I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 625 The Prophecy of Sinking (Two in One)

Looking at Fukalos, who was a little uncomfortable, Li Qiuzhi thought that it was indeed impolite for him to show up secretly, so he said with a little embarrassment:

"The main reason is that our cooperation has something to do with the Cardinal's decision. That Ms. Funina seems unable to make a decision."


Fukalos was silent. Based on her understanding of Funina, if the less important cooperation was either left to others to handle, or she would refuse it directly.

What made her hesitate seemed to be a very important matter. He put her under such great pressure, so it would be a good idea to take a look at what was going on.

After all, these guys had come here on their own. Thinking of this, Fukalos glared angrily at Li Qiuzhi and the others.

She said unhappily:

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"This is a great project that will change the world. If it succeeds, Teyvat's technological level will usher in a technological explosion, and it is not impossible to jump directly to the information age, and even the interstellar age!"

Li Qiuzhi told her about the "Void Internet" in detail, and emphasized the need for the Cardinal's ability to transform law into chaos.

"It's like a ubiquitous virtual world that can communicate and share knowledge in real time regardless of distance. According to this idea, it is indeed possible to usher in a technological explosion."

Fukalos did not expect that the Grass God of Sumeru would come up with such a thing.

"Yes, the only thing that restricts the development of the 'Void Internet' is energy. Even the Heart of God can only allow it to cover one more country.

"It is still a bit difficult to cover the entire Teyvat, but your Cardinal Decree, or your power, has this potential.

"With the 'Void Internet', you can even collect the Faith of Justice throughout Teyvat. It is not impossible for it to spread beyond the planet Teyvat!"

Li Qiuzhi continued.

If the "Void" system can utilize "imaginary internal energy", then he himself can provide unlimited energy to the "Void" system.

Let it cover the entire Teyvat in an instant, and even spread outside the world.

Moreover, the "Reconciliation" expertise he once integrated into "Girl's Lover" derived the characteristic of energy transfer when he was at level 90.

Girls who have been strengthened by Li Qiuzhi's harmonious energy can borrow his energy. He only needs to pass on the "imaginary internal energy" to Nasida.

This will allow her to maintain the expansion of the "Void Internet" at all times.

But it is a pity that "imaginary internal energy" is energy that distorts reality. It is naturally incompatible with various materials in reality. It is very difficult to use it like electricity.

For example, Li Qiuzhi learned about it when he used his mobile phone to search for information about the "Genius Club" on the "Interstellar Peace Network" at the Black Tower Space Station.

Their seventy-ninth member, Calderon Chadwick, was glanced at by the Star God "Bodhisattva" because he used "imaginary number internal energy" to invent the "imaginary number collapse pulse".

In other words, without using extraordinary power, only the top geniuses in the entire galaxy can do it if they want to use "imaginary internal energy", and they must be talented people who happen to study "imaginary internal energy".

Unless Li Qiuzhi is lucky enough to meet such a genius in the vast galaxy, or meet Chadwick and invite him to come over to help study how the "void" system can use "imaginary internal energy" as energy.

Otherwise, Li Qiuzhi thought it would be better to obediently ask Fukalos for help. The law-for-pay hybrid energy transformed by the belief in justice can be used in various infrastructures in the city.

It will obviously not be difficult to use it on the "void" system after a little research.

"It's really a grand fantasy, but since you know the Sumeru Grass God, you should know that the 'False Sky' shrouds Teyvat, and the one on Sky Island, He may not allow such a miracle." things appear."

If there was no crisis in Fontaine, Fukalos would be willing to help, but now she can't protect herself and has no spare energy to cooperate with Li Qiuzhi and the others.

"This is not a big problem. When Teyvat develops a star-sea vehicle that can conduct interstellar navigation, I think I will have the corresponding strength to protect these achievements."

Li Qiuzhi smiled and said.

Now his combat power is firmly superior to that of top demon gods like Ying, and he should not be far behind when facing the maintainer of heavenly principles.

Even when facing the laws of heaven, I may still be a little unsure.

