I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 530 The filth of the root system (two-in-one)

"Yes." The fox-faced miko Hana Sanri nodded lightly.

"Since you don't want to say it, forget it. Let me hear if you need help?"

The explanation given by the miko in front of her was a little vague. Yae Shenzi was unable to obtain any more information and could not guess her identity for a while.

Because Li Qiuzhi couldn't explain how he knew Hua Sanli's identity, he didn't explain it for the time being. He had to find a suitable time.

"There is a 'security object' in this fox-shaped statue. You can take it out by driving the thunder element. After taking it out, I would like to ask you to investigate the boundary of Konta Village."

Hua Sanli spoke calmly.

"The barrier of Konta Village. I remember that there is indeed a barrier underground in Konta Village. That barrier is used to protect the roots of the sacred cherry tree. Is there something wrong with it?"

Yae Kamiko crossed her arms and asked doubtfully.

"As the Palace Secretary of Narukami Taisha Shrine, you should know that the thunder cherry tree has the ability to purify the earth's veins, but the roots used to divert pollution from the earth's veins will become blocked by dirt over time.

"At this time, it needs to be purified."

Hua Sanli, wearing a white fox mask, replied.

"Oh? Has it reached this point?"

Yae Kamiko naturally understands the functions of the sacred cherry tree, but because she was worried about Xinying recently, in order to prevent Inazuma from heading into a dark future, she ignored them for a while.

"Speaking of which, it must not be easy to know the identities of these people. Logically speaking, no other miko except those from the Narukami lineage know about them, right?"

New questions were born in Yae Shenzi's mind, and the feeling in the flowers became more and more familiar to her. She must be someone she once knew.

But she just looks like an ordinary miko, and there really is nothing special about her except for the mask.

It made her wonder if it was her imagination.

"Hey, is there someone familiar to Mr. Gongji in Huasanli?" Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Xiaogong looked at the fox-faced shrine maiden in surprise.

Li Qiuzhi felt that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to guide Hua Sanli's true identity.

So he said:

"Miss Hua Sanli, I have been exposed to the dark power of the abyss, and the feeling you gave me seems to be somewhat similar to that feeling."

He didn't lie. In Li Qiuzhi's perception, although the flowers in front of him were solid, they didn't feel like a stranger.

According to Hua Sanli's own description in the original work, she is the condensed form of the thoughts and memories of Hu Zhai Palace and the filth of the abyss.

However, ethereal things such as memory and longing are completely different from the soul, and are more similar to an obsession.

At that time, Hu Zhai Palace was about to be swallowed by the abyss. The trace of will that was preserved by begging to the abyss was naturally impossible to be strong enough to retain its physical form.

Therefore, if nothing unexpected happens, Hua Sanli's body at this time should be condensed from the filth of the abyss, so it has a physical body.

The fact that her consciousness can continue to exist for so long should be maintained by this filth, and this filth is probably closely related to the filth that polluted the sacred cherry tree.

Therefore, in the game plot, after the traveler successfully purified the filth of the sacred cherry tree, Hua Sanli also lost the filth that maintained his consciousness.

The remaining thoughts and memories naturally have no energy to maintain, so they naturally dissipate.

"Really, it turns out you can discover it." Hua Sanli was a little surprised.

Although she is only the filth of Lei Yingshu, she has also inherited the filth of all the memories of Lord Foxsai Palace, and she is still able to barely hide her identity.

Unexpectedly, she was spotted by an inconspicuous young adventurer. In this case, she thought for a moment and felt that there was no point in hiding it.

Otherwise, they would remain suspicious and the work of purifying the Thunder Cherry Tree would be more difficult to carry out.

She no longer concealed anything, and slowly opened her mouth to explain her origins clearly:

"Hundreds of years ago, a disaster occurred in Inazuma. The power of darkness ravaged the land, and all life on Narukami Island was devastated.

"A master named Foxai Palace sacrificed himself to protect the people of Narukami Island, and I am the filth condensed by the influence of that master's memory and thoughts."

The filth caused by the memories and longings of Hozai Palace? So the essence of Hua Sanli is just filth and has nothing to do with Huzhai Palace?

