I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 529 Fox-Faced Witch (2-in-1)

Kontian Village, stone fox statue.

The sun was still bright just after noon. The three of them stood in front of the stone statue and found no trace of the fox-faced witch nearby.

"Did you leave?" Xiao Gongwei clenched his fist and pressed it against his soft waist.

"Well, when the villager came to Narukami Taisha Shrine to report the situation, he said that he saw it in the night when he was returning from farm work at night. Maybe it was because it was daytime and she didn't come out."

Yae Shenzi put the back of his fingers on his chin, with a faint smile on his face.

"Hey! Sir Gong Si, don't say such strange things, I'm a little scared." Various ghost legends that he heard when he was a child popped up in Xiao Gong's mind.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Xiao Gong and probably guessed what she was thinking, so he couldn't help but chuckle:

"Obviously, the things you are thinking about do exist in Teyvat."

"Even you scare me?" Xiao Gong looked at Li Qiuzhi dissatisfied.

There is nothing she can do, Mr. Gong Si. There is nothing she can do about you. Xiao Gong tried to reach out and pinch Li Qiuzhi's cheek.

But Li Qiuzhi had very rich experience in this kind of behavior of girls, and easily avoided Xiaogong's attack, and then took advantage of the situation to hold her in his arms from behind.


Xiaogong, whose center of gravity was unstable, pressed her back completely against Li Qiuzhi. She was first instinctively surprised, and then a little embarrassed.

"You two...I asked you to help me, not to have a date with you!"

Yae Kamiko put her hands on her hips and unexpectedly puffed up her cheeks like a delicate girl.

"Haha, I'm sorry." Li Qiuzhi let go of Xiao Gong and continued, "What are you going to do now? Do you want to wait until night to see if anyone shows up?"

"Well, this is what we have to do. We can't go looking for it blindly." Yae Shenzi said with his arms crossed.

"Okay, then let's go sit in the village and wait until night to see if anyone will show up here."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a moment and said.

"Yeah." Neither Yae Shenzi nor Xiao Gong had any objections.

Next, a few people entered Kontian Village and found a place to sit for a while. Li Qiuzhi also told Yae Shenzi about his purpose of promoting the development of the "Sweet Flower Merchant Association".

"Oh? So you want to return to your hometown?" Yae Shenzi looked surprised. She pondered for less than a second and continued, "I smell a lot of women on you, and I know you have a lot of good looks. , so are you willing to leave them behind?"

Her face was calm, but for some reason Li Qiuzhi suddenly felt a little chilly, and even Xiao Gong was visibly depressed.

He shook his head and quickly explained: "How is this possible? I can come back at any time, but it is also convenient if you also want to go to space."

Li Qiuzhi once again emphasized that his "interstellar travel" ability will not be limited by distance or blocked in any way.

No matter what the situation is, he can return to them in an instant, and they can also teleport to him at any time.

After hearing his explanation, Xiao Gong's face obviously improved a lot and he relaxed a little. Yae Shenzi snorted and said dissatisfiedly:

"You said there's no need to bring me with you. I don't have such powerful abilities."

"If you want, you can do it now."

Li Qiuzhi summoned a golden beacon and handed it to her.

"Oh, what do you want to do? You don't have any strange thoughts about me, right?" Yae Kamiko looked at him with a smile.

"Miss Shenzi, you are worrying too much. I just think that we have known each other for such a long time and can be regarded as good friends. However, as friends, I have not given you any commemorative gifts. Since we just happened to talk about this, I will take advantage of the situation. I’ll give it to you.”

Li Qiuzhi's face remained normal and he said seriously.

"A gift? Since you are so sincere, I will reluctantly accept it." Unexpectedly, Yae Shenzi did not refuse and reached out to take the golden beacon.

[Ye Shenzi has a good impression of you and gains 480 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (280/800)]

Li Qiuzhi saw that Yae Shenzi took the sign so easily, and he knew that she seemed to care about him.

Even the favorability level has improved a lot.

After fusing the golden beacon, Yae Shenzi also tried it on Li Qiuzhi and Xiao Gong, and found that they could indeed teleport between each other effortlessly.

Immediately, his eyebrows lit up with joy, and he showed a faint smile:

"This gift is very good. I like it very much. As a return gift, let me upgrade your blessings for you."