But he has now come into contact with the interstellar society, and there are certainly many places where he can earn a large number of experience points like the Giant True Insect.

Elevating to the level of crushing "Heavenly Law" is just around the corner.

After all, the top demon god in Teyvat is only around level 120, so no matter how strong the "Heavenly Principle" is, it can't go beyond that.

Otherwise, He would not have been injured and fallen asleep due to the battle in Teyvat.

"Are you so arrogant? If the one from Sky Island is so easy to deal with, I don't have to hum. Anyway, please go back and try other methods. I can't help you."

Fukalos crossed his arms and said with a complicated expression.

It is precisely because of the punishment of "Heavenly Law" that they, Fontaine, will face a crisis. And just a prophecy can put Fontaine in crisis, so how can it be easy to deal with it.

"What should we do? Our persuasion seems to have no effect?"

Paimon looked at Li Qiuzhi and Ying.

"Well, you hide behind the scenes and let Funina stand in front of the stage to help you deal with various things. You must be busy with something important.

"Is there anything I can do to help you? If we succeed in helping you, how about you agree to use your power to help us? As a reward for the commission."

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said to Fukalos.

Hearing Ying's words, Fukalos shook her head. She had been almost ready for hundreds of years and did not want to cause trouble at this time.

She declined and said:

"Thank you for your kindness, but this is just my private matter and has nothing to do with you, so I don't need your help."

[Fukalos has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (20/300)]

Knowing Li Qiuzhi's purpose, she was no longer so angry about them sneaking in without permission.

Hearing that they wanted to help made me feel a little better.

"Hey, why can't you get in the oil and salt?" Seeing Fukalos' refusal, Li Qiuzhi sighed, feeling a little helpless.

"That's right. We are professionals at helping others. We have never failed. If you tell us, maybe we can help you."

Paimon patted his chest and said assuring himself that there was no problem.

"Well, if you pay attention to the outside world, you should know something about us. No matter how difficult the task is, we can successfully complete it."

Ying also nodded.

Seeing that Li Qiuzhi and the others would not give up until they achieved their goals, Fukalos was also helpless. She sighed and said:

"Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. In fact, if you go out and ask any Fontaine person, they will know."

"Oh? Then tell us about it." Li Qiuzhi looked curious.

"Have you heard of Fontaine's prophecy?" Fukalos asked.

"Prophecy? What prophecy? We have just arrived in Fontaine not long ago, and it seems that no one has mentioned the prophecy." Paimon tilted his head, with a puzzled look on his face.

"People in Fontaine are born with sin. The sea will swallow up all guilty people, leaving only the water god crying on the throne. This is the crisis Fontaine faces."

Fukalos said.

Many people know about Fontaine's prophecy crisis, so as long as she doesn't tell her plan, there is no risk of being discovered by the "law of heaven".

"W-what, does that mean everyone will be swallowed by the sea?!"

Paimon said in shock.

"Don't worry, only the guilty Fontaines will be devoured, and you, the outsider, will not be affected."

Fukalos shook his head.

"Huh, that's good, no, no, it's not good at all. After all, the Fontainebleau people will still be devoured, and we still have many friends like Charlotte, Navia, and Schiavore here!"

Paimon first breathed a sigh of relief, then quickly waved his hand.

"I see. It seems that you, the water god, attach great importance to it, so this prophecy is probably true. But why are the Fontaine people swallowed by the sea but outsiders are not? Is there any reason for this?"

Li Qiuzhi continued to ask.

"Have you ever heard of the original womb sea?" Fukalos said after thinking for a moment.

Li Qiuzhi, Ying and Paimeng looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time, indicating that they had never heard of it.

"That was a special sea area in the early days of this planet. The water quality was different from the sea we see now. Most of the life in Teyvat was born in that sea area.

"From the beginning of a single cell, it slowly evolved into a variety of living things today, including normal humans."

Fukalos said slowly.

"Normal humans? Are there any abnormal ones?" Paimon blinked.

“That’s right, the former Water Goddess Egolia stole the power of the original womb sea and transformed her pure water elves into humans, the Fontaine people.

