I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 624 The Secret of Fukalos (2-in-1)

The trial at the Opera House concluded at noon.

It turned out that the boss named Fleur found a reason to frame Kirill.

The main purpose is to suppress your competitors.

Seeing such a reversal, the audience cheered and said that the trip was well worth it.

That Kirill backhandedly accused Fleur of vicious competition, causing the other party to lose a large sum of money, and could only run away in despair.

But exactly who stole the contract and destroyed it remains unclear.

If we speculate based on the logic of whoever benefits the most, then naturally Kirill is the most suspect.

It's a pity that Fleur was so obsessed that he didn't seriously investigate and find evidence but created evidence. I have to say that he was a little too hasty.

In addition to Kirill, there is actually another vested interest.

That was the buyer who originally wanted to buy Fleur's security agency.

We cannot rule out the possibility that after he signed the contract, he suddenly discovered that Kirill's security agency had a lower price, so he hired thieves to steal the contract and destroy it.

But this requires the Fleur boss to report the case for investigation and then initiate charges.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi witnessed the entire specific trial process.

He discovered that the so-called supreme judge was actually almost the same as the host, because it was not him who ultimately judged guilt or innocence, but the oracle and ruling cardinal.

Although the oracle cardinals have never been wrong in their judgments, the final judgments they give are generally consistent with most people's perceptions.

Generally speaking, it is very powerful. I don’t know what its principle is. Could it be that it is really smart?

Since the cardinal was in the position of the supreme judge, Li Qiuzhi did not use his mental energy to sense it.

Otherwise, there is a high probability that the Supreme Judge will discover it.

In order to avoid causing trouble, Li Qiuzhi would naturally not do this, but after the supreme judge left, he might as well give it a try.

It seems that the next trip can be tentatively planned to wait for Villette to leave, explore the Cardinal of Oracles, and then follow Funina to see if she can find the real water god.

The two may have to be executed at the same time. After all, the departure of the supreme judge means the end of the trial, and Nafonina should also leave.

If you don't follow her, you will have to spend time looking for her, but she is probably in Momang Palace, so even if you look for her, you won't be in trouble.

After all, he has the ability to become invisible, so he should not be discovered.

Not long after, as the trial ended, the audience at the opera house began to leave one after another, and Li Qiuzhi and Ying followed them out.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi used the "beacon" to talk to Ying and Paimon about his next action plan.

“If it feels okay, just do it.”

Ying replied through "Beacon".

She and Paimon can also hide from detection through Li Qiuzhi's invisibility skills, so they don't have to worry about being discovered.

After a few minutes, Li Qiuzhi and the others walked out of the opera house.

First, he found a deserted place to expand the "Void Star Sea" to make several people enter the invisible state. Then he summoned a "Yingzhi Sword God" and asked her to also expand the "Void Star Sea" to enter the invisible state.

One of the benefits of integrating the stealth skill into the world-class skill "Ying Zhi Wu Xiang" is that it allows the "Ying Zhi Sword God" as an incarnation to also use unobservable stealth abilities.

After all, after the stealth skill is integrated, it becomes part of the "Star Sea", and if the "Sword God of Ying" can use the Star Sea, he can use invisibility.

This becomes very convenient.

Li Qiuzhi can summon a large number of "Sword Gods of Ying" to make them invisible, and at the same time perform multiple investigation tasks that need to be carried out without being discovered.

This is what he is doing now, while controlling the "Sword God of Ying" to become invisible to follow Funina, whom he has been paying attention to, while returning to the opera house with Ying and little Paimon.

It is now noon, and after the audience at the opera house has left, only a few staff members are left to clean up.

Although Fontaine people like to watch the excitement, they still have a basic sense of hygiene.

The staff simply cleaned up and left. Li Qiuzhi and the others, who were hiding, stepped onto the stage and came to the Cardinal who looked like a giant scale.

Then the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" quietly expanded until it enveloped the entire opera house.

In order to prevent accidents, Li Qiuzhi still did not use his mental power to perceive, but used the "Void Star Sea" to investigate the Cardinal's decree.

