I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 585 The festival is coming (two-in-one)

Hot spring bathhouse, changing room.

Li Qiuzhi carried Captain Qin here and put him down, helped her take off her shawl, and gently stroked the exposed white back.

His fingers rubbed back and forth on the soft lines of his shoulder blades.

Qin raised her hand to untie her hairband and felt the itching sensation coming from her back. She pursed her lips and spoke with difficulty as if she was enduring something:

"Okay, don't keep dawdling here."

Li Qiuzhi slid his hands from the shoulder blades to both sides, and his fingertips touched her defenseless armpits like ants crawling.


Qin, who had just untied the black hair tie, instinctively stretched out her hand and clamped Li Qiuzhi's palm tightly on her armpit.

She blushed slightly and squeezed her arm, trying to squeeze Li Qiuzhi's hand away.

But obviously this cannot be done successfully.

Li Qiuzhi felt the warm body temperature coming from the back of his palms, and gently turned his hands to hold Qin Xuebai's soft arms.

Then he smoothed down and took off the white sleeves.

Immediately afterwards, he pinched the corner of Captain Qin's clothes and lifted them up, and took off the entire sleeveless top. The skin on his abdomen was white and soft, and his slender navel added to the charm of the heartstrings.

Captain Qin covered his chest with one hand, took the shirt and put it on the hanger, parted his lips and said:

"Let me sit down first."

She was wearing white tights and knee-high high-heeled boots, which she couldn't take off if she continued to stand.


Li Qiuzhi nodded.

Of course there are chairs in the changing room so that everyone can sit and slowly take off their shoes and socks.

He brought the wooden chair with a backrest from the corner to behind Captain Qin. Qin sat down and raised her feet, asking Li Qiuzhi to help her take off her high-heeled boots.

But Li Qiuzhi just watched quietly and made no move.

Seeing this guy's eyes lingering on his arm covering his chest, Qin knew what bad intentions Li Qiuzhi had!


Having been lovers for so long, Qin was not shy in front of Li Qiuzhi. She just covered her face to avoid catching a cold.

Giving Li Qiuzhi a speechless look, Qin slowly took off her boots and socks and stepped on the ground with her bare feet.

Just when she stood up and took off her pants, the satisfied Li Qiuzhi approached again and said:

"Let me do it!"

Li Qiuzhi grabbed the cuffs of his white tights and slowly pulled them down.

Wearing white triangle shorts, her plump buttocks and snow-white thighs were slowly exposed. Captain Qin raised her feet and asked Li Qiuzhi to help him change his pants.

Before she could continue to take off her white briefs with light prints from her body, Li Qiuzhi couldn't wait to hug her, picked her up, and left the changing room towards the hot spring pool.

"Yeah, don't be so sudden, really!"

Qin pressed Li Qiuzhi's head and pinched his ears dissatisfied.

Even though he was blinded, Li Qiuzhi walked to the edge of the hot spring pool familiarly, and then jumped into the water with Captain Qin.

The warm spring water immersed the two of them, and they were instantly enveloped in extreme warmth.

Li Qiuzhi rolled his arms around Captain Qin twice in the water, and then surfaced when he hit the wall of the pool.

He pressed Qin's shoulders and kissed her lips.

"Hmm!" Qin closed her eyes and hugged Li Qiuzhi. She felt her white briefs being pushed to one side of her thighs.

Qin lay on Li Qiuzhi's body and panted slightly. After half an hour of practice, she felt that her strength had improved slightly, and the elemental power in her body had become much more condensed.

She bit Li Qiuzhi's earlobe and said slightly tiredly:

"Tell me, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Li Qiuzhi filled some water with his palm and let it fall on Qin's snow-white back. The water droplets slid down the soft and delicate skin and merged into the water again.

He gently stroked Captain Qin's back, coughed lightly and said:

"It's nothing big. I just want to invite Barbara to live in the Wonderland space."

"You!" After hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Qin pinched Li Qiuzhi's hand that was soaked in the water and said angrily, "You guy, you really have bad thoughts towards Barbara too!"

Some time ago, after she sensed that Barbara also had a "beacon", she knew that this guy Li Qiuzhi had thoughts about her.

Now it seems so!

