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Chapter 444 Little Paimon’s Magic (2-in-1)


Kelai remembered that he had "Devil Scale Disease" and it was already very difficult for him to become a trainee ranger.

She didn't dare to hope to become as strong as the adventurers in front of her.

Li Qiuzhi glanced at her. He also knew something about Ke Lai's situation.

The Dead Realm and the "Devil Scale Disease" are both related to the pollution of the World Tree by the forbidden knowledge mentioned in the original work, and that forbidden knowledge comes from the abyss.

One is a disease for the rainforest, and the other is a disease for people. It is certainly not a coincidence that there are so many connections.

Obviously the power of forbidden knowledge to pollute the World Tree may also be a variant of the power of the abyss.

The power that causes "Devil Scale Disease" is also closely related to the power of the abyss.

In the original work, after the pollution of the World Tree was cleaned up, the dead zone of the rain forest no longer expanded, and the Sumeru people suffering from the "demon scale disease" immediately improved.

If Ying could master the power of pollution that caused "forbidden knowledge" just like he mastered the power of the Dead Realm that plunders life, and clean up the pollution in the World Tree, he might be able to help Kelai cure the "Magic Scale Disease".

Or taking a step back and just mastering the power that causes "Devil Scale Disease" should be enough.

According to his speculation, the pure power of the abyss should be higher than the ordinary power of the abyss, the pollution power of forbidden knowledge, the power of the dead zone and the power of the demon scale disease.

As for Ying in the form of "Princess of the Abyss", she not only masters the pure power of the abyss, but can also interfere with the power of the abyss that does not originate from herself.

In this case, it should not be difficult to solve the problem of "Demon Scale Disease".

Li Qiuzhi had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

It's just that what he was thinking were speculations based on his shallow knowledge. Whether this was really the case, he had to ask Ke Lai to test it.

In the original work, Kelai seems to be quite reluctant to let others know that he suffers from "Magic Scale Disease".

It may be a bit rude to ask rashly, but you still have to find a suitable reason.

"Now this can be regarded as clearing up this dead zone. Hehe, now you can continue to Xumi City without worrying about anyone accidentally entering this dead zone."

Paimon said happily as he looked at the rainforest that was blooming with life again.

"Speaking of which, the scene of the resurgence of life just now was quite shocking. It turns out that the life plundered by the dead zone tumor has not actually disappeared?"

Ying said slightly surprised

"Well, the Dead Zone will not be very big when it is first born, but as time goes by, when the Dead Zone tumor absorbs enough vitality, it will be used to continue to expand the scope of the Dead Zone."

Cole nodded and said.

"It's like a parasite, sucking the nutrients from the rainforest to strengthen itself!" Paimon said angrily.

"Ke Lai, are you okay!" At this moment, a figure ran over from outside.

Hearing the sound, everyone looked over.

Seeing the senior who was leading him on a forest patrol approaching, Ke Lai waved with a smile on his face:

"I'm here, Senior Nasrin!"

"Huh, great, you're fine. Seeing that you haven't come out, I thought I had encountered an accident.

"I was just about to go back and find Mr. Tinari to come and help, but suddenly I saw the dead zone disappearing, so I immediately rushed over to check the situation."

Nasreen said with a sigh of relief.

"I'm sorry, Senior Nasreen made you worry."

Ke Lai felt a little embarrassed, then looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others, then turned around and introduced:

"By the way, these are not travelers who accidentally broke into the Dead Realm, but very powerful adventurers. They were the ones who cleared the Dead Realm just now!"

"...No wonder, although Kelai is the holder of the Eye of God, he probably doesn't have the strength to deal with the Death Realm on his own. Thank you for your help!"

Naslin nodded and expressed her gratitude to Li Qiuzhi and them.

"Hehe, it's just a little effort!" Pamon said with a smile.

“Your little effort has solved a lot of trouble for us.

"The location here is close to Liyue. You appear here. Did you come from there to venture to Xumi?

"If that's the case, as a thank you, if you have anything you don't know about Xumi, you can ask us."

Nasrin said.