The first is the cardinal decree itself. It seems to be just a scale and there is nothing special about it.

Li Qiuzhi used the skill "Fox Immortal Palace Secretary's Prophet's Gift" given to him by the Eightfold God's favor with him at full level, and soon a large amount of information came back:

[The Cardinal ruled: This is a 500-year-old scale. It was handmade by Fukalos, the second-generation water god of Fontaine. It is protected by divine power and has many functions such as fireproof, waterproof, insect-proof, and impact-proof. As a cultural relic, Its value is extremely high. 】

Uh, that's it? !

Feeling the feedback from the favorability skill in his mind, Li Qiuzhi was simply stunned. Isn't this just an ordinary scale? It just has a history of hundreds of years!

Where is the most important function of collecting righteous beliefs and converting law into mixed energy?

Li Qiuzhi told Ying and Paimeng the information he had obtained. They were also surprised. They had clearly seen the decree and the cardinal's judgment just now.

"In that case, this decree rules that the cardinal does not have the ability to transform law into hybrid energy. Then do we still need to cooperate with the water god?"

Paimon asked, looking at the two.

"Although the Cardinal of the Oracle does not have the ability to collect righteous beliefs, the Law Compensation Hunner is a genuine thing. It was not transformed by the Cardinal of the Oracle, so there must be other things with similar functions."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head.

It is impossible to maintain the daily operations of various cities in Fontaine for hundreds of years. The law-compensation hybrid energy was created out of thin air. There must be other things that can do similar things.

Ying held her chest with one hand and put her chin with the other and said:

"Water Goddess Fukalos, her power of water comes from the divine position and the heart of God given by Sky Island. She actually has another name called the God of Justice!

"The power of this God of Justice is her own power as a god, just like Nasida, in addition to the God of Grass, is also the God of Wisdom, and has the power to control dreams.

"Do you think it's possible that the ability to collect justice beliefs and transform them into law-for-hybrid energy is actually the power of the God of Justice?"

"Hey, if you say that, it seems possible." Pamon's eyes widened, showing a look of surprise.

Li Qiuzhi also nodded and analyzed slowly:

“Since this Cardinal of Oracles is not an artifact with the power of justice like Heulia’s cup, then the only one who can collect and transform the faith of justice is the God of Justice himself.

"But the life level of Fu Nina just now is only level 36. If she has power, she will not be below level 100 anyway.

"That is to say, it is not Funina who collects the belief in justice, but someone else!

"Among the people present just now, the Supreme Judge's life level is extremely high, and he was originally suspected of being the real water god.

"But the information fed back by my ability confirms that the second-generation water god is Fukalos, a female god. Just like Fontaine's long-standing records, it is not Navilette.

“Although it is not ruled out that the God of Justice, Fukalos, may disguise herself as Navilette, I can’t imagine the need for her to do so.

"If there is no mistake in speculation, the real water god was most likely present during the trial just now.

"She is not sitting in the auditorium, nor is she sitting in the position of the Supreme Judge. If nothing else happens, she is probably hiding in a secret corner and quietly collecting righteous beliefs.

"Although I don't know why she did this, Paimon, where do you think it is most likely?"

He turned his attention to Ying and Paimon.

"Well, it shouldn't be difficult to guess," little Paimon looked at the cardinal who was in front of him.

Ying parted her soft lips and said:

"Since the oracle ruled that the cardinal does not have the ability to judge and condemn, it is no surprise that the final result should be given by the real water god.

"According to what the supreme judge just did at the trial bench, he finally asked the cardinal to spit out a card with the verdict written on it.

"Obviously, there is a complete set of mechanical devices behind the Cardinal Advocacy. If you want to easily operate this device, the best choice is to be in the background where no one can see it.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a backstage operating space behind the Cardinal's decree, and the water god is very likely to be there."

Li Qiuzhi smiled:

"Yes, I think so too. Let's go and take a look."

"The Sea of ​​Void Stars" has sensed that there is indeed a room behind the Cardinal, but it just doesn't look like it is inhabited.

