"Apprentice... ranger?"

Paimon looked at the green-haired girl in front of him with some confusion.

"Anyway, you should leave the Death Realm with me first. It's too dangerous to stay here. I'll explain the specific situation to you when I get out!"

Kelai's fair face showed an anxious look and urged.

"Miss Kelai, please don't worry. We also control the elemental power. The power of the dead domain here will not threaten us for a while."

Li Qiuzhi didn't expect to meet Ke Lai here, so he smiled and said.

At the same time, he lifted up his condensed water polo and showed it.

"Hehe, yes, we are very strong!" Pamon patted his chest and said.

"Hey, that's it. It seems like I was too worried."

Ke Lai relaxed a little when he saw that Li Qiuzhi and the others were also holders of the Eye of God.

However, seeing that these people seemed to know something about the Dead Realm, they asked with some confusion:

"Then didn't you enter the Dead Realm because you got lost?"

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi nodded and explained, "We are adventurers from Liyue.

“Before coming here, I already knew about Xumi’s situation and the existence of the Dead Realm.

"I just happened to meet it, and I came up with the idea of ​​​​seeing if I could clean it up, so as not to harm other travelers who have no way to deal with the dead zone."

Naturally, his explanation did not mention the fact that Ying could control the power of the Death Realm, so as not to be misunderstood by Kelai that they were bad guys.

"You actually entered the Death Realm on your own initiative!" Kelai said with some surprise.

You must know that the Dead Zone is very dangerous, and some of them are just manic monsters. Even many famous adventurers have nothing to do with them.

And there are no treasure chests. If you encounter them during adventure exploration, you can only avoid them from a distance.

Only their rangers would go to the rainforest every day to check if there is any dead zone.

Therefore, adventurers are rarely interested in the Dead Zone, let alone actively enter the Dead Zone to help clean it up.

I learned that foreign adventurers like Li Qiuzhi were so enthusiastic and actively wanted to help clean up the dead zone.

Kelai suddenly became very fond of several people.

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 2 (130/200)]

But she thought about it and said with some worry:

"Foreign records of the Dead Zone should not be too detailed, and they are relatively one-sided. It would be too dangerous to clean up the Dead Zone rashly."

"Oh?" Seeing that Ke Lai was so worried about them, Li Qiuzhi couldn't resist her kindness, so he asked cooperatively, "Miss Ke Lai, can you tell us anything worth noting when cleaning up the dead zone?" ?"

"Uh..." Kelai touched the green hair on the side of his head and looked away with some embarrassment, "This is because I am only a trainee ranger, and I am not yet able to act on my own.

"The master didn't let me follow him to clean up the dead zone, so I only knew some simple situations and had no actual combat experience...

"Why don't I go back and ask the master to come over? If there is any scholar in Sumeru who knows the most about the Dead Realm, it must be Master Tinari!"

She concluded with a suggestion.

"If that's the case, then there's no need to go back to find your master. Just let us solve it. The counterattack of the Dead Zone Tumor shouldn't be able to hurt us."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head, feeling that there was no need to waste time waiting for Tinari to come over.

"Hey, you have to be careful in this case. No, I'd better go with you. Maybe I can help you."

Seeing Li Qiuzhi's insistence, Ke Lai stopped trying to persuade him.

But although she has never actually fought against the matter of clearing the dead zone, she still has the corresponding knowledge.

"Then I'll leave it to you, Miss Kelai." Li Qiuzhi did not refuse, satisfying her sense of responsibility as a ranger.

At the same time, he asked Ying in his heart: "How is it going? Is there anything gained?"

"Well, the power of the death domain here is very strong. I have basically understood its characteristics now and can use the power of the abyss to transform it at any time."

Ying also replied in her heart.

After receiving the good news, Li Qiuzhi said to everyone with a smile on his face: "Okay, let's go over and destroy the dead zone tumor now!"

After saying that, he took the lead and walked towards the dead area tumor.

Ying, Paimon, and Kelai all followed him. It didn't take long for them to reach several dead zone tumors.

"I heard from Master Tinari that the Dead Domain Tumor is usually relatively calm when it is not attacked.