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised. It seemed that even if he had the game plot as a reference, he would still make mistakes when interpreting it.

"You're saying you're filthy, so aren't you asking us to clean yourself up?"

Xiao Gong said in surprise.

"The existence of filth is not good for the world. Since I was born according to that lord's will, I should naturally fulfill my final duty."

Hua Sanli said wearing a mask.

No wonder she felt familiar and had such a connection with Master Foxai Palace? Yae Shenzi was also a little surprised at this time.

"But, as Xiao Gong said, since you were born from the filth of the sacred cherry tree, then if we clean up the filth of the sacred cherry tree, you will disappear, right?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at the scattered flowers.

"Disappearance does not really disappear. As long as I am still in your memory, it will last forever."

Hua Sanli was affected by the memory of Huzhai Palace. The only thing he wanted to do was to clean up the filth, and he never cared about whether he would disappear.

However, based on Hu Zhai Palace's memory, she also understood that human beings have emotions, so she tried her best to avoid telling the fact that she would disappear after cleaning up the dirt.

When Li Qiuzhi was going through the plot, he was still a little bit upset about Hua Sanli's disappearance. Even if she was not Hu Zhai Palace, he wanted to avoid the ending of her disappearance as much as possible.

But it was hard to explain clearly, so he found a reason and said:

"Well, the Huzhai Palace is a descendant of the God of Thunder. Her memory is very valuable. It would be a pity to disappear like this. I have a way to prevent you from disappearing after cleaning up the filth of the sacred cherry tree. Are you willing to stay? Come down?"

"But my existence is only to clean up the filth of Thunder Cherry Tree. Once the cleanup is completed, there will be no meaning for me to continue to exist. The memory of the deceased should also belong to the deceased."

Hua Sanli shook his head and said.

She is not afraid of death, and as a filthy person, she should not continue to exist.

After seeing that Li Qiuzhi was troubled by human emotions and wanted to find a reason for her to continue to exist in the world, she refused without hesitation.

This body is filthy, and the meaning of existence in this world is to perish.

"" Unexpectedly, he was rejected immediately. Li Qiuzhi was silent for a moment. He had no choice but to say:

"But since you want us to do something, you have to give us some reward. Since you have the memory of Huzhai Palace, you will definitely know the spells she masters.

"It would be such a pity if it disappeared completely with your disappearance. You can write them down and give them to us as a reward. How about leaving a legacy to Huzhai Palace?"

After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words this time, Hua Sanli became slightly silent. When it came to reward, she really had nothing to offer except the memory of Master Huzhai Palace.

Moreover, she looked at the Yae Shenzi and thought to herself that this Yae Palace Priest was a descendant of Lord Foxai Palace, so it would be good to hand over some of Lord Foxai Palace's unique inheritance to her.

Hua Sanli thought for a moment and nodded slowly:

"In that case, there is no problem. Before disappearing, I will leave some of the inheritance of Mr. Huzhai Palace to you."

"Okay, then you can take us directly to the place where there is pollution. As for the 'township', there is no need to pick it up. I have an easier way to clean up the pollution."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

As long as he has the will to stay, that's fine. With his ability, as long as he hasn't completely perished, there's basically nothing he can't save.

As for how to deal with the filth, of course we need to ask Ying to help!

The filth of the Sacred Cherry Tree is the power left behind by the abyss, and the pollution of forbidden knowledge from the World Tree, as well as the Dead Realm and Black Mud are probably similar things.

And Ying has the purest power of the abyss, so there should be no problem in solving this filth.

It is even said that the favorability skill "Goddess Wuchen" he obtained from Shen He may also be able to purify dirt.

But he has not tried plants like the sacred cherry tree, and he doesn't know if it can work. The description of the skill is to give the "target" the status of "Goddess Wuchen":

This "target" does not necessarily stipulate that it must be a human being. Li Qiuzhi felt that it should be able to use it on the sacred cherry tree without any surprise.

That's why he is so confident.

"Okay, let's give it a try." Hua Sanli nodded lightly. After all, he had been waiting for such a long time, and it wouldn't take much time to try with Li Qiuzhi and the others.

