Fairyland space.

Li Qiuzhi went to Sky Island, controlled the Heavenly Law Maintainer and "Heavenly Law", and then returned home.

It was not even noon now, so there was nothing important to do next.

Li Qiuzhi continued to look for new world bubbles in the "Quantum Sea", and soon two days passed.

In the past two days, his main job was to look for world bubbles in the "Quantum Sea", and he had some gains, finding five world bubbles.

There were already thirty in total, and the fused "Assembly Continent" world bubbles became larger, and the total number of people reached 2 billion.

This made Li Qiuzhi's cultivation progress per second, which had declined after a long time, rise again and return to 30,000 points per second.

He looked at the character panel. At this speed, it would only take about half an hour to reach level 160.

The secondary thing was to take Ningguang to the space station on behalf of the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" to discuss cooperation with Estelle.

There would definitely be no shortage of living supplies in the space station backed by the Azure Star.

So Teyvat mainly sells some elemental technology products, such as element storage devices.

And there are some special products of Teyvat.

The technology in elemental technology can barely be presented, which is also a bargaining chip for academic exchanges with the Black Tower Space Station.

Otherwise, there is no special technology at all. Even if Esta agrees to cooperate and exchange for the sake of friends, it will be useless if those staff members are not interested.

If you think about it carefully, Teyvat uses quite a lot of subjects for academic exchanges with the Black Tower Space Station, such as elemental technology, runes, array formations, etc.

These may also be available in other civilizations, but after all, they are developed in different worlds, and there are many different places, which must be valuable.

In addition to the above two things, Li Qiuzhi occasionally meets with the Starry Sky Train group at the space station to get familiar with each other.

Later, he will invite them to Teyvat for a visit.

Li Qiuzhi looked at the time. It was eleven o'clock in the evening in Teyvat, and it was probably more than seven o'clock in the morning at the Black Tower Space Station.

In about half an hour, he would be able to reach level 160, and it was still early, so he planned to upgrade his level before going over.

During this period, Li Qiuzhi could not just wait. Although he had the favorability skill of Alechino, he could also upgrade his level while lying down, but this was not a reason to fall.

At this time, in Alechino's room, Li Qiuzhi, who was lying on the bed, looked sideways at Alechino who was tireless and continued to pester him.

Li Qiuzhi also smiled, turned over and pressed her under him.

Half an hour passed unknowingly in the close practice with Alechino, and a prompt popped up on the character panel at this time:

[Your level has been upgraded to Lv.160, and the evolution has reached a new stage. You can get a "racial specialty", please choose. 】

Feeling the body and soul that are getting stronger and stronger, it is no surprise that it is time to choose one of the three racial specialties to upgrade to level 160.

Li Qiuzhi looked at several options with some anticipation:

[Final Doomsday: With the "Final Doomsday Constitution", every second of existence, it will destroy all tangible things around it. The more it destroys, the stronger it becomes. When it reaches a certain level, it begins to destroy intangible things such as energy and rules, and finally destroys everything and becomes the only one in the universe. ]

[Disease Mother Nest: Through contact, it can master any virus, including information viruses (memes), and can mix various viruses with any formula to exert more powerful power. ]

[Trinity: Consciousness, soul, and body are trinity. Consciousness, soul, and body, as long as one of them is intact, the other two will recover instantly no matter what damage they suffer. The state of oneself is based on the best of the three consciousness, soul, and body, and the life span is unlimited and eternal. ]

After carefully looking at several specialties, Li Qiuzhi chose "Trinity", feeling that this one is more suitable for him.

The previous "Final Doomsday", although as time goes by, he will become the only strongest person in the universe, but he has no intention of becoming a loner.

The second option is good, equivalent to a magical ability, which can control various viruses and has no side effects.

If the third option is not good, then it must be chosen.

But after reading the third option, Li Qiuzhi felt that it was more suitable for him. First of all, infinite life is nothing.

Because of his "girl lover" physique, he can absorb energy at any time to transform and replenish his life, so it is equivalent to eternal growth.

However, as long as one of the "Trinity" is not injured, it can be fed back to the other two, and the "uninjured" state will be synchronized.

Isn't this a very outrageous life-saving skill!

The attacker must cause damage to Li Qiuzhi's consciousness, soul and body at the same time to make him injured.

Because of the synchronization of the Trinity state, the consciousness, soul and body become equally powerful, as long as one of them is blessed by the gain skill.

Then the other two can also be blessed.

For example, improving the ability of physical defense can also improve the defense of the soul and consciousness, which is more powerful than the last "Heavenly Soul Body".

You can never have too many life-saving skills, so if you are not short of attack power and there are other special situations, it is naturally more cost-effective to choose life-saving skills.

After completing the selection, Li Qiuzhi looked at his character panel:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv160 (225452-30000+/700 million)

Race: Human

Title: Legendary Adventurer

Inherent Talent: Entangled Favor

Skills: Fluorescent Thoughtlessness·World Lv.10 (Void Star Sea), Flowing Sky Shooting Technique·Secret Lv.10 (Frost Flower Arrow), Star Abyss Power Lv.10 (Transcendence)

Specialties: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Thoughtless Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Anti-Demon Touch (Exclusive)] [Spiritual Stats (Exclusive)] [Imaginary Internal Energy] [Illusionary Sea Drifter] [Swallowing All Things] [Heroic Spirit Affinity] [Distance Between Stars] [Trinity]

Experience Points: 14752812

Except for the need to increase the practice progress by 700 million again, there is no major change, and the practice progress gained per second is still 30,000.

At this speed, it will take less than seven hours to upgrade again, but the speed will slow down as time goes by.

For example, if he upgraded from level 154 to level 160, it would take less than two days if it was still 30,000 per second.

It's just that the speed slowed down later, so it took so much time.

But this is not a big problem. If he finds a few more world bubbles later, he can continue to maintain a speed of 30,000 or more per second to gain cultivation progress. (End of this chapter)

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