I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 513 Forging (two-in-one)

A precious treasure chest?

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there would be a treasure box here. In order to prevent it from being a trap, he controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to slash at the treasure box!

The golden sword energy appeared in front of the treasure chest regardless of the distance, and easily cut its lid open.


Black smoke erupted, sweeping away everything around it, and the grass it touched withered as if its life had been sucked out.

He was right to be wary. This treasure chest is too conspicuous, as if it attracts people to open it.

"Tsk, you're lucky."

The unpleasant overlapping sounds of many people high in the sky came down again, leaving Li Qiuzhi speechless.

Is this evil creature an idiot to think that he would be fooled so easily? He is not an idiot adventurer who will be fascinated by treasures.

It's almost enough to turn into a beautiful girl.

However, he used the "Sword God of Ying" to explore the way. Even if he was attacked, it would be nothing. After all, she had no life.

After using his mental power to confirm that there was nothing else on the first floating island, Li Qiuzhi continued to control the "Sword God of Ying" to fly to the floating island above.

"There are overgrown weeds ahead, let's just fly up." Li Qiuzhi suggested.

"Isn't it because you wanted to hug us that you walked slowly?" Ye Lan raised the corner of her mouth and smiled.

It was the first time for her to be hugged by a boy like this, and she felt a little uncomfortable. But because he had a good sense of Li Qiuzhi, I left it to him.

Li Qiuzhi took back his hand as if nothing had happened, realized his mistake and said, "Well, it's better that we deal with that evil thing first than this."

Keqing brushed her purple hair from her forehead, sighed and said:

"You saw just now that we are no match against that evil thing. Only you can fight it, so we should wait for you here so as not to have to distract you from taking care of it."

As a Yuheng star, she wanted to personally deal with these evil things that were obviously harmful to human beings, but she knew that she was not strong enough, so naturally it was not easy for her to join them and cause trouble.

"Although I really don't want to admit it, it's true." Yelan spread her hands and said helplessly.

"Okay, then I'll leave the 'Sword God of Ying' to protect you, lest the evil thing attack you while I'm gone."

Li Qiuzhi summoned the "Sword God of Ying" back to him. Unfortunately, he originally wanted to show off in front of Yelan and Keqing.

"Haha, okay." Ye Lan never thought that she would be protected by others one day.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 7 (550/700)]

Looking at the prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi said to himself that it was no loss, and then used his mental power to control himself to float up and fly into the sky.

When passing through the second floating island, he also briefly scanned it with his mental power and found that there was nothing worth paying attention to here.

The third floating island is actually hiding a bunch of mechanical creations.

Li Qiuzhi came a little closer, shrouded them within the scope of the "Moon-covering Heavenly Power", and instantly completed the control of the "valuable" things on their bodies.

He directly took away the energy cores of the machine creations and easily solved these machine creations.

[Defeat 12 powerful enemies and gain 62832 experience points. 】

Seeing that although he had gained more than 60,000 experience points, Li Qiuzhi was no longer too happy about getting this kind of "mosquito meat".

After all, compared to the 10 million experience points required to upgrade the level, the difference is too far.

Perhaps he finally understood that some simple ambushes would have no effect on Li Qiuzhi. Neither the fourth floating island nor the fifth floating island had any mechanical creations.

Soon he came to the sixth floating island, which was the highest floating island in the cave.

Li Qiuzhi found that it was even smaller, only about ten square meters, and there wasn't much on the island.

There is a desk in the middle of the floating island, and three objects of different shapes that are intertwined with each other and emit black energy are placed on the desk.

Those black auras gathered together to form the evil thing just now.

I don't know if it was because it was killed once. The evil thing just resurrected in its body, but because the body was still sealed, it couldn't escape this time.

"It's all you! It's all you! It was so easy for me to escape from the formation. As long as I destroy the formation outside, I will be free, ahhhh!!! Bastard!"

The self-proclaimed king of evil things roared at Li Qiuzhi with his teeth and claws open.