"Fontaine people are no different from ordinary humans in terms of appearance, physiological functions, etc., but their blood vessels are flowing with the water of the original fetal sea.

“If a Fontaine person touches the sea water of the original fetal sea, it will dissolve, the body will become part of the fetal sea water again, and the consciousness will be trapped in the water and merge into the collective consciousness.

"So in order to avoid such a thing from happening, as the Water God, I have to think of a way. I can't just treat it as fake and ignore it."

Fukalos said helplessly.

"It's really surprising that this is the case." Li Qiuzhi and the others were a little shocked when they learned such a secret!

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and said curiously:

"Since ordinary seawater has no effect on the Fontaine people, it means that it was the seawater from the original sea of ​​​​fetus that eventually swallowed them up. Then where is the original sea of ​​​​fetus? It can't appear out of thin air, right?"

"The original sea of ​​​​fetus is located under Fontaine and has been sealed. However, the water level of the original sea of ​​​​fetus has continued to rise for hundreds of years. Sooner or later, it will break through the seal, and then the prophecy will come true.

"You said you could help. Now that you understand the situation, do you still have confidence?"

Fukalos said with a slight smile, and there seemed to be a little bit of imperceptible bitterness on the corner of his mouth.

"Well, I have faced the crazy Wind Demon Dragon, the ancient demon god Osel, the God of Opportunity, etc. before, but this time my opponent is a natural sea. I really don't know how to deal with it."

Paimon looked troubled, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"How about we let the Fontaine people leave Fontaine? Let them take refuge in other countries first, and then come back when the water in the original sea of ​​​​fetus subsides."

She gave a suggestion.

"Escape is only temporary and will not solve the problem at all, no matter which country is willing to accept everyone in Fontaine.

“If we leave the tire seawater alone, it won’t take long for it to flow throughout Teyvat after it mixes with ordinary seawater.

"The Fontaine people's evasion is just a futile effort to ask for trouble."

Fukalos said that little Paimon's immature suggestion was totally unworkable.

"Let Li Qiuzhi open a hole at the bottom of the original sea of ​​​​fetuses, put the seawater of ​​fetuses into the space of the 'Sea of ​​Void Stars', and throw it out of the universe."

Paimon continued, and after speaking, he spread his hands.

Fukalos glanced at her speechlessly and said, "Let's not talk about whether it is possible to move an area of ​​​​the sea. Even if it is possible, it cannot be done.

“Although the original fetal seawater will dissolve the Fontaine people, it is not a bad thing, but it carries a lot of planetary energy.

"Throwing the original fetal seawater out of the world will discard the energy on the planet, and the environment will slowly deteriorate. Moreover, the problem will not be solved fundamentally. Sooner or later, the fetal seawater will still submerge the Fontaine people.

"The problem is not the water in the fetal sea, but the sin that Fontaine people are born with!"

Fukalos didn't approve of this plan either.

"Oh, so it seems you have a plan. Can you elaborate on it?" Li Qiuzhi looked at Fukalos and asked curiously.

"No, if there were, I wouldn't need to worry so much."

Fukalos shook his head slightly and did not elaborate.

"Okay." Seeing that Fukalos was unwilling to say more, Li Qiuzhi did not continue to ask. He looked at Ying and Paimon and said:

"We still have to investigate the original sea of ​​​​fetuses ourselves, understand the specific situation and then think of a solution. We can't come up with a solution just by talking."

"Hehe, you are right." Paimon smiled sheepishly. Ying crossed her arms and nodded slightly.

Li Qiuzhi turned his attention to Fukalos and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, I will try to find a way to solve Fontaine's prophecy crisis. How about you agree to our cooperation then?"

"If you can do it, then no matter what the conditions are, let me wait and see."

Fukalos didn't think Li Qiuzhi and the others could find a way to resolve the prophecy crisis. What she thought of was the perfect way.

It can fundamentally make all Fontaine people no longer afraid of the primitive sea water.

However, Fukalos was quite touched by Li Qiuzhi's kindness.

[Fukalos has a good impression of you and gains 300 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (20/400)]

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