“But when they attack, they will instinctively launch spikes condensed from the power of the dead domain to fight back.

“So it’s best to attack from a distance, so that you have enough reaction time to avoid, and if there are monsters nearby, the riot of the power of the dead area will also attract them.

"By the way, the dead zone is a disease of the rainforest. In order to fight against the 'disease', the rainforest itself may resist and stubbornly grow some grass seeds in the dead zone where vitality has disappeared.

"Collect them and use them to attack the dead zone tumors, which can produce very good results!"

Kelai told all the information he learned, hoping to help these kind-hearted and brave adventurers.

"Hey, is there so much to be particular about?"

Paimon suddenly felt that their cleanup of the Dead Realm seemed a bit rash.

"There aren't any monsters nearby. We looked at them when we came here, as for the grass seeds."

Li Qiuzhi put all his energy into searching, and soon found a grass seed behind the huge broken tree lying horizontally.

It grows out of the ground, exuding a gleaming green color, and seems to be full of vitality. Compared with the gray ground and sky, it is much more comfortable to see.

Because of Ke Lai's presence, everyone's relationship is still relatively unfamiliar. In order to avoid misunderstandings, Ying is temporarily unable to use the newly acquired power of the dead zone to deal with the dead zone tumor.

So you can also use conventional methods, but it’s just a little more troublesome.

"I found the grass seeds. Please step back a little bit with Paimon and Kelai to protect them. Leave these dead zone tumors to me to deal with!"

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said to Ying.

"Well, be careful." Ying tapped her chin and retreated dozens of meters with Paimon and Kelai.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi went around behind the giant tree, preparing to get the grass seeds first.

Just when he leaned over and stretched out his hand to collect grass seeds, he suddenly thought of breeding grass seeds.

That is, the "lightstand"-like thing below, could it be a treasure?

Some time ago, Ying and Paimon had an adventure in Inazuma and returned with many treasures and placed them in the fairyland space.

As a result, the size of the space increased from 308 square meters to 315 square meters.

This is quite a bit of growth.

None of the treasures brought back by Ying were rare enough to give birth to spatial characteristics, so the area only grew by eight square meters.

If the "lampstand"-like thing that breeds grass seeds can be regarded as a treasure, then can it be stored away?

Li Qiuzhi continued to observe the "lightstand" and found that it was made of something like a tree root growing out of the ground.

This is probably the key to gathering grass elements and condensing grass seeds.

If it is cut off, the "plant lampstand" may lose its ability to gather grass seeds, greatly reducing its value.

It might turn into a useless piece of wood.

And Li Qiuzhi has not mastered the elemental power of grass, which makes it difficult to continue to nourish it.

Forget it, there is still a chance to let Sanduang do some research, or ask scholars in related fields like Tinari to see what's going on before making any decisions about it.

After all, it would be great if it could be transplanted into a fairyland space. In addition to being a collection of treasures, it could also be decorated everywhere like a beautiful floor lamp.

After thinking about it, Li Qiuzhi no longer hesitated and touched the grass seeds growing in the "plant lampstand" with his hands.

These grass seeds felt slightly cool to the touch, and then they began to fly around him without him having to do anything.

At the same time, he felt that as long as he attacked the dead zone tumor, the grass seeds would follow his guidance and attack together.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the dead zone tumor on the giant tree. If he used the "Sword God of Ying" to attack, the grass seeds might not be able to work, and it would be cut in half.

He still wanted to see the power of grass seeds, so he thought for a while and used the favorability skill he obtained from Yula to summon the "Sword of Ice and Light".

Since he got this weapon with great potential, he hasn't used it yet, and he just happened to be trying it out today.

Li Qiuzhi looked sharply at the dead zone tumor on the side of the giant tree. He picked up the ice-white sword and chopped it down!

Because he had some time to spare, the big sword only chopped the dead area tumor a little crookedly, but it was not destroyed all at once.

The next second, the grass seeds surrounding him suddenly flew out quickly and directly hit the dead zone tumor.

Maybe it was due to the natural restraint, but the dead zone tumor was really just like in the game, with a "pop", it was easily melted by the grass seeds!

