I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 713 Infinite Energy (Two in One)

Looking at the three racial specialties, Li Qiuzhi fell into deep thought.

The options given by the racial specialties are all very powerful. No one is better than the other, only whether it is suitable for you.

The first option is to allow Li Qiuzhi to eat anything to replenish himself, and at the same time, it can also enhance the strength of his body and soul.

In other words, it is very good to become stronger as long as you eat.

There is another one behind it. When absorbing energy with higher quality than your own harmonized energy, it can play a role in cultivation.

This is equivalent to that high-quality energy can replace experience points to a certain extent. After all, the experience points he obtained are basically used to convert into cultivation progress.

It is not easy to find energy with higher quality than the harmonized energy in his body.

After all, Xinhai's goodwill skill can improve the quality of his energy in the body when he is in hot water.

Li Qiuzhi often practices in hot spring baths with girls, and the quality of the harmonized energy in his body is already very high.

Like the pure abyss power mastered by the Princess Ying Abyss, excluding the different and incomparable characteristics, in terms of quality alone, her abyss power is not as good as his own.

Not to mention the immortal power, demon power, divine power, etc., his own harmonized energy has already opened up a considerable distance from them.

Therefore, it is not easy to use this effect.

In addition to the effect of absorbing high-quality energy and converting it into cultivation progress, the 100% utilization of energy later is also very good.

Normally speaking, as long as it involves energy conversion, it is difficult to achieve 100%, and there will inevitably be some consumption in the process of conversion.

And this effect allows Li Qiuzhi to absorb energy without wasting it.

Li Qiuzhi feels that this racial specialty is quite suitable for him, and he has already had some inclinations in his heart.

But the latter two options still need to be considered, maybe it will be better.

Li Qiuzhi moved his eyes to the second option. He looked at it carefully and found that the ability of "Golden Country" should be used to arm his soul.

And the strength is built by himself, that is to say, there is no upper limit!

However, his soul is very powerful, and he has all kinds of outrageous life-saving abilities. The soul space also has the "Spirit of True Love" sitting in.

Such defensive strength is enough. Compared with "Swallowing Everything", the icing on the cake effect of "Golden Country" is not as good as it.

The last option is the ability to avoid all non-time attacks from the "present", which is also very outrageous.

Such life-saving abilities are never too much.

It's just that under the premise that he already has many life-saving abilities, it also plays a icing on the cake.

For Li Qiuzhi, "Swallowing Everything" is more effective.

Previously, he mastered the ability to obtain "imaginary internal energy" from the "imaginary space", and it was unlimited.

It's just that there is no way to use "imaginary internal energy".

The situation is probably like, in martial arts novels, the protagonist accidentally obtained dozens or hundreds of years of internal strength, but because he doesn't know martial arts, it is difficult to play its role.

With the ability of "Swallowing Everything", it means that Li Qiuzhi can even eat "imaginary internal energy" and can absorb this "imaginary internal energy" 100% perfectly!

"Imaginary internal energy" is infinite for Li Qiuzhi, so it can be infinitely absorbed and infinitely replenished with its own harmonized energy.

This is equivalent to Li Qiuzhi truly having infinite energy!

He can transfer energy with the girls at will, so Li Qiuzhi has unlimited energy, which means they also have unlimited energy.

Therefore, after comprehensive consideration, the ability of "devouring everything" is of great use to Li Qiuzhi.

Without hesitation, he directly selected the first option on the character panel!

With the racial specialty of "devouring everything" integrated into himself, Li Qiuzhi already felt that he had the ability to devour everything.

He tried to connect to the "imaginary space" and guided some "imaginary internal energy" into his body, and found that it could indeed be perfectly absorbed.

Li Qiuzhi was secretly delighted. Now he could really use the big move as a normal attack, and he would be invincible in the war of attrition.

Speaking of big moves, his strongest move is naturally the world-class swordsmanship.

In his current situation, a full-strength attack can probably split a planet as big as Teyvat in half, including the space.

According to the last time Ruan Mei helped Fukaros separate the authority, he needed to temporarily upgrade his soul to the upper limit of the world, and he only stopped at 142nd level.

