I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 463 Deep in Memory (Two in One)

I have to say that what Li Qiuzhi said makes sense.

In her mind, the taboo knowledge that has become part of her memory can only be solved by erasing it along with her.

But just like before, she also relied on everyone's wisdom to clear most of the taboo knowledge on the "World Tree".

People's wisdom is infinite, even she, the God of Wisdom, sometimes falls short.

Therefore, King Daci Shu did not insist on his own opinion and nodded gently and said:

"Well, in that case, it doesn't hurt to let you try."

"Well." Li Qiuzhi turned to look at Ying and said, "How about it, can you feel the pollution of forbidden knowledge on the Great Ci Tree King?"

"If the forbidden knowledge really exists in the body of the Great Ci Tree King as a part of memory, then I have no way of sensing it."

Ying shook his head slightly and said speculatively:

"Maybe I have to enter her memory to feel the forbidden knowledge."

"Enter the memory? It's such a strange statement. How can one enter the memory of others?"

Paimeng looked confused.

"When I see you, you have already been recorded in my memory. This is the same way that forbidden knowledge contaminates me.

"It's just that you are in my memory, unlike forbidden knowledge that can corrode and contaminate you.

“However, forbidden knowledge is an attack on cognition and an infection of the soul.

"So if you want to come into contact with it, you must connect your consciousness with me, but there will be a problem...forbidden knowledge will also enter your memory and pollute your soul.

"It's like the forbidden knowledge passed through the World Tree and infected me."

King Daci Shu explained calmly.

This is also the reason why she doesn't want Li Qiuzhi and the others to do useless work. After all, even she, as a god, cannot resist forbidden knowledge.

Letting others help her would just cause meaningless sacrifices, which she didn't want to see.

"If the forbidden knowledge is indeed related to the abyss, then even if I can't handle them, I'm sure to escape unscathed, so don't worry."

Ying did not hide the fact that she had mastered the pure power of the abyss, and simply explained it to the Great Ci Tree King.

"Let me state in advance that Ying can master the power of the abyss not because of her relationship with the abyss, but because of this guy's ability!"

In order to prevent the Great Ci Tree King and Nasida from misunderstanding, Paimeng quickly pointed at Li Qiuzhi and said before they showed their surprised expressions.

"Hey, bastard little Paimon!" Li Qiuzhi looked at her speechlessly.

Although this is indeed the case, why do you act like "it's all my fault"?

"What are you doing? Am I right?" Pamon said confidently with his hands on his hips.

Li Qiuzhi raised his eyebrows, then smiled slyly.

Deciding not to tolerate this arrogant and stinky little Paimon, he flicked her on the head before she could react!

"Oh, damn it!"

Paimon held his head that didn't hurt, but still stamped his feet in mid-air angrily.


Ying looked at these two idiots and sighed helplessly, then said to the Great Ci Tree King:

"Don't worry I'm related to the Abyss."

"Of course not. I can feel that you have no ill intentions towards me."

The Daci Tree King was silent for a moment. She could not find any relevant records about Li Qiuzhi and Ying from the "World Tree".

Understand that they are visitors from outside the world.

However, the humanoid elf following them is recorded, and she can understand it through her usual memory.

Ying indeed has nothing to do with the abyss. The ability to control the power of the abyss is entirely due to the ability called "Lingge" possessed by Li Qiuzhi.

"Yeah." Ying nodded when he heard the answer, "Then you should have a way to connect your soul to me, and I will try to help you solve your trouble."

"Huh, okay." King Daci Shu had no reason to refuse, and she extended her right hand to Ying.

Nasida first glanced at the Great Ci Tree King, then looked at Ying and said with a worried look on her face:

"I'll leave it to you, and please be careful."

With a serious look on her fair face, she said "hmm" and held the hand of the Great Ci Tree King.

Li Qiuzhi and Paimeng also became a little nervous, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

"It's about to begin." King Daci Shu closed his eyes.

Seeing this, Ying also learned to cover her eyelids, covering her beautiful amber pupils.