Some time ago at Narukami Taisha Shrine, Yae Shenzi gave Li Qiuzhi a blessing to improve his luck by kissing his forehead.

Now she wants to improve the effect of that blessing.

"Ah, can the blessing you gave me back then be upgraded?" Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised when he heard that the effect of the blessing could be improved.

Seeing Li Qiuzhi's happy expression, Yae Shenzi blinked her beautiful white eyelids, and the idea of ​​teasing others emerged again. She pretended to hesitate and said:

"If you don't like this guy, forget it. The fox fairy's blessing given in that way is not even a shadow. Don't take advantage of it without knowing it!

"If you dislike it, just pretend I didn't say anything just now."

"Hey, don't, don't, don't, I like the blessing you gave me very much. How can I dislike it? Come and upgrade it for me!"

Li Qiuzhi saw that the Eightfold God Son was about to regret it, so he quickly relented, knowing that luck was very useful to him.

It allows him to use "Lingge" to give entries, and it is easier to generate good entries. Isn't this a disguised way of saving "spirituality"!

After all, when you are unlucky, you can't get a good entry after swiping it several times. This is a waste of "spirituality", but it is different if you are lucky.

Maybe after just one use of "Lingge", an entry that makes you very satisfied will appear, achieving the effect of entering the soul in one shot.

And with improved luck, you are more likely to encounter treasure chests and find rough stones when you go on adventures. There is no reason to miss this opportunity.

And you can even get kissed...

Li Qiuzhi brushed up the ends of his hair that were hanging down in front of his forehead, put his head close to her, and was ready to be kissed on the forehead again to upgrade his blessing.

"Hmph, forget it. Seeing that I'm in a good mood, I'll give it to you reluctantly."

Yae Shenzi raised the corners of his mouth, stretched out his warm and soft palms to pinch Li Qiuzhi's cheek, leaned forward slightly, and leaned towards his forehead.

Although this was not the first time he had been kissed by a girl, Li Qiuzhi was still looking forward to feeling the soft and warm feeling of Shenzi's lips.

Xiao Gong's cheeks bulged as he watched from the side. He had never kissed Li Qiuzhi, and now he had to watch him being kissed by another girl, so he couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

Huh, but it's okay, it's just a kiss on the forehead, nothing. Xiao Gong let out a silent sigh of relief.

Yae Shenzi noticed the complicated mood in Xiao Gong's heart. She glanced at her and suddenly showed a sly smile.

The cherry-colored thin lips suddenly stopped in front of Li Qiuzhi's forehead, and then, with Xiao Gong's blank expression, they suddenly moved down and pressed directly against Li Qiuzhi's lips!

Li Qiuzhi felt the warmth and softness of his lips and looked at the beautiful face so close. He didn't react for a moment, but blinked twice quickly subconsciously.

"Huh?! Master Gong Si, what are you doing!" Xiao Gong realized what he was doing at this moment, put his hands on his legs and clenched his fists.

Woohoo, the hateful fox woman actually did such a thing in front of her. She felt as if something important had been taken away, and her eyes were red.

"Haha, did I forget to mention that my fox fairy's blessing only needs to be kissed on the forehead for the first time. If you want to upgrade, of course you have to kiss on the mouth."

Yae Shenzi realized that he seemed to have gone too far, so he separated from Li Qiuzhi with a normal expression and explained slowly.

In fact, the real name of her blessing that can improve luck is "Fairy Fox Kiss", which is a unique ability of the fairy foxes of Bai Chen's bloodline.

You can only give it to people you really like. As your strength increases, you can also give it a second time to form a double blessing. The effect of improving luck will be much better.

In addition, it will be easier to gain the favor of other Baichen Fairy Foxes.

But it doesn’t have to be a kiss on the mouth. In fact, there is no requirement to kiss the forehead. Cheeks and backs of hands are also acceptable.

She just looked at Xiao Gong's jealous look and had the idea of ​​teasing her. She is really a bad woman.


After hearing Yae Shenzi's explanation, Xiao Gong reluctantly accepted it, but still did not give her a good look.

Li Qiuzhi understands girls' thoughts best. The way Xiao Gong is now is actually just a psychological imbalance. As long as he gets a little exposure to the rain and dew, he can solve the problem!