According to this, it can be inferred that the strength of the Teyvat world itself is equivalent to level 142, and although his life level is only level 130.

But his combat power is comparable to that of a level 150 or above, so he can indeed destroy a star with one blow.

It only takes a few minutes to wipe out a star system like the sun, and he has a galaxy-level combat power.

It can easily wipe out the existence of a galaxy.

Later, this world-class swordsmanship will be strengthened slightly with Nashida's favorability skills, and it will become even stronger.

A few days ago, I used the "wisdom tree diagram" to plant the inherent talent "entangled favorability", because I was busy testing the "simulated universe" and looking for opportunities to brush the girls' favorability.

As a result, I didn't learn much new knowledge, and the growth rate of the seeds was a little slower without the watering of knowledge.

But even so, the first branch is about to grow out. I hope to get additional attribute bonuses that increase charm and make it easier to gain favor.

Li Qiuzhi finally took a quick look at the character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv130 (523611/40000000)

Race: Human

Title: Honorary Knight, Liyue Outstanding Citizen, Legendary Adventurer, General Haiji, Sage of Xumi, Prince of Fontaine, Deputy of General Leidian

Inherent Talent: Entangled Favor

Skills: Fluorescent Thoughtlessness·World 10 (Ethereal Star Sea), Flowing Sky Shooting·Ultimate 10 (Frost Flower Arrow)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Thoughtless Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Anti-Demon Touch (Exclusive)] [Spiritual Stats (Exclusive)] [Imaginary Internal Energy] [Illusionary Sea Drifter] [Swallowing All Things]

Experience Points: 8658070

There are still more than 500,000 practice progress at the level, which is obtained from the previous day of sticking with Hu Zhaigong and others.

In other words, Li Qiuzhi can basically obtain more than 500,000 practice progress in a normal day by sticking with girls.

There are more than 8 million experience points at the back, which are the remaining points from the level upgrade just now. After further testing, it won’t take long before the level upgrade can be continued.


After all, even if it is level 130, it only takes 40 million practice progress to continue upgrading.

Li Qiuzhi walked out of the Black Tower office while looking down at his phone.

The text message contained the bonds Black Tower sent him and the list of strange objects she owned. He also opened it with a little curiosity and took a look.

He found that the strange objects collected by Black Tower were really varied, and there were all kinds of them.

Li Qiuzhi was a little surprised that there were "fixed-point guns" with unknown standards, "baseball bats" with powerful power, and even the "star cores" of the cancer of all worlds.

Isn't Black Tower worried about any problems with the space station? It actually collects things like "star cores".

However, Li Qiuzhi thought that he, who was comparable to the envoy, could easily destroy stars with one blow, and even galaxies could be wiped out in a short time.

The "star core" usually causes disasters on the planet, and it is found that those disasters have only an impact within the scope of the planet itself.

Obviously, the power of the "star core", judging from its performance, seems to be inferior to that of the Order Envoy.

So Black Tower, who is also at the Order Envoy level, must have similar means as him, which can destroy stars and star systems with one blow.

If the "star core" does not have other hidden powers that surpass the Order Envoy, then Black Tower can indeed deal with it calmly.

And as a scholar, it is normal for her to collect "star cores" for research.

Li Qiuzhi learned from the "Interstellar Peace Network" that Black Tower has saved his home planet, the Azure Star under the space station, several times.

Perhaps this "star core" was obtained from the Azure Star.

Even the "star core" can be exchanged by him. Black Tower is still quite generous. Well, it may also be because she has a high liking for him.

Li Qiuzhi also saw some "light cones".

"Remember the Fall of a Star God", "Cruising the Sea of ​​Stars", "The Material of Memory" Seeing these light cones, Li Qiuzhi can confirm that it is indeed because Black Tower has a high liking for him that he allowed him to exchange them.

After all, making "light cones" is the unique technology of "Liuguang Yiting", and it is said that it is only authorized to "the company". Even so, it is very difficult to obtain light cones.

And there are a lot of light cones on the list given by Black Tower. If nothing unexpected happens, she must have cracked the method of making "light cones".

