I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 651 An unexpected discovery (two in one)

The space cracks reveal the appearance of the starry sky, giving people a feeling that they can touch the starry sky in the past.

Fa Lushan looked at the protective shield covering her and reached out to touch it. It felt warm and she couldn't feel anything special.

Because of this, she also had trouble confirming whether it actually worked.

"Follow me." Li Qiuzhi waved to the girls and led them in together.

The space changed, and several people came to the "Void Sea of ​​Stars".

The "Star-Swallowing Whale" is still here, but now it is controlled by Li Qiuzhi and can only lie down here.

Seeing this huge whale, Leila and Farushan were both a little surprised.

"This is a special creature that swims in the sea of ​​​​stars. It has caused a lot of danger in Fontaine recently and has now been caught."

Li Qiuzhi explained briefly, and then continued:

"Next, we will go to a special place, and then we can randomly appear somewhere in the star sea through there."

It is difficult to take people there casually from either side of the Black Tower Space Station and the Minghuo, so Li Qiuzhi planned to take Mona and Laila there in the same way he went to the starry sky before.

Anyway, it’s just to observe the celestial bodies, you can go anywhere.

At this time, Fa Lushan had begun to believe that Li Qiuzhi did have a way to go to the starry sky.

After all, this is a whale and a portable space, so they look quite similar.

Even though she believed that it was impossible to travel to the stars with Teyvat's current technological level, she could not deny that Li Qiuzhi could do the same thing through some special power.

It seems that he is indeed much more powerful than ordinary legendary adventurers. No, this may be something that even gods cannot do... He can actually do it...

Fa Lushan looked at Li Qiuzhi with a slightly curious look in her eyes.

After Li Qiuzhi finished speaking, he let the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" begin to sink, first reaching the shallow space, from where the reality can still be seen.

Then there is deep space, where it is pitch black and nothing can be seen.

The next second, the darkness subsided, and several people saw many projections outside in the "Void Sea of ​​Stars".

"This space is quite special. I came here accidentally after mastering the ability to a certain extent. I call this place the 'projection space'"

Li Qiuzhi introduced this place to everyone.

However, he actually didn’t know much, so he couldn’t explain the situation in too much detail.

"The coordinates are changing at any time. There is a high probability that all projections are real. Teyvat is still too small. Normally, it would be impossible in a lifetime to realize that there is such a hidden space in the world."

Fa Lushan couldn't help but say with emotion.

Therefore, no matter what, it allowed her to see places that she might not be able to touch in her lifetime, and Fa Lushan could not help but feel a little fond of Li Qiuzhi:

[Fa Lushan has a good impression of you and gained 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 3 (80/300)]

Li Qiuzhi was secretly happy when he saw the favorability prompt popping up on the character panel. He smiled and continued:

"We have been here for more than a minute now, and we don't know which corner the original coordinates have changed to. If we go out now, we should be in a certain corner of the universe.

"Why don't you just go and see whatever celestial objects you want to see?"

Mona and Laila nodded expectantly. Although Fa Lushan did not show any expectation, she no longer looked suspicious.

Just when Li Qiuzhi wanted to float up to the surface space, the coordinates of the "projection space" were still changing all the time, and suddenly something like a bubble appeared in front of him.

It looks to be tens of meters in size, although in this unpredictable space, the concept of size may be changing like the coordinates.

But even so, this thing that looks like a bubble is the second thing Li Qiuzhi discovered in the "projection" space besides the ubiquitous projection.

Without too much hesitation, Li Qiuzhi directly used the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" to anchor it, so that he could come here to explore again in the future. Otherwise, if he let this "bubble" escape, he would not know when he would encounter it next time.

"What's this?"

At this time, Mona and the others were also attracted by this huge "bubble". Through the film of the "bubble", they seemed to be able to see something inside.

It just looks very vague, and it's impossible to confirm what it is.

