"Barbara" Rosalia crossed her arms and thought for a while, "She should be in the choir now. How can I find anything with her?"

"Yes, can you take me there? I don't know where the choir of West Wind Church is."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and said.

"Okay, come with me." Rosalia looked indifferent.

"Hey, thank you!"

Li Qiuzhi followed Rosalia and said thanks.

Rosalia, who was walking in front, slowed down as if she had thought of something, and then said:

"If you want to thank me, why don't you do me a favor this afternoon?"

"Oh? What are you busy with?" Li Qiuzhi looked at her with confusion.

"The church is planning to hold a tour in a few days to promote the belief in the God of Wind. I need to detect in advance whether there are any dangerous factors such as monsters near the tour locations.

"If there are any, it would be troublesome to expel them. If you can, use your wind element to take me on a flight. It can save some time on the road. It would be best to get it done as soon as possible."

Rosalia explained briefly.

"I see, this is a simple matter, I promise you!" Li Qiuzhi nodded with a smile.


Rosalía thanked her silently.

[Rosalia has developed a liking for you and gained 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 5 (230/500)]

Li Qiuzhi was also a little happy when he saw the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel.

After a while, the two of them walked along the corridor inside the Zephyr Cathedral and arrived in front of a room, where the sound of singing poetry could be faintly heard.

"Barbara is inside. Go and call her yourself. I'll go back to work first. Remember to come find me in the afternoon."

Rosalia said with a calm tone.

"Of course I won't forget it." Li Qiuzhi patted his chest.

Rosalia nodded slightly, turned around, walked back and forth with her legs wrapped in panty-style black fishnet stockings and walked away.

Li Qiuzhi waited for a while and heard the sounds in the room gradually stop, then knocked on the door.

Soon, a nun opened the door and walked out. She looked at Li Qiuzhi with some surprise:

"You are Mr. Honorary Knight, what can I do?"

As an honorary knight and a hero who helped defeat the Wind Demon Dragon, Li Qiuzhi was naturally very famous in Mondstadt.

Especially public officials such as the Knights of Zephyr and nuns, basically everyone they don’t know.

"Yes, hello, Miss Sister, I'm here to see Miss Barbara."

Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

"Okay, please wait."

Barbara has attracted many people's likes because of her sweet singing voice. She is Mond's idol. If ordinary fans came to ask for her, they would not agree so easily.

After all, there is nothing serious to come to Barbara, just to take a look and say a few words. What is the difference between this and disturbing someone else's normal life for no reason?

It may even affect the daily work of the church.

Therefore, when the nuns see people approaching the church for no apparent reason, they usually expel them away.

But Li Qiuzhi is different.

He is an honorary knight and one of the heroes who saved Mondstadt. He must have something serious to come to see Barbara, so of course he cannot delay.

"Thank you, please excuse me." Li Qiuzhi expressed his gratitude to the nun.

Less than a minute passed.

Barbara came out, wearing a white priest's hat on her head, and her long light blond hair was tied into naturally curly twintails.

Under the skirt of a white dress with black and blue lace, her legs wrapped in white pantyhose with petal patterns stretched out.

"Mr. Honorary Knight, why are you here?"

Barbara's fair face showed a look of surprise.

Seeing that no one was around, Li Qiuzhi took Barbara's soft hand, smiled and whispered into her ear:

"Would you like to live with me? Noelle and Captain Qin are also here!"

He talked about the fairyland space.

"Mr. Honorary Knight, you are too bothersome!" Barbara pouted dissatisfied when she heard that Li Qiuzhi had relationships with so many girls, including Captain Qin.

The unobservable barrier unfolded, and Li Qiuzhi hugged Barbara and kissed her on the mouth.

Feeling the pressure of her lips, Barbara's cheeks instantly turned red with embarrassment. She subconsciously pressed Li Qiuzhi's cheek and pushed his head away:

"Oh, don't be so sudden. Mr. Honorary Knight is so bad!"

After saying that, Barbara buried her face on Li Qiuzhi's chest, too shy to see anyone.

"How about you, do you want to live here so that you can see me every day, Captain Qin, and your good friend Noelle!"

Li Qiuzhi said seductively.

"I, I need to think about it first." Barbara felt a little hopeful, and there was a little hesitation in her tone.

"Okay, think about it slowly."

Li Qiuzhi hugged Barbara with no intention of letting go. He put his mouth on her cheek and kissed her, slowly waiting for her reply.

It seems that he will not let go until he agrees.

"Mr. Honorary Knight is such a rogue, huh!"

Barbara's face was red and she had no choice but to agree.

"Then it's settled. When you get off work tonight, I'll come over and take you to my place." Li Qiuzhi kissed her soft earlobe at the end and said with a smile.


Barbara covered her cheek and responded softly.

After successfully gaining Barbara's consent, Li Qiuzhi could no longer disturb her work, so he stopped making any intimate gestures towards her.

Let her recover from her shy mood, otherwise it will be bad if the nuns notice something unusual when she goes back.

With Barbara's temperament, she would probably be so shy that she didn't know what to do.

After negotiating with Barbara to live with him, Li Qiuzhi temporarily left the West Wind Cathedral and returned to the Wonderland space first.

After all, she still has a job at the church, so even if she moves here, she would have to have time after get off work in the evening.

In the afternoon, he agreed to do a small favor for Rosalia, but now he had nothing to do, so Li Qiuzhi returned to the stomach of the cosmic beast.

See how things are going here.

First of all, the stomach wall that he smashed open with the meteorite has almost been repaired. If he uses a smaller meteorite to change places and continue smashing it, it should not attract the other party's attention.

This means that there may be fewer bugs appearing each time, but the advantage is that they can continue and there is a high probability that they will not be discovered.

It just so happened that he had a few more swordsmanships to practice. Using insects as training objects might help him improve faster.

After all, the training effect should be better in actual combat than in empty training without opponents.

that's the truth.

After Li Qiuzhi deliberately used swordsmanship to fight the insects, his swordsmanship skills have been greatly improved!

Sorry, I'm too tired after a busy day, so I can only update once.

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