Li Qiuzhi used the transfer function of the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" to make them appear directly in the room behind the Cardinal's decree.

Several people found that there were no beds, tables or chairs around, and it didn't look like anyone was living at all.

There is only a huge device in the middle, which should be the backstage device that controls and gives the results of the trial.

Li Qiuzhi and the others approached and found that they could walk in.

In order to be in an unobservable state of invisibility and not have to worry about being discovered, Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimon went in without much hesitation.

Inside is a simple control space, and a girl with long white hair is sitting inside and controlling something.

She has the same face as Funina, but she is not wearing a hat, and her pure white hair hangs down her back like a waterfall.

She was wearing an aqua blue dress with a cutout in the middle to reveal some snow-white skin. Her legs were white but she had no shoes on.

Although her appearance is exactly the same as that of Funina, she gives people a calm and mature feeling.

"Is this Fonina? Didn't she just leave with Clolinde?" Pamon touched his head and said with some uncertainty.

Li Qiuzhi was able to confirm that Funina was indeed next to Clolind through the perspective of the "Ying Sword God" who was following Funina and Clolinde.

They were returning to Momang Palace.

Then the person in front of you should be the real Water God Fukalos, and his golden sin-judging eyes also provide evidence:

[Level: one hundred and thirteen]

This level is indeed the level of gods.

"She looks a bit like Ying. Although she is an entity, she is a soul entity without a body." Ying observed Fukalos carefully for a while and came to a conclusion.

"So, the relationship between Fukaros and Funina is very similar to that of Shadow and General?"

Paimon's little face showed an unexpected look.

"It's possible, what do you think, do you want to show up and say hello?" Li Qiuzhi nodded and looked at Ying and little Paimeng.

"Well, we came in secretly. Wouldn't it be rude to show up suddenly? Why don't we knock on the door?"

Paimon touched his cheek and said guiltily.

"But she hid and pushed Funina into the spotlight. It was obvious that she didn't want people to know her existence." Ying shook her head, her golden hair swaying slightly.

"If that's the case, then just show up and say hello. Anyway, we are here to find the Water God in Fontaine, so we have to meet."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said.


Ying and Paimon nodded in agreement.

"Getting too close and appearing suddenly may make her wary. Let's exit this console first."

Li Qiuzhi said something, and then he, Ying and Paimon exited the console and kept some distance from Fukalos.

Phew, I hope this God of Justice is not a warlike character.

The "Void Star Sea" was slowly withdrawn, and Li Qiuzhi and others also exited the invisibility state. The moment they appeared, Fukalos, who was inside the console, noticed the presence of outsiders in the room.

But how is that possible? This room has always been covered by her power, and no one can come in without her noticing.

"Who are you!"

Fukalos gritted his teeth, stood up and looked at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

What she is doing should not be known to outsiders, otherwise it will be easy to waste all her efforts, which is related to the future of the entire Fontainebleau.

If she didn't want to cause too much trouble, she really wanted to arrest these guys, erase their memories of meeting her, and throw them out!

But she also understood that someone who could break in regardless of his own authority was obviously not a simple person.

"Hey, we finally met someone who doesn't know us." Paimon used his communication skills and said with a smile:

"I am Paimon, this is Ying, and that guy is Li Qiuzhi. We are travelers traveling around the seven countries."

She briefly introduced herself and Li Qiuzhi to Fukalos, and then continued:

"Don't worry, we are not here to cause trouble, we just want to talk to the real water god about cooperation."

"You have caused me a lot of trouble now. Please leave here immediately, and you must swear under the power of justice not to say anything about me!

"If you need any cooperation, go to Funina. She is the real water goddess!"

After enduring loneliness and hiding for hundreds of years, when his plan was about to be completed, he was inexplicably discovered by a few guys, and Fukalos almost wanted to cry.

Fortunately, only she knew about the plan, so even if she was seen, it wouldn't be a big problem.

Of course, the premise is that these guys don't talk about themselves everywhere, otherwise if anyone guesses their plan, all their efforts will be wasted!

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