"Hmph, do whatever you want, you bastard, just don't let Barbara be wronged."

Qin reluctantly bit Li Qiuzhi's neck.

If Barbara also likes Li Qiuzhi, she naturally has no reason to interfere. After all, she also hopes that the lover Barbara finds in the future will be reliable and excellent.

Apart from Li Qiuzhi being a little too carefree, everything else was good.

Being powerful gives people a sense of security, which can be regarded as unconditional favor for her and other girls, and he can also help improve everyone's strength.

There is a miraculous fairyland space where you never have to worry about lifespan.

It would be great for Barbara to be with Li Qiuzhi, so how could Qin stop her?

Just don't let this guy get too carried away, hum, some small punishment is inevitable.

So Qin sat on Li Qiuzhi again.

About half an hour later, a second person came into the hot spring bathhouse. His long platinum hair hung down to his calf, and his red eyes revealed a slight smile.

Ning Guang came out of the changing room with no clothes on her body.

Her white feet gently waded into the water, and she walked slowly to Li Qiuzhi and Qin and sat down to soak in the water.

Li Qiuzhi put one hand around Ningguang's waist, touched her lower abdomen with his palm, drew circles around her navel, and said with a smile:

"Liyue should have officially sold Void Terminal now. How is everyone's response?"

Seeing that Qin was defeated, Ningguang motioned for her to give up her position, and then he sat astride Li Qiuzhi. He frowned at first and then relaxed as he looked at Li Qiuzhi and replied:

"The Seven Stars are quite receptive to the Void Terminal. They can connect people from two countries through the 'Void Internet Network' and communicate at will.

"This will indeed be of great benefit to the trade between the two countries."

Because of the "Void Internet", everyone's communication has become much more convenient, and various trade activities in Liyue have become more prosperous.

Not only trade, academic exchanges between scholars from the two countries are going on every moment.

In a short period of time, some theoretical research results have appeared. At this speed, it is speculated that the two countries will soon enter the stage of technological explosion.

Perhaps with the blessing of elemental technology, the spaceship Li Qiuzhi wants is close at hand.

Maybe I should start the spaceship project first and let scholars slowly study it.

Li Qiuzhi thought to himself.

He decided to talk to Nasida about the relevant matters after taking a bath later.

Another half hour passed, and Ningguang lay on Li Qiuzhi, hugged his neck, pillowed his shoulder, and asked with a smile:

"You are preparing to go to Fontainebleau with Ying recently, right?"

"Well, I have an idea about the legendary 'Oracle and Adjudication Cardinal' who can collect righteous beliefs. The coverage of the 'Void Internet Network' needs its help."

Li Qiuzhi nodded.

"Cooperating with the Water God should not be discussed in a day or two. Liyue will usher in the Sea Lantern Festival in less than ten days.

"If we don't finish the festival, how about we go over with Ying and little Paimon?"

Ningguang's cheek gently rubbed Li Qiuzhi's chest.

"Sea Lantern Festival."

Li Qiuzhi naturally knew about this festival. It was the most important festival in Liyue every year.

The first full moon night every year is Liyue’s Sea Lantern Festival.

This is the time when people get together to celebrate the end of the old year and welcome the wonderful new year.

At that time, the whole of Liyue will be lively as never before.

If you are lucky enough to be in Liyue Port, you can also see the wonder of thousands of night lanterns rising into the night.

"Well, of course there is no problem. I just want to practice hard these days!"

Li Qiuzhi kissed Ningguang's lips and said with a smile.

Of course, this training is not just about hanging out with girls. The main thing is to go to the cosmic beasts to gain experience points and learn some sword skills by the way.

Fusion of a god-level swordsmanship, and then fused with the other two god-level swordsmanship, to see if it can be combined into a swordsmanship that surpasses the god-level swordsmanship.

Li Qiuzhi has been planning this for a long time.

As long as you go to the Knights Club tomorrow to get the swordsmanship, you can start practicing. If the swordsmanship skills of the Knights Club are not enough, then ask Ningguang or Keqing.

Liyue should also have a lot of swordsmanship here.

After taking a bath, Li Qiuzhi hugged Ningguang and Qin and returned to the room to continue practicing. At the same time, he contacted Naxida through the "beacon".

