Xumi City, Jingshan Palace.

Regarding Li Qiuzhi's suggestion, Naxida thought about it seriously and found that it was indeed feasible.

As more and more people are connected to the "Void Internet", Yiran has become a second world that is different from reality.

And if she wants to maintain such a world by herself, she will be unable to do so sooner or later.

Li Qiuzhi's suggestion reminded her.

Since there are many professions such as politicians, businessmen, and dock workers in reality, can the second world of the "Void Internet" also exist?

The "discipline committee" that maintains the order of online communities and enables them to develop harmoniously can be a new profession in the new era!

In addition, there are two figures also in this area.

Clenching her fist slightly, Laila's fair cheek showed an expression of disbelief.

It feels like you are about to take an exam and you are cramming to review crazily.

She was also holding a book by the bookshelf and reading.

He doesn't look like a scholar from Lidovandi Academy who specializes in studying the stars. If he were, he wouldn't be someone who doesn't even understand the most basic constellations.

Recently, Fa Lushan has been studying the star sea vehicle project on the "Void Internet". She is quite interested in this novel thing.

He nodded and said:

There was also a young woman with green hair, wearing a backless dress of the same color as her hair, with her white legs sticking out under the skirt.

Thinking of this, Nasida didn't feel sleepy anymore, and she said happily:

"I will publish this idea online now and let everyone work together to perfect the specific details of the 'Discipline Committee' idea."

So I’ve been searching here recently for information related to the starry sky.

Li Qiuzhi and Mona did not continue to disturb them and left Jingshan Palace first.

"Today, this guy will take us on a wonderful 'celestial observation trip'!"

Li Qiuzhi and Mona entered the Wisdom Palace and continued walking towards the area of ​​astrology-related books.

"Okay, let's go back with you." Li Qiuzhi said.

"'Celestial Observation Tour'?"

One of them was a fat young man, sitting on a chair and staring at a book with a serious look on his face.

If there is such an opportunity to see it in person, any scholar who studies the starry sky will not refuse it.

The girl wearing a pointed witch hat held Li Qiuzhi's shoulders and continued:

The dark circles under her eyes have faded a lot, probably because Mona has been giving her guidance recently. She has fewer worries and her mental state has also improved.

Today, Mona also made an appointment with Leila to study astrology-related knowledge in the Wisdom Palace. It should be almost done now.

Now that Nasida's favorability level for him is almost at full level, Li Qiuzhi is very looking forward to what kind of favorability skills he can get.

Li Qiuzhi smiled and nodded.

"Is this true?"

After all, the stars are in the unreachable sky, so how can they get close enough to see them?

Leila touched the back of her hand, feeling slightly confused.

Mona glanced at Li Qiuzhi, then looked at Laila and said: "I said it would be great if I had the opportunity to observe real celestial bodies, so today's opportunity has come!"

"Then please let me go back and prepare. I want to take the Void Terminal with me and take photos of the stars!" Laila left the Void Terminal beside the bed in a hurry today.

What a "celestial observation trip"!

That is the starry sky outside the world. How can you just go out and see it?

In order to develop a spacecraft shell that can normally sail in the star sea, it is necessary to first study what will affect the spacecraft shell when it is in space.

Nasida also nodded, summoned the virtual network interface, and began to write related matters.

"Humph, yes, this guy has the ability to travel to the starry sky outside the world. Let him take us to see it today."

"Well, then you go ahead and prepare, and we will continue to give you advice."

Li Qiuzhi looked at the favorability prompt that popped up on the character panel.

Hearing the sound, Li Qiuzhi and others looked over, and Laila said in surprise:

"Hey, Teacher Fa Lushan, why are you here?"

It's not very far from the Wisdom Palace. It only takes about ten or twenty minutes to walk.

"If I hadn't happened to be here to look up the information, you would have been deceived!" Fa Lushan closed the book and pointed at Laila, slightly annoyed.

If she and Li Qiuzhi just perfected it, there would inevitably be some gaps, so more people had to participate.

Mona pressed her hands on her waist and slightly raised her chest, half exposing her white skin.

"Well, of course it's true, we can leave now."

I didn't expect that this talented scholar from Lidovandi Academy, who was well-known in the Imperial Academy, would be fooled by someone just saying a few words.

Just when Leila nodded and was about to lead the way, the young woman with green hair who was standing reading next to the bookshelf in the back turned around and said with some disbelief:

"Wait a minute, Laila, do you just believe them?"

After all, there is no learning atmosphere here in other places.

Senior Mona did express her desire to see the true appearance of the stars in front of her before, but Leila thought she just said it casually.

[Nascida has a good impression of you and gained 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (260/900)]

Leila, who was wearing a nightcap-style blue hood, was already sitting at the table early.

Although there is a "Void Internet" where scholars from the Order Academy can check the required study materials online at any time, the number of scholars coming to the Wisdom Palace has not decreased.

For those who study the starry sky, if they are curious about anything, it must be the stars that they study every day but hang high in the sky and never touch them.

Seeing Mona and Li Qiuzhi walking over, Laila stood up with a look of joy on her face:

"Good morning, Mona-senpai, and Mr. Adventurer, long time no see."

"Good morning, Laila." Li Qiuzhi and Mona said at the same time with a tacit understanding.

Two scholars, who were obviously lovers, were sitting next to the bookshelf, holding books related to constellations, and were discussing in a low voice what constellations meant beautiful love and so on.

In his spare time, he also conducted research on the shell and various mechanical structures of the Star Sea aircraft.

This not only maintains the order of the online community, but also gives people another way to find employment.

When I came to the astrology information area, I found that there were quite a few people here.

Understand that space outside the world is very dangerous. For example, Teyvat now has no way to survive outside.

So just hearing the conversation between Li Qiuzhi and the others and Laila, Fa Lushan knew that they must have an ulterior motive!

I'm a little tired today, so I can only update once.

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