"Okay, okay, we are about to go to Sumeru City. We don't know enough about the things that need attention there. I just want to hear your introduction."

Paimon said with a happy nod.

What they had seen in Liyue before was only some basic introductions, and they still had to find out the details from the locals.

"Well, let's talk as we walk."

Nasrin replied with a smile.

From Liyue to Xumi City, generally speaking, you will pass through Huachengguo. Travelers and adventurers will not miss it to replenish the lack of supplies.

So she planned to take Li Qiuzhi and the others back together. After all, such a big thing as the discovery of the Dead Zone, even if it had been solved, she had to go back and record it.

In the following time, with two rangers taking Li Qiuzhi with them, they didn't have to worry about getting lost in the forest.

We should be able to reach Huachengguo soon.

Time passed while Li Qiuzhi and others asked Naslin and Kelai about various things about Xumi.

There are many monsters in the forest, especially mushroom beasts that possess elemental power. It would be okay if they are not disturbed.

If they are disturbed, those cute mushroom beasts will attack them.

However, their strength is generally not very strong, only around level 20, and even Kelai can easily defeat them.

As they walked deeper into the forest, their vision was filled with dense green.

If you are not walking on the road opened by people, you will feel lost easily. Even an experienced ranger may lose his direction if he is not careful.

"Ke Lai, how long will it take for us to arrive? I feel like I'm really hungry..."

Paimon, who had been flying for an hour or two, seemed to be hanging in mid-air, lifting his hanging limbs.

My stomach growled.

"...Well, you can't see the sun in the woods. Is it already noon while we are walking?"

Kelai took out a pocket watch from the weight-bearing space of the Eye of God and prepared to check the time.

This pocket watch of hers is very unique.

The case has red edges and a white heart, and the white part in the middle is painted with the image of a doll with red bunny ears on its head and wearing goggles.

This doll successfully attracted the attention of Li Qiuzhi and others. Paimeng looked at it and said with some surprise:

"Hey, isn't this Amber's Count Rabbit? Collet, why do you have a pocket watch in the image of Count Rabbit?"

Hearing the word "Amber", Kelai seemed to have triggered some chain reaction. She even forgot the purpose of checking the time and looked at Paimon in excitement:

"Amber!? You just said Amber, right...and Count Rabbit, do you know her too!"

"Wow, Kelai, don't be so excited."

Paimon spread his hands helplessly and shook his head:

"It seems that Kelai does know Amber. We started our adventure in Mondstadt from the beginning and received a lot of help from her. What about you? How did you get to know Amber?"

Paimon looked at Collet with some curiosity.

She also didn't expect that the first person she met in distant Xumi would be Amber's friend.

The world is really small.

"That's great, I didn't expect that you are also Amber's friends." Kelai was a little surprised, and then continued:

"Amber and I also met in Mondstadt. She took great care of me at that time and still writes me letters and sends small gifts often.

"This pocket watch was given to me by her before. I have always kept it carefully in the Eye of God space and will only take it out when I need to check the time.

"It's a pity that I don't know many words. She gave me so many gifts, and I can't even write a more formal thank you letter..."

Speaking of this, Kelai suddenly felt a little disappointed.

"Ke Lai really values ​​his friends." Naslin said with a smile.

Li Qiuzhi and Ying also nodded in agreement.

"So that's it." Paimon understood and said with a mysterious smile, "Hey, this is simple. I know the legendary teleportation magic. How about I teleport her over immediately and you thank her in person? "


It had been a long time since Colai had seen Amber. When Paimon said that he could bring Amber over, he couldn't help but look surprised.

"Of course, I am Paimon, the great magician!"

Paimon raised his chin and flew in the air with his hands on his hips. He felt very happy that Collet didn't doubt her and still believed in her!

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both looked at her speechlessly, but they did not expose her, so they just let this guy enjoy the feeling of being admired.

"Okay, please teleport Amber here!" Cole held his small white fist and looked at Paimon with an expression of endless expectation.

"Hey, no problem, just leave it to the great magician Paimon!" Paimon began to mentally contact Amber who was far away in Mondstadt.

"Yeah, please wait!"

