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Chapter 462 The Great Merciful Tree King (two in one)

The divine power on Nasida spread, wrapping up Li Qiuzhi and others, and disappeared in the next moment.

After a period of space changes.

When they reappeared, several people appeared in a space with a blood-colored sky, standing on a huge tree root.

In the center of the space is a giant silver-white tree, emitting a faint fluorescent light, as if it is the most holy thing in the world.

Someone can faintly be heard muttering to himself: The world has forgotten me.

"Is this the World Tree? Doesn't it look like it's contaminated?"

Paimon looked curiously at the giant tree in front of him.

"The pollution of forbidden knowledge does not appear on the surface, but is in places that are more difficult to detect. Let's go over and check it out."

Nasida raised her head slightly and said with her tied ponytail swaying a little.

"Well, I don't feel anything strange here yet."

At this time, Ying's hair has turned into a light platinum color and she has entered the state of "Princess of the Abyss".

But I didn't feel the power similar to the "power of the dead zone" or the "power of the demon scale disease".

Maybe you have to get close to the "World Tree" to feel it through contact.

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to conduct a reconnaissance and confirmed that he found no dangerous places, so he followed Naxida forward.

The roots of the "World Tree" are a little difficult to walk, and they are winding and uneven.

after awhile.

Li Qiuzhi and the others walked up a gentle slope, and the huge trunk of the "World Tree" was right in front of them.

However, what is a little surprising is that there is a small familiar figure standing under the "World Tree".

It seems that they have been waiting for them here early.

"Hey, she, she is"

Paimon stared at the small figure under the tree with wide eyes, and then wiped his eyes in disbelief.

He continued to look around and then looked back at Nasida who was right in front of him.

It’s unmistakable. It’s exactly the same. Could it be that that figure is

Just when Paimon was making a guess, the figure under the World Tree turned around and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Sure enough, as little Paimon expected, that figure was indeed Nasida!

"How come there are two Nasidas?"

There was also a slightly surprised look on his fair face.

"It feels so familiar." Nasida was equally surprised.

Only Li Qiuzhi understands who the "Nasida" under the World Tree is. She is the incarnation of the "World Tree", the former Grass God of Xumi - the Great Merciful Tree King!

"You are finally here, me after reincarnation."

"Nasida" under the World Tree walked towards Li Qiuzhi and the others, looked at Nasida and said.

Although her appearance is exactly the same as Nasida's, her voice is completely different and appears more mature.

"Reincarnation? Are you the Great Ci Tree King?"

Although Nasida is a little confused, it seems that the only one who can enter the space where the "World Tree" is is the Great Merciful Tree King.

Because among the seven rulers in the world, only the Grass God is responsible for managing and protecting the "World Tree".


The Great Ci Tree King, who looked exactly like Nasida, nodded his chin slightly and said.

"Wait a minute, Nacida is Nacida, and the person who looks exactly like Nacida is the Great Ci Tree King. Wow, my brain has turned to mush!"

Paimon, who was flying next to Ying, covered his head with his hands and looked distressed.

"I am the incarnation of the World Tree, and she is the purest branch on the World Tree. Our essence is the same, so I am Nasida, and she is my reincarnation."

King Daci Shu simply explained.

"So in essence they are both World Trees, but they are actually a little different."

Paimon spread his hands and said.

One is the incarnation of the "World Tree" as a whole, and the other is the branches on the "World Tree", although they are both "World Tree" in essence.

But it shouldn't be the same person.

"When a tree dies, its branches will take root again and continue life in another way. Isn't this called reincarnation?"

King Daci Shu shook his head and said.

"Yes, in Xumi's historical records, didn't King Daci Shu already, uh, pass away?"

Paimon scratched his head, hesitated and said.

Ying also focused her attention on the Great Mercy Tree King, and Paimeng was curious about her interests. Could it be that there was a hidden reason behind the death of the Great Mercy Tree King?

"Historical records are probably correct. I did die a long time ago, and I am just the last remaining consciousness.

