I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 650 Celestial Observation Journey

Li Qiuzhi felt that this teacher Fa Lushan must have misunderstood him. After all, in the context of outsiders, who had heard that someone could take him to see the stars.

The first reaction should be a lie. There is indeed nothing wrong with it, but it’s just that the other party doesn’t understand the situation.

Regarding the misunderstanding, Li Qiuzhi was naturally patient enough to explain clearly, just when he wanted to explain a little bit.

Laila who was on the opposite side took the lead and hurriedly waved her hand to Fa Lushan and explained:

"No, Teacher Fa Lushan, Mr. Adventurer and Senior Mona are both my very good friends. They will not lie to me."

Senior Fa Lushan is the tutor of Luo Po Dan Academy and is very famous in the entire teaching academy. Laila has also dealt with her several times.

Knowing that she is a tutor who takes good care of her students, I quickly explained it to avoid misunderstanding.

"That's right, Leila and we are very good friends. You don't have to worry about whether we lie or not... Humph!"

Mona hugged her half-exposed snow-white breasts and was quite dissatisfied with Fa Lushan's suspicion that she was a liar.

Hearing Mona's unkind words, Fa Lushan also felt angry and retorted:

"Even if there are cases of abduction by friends!"


Mona glared at Falushan angrily, and Falushan did the same.

Fortunately, when Li Qiuzhi realized that there was going to be a quarrel, he had already exuded some mental power, so that the people around him would not notice it.

He touched his cheek and said:

"Teacher Fa Lushan probably came here to inquire out of concern for the scholars in the Order Academy."

Li Qiuzhi paused for a moment, then continued with a smile:

"If you are worried, you can come with us and have a look. It's not difficult anyway."

If it was someone else, just let him explain it clearly.

But if it's a cute and beautiful girl, Li Qiuzhi is still very willing to completely resolve the misunderstanding. By the way, it would be better if he can gain a favorable impression.

"Isn't it a difficult thing? Even if you are a legendary adventurer, you are still a bit boastful!"

When Fa Lushan saw Li Qiuzhi just now, she felt that he was a bit familiar.

Now that she thought about it, the other person seemed to be Li Qiuzhi, the legendary adventurer who had become famous recently. If it was him, he shouldn't be a bad guy.

Just looking at the stars, it feels like a boy's trick to trick a little girl. Teyvat's objective conditions do not support such a thing.

"Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean we can't do it!" Mona raised her white chin slightly and said proudly.

"You guy!" Fa Lushan gritted her teeth, feeling a little annoyed, "Okay, I want to see how you observe celestial bodies!"

This astrologer is so proud that he must watch her jokes!


Laila sighed, why did she feel that senior Mona and senior Fa Lushan were quite childish, but Mr. Adventurer was more reliable.

She looked at Li Qiuzhi gently with her golden pupils.

[Laila has a good impression of you and gains 360 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (120/900)]

Li Qiuzhi, who was still watching the exchange of looks between the two girls, was slightly startled when he saw the prompt that popped up on the character panel.

He glanced at Leila and found that she was looking at him. She suddenly looked away like a frightened rabbit.

Li Qiuzhi smiled, looked at the girls and said:

"In that case, let's set off now. First go to Leila's house and bring her void terminal."

Laila said softly, "Yeah", and Mona and Fa Lushan had no objection.

Then Li Qiuzhi and his party, led by Layila, spent some time arriving at the house she rented in Xumi City.

The environment here is relatively secluded, but there are quite a few scholars living nearby.

Probably the environment and economy here are relatively good overall, that's why it attracts so many scholars.

It is also suitable for scholars to study and research.

Leila opened the door and entered the room to see the bed by the window. Behind it was a desk. Behind the desk was a bookshelf against the wall, which contained many materials and books related to the starry sky.

The size of the entire house is not large, and Laila's living conditions still seem a bit difficult.

When the time was right, Li Qiuzhi found a way to invite Laiila to live in the fairyland space. The space there was large and it had many blessings.

No matter how late Laila stayed up to study, she didn't have to worry about lack of energy the next day.

These advantages should be enough to attract Leila, but the premise of all this is that she has a high enough opinion of herself.

Otherwise, no matter how favorable the conditions are, Laila, as a girl, may not agree to it.

Her favorability level for him has reached level nine, which is high enough, but she hasn't found a good entry point yet. It's better to wait until she completes the "Celestial Observation Journey" before talking to her.

At that time, her favorability towards him should have improved a bit, which will make it easier for her to agree when asked.

Soon, Laila took the Void Terminal that fell on the bed with her, and then looked at Li Qiuzhi:

"Mr. Adventurer, is there anything you need to prepare to go to the stars?"

Fa Lushan also looked at Li Qiuzhi. She had studied the environment of the starry sky.

There is no gravity there. If a person appeared there, he would float in the water like a fish, but there would be no way to swim like a fish.

Likewise, there is no oxygen, which is a precious commodity for humans to survive.

If these problems are not solved, it is simply a fantasy to go to the stars!

Fa Lushan saw that Li Qiuzhi was completely unprepared. It was hard to believe that he could survive in the starry sky, let alone bring others with him!

Thinking of this, she looked at Li Qiuzhi quietly, and now she was a little curious about what Li Qiuzhi was going to do.

After all, everyone thinks that Li Qiuzhi, the legendary adventurer, is almost the hero who saved Xumi, a very upright being.

What's a little regrettable is that he is more carefree. After all, with the "Void Internet", it is no longer a secret that Li Qiuzhi often hangs out with different girls.

However, in Teyvat, it is normal for a capable person to marry more than one wife, and people cannot be completely without shortcomings.

Therefore, this incident did not cause any sensation.

"Of course you have to prepare, but you don't need to prepare. Just leave the rest to me."

Li Qiuzhi nodded, summoned several Heart Shields, and put them on himself, Mona, Laila, and Fa Lushan.

"It can resist everything in the starry sky that is harmful to the body. I can also put oxygen into it. It can completely protect us from moving freely in the starry sky."

Li Qiuzhi explained briefly, and then opened a space crack.

Sorry, today is also an update.

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