigorous thinking.

"Now that I have successfully passed, what are you going to do next?"

Li Qiuzhi asked.

“Our purpose is to clean up the monsters on the other side of the beast realm so that they cannot invade Teyvat. After confirming that the leather sheath is also effective on other people, we can go there and start the operation.

"As an honorary knight, you can explore the surroundings and learn about the nearby terrain, monster conditions, danger levels, etc."

Abedo thought for a while and said.

This is exactly what Li Qiuzhi thinks. After all, you can't come back without doing anything after all.

You can't make big noises in the Demon Bear Territory to gain experience points, but there should be no problem in other places further away.

"Yes, yes." Li Qiuzhi agreed.

"Let's get out of here first. I still need to prepare well for the subsequent experiments."

Abedo said.

Li Qiuzhi had no objection. He followed Abedo back to the snow mountain camp and controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to leave the Demon Bear territory in the beast realm.

The "Ying Sword God" wearing a magic bear leather sheath walked around in the magic bear territory without attracting too much attention.

Among the magic bears here, in addition to lying down and resting, some are also eating.

Li Qiuzhi was also familiar with what he was eating - it was a beast-realm hound. It seemed that beast-realm monsters of different races should have a hostile relationship.

In addition to the hounds in the beast realm, Li Qiuzhi also saw some plants that were similar to cactus, but they were red. The demon bears ate them as fruits, and they had milk-like liquid inside.

After arriving outside the Demon Bear territory, you can see scattered Demon Bears patrolling nearby, or returning after finding food.

Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and followed a demon bear that was probably out hunting. It seemed to be one of the bears that came back from the snow-capped mountains.

When you are far away from the territory, no monsters in the territory will notice it.

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" and slapped the demon bear to death, gaining more than 1,900 to less than 2,000 experience points. Then he flew high into the sky and observed the surroundings in a gazing manner.

It was surrounded by a scene of red sand and dust, with cliffs and hills, but maybe it was because the scene was single, and no abnormalities or other monster groups were found.

There is a small black spot far to the left, which was the Demon Bear territory just now.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and decided to fly around the Demon Bear's territory, exploring in a circle to see if he would encounter other beast-level monsters on the way.

Half an hour passed.

I roughly observed the thirty kilometers around the Demon Bear's territory in the sky while flying.

In the end, it was discovered that there was only one monster territory around.

It seems that the beast realm is not all full of monsters. Li Qiuzhi thought before that the beast realm was full of beast hounds, beast crows, snakes and the like.

Just when he was a little disappointed, he suddenly caught a glimpse of several Beast Realm hounds in front of him, working together to attack a Beast Realm Demonic Bear.

[Level: fifty-six]

[Level: fifty-eight]

[Level: fifty-three]

These are the levels of several hounds, and the level of the demon bear is sixty-two.

Well, no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat. Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" in a leather sheath to summon his golden long sword, and casually cut off a streak of sword energy on them.

The sword energy instantly ignored the distance of hundreds of meters and directly cut several monsters in half horizontally. There was no doubt that they were all dead.

[Defeat 4 powerful enemies and gain 9082 experience points. 】

The character panel sent timely prompts without delay, and more than 9,000 experience points were not bad.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at the column of experience points on the character panel:

[Experience Points: 88476]

There are still a few hundred experience points left to reach level 90. That’s it for today’s exploration. Return to the Demon Bear Territory immediately!

Then sneakily kill a demon bear, isn't that enough experience!


Li Qiuzhi, who had already returned to the snow mountain camp, laughed inadvertently. Abedo, who was training the fake Abedo, and Du Lin, who was eating snow pig outside, both looked at him strangely.

Is this guy thinking about something funny?

The fake Albedo looked at him even more angrily. If it hadn't been for this guy, he wouldn't have been caught by Albedo. He would have been given a few more days to learn Alchemy from Albedo.

He can definitely replace Albedo!

Li Qiuzhi ignored their gazes, and the "Sword God of Ying" from the beast realm quickly returned to the territory of the demon bear in a straight line.

He carefully identified a lone beast-level demon bear.

He controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to hide behind a nearby mountain wall without attracting the attention of other demon bears. He struck the lone Beast Realm demon bear with his sword through the mountain wall dozens of meters thick.

This sword also traveled a distance of hundreds of meters, appeared quietly next to the demon bear's neck, and instantly cut off its head.

After the attack was completed, the demon bear continued to run forward without noticing for a few seconds, before suddenly feeling dizzy and spinning, and then its consciousness fell into darkness forever.

The huge bear body also fell down.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi's character panel once again popped up a prompt to obtain experience points:

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 2123 experience points. 】

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Thanks to "Ayato's brother-in-law" for the tip!

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