"And the reason why I survive is because of a very important thing."

King Daci Shu looked calm and did not shy away from talking about his own death.

"Ah, you have indeed." Nasida looked a little disappointed.

"Is it really consciousness again?"

Ying looked as expected.

First there was Heulia, and then there was Raiden Shin, the demon god.

Even after death, some consciousness can be left behind for hundreds or thousands of years without completely disappearing.

"It seems that you have seen a lot of situations like mine." King Daci Shu glanced at Ying in surprise.

"Hehe, that's right, we have encountered two remaining demon consciousnesses, and with our help, they are slowly recovering.

"So it doesn't matter even if you only have a trace of consciousness left, we can help you recover slowly!"

Paimon patted his chest and said confidently.


Nacida felt slightly inspired after hearing Paimon's words.

The Daci Tree King naturally gave her a very cordial feeling, like a relative, and he seemed to have support when he saw her.

The whole person felt much more relaxed, and the Great Merciful Tree King was a god deeply loved by the people of Sumeru.

Nacida didn't want her to leave just like that.

If she is here and she continues to lead Xumi, it will definitely make everyone live a happier life.

“Although I’m surprised that you were able to revive a demon who only had partial consciousness left.

"But I said the reason why I survived was because of something very important."

As the previous grass god, the Great Merciful Tree King has the same but more powerful powers as Nasida.

Even with only a trace of consciousness left, she could easily tell that Paimon was not lying, but she had no way to enjoy this good luck.

"What is the crucial thing, and why did you die?"

Nasida had a bad feeling and asked in a slightly anxious tone.

"Well, let me explain the answer you are looking for." King Daci Shu looked at the anxious Nasida and smiled slightly, then said with a look of reminiscence:

“The day the disaster happened was five hundred years ago, when all the Seven Gods except me were summoned to the country called Kanrea.

"And I have a more important task, which is to protect the World Tree."

King Daci Shu slowly told what happened five hundred years ago.

As the incarnation of the "World Tree", her consciousness is connected to it, and the coming of disasters is accompanied by the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

Therefore, at the same moment when the "World Tree" was eroded, King Daci Tree quickly noticed the abnormality.

Fortunately, she and the Red King who was in charge of the desert dealt with the pollution of forbidden knowledge thousands of years ago, so she had experience in dealing with the forbidden knowledge that polluted the World Tree.

The forbidden knowledge comes from the bottom of the abyss and is no less than the knowledge in the world of Teyvat. This kind of knowledge cannot even be understood by King Daci Shu, who is the god of wisdom.

The world of Teyvat is also constantly rejecting it, so various symptoms such as "Dead Realm" and "Demon Scale Disease" remain.

If the forbidden knowledge continues to pollute the World Tree, the continent of Teyvat will fall apart under more and more symptoms of rejection.

But the Great Ci Tree King was alone, and even though he had experience in dealing with the pollution of forbidden knowledge, he was unable to expel them all.

Therefore, a device that integrates human intelligence was created, which is the "void" system.

In the end, she used the "void" system to integrate the wisdom of all the people of Xumi, and coupled with all her own power, she was able to remove most of the forbidden knowledge that had eroded the World Tree.

But there is no way to clear the remaining small part.

Because as the incarnation of the "World Tree", the consciousness of the Great Merciful Tree King is connected to the "World Tree". When taboo knowledge pollutes the "World Tree", it also pollutes her.

So if she wants to completely eliminate the forbidden knowledge, she must also eliminate herself!

She is naturally not afraid of death. If her death can completely restore the "World Tree", King Daci Tree will be happy to sacrifice himself.

But the problem is that taboo knowledge, as a kind of knowledge, can exist in memory.

As the incarnation of the World Tree, even if he dies, everything related to the Great Merciful Tree King will be preserved in the "World Tree" as memory and knowledge.

Therefore, there will always be a small part of taboo knowledge that cannot be cleared away.

