After leveling up, Li Qiuzhi continued to practice with Arlecino for a while, then took a shower and teleported to the Black Tower Space Station.

Today is the day that everyone with the Star Dome Train is scheduled to "open up" Teyvat, so we can't keep them waiting.

Li Qiuzhi came out of the room and took the space elevator down to the support module.

On the platform, you can see that the Star Dome Train is still there. After all, the platform is quite large, and even if it remains parked, it will not have much impact on the entry and exit of other aircraft.

He slowly walked near the train, then took out his mobile phone and sent Jizi a text message, saying that he had arrived and could you please open the door.

Soon, Himeko replied with an emoticon expressing her receipt.

Li Qiuzhi stood in front of the train car door and waited for a moment, then saw the door open with a "chi" sound.

Ji Zi, wearing a white slit dress, slightly exposing her white legs, appeared behind the door. She looked at Li Qiuzhi and said with a smile:

"Welcome to the Star Dome Train, please come in."

"You're welcome, Miss Himeko!"

Li Qiuzhi walked into the train door. From the outside, the carriage looked quite big. After entering, he found that the space here was indeed quite large.

When you enter the car door, you can see the corridor to the right. There are tables and chairs placed in the corridor. If you are tired from work, you can sit here and relax for a while.

When traveling in space, you can also see the beautiful scenery of the universe from the window.

On the left side of the corridor are some rooms, which should be where Jizi and the others live. Well, there are only a few rooms in one carriage, and it seems that not many people can live there.

Maybe there will be more rooms in the back compartment. Li Qiuzhi secretly guessed.

"Come to the 'viewing car' with me, everyone else is over there." Ji Zi opened the door to the viewing car and walked over with Li Qiuzhi.

The space in the observation car looks even larger, with long red sofas placed on both sides, and the huge windows provide a clear view of the outside scenery.

Near the sofa, there are some potted plants, radios, record players and other things placed.

"You're finally here, hey, I'm ready, take us there quickly!"

Seeing Ji Zi walking in with Li Qiuzhi, March Qi, who was standing between the two sofas, immediately ran over and said with a smile.

"Of course there is no problem. I will open a space crack in front of the locomotive later, and then you can drive the train directly through it."

Li Qiuzhi nodded. He had already thought about how to take everyone on the Star Dome Train to Teyvat.

After all, Teyvat's coordinates in the universe are still unclear, and there is no way to jump there normally.

"Okay, I'm going to talk to Pam now and get ready to start the train!" the lively and cute March Qi said excitedly.

"Pam?" Li Qiuzhi looked confused. Could it be a member of the train crew that he didn't recognize yet?

"Passengers on March 7, there is no need to come to me, I'm already here!"

At this moment, a short gray rabbit-like creature wearing a red coat and a tall hat walked over.

"Uh, are you Pam?" Li Qiuzhi looked at it curiously.

"Yes, I am Pam, the conductor of this train, Pam!" the rabbit creature named Pam said confidently with his chest raised.

"I see, nice to meet you, Mr. Train Conductor!"

Although it is a bit surprising that the conductor of the Stardome Train is a strange rabbit-like creature.

But Li Qiuzhi understands that the universe is huge and full of wonders, so he is not surprised at all.

"I have heard about you from everyone, Li Qiuzhi, welcome to you, the new passenger of the train."

Pam, who was wearing a red hat, nodded and welcomed Li Qiuzhi.

"Haha, it seems that Pam also recognizes you, so you will officially become a member of the train crew."

Walter said with a smile while sitting on the sofa.

"Hey, didn't it count before?" Li Qiuzhi looked at him in surprise.

"Trains are relatively equal. Of course, everyone must agree to officially become a member of the train group. This is mainly to avoid internal conflicts."

Walter explained.

"Yes." Li Qiuzhi showed an expression of approval.

The Star Train travels alone in the universe. If the members of the group are not united enough, then this "pioneering" journey may not be so pleasant.

In case something unexpected happens, such as an argument or a fight while driving.

Even if you accidentally damage the train and then destroy it in the unknown universe, it is possible.

"Li Qiu to passengers, the train is ready, you can open the space crack handkerchief at any time."

Pam said with a bit of a tongue-in-cheek tone.

"Okay, please wait."

Li Qiuzhi walked off the train and came to the front of the train. March 7 and Walter also followed out curiously, wanting to see what he did.

He first summoned a Ying Sword God, then asked her to teleport back to Teyvat, and operated her to open a space rift leading to the "Void Star Sea" there.

Then Li Qiuzhi, who was in the space station, also opened a space crack leading to the "Void Sea of ​​Stars". Looking in from the outside, he could already directly see the scenery of Teyvat on the opposite side.

It was a beach with a long edge. The specific location was Guyun Pavilion in Liyue. It was mainly sparsely populated and a sudden appearance of a train would not attract anyone's attention.

"Wow! You really have some skills." Sanyueqi said in amazement, "Can we just run over here? We won't get lost in some space cracks, right?"

Looking at the beach and sea over there, the girl's pink eyes lit up, as if she couldn't wait to go over.

"Of course not." Li Qiuzhi smiled and replied, then looked at the middle-aged man with black-framed glasses, "Mr. Walter, let's go together?"

"Walter's glasses are also a rare experience, so we can't miss it."

Walter pushed his glasses, and the lenses were slightly reflective, and he seemed to be really interested.

"Hmph, then we'll lead the way for the train in front!"

After saying that, Sanyueqi took a step, and walked into the crack with his collared short boots on the ground.

Just as Li Qiuzhi and Walter were about to catch up, a sharp and piercing voice sounded from the broadcasting loudspeakers that could be seen everywhere in the space station:

"Warning! Warning! The traces of the antimatter army were found 200 kilometers away from the space station. The direction of advance is the Black Tower Space Station. The probability of invasion is 97%. All departments are requested to prepare for response. Unrelated personnel please go to the main control cabin for refuge!"

"Warning! Warning"

The broadcast of the space station kept circulating, and the people on the platform also became a little agitated and began to run towards the space elevator.

Li Qiuzhi and the others stopped and looked at each other in surprise. Sanyueqi looked at him nervously and said:

"What, what's going on? Could it be that the fluctuations of the space crack you created were detected by the space station and then misunderstood?"

"How is it possible? The broadcast clearly said that it was 200 kilometers away." Li Qiuzhi denied Sanyueqi's wild idea.

And quickly released his mental power to check the details. (End of this chapter)

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