After a while, she seemed to feel her body becoming slightly lighter, and when she opened her eyes again.

Ying found that the environment he was in was a gray space.

This space is filled with various memory fragments floating everywhere, densely filling the entire space.

There is no doubt that these are the memories of King Daci Shu.

Each memory fragment is a memory from a different period in her life. Some of them are slightly blurry, probably because her memory is not very deep.

Memories that require a little thinking to be recalled, some are very clear and are obviously recent and more important memories.

At this time, Ying was in a state of connection with the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King.

As long as you concentrate a little, you can check the memories of the Great Merciful Tree King. These memories are from the time when the Great Mercy Tree King was consciously born until now.

What she needs to do now is to find the memories related to the forbidden knowledge, and then see if she can use the pure power of the abyss to simulate transformation.

After all, no matter what kind of knowledge it is, it stands to reason that it is just a cognitive rule or principle that is summarized from objectively existing things.

This knowledge, no matter what its content, should generally be harmless.

The reason why it corrodes and pollutes others is that this knowledge must carry some kind of power that can be hidden in the knowledge!

It is this power that fluorescence simulation transforms.

As long as she successfully uses the pure power of the abyss to simulate and transform this corrosive and pollution power hidden in knowledge, she can assimilate and control it.

In this way, the corrosive and polluting power of forbidden knowledge is taken away, and there should be no problem.

She had done the same thing with Kelai's "Devil Scale Disease" before.

Assimilation and absorption take away rather than violent removal, so that the patient can heal without any damage, which is a very ideal treatment method.

Just when Ying began to search for forbidden knowledge from the memory of the Great Ci Tree King, it might have been true to what the Great Ci Tree King said just now.

——Forbidden knowledge will contaminate her through consciousness connection.

Before Ying could take the initiative to look for it, the forbidden knowledge automatically poured out of the memory of the Great Ci Tree King, trying to corrode and pollute her.

Ying did not panic. She seemed to be using the pure power of the abyss to protect her consciousness. Perhaps the pure power of the abyss was indeed superior to the pollution power of forbidden knowledge.

It is completely powerless against Ying who is wrapped in the power of the abyss.

Seeing this situation, Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to use the power of the "Abyss Princess" to interfere with the power of the external abyss.

Trying to influence the contaminating power of forbidden knowledge.

It didn't take long for Ying to clearly feel the power of forbidden knowledge through the power of "Princess of the Abyss".

and began to influence it.

But what is a little pity is that the power of pollution of forbidden knowledge is indeed the same as the power of "Death Zone" and "Devil Scale Disease".

Able to be interfered with by her powers.

But perhaps this kind of power is more advanced than the power of "Death Zone" and "Devil Scale Disease", so it is very difficult for Ying to interfere.

If you want to comprehend the "power of the dead zone" and the "power of the demon scale disease", as well as the "power of forbidden knowledge", it will obviously take more time.

Ying thought for a moment, and since there was nothing she could do about it for a while, she took the initiative to disconnect from the consciousness of the Great Ci Tree King and exited her memory space.

"How about it? Can it be solved?"

Seeing Ying's consciousness returning and opening her eyes again, Paimon, who had been paying attention to her next to her, couldn't wait to ask.

Nasida raised her head slightly and looked at Ying nervously with eyes full of expectation.

Ying smiled, and without letting them continue to worry, she nodded her head and said:

"No problem, I can effectively deal with the pollution power of forbidden knowledge, but it may take a week or two."

Judging from the fact that it took her a day or two to comprehend the "power of demon scale disease", Ying felt that it would not be less than a week for her to comprehend the "power of forbidden knowledge".

But up to two weeks should be fine.

"Yeah, great!"

After getting the clear answer, little Paimon, who was flying in the air, spun around excitedly.

"Huh~" Nasida patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't hide the happiness in her eyes.

She looked at the Daci Tree King and said:

"That's great, really great, so no one will have to forget you!"