Kelai seemed to realize something and said:

"Would it scare Amber to teleport here suddenly, and she should be at work now.

"I'm not ready yet. What to say to her after we meet, or I'd better wait."

Hey, although Paimon can indeed use "interstellar travel" to call Amber over.

But do you have no doubt at all? How can any magician be able to teleport people from such a long distance?

And it should be common sense that magic is fake!

Li Qiuzhi and Ying both looked at Ke Lai in disbelief.

Are your feelings for Amber that deep? You were naturally fooled by little Paimon!

"Hmph, my stomach gets hungry on time when it's close to meal time. Obviously now is the time to eat at noon.

"Amber must be resting now, and I will use magic to tell her the whole story in advance, so don't worry about scaring her!"

Pamon hurriedly persuaded.

It was a rare opportunity to shine, and she was not willing to miss it!

"Eh...well...ok, I-I'm ready!"

Kelai was also looking forward to meeting Amber, so he took a deep breath and decided to meet Amber!

"Humph, okay then, open your eyes wide and don't blink!"

Everyone stopped in an open place in the woods and watched Paimon pretending to be a great magician.

In fact, both Li Qiuzhi and Ying knew that she was just explaining the situation to Amber and asking her to teleport over.

It seemed that Amber got a reply quickly. Little Paimon suddenly opened his eyes and said excitedly:

"Here you go, watch my teleportation magic!"

She pointed to the place in front of her, and Kelai kept staring at that place without moving, but one second or two passed.

There was still nothing in front of Paimon, and nothing happened.

The awkward atmosphere began to spread.

Just when Paimon was about to ask what was going on, he suddenly saw Cole's eyes lighting up.

There was also a force coming from behind, gently pushing her away and a surprised shout came:



Cole watched as Amber actually appeared, although not in front of Paimon, but behind her.

But she really didn't lie to herself, she really knew the legendary teleportation magic!

However, when facing a friend he hadn't seen for a long time, Ke Lai didn't bother to thank him and hugged the familiar figure he hadn't seen for a long time!

Two girls of similar height hugged each other.

"Well, little Ke Lai is thinking about her friend who is far away in Mondstadt every day, which makes everyone a little curious, but today she finally met him!"

Naslin crossed her arms and said happily for Kelai.

"Haha, since you are so happy, let's have a big dinner!" Li Qiuzhi smiled softly, and then casually opened a crack in the space.

I took out all kinds of fresh ingredients and pots.

Anyway, there is still some time before Huachengguo, so I just want to finish lunch first!


Paimon, the great magician who had successfully made a splash, agreed very much and didn't mind that the two girls forgot about her, the great benefactor who made it possible for them to meet!

A relatively open place in the woods.

Five people sat at the round table, chatting while waiting for Li Qiuzhi to prepare the meal.

Nasreen said that she had never thought that she could sit down at the dinner table and eat seriously in the wild.

After Paimon finished pretending to be the great magician, he was dominated by hunger again and slumped on the chair unable to fly.

Ying listened curiously to the conversation between Amber and Kelai.

Amber, who had a red bunny ear knot on her head, had calmed down her excitement to see her friend and asked the green-haired girl next to her:

"Ke Lai, how have you been doing lately?"

She knew that Ke Lai's health was not very good due to illness, so she was a little concerned about meeting him again at this time.

"Amber, don't worry. With Master Tinari's help, my 'Devil Scale Disease' won't recur frequently."

Perhaps because he knew that Li Qiuzhi and the others were Amber's friends, Ke Lai did not hesitate to tell his situation.

"What is 'Devil Scale Disease'?" Ying noticed this thing that she had never heard of.

So I curiously asked Nasrin next to me.

"This is a disease unique to Sumeru. The cause of the disease is still being studied. People suffering from this disease will have gray-black scales on their bodies.

"At the beginning, the patient will only feel some numbness in the affected area of ​​the skin. As the disease progresses, the strength of the limbs will decrease, and the fingers will occasionally lose feeling."

Seeing that her daughter was curious about this, Nasrin slowly introduced her to "Devil Scale Disease".

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