I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 512 Evil Object (Two in One)

And the marked clothes do not have to be worn. He can find some very good quality materials and ask Lei Movie to help him create a pair of armor or other clothes with strong injury tolerance.

Then mark it, myself and the other girls, so that if it gets hurt, it can be automatically transferred to the armor.

As long as the armor is not damaged, it will always be effective. Tsk, it’s very outrageous!

Li Qiuzhi benefited from his flexible thinking and quickly thought of the best way to use the favorability skill "Night of Neon Dress".

It's just that at his level, it would be difficult for even gold-quality clothing focused on defense to withstand attacks that could affect him.

If you think about it this way, even if the filmmakers create an armor that can be called a magical weapon, it doesn't seem to have much effect on him.

After all, even if he only deflects an attack that can cause him damage, it will not damage the artifact armor immediately, but it will not have any impact at all.

If it encounters a more powerful attack, it might be destroyed in one blow.

Since it can be destroyed by one hit when transferred to artifact armor, and it can be destroyed by one hit when transferred to ordinary clothing, it is obviously the latter that is more cost-effective.

So he could ask Ying to make the artifact armor, but it would be good for girls to use, and it would obviously be more appropriate for him to use ordinary clothes.

I will mention this matter to Ying when I get back tonight. The warehouse is stacked with various materials that we can’t use for the time being. I don’t know if they will be enough to make a pair of artifact armor.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it, and soon saw some small islands floating in the air in the distance in front of him, and there were translucent bridges connecting the floating islands.

"Floating island? It looks like those immortals." Keqing, who was wearing a purple skirt, looked at it with her chin slightly raised.

"Maybe this cave was made by the immortals."

Li Qiuzhi remembered that the Demon God of Dust had a good relationship with the immortals, and seemed to be an ally of the Rock King during the Demon God War.

"Pay attention to the front. There seem to be many mechanical creations there." Yelan, who was holding her arms, noticed the things guarding the bottom of the floating island.

Those mechanical creations seemed to be made of wood, with mechanical beasts like tigers, wolves, bears and other mechanical beasts, as well as mechanical ruins guards and ruin hunters.

There is even a huge mechanical arrow tower!

"Oh? They look a little unfriendly."

Li Qiuzhi watched as those machine-created creatures stood up slowly and stared at them with scarlet eyes after noticing they were coming.

"Haha, it seems that you have to pass them before you can land on the floating island." Ye Lan said with a chuckle.

"Something's wrong, it feels like they're being manipulated by something."

Ke Qing found that the malice displayed by those machine creations was very obvious, and it was not at all like what machine creations should be.

"Well it does."

Li Qiuzhi used his mental power to feel that there was indeed some kind of malicious mental power in those creations.

Generally speaking, there is no difference between machine creations and ruin guardians. They are all machines driven by some kind of energy. Machines have no soul. Without a soul, there will be no spiritual power.


The tiger-shaped machine creature roared and rushed towards them quickly.

[Level: seventy-two]

Li Qiuzhi's pupils slowly turned golden, and he discovered that the strength of this mechanical creation was over seventy levels, much more powerful than most adventurers!

They should have been made by the Demon God of Dust after all, otherwise ordinary mechanical creations would not be so powerful.

"How rude!"

Ye Lan raised the corner of her mouth, stretched out her right arm wrapped in a long black sleeve, and faced the machine tiger with her palm. Fluorescent aqua blue silk threads appeared out of thin air from her palm, and quickly extended the limbs of the machine tiger that was about to pounce. and the tail are tied.


The machine tiger roared no differently from the real king of beasts, and even formed an invisible sound wave to attack.

It was difficult to dodge a large-scale attack like the sound wave. Yelan snapped her fingers, but unfortunately it didn't ring because she was wearing gloves, but it didn't stop her from guiding the water element to form a wall of water in front of her!

The invisible sound waves hit the water wall, causing circles of ripples. Under these regular ripples, all the sound wave energy was eliminated.


Then the slower running giant machine bear came up. Its bear paws were particularly large. It seemed that it had been improved during the design to optimize the power of this machine creation.