"This is also the first time I have encountered this kind of thing in the 'projection space'. I don't know whether it is dangerous or not. If I want to explore it, I have to use my avatar to test it. This may take some time. Now let's explore the starry sky first."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"That's right. Although everyone is curious about this place, the original purpose is to observe celestial bodies, so we should complete the goal first." Mona nodded lightly and said.

"Yeah." Leila blinked, her golden pupils showing recognition.

Fa Lushan studies runes and has a relatively good understanding of mechanism techniques. She is not very interested in exploring anything, so it doesn't matter.

Unless she knew that there were runes worth studying in that place, she would only explore it a little.

Li Qiuzhi once again confirmed that this "bubble" had indeed been anchored by the "Void Sea of ​​Stars", and he could return directly here next time.

He began to let the "Void Sea of ​​Stars" float up.

After experiencing the process from "deep space" to "shallow space" again, several people soon reached reality.

Perhaps due to good luck, they saw a red planet in front of them as soon as they came out, because there was no atmosphere.

The surface of this asteroid can be seen directly from outer space.

It looked like a red desert with no vegetation at all. I didn't know if it was natural or if something unexpected happened.

According to the scale of the universe, this is generally the case naturally, after all, even if there are any unexpected situations caused by problems.

The probability of encountering it is also very small.

Li Qiuzhi first teleported hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, found a suitable angle to observe the planet, and then confirmed that there was nothing unusual around him, and ended the use of the "Void Star Sea".

Several girls wearing the "Heart Shield" came to outer space and felt that they were exactly what they had predicted through research.

After arriving in space, gravity will be lost, and the whole person will float completely uncontrollably.

At this time, Fa Lushan had to believe that Li Qiuzhi was indeed capable of taking others to see the stars. It seemed that she had misunderstood them.

Thinking of this, although Fa Lushan was a little reluctant, she still apologized for misunderstanding other people's behavior and said:

"Sorry, I misunderstood you."

Especially after apologizing, seeing Mona's proud look made me feel slightly unhappy for some reason.

"It doesn't matter. Anyone who hears such a thing under those circumstances would be suspicious."

Li Qiuzhi understood this.

"Humph" Fa Lushan folded her arms and looked like this.

[Fa Lushan has a good impression of you and gains 320 favorability points. The current favorability level is 4 (100/400)]

Seeing the prompt that the character panel popped up again, Li Qiuzhi knew that Fa Lushan's comforting behavior to him was still very useful.

"Next, let's observe the red planet first. When we have enough observation, we will set off to other places."

After Li Qiuzhi finished speaking, he sat down cross-legged and used his mental power to help the girls fix their positions so that they would not float around and be unable to conduct research.

"Thank you!" Leila expressed her gratitude to Li Qiuzhi.

[Laila has a good impression of you and gains 380 favorability points. The current favorability level is 9 (500/900)]

Judging from the increase in favorability, this should include his gratitude for actually taking her to observe celestial bodies in the universe.

This is indeed a rare opportunity for scholars who study the stars.

After all, no matter how many star trajectories are calculated and how many star maps are drawn, these are just calculations and speculations. Whether the reality is like this or not, it is very rare to have the opportunity to verify it with one's own eyes.

Several girls were using void terminals to record what they observed. Li Qiuzhi, who had nothing to do for the time being, turned his attention to the "Sword God of Ying" he had left on Baihuang Star.

At this time, several days had passed since the storm of the Harvest People's attack, and the Baihuang Planet had calmed down again.

It's just obvious that there are many more troops stationed in the outer space of Baihuang Star, and they are still patrolling the star.

It seems that the lessons learned from last time have been learned, and the proportion of garrison deployment on the surface and in space has been optimized to prevent the same mistakes from happening again.

If you look at it this way, there should be much fewer fairy boat garrison on the surface.

The "Immortal Boat Alliance" has been stationed here for decades, and it is indeed very familiar with Baihuang Star.

We are basically aware of any potential risk factors. Since we dare to reduce the deployment of troops on the ground, it means that the ground is safer.