But at the same time, the Death Domain tumor, which was about to perish, also erupted with a huge wave of Death Domain power, condensing the Death Domain thorns to attack Li Qiuzhi.

He also tried to attract nearby monsters.

Unfortunately, they had already looked around when they came here, and there wasn't even a monster there. How could there be a monster coming here?

Just when Li Qiuzhi easily blocked the thorn of the dead area and was about to collect another grass seed to attack the second dead area tumor.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake.

"Hey, what's going on?" Paimon, who was staying with Ying and Kelai dozens of meters away, looked at the shaking ground and asked in confusion.

"Could it be that..." Ying, who had white petals on her golden hair, frowned and looked at the ground.

"The environment of Xumi Rainforest is very good. The most indispensable thing is all kinds of monsters. Even there are many living underground. No wonder you can't see the monsters. Maybe they are hiding underground!"

Kelai also guessed something and said in surprise

Compared to Ying and the others, Li Qiuzhi's shock was stronger. After all, it was directed at him.

Another two seconds passed.

There was a sudden "bang" on the ground, and a bunch of monsters that looked like mushrooms appeared one after another. There were at least a dozen monsters that looked like mushrooms.

"These are mushroom beasts, but how come there are so many of them?" Kelai said with some surprise.

Generally speaking, when they patrol the forest, the most they see are five or six monsters.

Unexpectedly, more than ten people appeared this time, and they were unusually big!

"It turns out that you cute little things just attacked me, so I had to fight back a little!"

Li Qiuzhi's eyes turned golden and he discovered that these mushroom monsters that could burrow underground were generally around level 40 or 50.

Seeing them coming, he said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth:

"Just in time to try my newly learned swordsmanship with you!"

Li Qiuzhi raised the Ice Sword above his head with one hand, and countless lightning lights began to flicker and jump around him.

And his temperament became dull but terrifying, as if he had entered a state of "no thoughts, no thoughts", and there was only this sword in front of his eyes and in his heart.

The space and atmosphere are shaking. The next second, nothing can stop the sword from swinging down!

The sword energy condensed by the lightning directly passed over the two remaining dead zone tumors on the giant tree, as well as the monsters attacking him.

The next moment.

Seeing such a terrifying attack, the mushroom monsters regained consciousness for a few seconds and ran away instinctively, even when they became violent under the influence of the power of the dead domain.

But it was too late.

When the lightning passed by them, the monsters and the ground were already split in half, leaving them completely powerless to resist...

Experience points +1356

Experience points +1925

Experience points +1831

As the monsters were destroyed, information about gaining experience points also popped up on the character panel.

at the same time.

The dead tumor in the dead area was also hit in the attack just now, and was torn apart by lightning in the same instant.

Even without the assistance of grass seeds, they were beaten to nothing.

As the Dead Zone Tumor was eliminated, a large amount of plundered vitality overflowed from the original location of the Dead Zone Tumor.

The grass on the ground began to grow again, and the dry trees slowly began to sprout under the nourishment of a large amount of vitality.

The dark and gloomy sky suddenly became clear!

Li Qiuzhi and Ying, who were in the dead zone just now, were also bathed in this vitality and felt their bodies warm.

The whole person felt a little more relaxed and seemed to have become stronger.

Unexpectedly, they could get a lot of life nourishment by clearing the dead zone tumors. Maybe this was the forest's reward for helping them "treat" its own diseases.

Ying, Paimon and Kelai came over again when they saw that the dead tumor and monsters had been dealt with.

Especially the green-haired girl Ke Lai, who seemed to have stars in her eyes when looking at Li Qiuzhi, and said in a somewhat excited tone:

"So you are so powerful? You can eliminate all those monsters and dead zone tumors with just one sword!"

[Ke Lai has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (150/300)]

Looking at the favorability prompt that popped up again on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi smiled, coughed lightly and said:

"It's just that as an adventurer, if you experience more adventures, you will naturally become stronger. I believe that Miss Kelai can become this strong in the future!"

While he spoke politely, he glanced at Kelai with his golden judgment eyes and found that he was only level 31.

It seems that she is still a little far away from being able to clean up the dead zone on her own.

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