Discuss with her about the spacecraft project.

Regarding the spacecraft, Li Qiuzhi only knew that it should have functions such as radiation protection, gravity system, and ecological circulation system.

But he didn't understand the specific technical details of a punctuation mark.

Therefore, if you want to build a spaceship, you must first start with the study of the space environment, just like you want to build an ordinary ship.

We must first study the environment of the sea.

Will the wind and waves be strong, will there be fish that specialize in chewing wood underwater, will the salt concentration be high, etc.

Before building a ship, you must understand the environment it will be in so that you can take appropriate measures to build a ship that can sail safely.

So Li Qiuzhi and Naxida discussed publishing the spaceship project on the "Void Internet".

Let many scholars participate in research together.

And anyone who contributes to the spaceship project can receive Mora as a reward.

But consider that excessive publicity may attract a large number of scholars from different fields to study spacecraft.

This may ignore other aspects of research and development.

They decided to create a special "research project" section on the "Void Forum" where anyone can publish some research projects.

Rewards can then be set to attract scholars to study together.

The spacecraft project is also one of them, and the remuneration level remains at the same level as other research projects.

The scholars participating in the spacecraft project should all be scholars in related fields or enthusiasts who like spacecraft.

In this way, spacecraft can be slowly studied without affecting research in other fields, which is a more reasonable approach.

After discussing all the details with Nasida, Ningguang and Captain Qin were also tired, so Li Qiuzhi hugged them and went to rest.

The next day, Li Qiuzhi woke up in the girl's warm bed and continued practicing for a while in the morning before they got up.

After eating the breakfast prepared by Noelle, he and Captain Qin returned to the Knights of the West Wind.

According to Qin's wishes, she wrote an application to her, and then she asked Lisa to give him some swordsmanship secrets stored in the library.

These are all esoteric swordsmanships that can only be learned if certain conditions are met.

For example, in a swordsmanship book called "Sword Riding Skills", you need to master good riding skills to practice it, because this swordsmanship is performed while riding on a mount.

There is also a "Thunder Swordsmanship", which requires mastering the power of thunder element.

Others include "Sword of the Earth", "Ceremonial Swordsmanship", "Dandelion Square Sword", etc., which are all good secret-level swordsmanship.

Thinking about learning these, in addition to possibly mastering the elemental power, the basic west wind swordsmanship also needs to be practiced to the level of proficiency before it is easier to get started.

Of course, these are not problems for Li Qiuzhi, they are just secret-level swordsmanship. He can master them all to the full level in a few days.

No need to waste experience points.

But before practicing, Li Qiuzhi planned to go to West Wind Cathedral to find Barbara and see if she was willing to live in the fairyland space.

If you are willing, you can have one more girl practicing with him!

The West Wind Cathedral is not too far away from the Knights. Li Qiuzhi was thinking about the basic swordsmanship while walking.

It didn't take long before we reached the steps in front of the Zephyr Cathedral.

Walking on the steps with him were many people who came to listen to the teachings of Fengshen. Li Qiuzhi followed the people into the church and sat down in rows of chairs.

Li Qiuzhi observed and found that Barbara was not in the church.

Instead, I saw a familiar nun on the wall behind the church. She was wearing a crown of thorns and a black veil covering her back.

The nun also had dark red hair and slightly sickly pale skin, leaning against the wall with a bored look.

She was wearing a backless and slim-fitting nun's uniform, with panty-style black fishnet stockings exposed between the front and back hems.

The whole person looks a little deviant compared to other nuns, but the nun's work is still done well.

Just like now, I am obviously quite sleepy and have a bored look on my face, but I am still standing at my job well.

When Li Qiuzhi saw Rosalia, she also noticed that Li Qiuzhi was out of place in the crowd.

Rosalia yawned and walked over to Li Qiuzhi.

"Why are you here? Are you also interested in the various teachings that the nuns interpret from Barbatos' words?" Rosalia crossed her arms and asked in a more casual tone.

There is absolutely no sign that this nun has any respect for the God of Wind.

Li Qiuzhi and Rosalia walked aside, shook their heads and said:

"I really didn't come here to hear this. I just wanted to find Barbara. Do you know where she is?"

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