The giant machine bear's scarlet eyes flashed, and he roared and slapped the enlarged machine bear's paw over!

Its target is Ye Lan, who has tied up the trap tiger. It seems to be intending to rescue its companion. This is not something that an unintelligent trap creature would do.

Unless at the beginning of their construction, the Demon God of Dust had set a "mutual help" clause in their operating instructions.

But compared to this, Li Qiuzhi still believes that there is something controlling them behind the scenes!

Judging from basic logic and experience, the power of its specially enlarged bear paw will be very powerful.

"Zizzizi!" The sound of thunder and lightning flashed nearby, and purple lightning danced all over Keqing's body, even the fair skin of her arms.

The purple twin ponytails also floated a little under the influence of static electricity. She snorted coldly, summoned the sword from the Eye of God at a speed that ordinary people could not match, and disappeared into a bolt of lightning.

There was a sound like metal piercing the glass and causing the latter to break. Keqing, who had disappeared from beside her, had appeared on top of the machine giant bear.

The sharp sword tip of the dragon's roar in the legendary famous sword box penetrates the giant bear's entire head from top to bottom from its scarlet eyes!

Judging from the energy sputtering out from its body like a short circuit, the giant bear's energy center is most likely destroyed.

As he expected, after a while, the mechanism bear stopped moving.

From the corner of his eye, Li Qiuzhi saw several light machine wolves walking around them and taking the opportunity to pounce on them.

Their huge open mouths have teeth made of precision forged metal, and a thick steel pipe pops out of their throats!

There were patterns of runes and formations on it, and a large amount of elemental power was guided to gather in it, which reminded him of the scene when the immortals in Qunyu Pavilion used the Final Machine.

Tsk, don’t you also want to fire laser cannons? Li Qiuzhi complained in his heart that in order to prevent everyone from bumping into each other, he did not give the machine wolf a chance to attack.

Li Qiuzhi didn't see any movement. Several arm-sized translucent tentacles stretched out from the void next to them, instantly wrapping around these mechanical creations and twisting them hard!

At the same time as the sounds of metal twisting and wood cracking came, a prompt for gaining experience points popped up on his character panel:

[Defeat 4 powerful enemies and gain 22311 experience points. 】

There are machine-made creations imitating ruin guards and ruin hunters in front of them, and they are preparing to take action. The "Sword God of Ying" is not polite, and his golden eyes flash slightly, and the invisible sword intention smashes them all into pieces!

Experience point +6233

Experience point +8235

Two prompts popped up in the character panel in succession.


At this time, Ye Lan also used the life-saving thread to dismember the tied machine tiger, and the metal and wood fragments shining with runes fell to the ground.

"It seems that even if something is controlling, these machine-created things are just like this." Yelan shook his head slightly, and the hair on the side of his face swayed.

"After all, it is a machine-made creation, so it is naturally subject to the limitations of materials."

Ke Qing put away the dragon's roar in the box.

Just when Li Qiuzhi was about to invite the two of them to the floating island, black shadows appeared on the completely damaged machine creations.

They gathered in mid-air to form a strange circular shadow with long and narrow eyes and a very evil curved mouth:

"Very good! Very good! Only strong bodies are qualified to be possessed by me. You are much stronger than those wooden puppets!"

It was as if several people were talking at the same time, which made Li Qiuzhi uncomfortable to hear.

The black shadow continued to talk to itself: "Haha, come on, come on, climb to the highest floating island, I will wait for you on top, whoever can reach the top first will be qualified to be my envoy!

"And those who lag behind become puppets! Hahaha, be afraid! Be frightened! Hahaha!!!"

Li Qiuzhi, Ye Lan and Ke Qing looked at each other in confusion. He looked at the black shadow in the air and said speechlessly:

"What's going on? Could it be that you've been locked up here for a long time and your brain is damaged?"

[Level: ninety-eight]

The Golden Judgment Eye easily discerned the level of this black shadow. Level ninety-eight was already close to the level of the Demon God, but wouldn't it be tiring to dare to show off one's power in front of him?