If these two forces know that Black Tower has mastered the technology of making "light cones", it will be a troublesome thing even for the genius Black Tower.

Although light cones do have a good effect on personal strength, Li Qiuzhi also wants to exchange one to see, but unfortunately he only has four "Black Tower Bonds".

And at least eight are needed to exchange light cones, which is not enough for the time being.

Li Qiuzhi continued to browse the list of strange things. The things on it were things he had never known, and they were also new knowledge for him.

Therefore, in the "wisdom tree diagram", the seeds that were about to grow branches successfully completed this last step.

Then Li Qiuzhi got feedback.

The inherent talent "Entangled Favorability" successfully obtained the first attribute bonus. As expected, it was indeed added around "favorability".

It's just not that it's easier for him to gain favor, but when the girl's favorability is full and she gets the favorability skill.

Let those favorability skills increase the benefit effect on themselves by "the sum of Li Qiuzhi and Nashida's levels".

He is level 130, and Nashida is more than 100, which adds up to nearly 2.5 times the bonus, which is still very scary.

In other words, the favorability skill of Xinhai, which allows him to get the benefit effect of soaking in different waters, can be increased by more than two times based on the original range.

The same is true for Nilu and Xianyun. The former can improve the practice speed and restore spirit by watching her dance, and the latter can increase the effects of various gain abilities for a certain period of time.

If calculated according to the practice of sticking to each other.

Using Xinhai, Nilu, Xianyun, and their enhancement abilities, plus Raiden's goodwill skill, you can also increase your training speed through "Dream Wishes".

And Xiangling's glowing food.

When all these are added up, not counting the time spent on gaining experience points during the day or going out to pursue girls.

He can gain about 500,000 points in practice with the girls in the fairyland space in a normal day of practice.

If he is lucky, he can use Ye Lan's favorability skill to cast, and the points of skill effect enhancement can even double to about 1 million.

But now there is more inherent talent "entangled favorability", and the favorability skill can increase the ability of the self-gain effect by about two times.

Under normal circumstances, Li Qiuzhi can gain at least 1 million points in practice every day, and if he is lucky, he can continue to double it.

It only takes a little more than a month to increase the level just by practicing with girls. This growth rate is already the best in the galaxy.

Even the fate walker who can be promoted only by practicing the fate can't improve as fast as him.

You have to know that this is a life level of 130.

If it only takes one month to upgrade one level, then the galaxy would have been full of messengers and the star gods would be worse than dogs.

Li Qiuzhi put away the list of strange items and had no idea of ​​exchanging them for the time being.

Four "Black Tower Bonds" could not be exchanged for the light cones he was more interested in, so he saved them for now.

On the way back to the room in the space station, Li Qiuzhi inadvertently heard two staff members who were also walking on the road chatting.

They said that in a week, the Star Dome Train, which had signed a resource supply agreement with the space station, would arrive at the space station. They were in charge of materials and needed to prepare supplies for them in advance.

Two months ago, I heard from Esta that if he wanted to go to the Star Core Contaminated Area, he could introduce the Star Dome Train to him, and she also said that she could ask her to let him take a ride.

Although Li Qiuzhi can now earn experience points from the "simulated universe", he certainly doesn't mind too many places where he can earn experience points.

Therefore, he still has to go to the Star Core Contaminated Area to see it, so he can't miss the Star Dome Train, and he has to pay attention to the time.

It would be troublesome if he was addicted to the "simulated universe" and missed the Star Dome Train.

Thinking of this, Li Qiuzhi returned to his room in the space station, and then returned to the fairyland space.

It was only three or four in the morning in Teyvat, and Li Qiuzhi continued to crawl into the girls' bed to catch up on sleep.

The next morning, Li Qiuzhi prepared to go to Fontaine to find Alechino.

When she left the Momang Palace last time, she specifically said that she could visit her when she was free, and it was obvious that she had something to ask her.

If nothing unexpected happened, it should be related to the "Heart of God".

After all, as an executive of the Fatui, Alechino had only the task of collecting the Heart of God that she had not completed in Fontaine, except for predicting the crisis.

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