I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 511 The neon dress of the night (two in one)

The flag is just a shadow and does not really poke the ground. It is attached to the fire elemental obelisk and serves as a formation node instead of the elemental obelisk's function of absorbing elemental power.

Li Qiuzhi continued to summon several flags, which were also attached to other formation nodes, and then competed with the elemental obelisks to snatch the surrounding elements.

Because the flag phantom absorbs energy more efficiently than the elemental obelisk, it successfully snatched away most of the nearby elemental energy.

Losing most of its energy source, the formation of the ruins quickly began to become unstable.

After a few seconds, the formation began to dissipate due to insufficient energy supply.

Isolating the formation to absorb energy so that the formation becomes ineffective due to insufficient energy supply is basically a method that anyone who knows a little bit about the formation can come up with.

But it’s not that simple to implement. After all, elements are everywhere, how to completely isolate them.

And most people don't have a more efficient formation node than the elemental obelisk to interfere with the operation of elemental energy in the environment, so compared to this "brute force" method of cracking.

It would be better to seriously study the rules of the formation and find a way to solve them.

As the formation dissipated silently, an updraft suddenly spurted out from the concave hole!

"Wind field?"

Keqing felt a little surprised when she saw the sudden updraft.

Li Qiuzhi walked to the edge of the downward opening and found that there was a strange device at the bottom like in the game, and the wind field blew out from there.

On the wall at the bottom of the cave entrance, you can clearly see a building built of stones that looks like a small house.

"As expected, it is the Huaqing Secret Palace, and the two caves should also be inside."

The toe of Yelan's high-heeled shoes was slightly protruding and she stepped on the edge and said while standing on the edge. The white Xiapei with sleeves swayed to show off her snow-white back.

She seemed ready to jump down to investigate, but was stopped by Ke Qing:

"Hey wait a minute, it's the devil's cave after all. It should be quite dangerous. Let Li Qiuzhi send an avatar to walk ahead while exploring."

Keqing has strong execution ability and is very decisive, but she is not reckless. Under normal conditions, she still has to carry out the reconnaissance work.

It is naturally most appropriate to leave this to Li Qiuzhi.

"Haha, of course." Li Qiuzhi naturally would not refuse. He leaned close to Keqing and whispered softly, "I have put in so much effort today, how about giving me a kiss as reward?"

"You guy!"

Keqing pinched Li Qiuzhi angrily, "bastard, it's not enough for you to take advantage of me along the way, you even want to kiss him yourself!"

"Hmph, let's wait until you finish the job." She pinched the soft flesh of Li Qiuzhi's waist and hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to agree.

After all, it doesn't matter if I hug you, hold you, or kiss you.

"Hey, can't you two restrain yourself?" Ye Lan complained speechlessly.

Do you really think that if you speak softly, others won’t be able to hear you?


Li Qiuzhi coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

Yelan's affection level for him is approaching level seven, and at this level, her relationship with her has gone beyond an ordinary friendship.

If you act a little more arrogantly in front of her, you'll probably just get complained about.

If he is in front of a girl or outsider with whom he doesn't have a high opinion, he will naturally pay attention to his image.

But that’s no longer necessary in front of Ye Lan. Once the favorability level increases a little, humph, she will be the next tsundere Ke Qing who talks a lot but doesn’t mean anything!


Keqing crossed her arms and stood a little away, pretending that nothing happened.

In order to get the reward promised by Keqing, Li Qiuzhi quickly summoned a "Sword God of Ying" and asked him to fly to the bottom of the cave entrance and start exploring.

First, push open the small house made of stones. It is not like in the game that you can directly enter the cave sky as soon as you push open.

There is a stone corridor inside. It seems that the space inside is not small. The Cloud Sea Cave Sky where the Demon God of Dust died should also be inside.

The Shuiyuedongtian should be further down.

The "Sword God of Ying" flew in without any scruples, and Li Qiuzhi's mental power spread in simultaneously to investigate, but no danger was found for the time being.

"Let's follow along, there's no need to wait here."

Li Qiuzhi said to Yelan and Keqing.


Neither of them had any objections. They jumped directly into the hole that was not too high. When they almost reached the bottom, they spread out their wind wings and used the wind field to relieve their pressure.