Li Qiuzhi felt that now was the right time to slowly attack the remaining giant beasts.

At this time, it happened to be the night of Baihuang Star, and all the giant beasts in the mountains had retracted their limbs into their bodies, just like real giant mountains, standing above the ground.

If you control the intensity of knocking them out and let them wake up at the normal time, then you can gain experience points quietly!

Anyway, these giant beasts have no intelligence and will not tell others that they have been attacked and knocked unconscious.

Soon, Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to take action.

In order to prevent the "Sword God of Ying" from being photographed by things like Xianzhou's surveillance system, Li Qiuzhi manipulated her into hiding in the "Void Star Sea".

Finally, I quietly came to a sleeping giant beast.

If you want to quietly stun a giant beast without any reaction, you can only use your mental power to attack.

And this is also Li Qiuzhi's strength.

With such a big difference in levels, even if it's not his strong point, he can still handle it easily.

After all, the sword intention itself can have an impact on the spirit. It is not easy to stun an enemy who is weaker than yourself.

While thinking this, the "Sword God of Ying" had already penetrated part of the sword intent into the Louyue giant beast's head. With just a slight shock, the sleeping Louyue giant beast was knocked unconscious.

The sleeping posture of the giant beast is relatively stable. Even after fainting, it still maintains its original appearance and will not be discovered at all.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 162741 experience points. 】

As the character panel popped up, Li Qiuzhi looked at the number of experience points and found that there were indeed quite a few, but there was still a gap between them and the level.

Seeing that the first giant beast was successfully defeated, Li Qiuzhi continued to control the "Sword God of Ying" to prepare for the next one.

Li Qiuzhi controlled the "Sword God of Ying" to come to a sleeping giant beast again, and quietly gathered his strength to shoot the sword intent into its forehead.

[Defeat powerful enemies and gain 161322 experience points. 】

Defeated the second Louyue behemoth and gained hundreds of thousands more experience points. The efficiency was indeed very high.

Soon, as time passed, Mona and the others seemed to have researched something, that is, through the trajectory of this red desert planet, they had calculated all the other planets that had an impact on it.

Then it was discovered that this place was actually a very large galaxy system, with several unmanned planets being pulled by a very large gas planet in the middle and orbiting it.

The red desert planet in front of Li Qiuzhi and the others was one of them.

And the entire operating system between planets revolves around a huge star.

It looks very complicated. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine how such a system could be maintained.

After all, it stands to reason that the gravitational pull of the star is much greater than that of the gaseous planet, and the planets orbiting it should be attracted to the star.

Those planets are not like the relationship between the earth and the moon in the solar system.

They are much larger than the moon and farther apart than the moon is from the earth.

Even Li Qiuzhi, who didn't know much about the starry sky, found this a little strange.

It just seems to violate objective laws, but since it exists, it is reasonable, and there should be some special reason behind it.

For example, there is something special in that gaseous planet that can increase its own gravity.

"Let's go to that planet and have a look. I feel a little itchy if I don't understand the reason!"

Mona looked at Li Qiuzhi and said coquettishly.

It was normal for her, an astrologer, to find situations that were inconsistent with what she had learned and want to know the specific reasons.

After all, if there were no special circumstances, this would be a bit subversive of the knowledge I have learned.

Laila also looked at Li Qiuzhi, obviously wanting to explore, her golden pupils showing some expectation.

Fa Lushan didn't care, after all, she didn't study this field.

Li Qiuzhi thought for a while and realized that he had controlled dozens of giant towering beasts by controlling the "Sword God of Ying" and gained more than 7 million experience points.

It's just a good time to stop, otherwise the probability of discovery will increase. It's also good to explore this strange gaseous planet during the period.

So he nodded slightly:

"Okay, then let's go on a field trip and see what's going on!"

During the Qingming Festival, everyone should pay attention to safety when outing. I went outing from morning to afternoon today, walked more than 20,000 steps, and drank wine in the evening. I am indeed a bit tired.

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