He is tired of spending time with girls all day long, so of course he understands their psychology very well.

So Li Qiuzhi did not give any comfort and directly spoke with actions.

He stretched out his arms and gently held Xiao Gong in his arms again, and pressed his lips to hers despite her surprised expression.


Xiao Gong's eyes widened, feeling the body temperature transmitted between the skin and the breath of the Yao Shenzi who had just kissed Li Qiuzhi.

"Idiot!" Xiao Gong instinctively pushed Li Qiuzhi away and cursed in embarrassment!

[Xiaogong has a good impression of you and gains 500 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (700/800)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel and knew that he was one step closer to the full favorability level of Xiaogong.

At this moment, the Yae Shenzi sitting on the other side of Li Qiuzhi pretended to be pitiful and said:

"Oh, are you going to turn around and forget about me? He is such a ruthless man."

Li Qiuzhi looked left and right, with a look of helplessness on his face. After much deliberation, he had no choice but to hug both of them.

Time passed quickly as Li Qiuzhi, Xiao Gong and Yae Shenzi were exchanging feelings, and it was night soon.

It feels like time is almost up, and the three of them have not forgotten their mission here.

Taking advantage of the bright moonlight, the earth was not completely plunged into the darkness of night, and it was easier to see the ground clearly, they went to the northwest of Konta Village again and found the location of the stone fox statue.

This time they did not miss. In front of the moonlit fox statue, a figure in a red and white witch costume was bending down to light a candle.

The candle flame swayed slightly in the night wind, but burned tenaciously and was not extinguished.

As Li Qiuzhi and the others approached, the other party also turned around. Sure enough, he was wearing a white fox mask on his face. It was a very common type. You don't have to go to Inazuma City to sell it in Kantian Village.

Several people did not feel the presence of malice, so they did not act rashly.

When Li Qiuzhi saw this fox-faced witch with his own eyes, he was already sure that she was Hua Sanli in the game plot.

Yae Shenzi looked at the miko in front of him and frowned slightly:

"I remember that there is no miko like you in Narukami Taisha Shrine. It is illegal to pretend to be a miko."

She didn't know why, but she seemed to be able to feel a familiar feeling from the miko in front of her.

Xiao Gong felt that the fox-faced witch was a little strange. She stood beside Li Qiuzhi and did not speak.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a shrine maiden from Narukami Taisha Shrine. I'm just dressing up like this to attract people to help me."

The fox-faced witch was silent for a while while facing Li Qiuzhi and the others. Because the mask she wore gave people a very calm feeling, and they had no idea what she was thinking.

"Help? Just before asking for help, why don't you explain the situation clearly and explain where you came from?"

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

"That's right. After all, it's a bit strange that you appear here inexplicably. Please explain your origin first." Xiao Gong also nodded and said.

The witch in the fox mask seemed to find herself appearing here inexplicably at night, which was indeed a bit strange for ordinary people, so she nodded and replied:

"My name is Hanasari, just call me Hanasari. I am a miko, but not the current miko of Narukami Taisha Shrine. I am a useless remnant of the past, and I just want to fulfill my last duty. "

Perhaps because of the presence of Yae Shenzi, Hua Sanli knew that it would not work without explaining clearly, so he explained what was behind him in a vague manner.

Li Qiuzhi thought thoughtfully, is this because he knows that he will eventually disappear, so he tries to avoid recognizing acquaintances?

"In the past?" Yae Shenzi looked at Hua Sanli doubtfully.

As the Priest of Narukami Taisha Shrine, she remembered every shrine maiden who had ever worked at Narukami Taisha Shrine, and was very sure that Hana Sanri did not exist.

However, it was not just the Narukami Taisha Shrine that had shrine maidens before. The shrine maidens worked in the shrine, and there used to be many shrines dedicated to other gods on Inazuma's land.

So it's not surprising that witches exist.

However, as the number of gods became more and more rare, other shrines except Narukami Taisha Shrine gradually became rarer and even disappeared.

Because shrines generally have their own gods enshrined, and those demon gods have been defeated in the war, and the fallen have fled, so the shrines that enshrine them will inevitably decline.

Is it possible that the flowers are a witch who once worshiped some god? Or is she a shrine maiden from the time of the previous palace minister of Narukami Taisha Shrine?

Change first and then change.

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