But he quickly put it away, otherwise he would be swept up into the sky by the wind.

Li Qiuzhi didn't have such trouble, he just appeared next to them through space.

He looked at the dark passage in front of him and told what he perceived with his mental power:

"There is a multi-layered maze inside, and nothing suspicious was found that would damage the elemental obelisk.

"But I have already used my mental power to find the entrance to Yunhai Cave. In order to save time, I will take you and teleport directly there."

"Well, it doesn't matter. Whether the damage to the element obelisk is due to an accident due to disrepair, or whether it is related to the cave here, we need to investigate clearly."

Since there is no problem in the maze, Ye Lan doesn't want to waste time here. Entering the cave directly is the best choice.

"Okay, give me your hand."

Li Qiuzhi raised his hand and motioned for Yelan and Keqing to hold him. They also thought that they needed to hold their hands to travel through space, so they grabbed his hand without any doubt.

Feeling the soft and warm touch in his hands, Li Qiuzhi used space shuttle to take the two of them directly to the entrance of Yunhai Cave.

The location here looks relatively dark because there is no light. As for why it is not completely dark, it is mainly because the portal in front of everyone looks like a starry sky.

Not surprisingly, it should be the Cave of the Sea of ​​Clouds where the Demon God of Dust died.

"It's time to let go. It's not very polite to hold the hand of the girl you like while holding the hand of another girl. Or do you think you have feelings for me too?"

Ye Lan looked at Li Qiuzhi with a slight smile on her fair face.

"" Li Qiuzhi felt a little embarrassed when Ye Lan looked at him with teasing eyes. Oh no, he was indeed a master of gathering intelligence, but he seemed to have been seen through.

There was no other way, so he had to let go of their hands and change the topic:

"Before going in, I'll let the 'Sword God of Ying' go in to explore the way."

The "Sword God of Ying" who had previously entered the secret palace also used space shuttle to come here under the control of Li Qiuzhi.

"What a hopeless guy!" Ke Qing, who was holding her arms, looked at Li Qiuzhi who abruptly changed the subject, and said with a dissatisfied "hum".

How could such a lustful person have no idea about Ye Lan?

"Haha, I wouldn't reject you if you wanted me to be your lover like Ke Qing." Yelan chuckled and said, "After all, you are quite good apart from being a bit sentimental.

"But agreeing so simply seems to me to be a bit casual and not as reserved as a girl."

Li Qiuzhi replied while controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to enter the cave:

"My hometown values ​​free love. If a girl likes someone, she should be proactive and don't care what others think.

"Hey, since you think I'm good, you should seize the opportunity. After all, good men are in high demand!"

A smile appeared on his face and he promoted himself hard.

"A good man who is single-minded is very popular. As for a guy like you who is a playboy, what is so popular?"

Keqing looked at Li Qiuzhi with disgust.

"Uh" Li Qiuzhi was stuck for a moment, and he couldn't find a reason to refute.

"I gave you a chance, but unfortunately you didn't convince me. Let's see how you perform later. After all, I have no plans to find a boyfriend yet."

Yelan folded her hands under her chest and said with a smile on her face.

"All right."

Li Qiuzhi looked regretful, and at the same time, through the perspective of the "Sword God of Ying", he saw the scene on the other side of the portal in front of him.

Opposite is indeed a cave with a dim yellow sky, and the ground is not ground in the ordinary sense.

It is a sea of ​​clouds. After a simple test by the "Sword God of Ying", it was found that he could stand firmly in the sea of ​​clouds without worrying about falling down as soon as he entered.

This is basically the same as in the game.

Li Qiuzhi got back to business and told Yelan and Keqing about the situation inside the cave.

"Did you find anything unusual?" Keqing asked.

"Well not yet."

The sea of ​​clouds and the sky seemed quite big, and the "Sword God of Ying" didn't find anything special in his sight for the time being.

"If there's no danger, let's go in."

Yelan put her white hand on her chin and said.

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi had no objection to this. He nodded and walked into the portal with Ye Lan and Ke Qing.

It was as if his vision went dark, then quickly lit up again.

The scene that appeared in their field of vision was the same as what the "Sword God of Ying" had seen, with a somewhat hazy sky and flowing clouds on the ground.

