I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 712 Heavenly Chorus (Two in One)

This time I chose the "Destruction" path. I feel that when dealing with a large number of enemies, the "Destruction" path would be more appropriate and can clear them out faster.

I don’t know if the Black Tower adjusted his luck value, but Li Qiuzhi was very lucky this time. As soon as he chose his destiny, the first destiny blessing he received was very powerful.

[Fire of Destruction: The fire of destruction is summoned and attached to the weapon. The damage caused cannot be recovered. 】

A very powerful ability, perfect for dealing with zombies on this planet.

According to the information given by the Black Tower, the zombies on this planet have ridiculous healing abilities, which are similar to water. Even if their bodies are cut off, they can be easily healed by just touching them together.

This will greatly affect his growth efficiency, and with this ability, defeating zombies is basically a matter of one move.

Li Qiuzhi's birth point at this time was on the roof of a certain building, and there was a clanging sound from the stair door.

It was obvious that the zombies discovered Li Qiuzhi with their keen sense of life. He looked around and found a broken water pipe.

It is made of some kind of metal, has good hardness, and is attached with fire of destruction, which is enough for early use.


The stair door was knocked open, and black, human-like jelly zombies swarmed out.

Lava-like flames began to burn along the metal water pipes. Li Qiuzhi grabbed a vantage point on the side before these zombies came over.

Facing the zombie running in front, hit the head directly from top to bottom.

The black zombie's head splattered like jelly, and lava-like flames clung to the minced flesh, making it impossible for the broken head to heal.

Immediately afterwards, Li Qiuzhi immediately felt that his body was fed back by his destiny and became stronger, and the power of the fire of destruction also became greater.

He picked up the water pipe, sided to avoid the bite of one zombie, turned around and used the strength of his waist to sweep towards the head of another zombie.

The flames left fragmentary trails in the air, and the water pipe with huge impact hit the zombie's ears, instantly denting the entire skull.

In an instant, the zombie's head broke into two halves.

Li Qiuzhi's body became much stronger, and it became easier to fight zombies instantly.

In less than ten minutes, the wave of zombies that surged onto the roof had been cleared away, and Li Qiuzhi's level had been raised to over thirty.

He started walking downstairs.

Heita said that there are thousands of zombies in this building alone. Once they are all cleared out, he should be able to reach level 50.

By then, there should be a powerful range of abilities, so that by destroying buildings one by one, the level can be quickly increased.

Just when Li Qiuzhi walked down the next floor, Heita's voice came to his ears:

"On the right, in the first room in the corridor, push the door and enter to trigger the event."

"It's a good incident." Li Qiuzhi nodded.

This is the third time he has tested the "Simulated Universe", and he certainly knows what the event is.

In the process of practicing their destiny, destiny walkers may encounter various things, and some things may be very consistent with their destiny.

After participating, you can get a lot of power feedback from the destiny.

For example, the Destiny Walker who "protects" Destiny was traveling in a certain city and unexpectedly encountered a giant monster wreaking havoc in the city.

If this destiny walker successfully stops the monster's destruction of the city and continues the city's existence.

That is, if you practice "preservation" very well, you can get a lot of feedback from your destiny, and it is possible to instantly upgrade several levels and gain powerful abilities.

There are also such special "events" in the "simulated universe", but these are historical slices.

It was a special historical slice that was recreated by the geniuses of Black Tower and others from reality, using what had happened in the galaxy as a template.

No matter which planet you are on, the "special events" you encounter are random.

After opening the door, it is possible to see a supernova explosion somewhere in the universe. These feelings are quite novel for Li Qiuzhi.

So with a little anticipation, he went to the first room in the corridor and opened the door as Black Tower said.

The space changed, and Li Qiuzhi came to a street full of people.

He looked curiously and found that he was in front of the gate of a concert venue. A young man who looked very enthusiastic walked towards him:

"Brother, do you like rock and roll? This is my treasured soundtrack for you."