Li Qiuzhi did not talk to it, but judged the current state of this evil thing. Judging from the fact that it was able to ambush the creation of the mechanism just now, its power should be able to affect the outside of the seal.

But the main body has been locked back into the formation. It is probably not that simple to come out again. It is inevitable that it will take a long time.

And the immortality it said was probably not really immortal, it was just that Li Qiuzhi did not damage its origin just now.

That is, the three ancient evil objects that were sealed!

The king of evil things is probably just an energy body condensed by them. Once it is destroyed, it is destroyed and can be condensed again.

It's just that although it is still sealed now, through the combined force of the three ancient evil objects, it can slowly seep out its power.

To put it simply, this formation has no effect and must be reinforced to prevent it from escaping.

He could easily reinforce the formation as long as he asked Shen He to come over.

But this method only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Just like the formation that seals it now, it will be escaped sooner or later.

But it is not appropriate to completely destroy these ancient evil objects. After all, if they can be destroyed, the Demon God of Dust and the immortals will not have to seal them here.

It is very possible that they are like demons, and their destruction will cause some kind of disaster.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while. He didn't have enough knowledge to solve it temporarily, but it didn't matter. There were several gods in the fairyland space. Let's ask them.

He used "Star Travel" to tell Raiden Movie, Raiden Shin, Daci Tree King and Heulia respectively about the situation he encountered.

"Well, although I am a demon, you know, I am relatively weak. How can I know how to solve such a difficult thing?"

This was Heulia's answer.

Well, after all, together with the immortals and even Lord Yan, we couldn't solve the problem. How could the Demon God of Salt know how to solve it?

"If the secret realm you have there is strong enough to support the energy of destroying ancient evil objects, you can limit the scope of the disaster to the secret realm."

Thunderbolt really said so.

Li Qiuzhi thought about it and found that this method was indeed good, but the immortals must have thought of this method at the time.

And judging from the fact that several ancient evil objects are still sealed by the formation, we can probably guess that this cave can no longer withstand it.

"Perhaps the ancient evil thing you mentioned can be made into some kind of weapon or armor, and then the runes and formations can be burned into it to completely suppress the will of the evil thing in the weapon.

"Or you can directly break up the will of evil objects when forging weapons. This requires a very high-level blacksmith."

King Daci Shu gave his own advice.

When things reach a certain level, it is inevitable for disaster to break out after complete destruction, but the situation Li Qiuzhi encountered now does not necessarily require the destruction of those ancient evil objects.

All it takes is to erase the will of the ancient evil being.

"Oh?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he heard the answer from King Daci Tree. When he obtained the skill of Keqing's favor, he was still thinking about asking Ying to help him build armor or something.

But since there weren't many gold-quality materials, he didn't know if Ying could create armor comparable to a divine weapon.

After being reminded by the Great Ci Tree King, he found that it was not bad to use these ancient evil objects to make armor.

Anyway, it was created to deflect damage, and it won't be worn by anyone. Even if it is an ancient evil object, it doesn't matter.

He immediately asked Lei Qianqiu: "Is it feasible, the method mentioned by King Daci Shu?"

"Of course you can. Forging tools with lightning is enough to cleanse all malice." Lei Yingying, half sitting in the air in the meditation room of Xianjia Space, replied calmly.

"Hey, can you watch it?" Li Qiuzhi continued to talk to Lei Movie with a smile on his face.

"Well, I can take action." Food and accommodation are all at Li Qiuzhi's house, and Lei Movie has no reason to refuse such a small matter.

Feeling the teleportation request, Li Qiuzhi quickly agreed.

A tall figure appeared next to him, with long dark purple hair tied into a beautiful braid, and the ends of the hair were swept to the calf wrapped in knee-high stockings.

Wearing wooden high-heeled shoes, the person coming is naturally a thunder movie.

"Are these the ancient evil things you're talking about?" Lei Fianqing folded his hands under his half-exposed snow-white chest, and looked at several items on the table in front of him with his dark purple pupils.

The first object was black, with a smooth surface like polished jade, but its shape resembled the heart of some creature.