Naxida had infinite affection for Ying, Li Qiuzhi and the others in her heart:

[Nasida has a good impression of you and gains 900 favorability points. The current favorability level is 6 (420/600)]


King Daci Shu was also a little surprised that Ying could really find a way to solve the forbidden knowledge in her memory.

No matter what, no one wants to be forgotten even if they die.

It only took about ten days or so. She had waited for five hundred years, and she didn't miss this little time.

Thinking about this.

King Daci Shu also developed a lot of affection for Li Qiuzhi and others who spared no effort to help her:

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 820 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (220/400)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the prompts that popped up on the character panel. Both Nasida and King Daci Shu gave him a lot of favor, which was a good harvest.

He said with a smile:

"More than ten days will pass in a blink of an eye. The little consciousness you have left now, King Daci Shu, should be able to hold on."

In the past, when watching TV dramas, the plot would often take a sudden turn when it was rising. It would not be so satisfying if he encountered such a situation.

The Great Ci Tree King, who looked like Nasida, glanced at him, nodded his little head and said:

"Previously, my consciousness could last for hundreds of years in the World Tree. Now that I come out of the World Tree, I will indeed weaken faster.

"But it's still very relaxing for just ten days."

"That's good. In that case, without further ado, solve the problem as soon as possible and feel at ease. How about you make some preparations and start trying to understand the power of forbidden knowledge now."

Li Qiuzhi suggested.

"Well, but you have to stay and help me this time." Ying naturally had no objection.

But this time she had to bring Li Qiuzhi with her.

Because his "charging body" can replenish her consumed energy in time, especially mental and physical strength.

It takes a lot of energy to comprehend one thing attentively. With Li Qiuzhi replying to her, it will undoubtedly greatly improve the efficiency.


Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly and said.

Anyway, he has nothing important to do, so staying here for more than ten days is nothing.

"Then it's up to you."

King Daci Shu also once again expressed his gratitude to Li Qiuzhi and others who had dedicated their lives to helping her.

[The Great Merciful Tree King has a good impression of you and gains 230 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (50/500)]

In the next ten days.

Basically, after coming out of the fairyland space in the morning, Ying enters the memory of the Great Ci Tree King and realizes the "power of forbidden knowledge".

When she felt that her mental energy was exhausted and her physical strength was exhausted, Li Qiuzhi put a hand on her back to restore the energy she had consumed.

Then he continued to specialize in the "power of forbidden knowledge".

Until noon, he will temporarily return to the fairyland space to eat and take a short lunch break. At this time, the Great Merciful Tree King will also return to the "World Tree".

To maintain her last glimmer of consciousness as much as possible, lest she see hope of survival but be ruined by her own carelessness.

She's not that stupid.

In the afternoon, Ying will return to the "World Tree" space to continue to comprehend, and will continue until the evening before going back for dinner.

After dinner, I have to continue to come out to reflect until I go to bed.

Basically, the entire day was fully scheduled, and Ying really didn't slack off at all in order to help King Daci Shu.

Seeing this, Li Qiuzhi naturally couldn't let Ying work so hard alone, so he rested at night these days.

He would sleep with Ying, use "harmony energy" to help her relax, and also improve her level.

After all, as the level increases, it means that mental strength, understanding ability, thinking ability, etc. will all be improved.

In this way, you can realize the "power of forbidden knowledge" faster!

Soon, not long after, ten days passed like this. Thanks to Li Qiuzhi's dedicated efforts, Ying quickly rose from level 85 to level 86.

The increase in level has improved her understanding a lot, so it will take a week or two to complete compared to the original plan.

It’s also much ahead of schedule.

On the tenth day, that is, this morning, Ying successfully realized the "power of forbidden knowledge".

Now she can use the pure power of the abyss to convert it into the "power of forbidden knowledge" to "clear" the forbidden knowledge in the memory of King Daci Shu.

After receiving this news, Nasida, who had been waiting for it for a long time, was very happy. She felt even happier than the Great Ci Tree King himself.

Ying couldn't wait to ask Ying to start quickly. Ying didn't hesitate, nodded and started taking action.

[Nasida has a good impression of you and gains 220 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (40/700)]

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