After the other party finished speaking, he gave the disc in his hand to Li Qiuzhi. At this time, two choices appeared in front of him.

【listen. 】

【Do not listen. 】

Heita's voice came from the side again, she said:

"What is recorded in it is the 'Tianwai Cantata', with dozens of sounds of different styles. Nothing will happen if you don't listen. If you listen, you will get ten random effects, some positive and some negative."

"Oh? In that case, of course you have to take a gamble."

It's just a test of the "simulated universe". Of course, you have to try everything.

Li Qiuzhi chose [Listen].

After making his selection, no record player appeared for him to put the disc on, but sound appeared out of thin air.

Rock sounds, classical rap, mechanical synthesized sounds, etc., dozens of sounds appear at the same time.

It made Li Qiuzhi feel like he was being tortured.

At the same time, various effects began to appear on him.

First, the power of the fire of destruction was reduced by 50%, and then the range was enhanced by 200%.

Then, the water pipe in his hand disappeared, and a pile of gold coins suddenly appeared in front of him. The next second, the "destructive power" in his body soared tenfold.

Then, Li Qiuzhi received the blessing of the "joyful" destiny, which enabled him to feel the emotions of life and interfere.

An ability that has no effect in a world with only zombies.

Soon, all the gold coins in front of him disappeared, and at the same time, he gained a new destiny ability that could turn the ground into magma.

The last two effects, one is to strengthen the power of magma, and the other is to reduce the "destructive power" in his body by half.

Ten random effects, some positive, some negative, but overall there is no loss.

After the effect of the event was triggered, the entire space returned to its original state. As soon as he appeared, the zombies that existed in the room discovered him.

With a roar, he rushed towards Li Qiuzhi.

Now that there is no water pipe, it is a little troublesome to deal with it. If you use your hands, you will be infected by the "zombie virus" by accident, so this test ends here.

Li Qiuzhi did not panic and slightly activated the ability he had just acquired.

The ground gradually became dark, cracks appeared, and orange-yellow magma slowly appeared. The zombie stepped into the magma and its entire body slowly dissolved.

After dealing with this zombie, Li Qiuzhi did not stop and continued to expand the area of ​​magma.


Slowly penetrated to the lower floors.

In less than half an hour, every floor of the entire building was covered with magma, and basically all the zombies in this building had disappeared.

As expected, he quickly upgraded to about level 50 and possessed more powerful power, so he simply let the magma continue to spread outward.

The larger the range of the magma spread, the more zombies were eliminated, and the stronger Li Qiuzhi's strength became.

The stronger he is, the wider the range of the magma can be spread.

So a virtuous cycle began. After more than an hour, he had reached level 100, and the whole city was submerged by magma.

The speed of the magma spread faster and faster. When the surrounding cities were also submerged, he reached level 120.

When he reached level 190, the whole planet was submerged.

It was at this time that the sky cast a gaze on him. Li Qiuzhi looked up and a figure that seemed to have passed through countless light years of the Milky Way appeared outside the world.

He looked like a human male with white hair and a huge golden scar on his chest, like the golden magma on the surface.

"Here he comes! He is Nanook the Destroyer!" Black Tower's excited voice came from the side.

"Destroy the Star God?"

Li Qiuzhi was quite surprised. He had not grown to the point of being close to the Star God and trying to seize control of his destiny, but he appeared.

Could it be that the identity of "pioneer" is so useful?

Nanook looked down at Li Qiuzhi, his tone was icy but with a hint of enthusiasm:

"Akivelli, Akivelli! You who uphold the 'will of development', have such pure destruction!"

"Uh, He seems to be talking to me, how should I answer?"

Li Qiuzhi didn't know what the relationship between the "development" and "destruction" star gods was, and didn't know what tone to use for a while, so he discussed with Heita outside.

"Just ask some information related to the star god. Your current identity is Akivelli, which is confirmed by fate. Even if you behave a little strangely, He generally won't doubt it."

Heita said.

"Okay." Li Qiuzhi nodded and looked at Nanook: "Nanook, I just came back from rebirth, do you know how I died?"