The second item is a horn with spiral stripes. It can be used as an evil object to make demons feel troublesome. It must be something on some powerful demon.

The last one is a white irregular object. If you want to use any word to describe it, it seems like a bone?

Well, it looks like a stone or a bone. Li Qiuzhi couldn't tell visually.

"Yes, do you think they can be made into a pair of armor?" Li Qiuzhi said to Lei Movie.

At the same time, she controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to bring Yelan and Keqing up. After all, there was a shadow, so there was no need to worry about the evil thing having a chance to attack.

"They will become smaller after fine forging, but they are enough to make a smaller piece of armor."

After all, Lei Qianqian is a master of forging, and he can judge whether these evil objects are suitable for forging just by looking at them.

"Stupid humans, they talk about training me into armor in front of me. They really bully me too much!"

The King of Evil shouted angrily.

Arrogant humans, you still want to turn me into armor, huh, the moment you destroy the formation, I will be completely free!

bring it on! bring it on! Quickly unlock the seal and train me into armor! Ha ha!

The King of Evil Objects pretended to be angry on the surface, but deep down he was extremely happy. It had only managed to break through a crack in the formation with the help of the power of three ancient evil objects over the years.

Now someone actually wants to take the initiative to open the seal. It has never seen such a stupid human being!

"Haha, don't be too arrogant, you really thought you could run out!" Li Qiuzhi smiled disdainfully at the King of Evil Things.

"Open the door. I'll go to the warehouse to get some auxiliary materials."

Lei Qingqing looked at Li Qiuzhi and said.


Li Qiuzhi casually opened a crack in space and let Ying walk in. At this time, Yelan and Keqing also walked up under the leadership of the "Sword God of Ying".

"Is that the Thunderbolt General from Daozi just now?" Yelan's fair-skinned face looked a little surprised.

"She's a thunder movie."

Li Qiuzhi introduced the relationship between Xia Ying and the general to Ye Lan and Ke Qing.

"Is that so?"

Even though Ye Lan is very capable of gathering intelligence as Ning Guang's direct intelligence agent, it is probably difficult to understand the secret that the person in charge of Da Wife is actually a doll.

Ke Qing was able to sense through the "beacon" that two generals of thunder and lightning also had "beacons", but she did not know that the two of them were one body and two souls.

"By the way, these ancient evil objects are still in the seal of the formation. I am going to ask Ying to make them into armor and remove their fusion will. This should solve all the troubles."

Li Qiuzhi told Yelan and Keqing about the next plan.

"If the gods take action, of course there will be no problem." Ke Qing nodded and said.

"Huh, I didn't expect that the reason behind a small task of just dealing with the mutated Red Demon King would require God's intervention to solve it."

Ye Lan looked helpless.

"Indeed." Li Qiuzhi agreed, looking at Ye Lan:

"Speaking of which, to any girl I have a good relationship with, I will give her a teleportation ability called 'Interstellar Travel' as a life-saving ability in the face of crisis.

"Now let me give you one too."

After speaking, Li Qiuzhi summoned a golden ball of light and handed it to Ye Lan.

"Oh, no wonder so many of your lovers don't care that you are messing around with women. It's your advantage to take responsibility and treat everyone well. Okay, then I'll accept it."

Being hugged and hugged, Ye Lan certainly had no reason to reject this precious ability.

[Yelan has a good impression of you and gains 350 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (150/800)]

Looking at the favor prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi secretly sighed. Sure enough, giving gifts, especially precious gifts, would easily gain others' favor.

At this time, Ying, who had found the materials, walked out of the crack in space. She saw Yelan and Keqing just nodded.

Then he put down the pile of materials he was holding, looked at the formation in front of him and said:

"You guys stand back."

Li Qiuzhi and the others knew that the next movement might be a bit loud, so they walked a few meters behind Lei Qiuzhi.

They were also a little curious about how Shadow forged things.

After Lei Movie confirmed that the presence of several people behind her would not affect her subsequent work, her whole body began to flash with lightning.

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