If she were alive, she could erase some of the memories and knowledge stored in the World Tree, just like the forbidden knowledge that eroded the "World Tree".

But while she is alive, the forbidden knowledge that pollutes her will still be in her memory and will not be saved in the "World Tree".

If she dies, the forbidden knowledge will be saved in the "World Tree", but because she is dead, she cannot clear the forbidden knowledge in the "World Tree".

Thus a paradox arises: she cannot erase herself.

She had no choice but to break off the purest branches on the "World Tree" as her own reincarnation.

Then she began to wait for the "branch" that had the same essence as herself and could also interfere with the "World Tree" to slowly grow.

When she comes here, she can use her power to erase herself along with the forbidden knowledge and completely clean up the pollution of the "World Tree".

This is what she said was crucial, and the truth behind her own death.

"It's actually like this!"

Paimon and Ying were both a little surprised by what the Great Merciful Tree King said. Nasita was born to erase the person who created her!

Anyway, this is too cruel.

"Wait a minute, it would be wrong to erase you from the World Tree. You can't do this!"

Nasida shook her head anxiously and said

The "World Tree" contains all the knowledge and memories of this world, and also records all history from the past to the present.

If a person's record is erased from the "World Tree", it is equivalent to erasing that person's existence in this world.

From now on, no one or any living thing will remember the Great Merciful Tree King, it’s as if he never existed!

How could she accept this!

"Yes, it seems that you also know what this means. If possible, why would I want to be forgotten, but this is the only way to save the World Tree."

King Daci Shu stepped forward and hugged Nasida, patted her back and comforted her.

"No, no, this is not the only way!" Nasita said with tears about to overflow, shaking her head violently.

Then he broke away from the embrace of King Daci Tree, turned around and ran to Li Qiuzhi, grabbed the hem of his clothes with his small hands and raised his head to look at him.

and said hurriedly:

"You said there is a way to clean up the pollution of forbidden knowledge, right? Please help me. People obviously love and miss her so much. I also yearn to become a great god like the Great Ci Tree King.

"How could she just be forgotten?"

Looking at the tears overflowing on Nasida's little face, Li Qiuzhi sighed secretly, and it turned out to be just like in the original work.

If he hadn't come here, King Daci Shu, who had given so much, would still have been forgotten by the world of Teyvat.

Just like the phrase "The world has forgotten me." I heard when I came in just now.

Li Qiuzhi raised his hand and touched Nasida's head, smiling and comforting:

"It would be a pity if such a great god as the Great Ci Tree King was forgotten. Don't worry, we will do our best to help you!"

"Don't worry, Nasida, we are professionals in helping others solve their problems!"

Paimon clenched his fists and said seriously, and Yingye nodded slightly, indicating that he was right.

"The forbidden knowledge has become one with me and has become a part of my knowledge and memory. There is no other way except to erase me together!"

After dealing with forbidden knowledge for so long, no one knows it better than her. After hundreds of years, the only hope for the Great Ci Tree King is Nasida.

She has the same essence as herself and is her reincarnation. She can easily erase herself from the "World Tree" by using her power.

Then lead Sumeru to start a new destiny. She will eventually become a greater god than herself. I firmly believe that

"So, erase me and let the world completely forget me. Only in this way can we truly save the World Tree, Sumi, and Teyvat!"

The Great Ci Tree King stretched out his hand towards Nasida and said.

"No, it shouldn't be like this." Nasida shook her head.

Li Qiuzhi took two steps forward, blocking Naxida from behind, and said to King Daci Shu:

"You have been waiting for Nasita for five hundred years, right? Since this is not a short time, how about we give it a try?"

The pure power of the abyss controlled by Ying's "Princess of the Abyss" form can interfere with or even transform the power that simulates the creation of "Death Zone" and "Demon Scale Disease". It has been confirmed through experiments that it is possible.

But for the contamination of forbidden knowledge.

After all, he hasn't tried it yet, so even though he has that kind of confidence, he doesn't speak too confidently.

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