The reason for Akivelli's fall is an unsolved mystery in the galaxy, maybe Nanook, who is also a star god, will know.

"Everything will be destroyed, whether you or me." Nanook raised his arm and glanced down at Li Qiuzhi, "You will inevitably fall into 'destruction'."

"What plus what?"

Li Qiuzhi looked at Him speechlessly. It seemed that this guy didn't know either.

"Hurry up and keep asking, He is leaving!" The Black Tower seemed to have observed some data changes in the background and quickly reminded Li Qiuzhi.

"Ah, wait, Nanook, what kind of world is qualified for you to spread the 'star core'?" Li Qiuzhi asked quickly.

He didn't ask what the purpose of Nanook spreading the "star core" into the universe was. Everyone knew that it was for "destruction".

The reason for asking this was to know the law of Nanook spreading the "star core" and then take precautions in advance.

After all, as of now, there are not many civilizations in the interstellar society that have discovered the existence of "star cores", and some of these civilizations have a very good level of technology.

And some are still in the primitive society stage, and there is no law at all.

"The brighter the light of hope, the more worthy it is to be destroyed. Akivelli, how stupid you are." Nanook said calmly and disappeared.

"You really just came to take a look and left like that." Li Qiuzhi thought with regret.

"It's not easy to see the Star God, and the harvest this time is very good. It verifies that Akivelli's identity is indeed feasible. Nanook also revealed some information later."

Heita was not disappointed.

"That's right."

Li Qiuzhi nodded and looked at the planet that had turned into magma. There were no zombies here, and the Star God had successfully seen it.

Therefore, this test was over.

He exited the "simulated universe" and saw Heita looking at him in a good mood:

"Well done, this time I will give you two "Heita Bonds", plus the previous ones, you can already exchange for good items. I will send you a list of items later, you can choose it yourself."

[Heita has a good impression of you, gaining 760 points of favorability, and the current favorability level is 8 (280/800)]

Li Qiuzhi looked at the pop-up favorability prompt and was also in a good mood. He smiled and said, "No problem, thank you, Heita."

"Hmph~ Tell me when you have chosen. I will go to find Screw Gumu and Ruan Mei and study the gains just now."

Heita said with his hands on his waist, and then trotted away from the side door of the office.


Li Qiuzhi nodded. He had heard the notification sound of his mobile phone, which should be that the bonds and the list of items had been sent.

Although he was very curious about what strange things the black tower had, he still took a look at the character panel first:

[Experience points: 85658070]

More than 80 million experience points were enough for him to level up twice in a row!

The upgrade process was very fast and there would be no movement, so Li Qiuzhi immediately invested the experience points into the character panel with a little expectation.

Experience points -77000000

Lv128 (523611/38000000) → Lv130 (523611/40000000)

A huge amount of energy appeared in the body, and it felt similar to the previous feeling, which was a comfortable and warm feeling.

After the enhancement was completed, Li Qiuzhi felt stronger than ever before.

Similarly, when he was upgraded to level 130, the character panel popped up a prompt again:

[Your level has been upgraded to 130, and the evolution has reached a new stage. You can get a "racial specialty", please choose. ]

As expected, it was finally time to choose the racial specialty again.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the three options that popped up on the character panel:

[Swallowing Everything: Can swallow any substance and any energy, replenish its own energy and strengthen its body and soul. Absorbing energy with higher mass than itself can be converted into practice progress, and when restoring the energy consumed by itself, it has 100% energy conversion efficiency. ]

[Golden Kingdom: Construct a golden kingdom in the soul space, which can resist attacks, seal and trap enemies, etc. The specific functions and strength are built by oneself. The stronger the kingdom, the stronger the power in all aspects. ]

[Dream of Time: A layer of "Time Dream Film" is attached to the body surface. When not disturbed by time-based attacks, it can turn itself into a shadow of time. The main body is always in the future, leaving only the shadow to bear all the damage from the "present". ]

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