It's like standing above the clouds.

"It's really a beautiful scenery. The Demon God of Dust has quite good taste." Ye Lan sighed with emotion.

"Don't worry about it for now. Let's walk around. If we don't find anything unusual, go back. We have work to do later."

Keqing urged.


Li Qiuzhi nodded his head. His mental power and "Sword God of Ying" were already searching the cave.

He turned his head to look at Keqing and said:

"Speaking of which, we have successfully entered Yunhai Cave Sky. Should we pay the 'reward' you promised?"

"Hmph, why don't you just give her a kiss? Of course I won't default on your debt." Keqing wanted to look calmer, but the faint blush on the fair skin on her cheeks betrayed her.

"It's just a kiss on the face, don't think too much about it!"

She folded her arms and pretended to be calm.

"Okay, it's a pity." Li Qiuzhi said with regret again, but a kiss on the face wouldn't hurt, so he obediently moved his face towards her.

Keqing took two steps forward and gently held his face. She was hesitant in a rare way as she acted vigorously and resolutely.

It's like going back to when you were a kid and wanted to jump over a puddle and you needed a little bit of preparation.

"Oh, Keqing, didn't you say you were in a hurry to go out and do other work? Kiss her quickly, don't waste time." Ye Lan looked at her in amusement.

It is quite rare for the dignified Lord Yu Hengxing to show such a little girl attitude.

"No, it's just a kiss, what's the big deal!"

Ke Qing glared at Ye Lan, and using her slightly elevated mood, she pressed her soft lips to the side of Li Qiuzhi's face.

Li Qiuzhi felt a warm and soft touch on his cheek, but after a moment, there was only an emptiness of the air.

He looked at Keqing helplessly.

"I didn't say how long I wanted to kiss you. Anyway, I kissed you."

Ke Qing put her hands behind her back and gently placed them on her skirt, which covered her buttocks that were tightly attached to her black stockings, and she looked away erratically.

"" Li Qiuzhi laughed for a while, "Okay, I'll just consider you to have passed the test."

"Just do it! We have fulfilled our promise perfectly!" Ke Qing clenched her fists dissatisfied, as if Li Qiuzhi was going to beat him if he said another word!

Li Qiuzhi didn't dare to refute, so he had no choice but to lead the two of them forward. Just now he expanded the scope of his mental power and found something unusual in front of him.

At this moment, a favorable impression prompt popped up on his character panel:

[Keqing has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 10 (full level)]

Um? Keqing’s favor is full! There was a hint of surprise in Li Qiuzhi's expression. It seemed that Ke Qing's kiss had a great effect.

[With sincerity and perseverance, you will be deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's star will shine with you, and you will gain the ability: the neon dress of the night. 】

Then he saw another prompt pop up on the character panel.

What a strange name "Niju Pianting" in the night, he did remember somewhat, it was the name of Qing Qing's new clothes in the game.

His favorability skill only has two more words, and I don’t know what the effect is.

Introduction to Li Qiuzhi’s skills to open affection in curious locations:

[Neon Clothes of Night: Use skills to mark your own or other people's clothes. The marked clothes can transfer attacks to each other. The upper limit of the attacks that can be withstood is related to the material of the clothes. The clothes will be damaged when the upper limit is reached. Damage will not cause injury to the wearer, and can mark at most one piece of clothing equal to the level of the wearer and the wearer. 】

oh? Marked clothing will transfer the damage received, and damage to the clothing will not cause injury to the wearer!

Isn't this equivalent to being able to offset an attack?

Li Qiuzhi thought in surprise.

A piece of clothing can offset one attack. Ke Qing is at level 75. He can offset more than 170 attacks at level 100 in total!

Hiss, his own defense is very strong, and he can also absorb energy to resist some attacks. He can also use space to shuttle and escape when he encounters people he really can't defeat.

But if a very powerful being wants to sneak attack him, he will still be in trouble if he can't react.

But with this favorability skill, no matter how powerful the attack is, it will be deflected immediately. This undoubtedly buys him reaction time. It is a magical skill that makes him invincible!

Li Qiuzhi thought a little excitedly while walking in front and leading the two of them forward.

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