Obviously this thing is the guy who controls those machine creations. The destruction of the elemental obelisk used to power the formation may also be related to it.

After all, with such great strength and wisdom, it is not difficult to avoid suspicion.

It seems that something that was originally sealed in this cave escaped because it was in disrepair and no one maintained it.

"What - you stupid person dare to laugh at me, the supreme and greatest king of evil things!"

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, the black shadow became completely angry.

Endless malice was exuded with a powerful momentum, and even Li Qiuzhi felt that the surrounding environment seemed to have dropped a few degrees.

It seemed like it was summer one second, and winter immediately the next.

"So cold, so full of malice." Yelan and Keqing crossed their arms and frowned subconsciously. They were not as powerful as Li Qiuzhi and could not be affected.

Under the shroud of malice, the elemental power in their bodies seemed to be unstable. It was even difficult to guide the basic elemental power, and it was also difficult to concentrate.


Li Qiuzhi walked to the two of them and hugged them on the left and right.

After letting his own body temperature pass through, he released his majestic mental power and directly crushed the black shadow's malice and momentum back!


The black shadow's eyes widened, as if in disbelief. The mental power of a mere human being was stronger than that of the supreme king of evil things!

"What kind of cover-up did you use, you bastard?" The black shadow resisted with all his strength and said in a gritted tone:

"How can a mere human being be so strong!"

Li Qiuzhi usually doesn't waste words with villains, but his already huge mental power suddenly comes into force again!

The black shadow never expected that he would make such a move, and was directly crushed to pieces by the force coming from all directions.

Judging from his observations, this black shadow does not seem to have any power, which means it is not a demon.

So there is no need to worry about what kind of disaster will happen after it dies, just destroy it!

As expected, the black shadow was crushed without any surprise, and it no longer existed nearby. But what was surprising was that the character panel did not pop up a prompt to obtain experience points.

Li Qiuzhi knew without thinking that the black shadow was definitely not dead yet.

"Hahaha, stupid humans, the supreme king of evil is immortal!"

He didn't let him think for long before the villain's triumphant voice came from the sky, which was the location of the highest floating island.

"It ran away?" Keqing raised her head and looked at the sky.

"It seems so." Li Qiuzhi was very close to the two ladies and smelled the faint fragrance on their bodies.

"How long do you want to hug me?"

Ye Lan, who was on the left, raised her hand to cover her lips and coughed lightly as a reminder.

Although I did feel a sense of security when I was hugged just now, this is not the reason for you to continue to take advantage of me, Ye Lan thought silently in her heart.

Keqing didn't care, she was used to being hugged.

"It's a sneak attack and it wants to leave. Let's go up and catch it!" Li Qiuzhi pretended not to hear, but still hugged their soft waists.

"You guy"

Ye Lan felt the hug around her waist. It was obvious that Li Qiuzhi was unwilling to let go so easily. She looked helpless and thought of it as a reward for him.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (250/700)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorable impression prompt that popped up on the character panel in surprise. Sure enough, being a little bit more rogue to a girl who already had a good impression of him could speed up the development of his relationship.

This could barely be considered a two-way journey, he thought with some joy.

"Well, you'd better stay close to me like this, lest that weird shadow sneak up on you." Li Qiuzhi found a reason, then hugged the two of them and walked towards the first floating island.

"Hmph, you hypocritical shameless person." Keqing folded her arms and cursed flatly.

Stepping onto the golden translucent rune bridge, Li Qiuzhi did not refute Ke Qing's words for the time being, because at this time, the "Sword God of Ying" he controlled had already reached the first floating island.

This floating island is about more than 100 square meters, and the ground is covered with grass, probably because no one has been taking care of it.

They had grown to be as high as his knees, and if their limit hadn't been right here, they might have grown taller than humans.

Of course, there are also many withered ones, which are not as vibrant as normal.

The "Sword God of Ying" floated in the air and took in the situation on the first floating island, and found that there were no mechanical creations or monsters here.

Instead, there was a precious treasure box placed under a tree on the edge.

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