Yae Shenzi was slightly relieved when she saw that Li Qiuzhi had successfully deceived the flowers. She had the memory of Master Huzhai Palace.

It was barely half of Huzhai Palace. From an emotional point of view, she didn't want Hua Sanli to disappear just like that.

[Ye Shenzi has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 8 (600/800)]

Looking at the prompts that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi also roughly guessed why the Eightfold God Son had a crush on him.

From the introduction of the game's plot, we know that Kosai Palace took great care of Yae Shenzi when he was a child. It is not surprising that Hana Sanri, who has the memory of Kosai Palace, can be saved and has a little favor.

By the way, if we can really rescue Huzhai Palace himself, maybe his favorability will increase.

But if you want to save a person who has passed away, unless the Fox Palace seems to have died or Heulia still has some consciousness left.

Otherwise, he would not be able to revive her out of thin air.

As a descendant of the Thunder God, Hu Zhai Palace may not reach the level of the Demon God in terms of strength, but it is naturally not difficult to leave some consciousness.

But whether she stayed or not, if so, where is very important, and there are memories of Huzhai Palace in the flowers, maybe she knows where Huzhai Palace is and has the intention to stay.

After all, Huzhai Palace follows the God of Thunder and has probably dealt with a lot of monsters. If there are some beings that are difficult to kill and annihilate, they can only be sealed and killed with time.

That might also leave some consciousness behind to guard it, just like in the end, to avoid problems.

If this is the case, he will have a way to rescue Huzhai Palace. Li Qiuzhi thought with his mind racing.

And while he was thinking about it, Hua Sanli had already told the specific location of the root system of the sacred cherry tree, the thunder cherry tree in her mouth.

Yae Shenzi also knew that place, so he gently clapped his hands and released the demonic power, making the space turbulent like ripples of water.

The next moment, several people disappeared from the spot, leaving only the fox-shaped stone statue standing as before.

The space seemed to change, and Li Qiuzhi blinked and found that he had arrived in a darker underground space.

When he, Ying, and Paimon were heading from the remote island to Inazuma Castle, they passed by Konda Village and met Yonomiya, and they set off together.

I also ventured into the underground space of Konta Village to clean up monsters, but at that time I was exploring in the direction of Inazuma Castle.

I didn't discover this place, otherwise I might have had the chance to meet Hua Sanli at that time.

"Everyone, look at the front. That is the root system of the Thunder Cherry Tree." Hua Sanli said to Li Qiuzhi and the others, with his face wearing a fox mask facing forward.

Li Qiuzhi looked in the direction she was looking and found a lavender barrier in front of her. The purple light from the barrier illuminated the entire underground space.

This is also the only source of light in the underground space.

"According to the original steps, we need to untie the barrier first, and then deploy the 'Shenying Dazu' to purify the filth, but now it's up to you."

Hua Sanli turned his face wearing a fox mask to Li Qiuzhi.

"Of course, I have never been a person who talks big words. Please wait a moment." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile on his face that was more in line with human aesthetics.

He used the long-distance communication ability of "interstellar travel" to contact Ying who was far away in Xumi and asked her to take some time to come over.

The reason why "Goddess Wuchen" was not used immediately was mainly because if this skill could work, it would be able to purify all the filth in one go.

But he thought if he could let Ying come over and try first. If she could master this power that could defile, she might be able to replace the defilement of the sacred cherry tree to maintain the existence of Hua Sanli.

If not, then you have to ask Hua Sanli to go to the fairyland space.

But he has never allowed more negative forces to enter the fairyland space, and filth obviously also has this kind of force.

Hua Sanli obviously doesn't have any ill intentions towards him, but the nature of the energy of filth may passively affect everyone in the space.

So it’s better to be more cautious.

Of course, another way is to use "Goddess Wuchen" on Hua Sanli to remove all the dirt from her body, leaving only her consciousness, and then take her to the fairyland space.

This should be able to save her more perfectly, but this way she will have no physical body, and may become the state Heulia had not yet awakened.

If you want to regain consciousness for a long time, you have to ask Hua Sanli for his opinion if you use this method.

And he hasn't asked Hua Sanli whether there is anything like consciousness left in Hu Zhai Palace.

We can't let her fall asleep so quickly...

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