I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 773: Gentle as spider silk

"Metaverse Space Restarted? What kind of old scam is this?" Topa took out his mobile phone and logged into a popular social networking site on the "Interstellar Peace Network".

He found that the top ten hot lists were all related to "Metaverse Space", and couldn't help but sigh:

"How exaggerated, are these all forced to be posted by hackers? The network security departments of these community websites are just eating dry rice."

"Haha, unfortunately, only the top one was posted, and the others were the real heat brought by the fermentation of things."

The young man with white hair but dark skin said.

"So the 'Metaverse Space' is really restarted."

Topa used a certain tone. After all, if it wasn't the case, there would be no such heat, and the "Ten Stone Hearts" of their strategic investment department would not be called for an emergency meeting.

"That's right, it doesn't matter who the hacker is. It's just hacking into a website, not the company's system. There are plenty of people in the galaxy who can do it.

"The important thing is that someone made the 'Deep Dive' equipment and tried it, and found that it is a fact that the 'Metaverse Space' can be logged in. "

Opal, who looks like a kid, crosses his feet and speaks in a baby voice.

"Deep diving equipment" is something invented by Sisi Kaer to synchronize people's nerves to the "meta-domain space". In order to allow people to mass produce it, it is not difficult technically.

It is very simple to re-manufacture it, just like mass-produced mobile phones.

"'Diamond' won't let us invest in the 'meta-domain space', right? The 'meta-domain space' is already very complete, and we only need the 'deep diving equipment' to log in. What chips do we have to attract the 'creation weaver'?"

The speaker is a lady with long red hair.

"Diamond" is the director of their strategic investment department and the immediate superior of their "Ten Stone Hearts". "Creation weaver" is Sisi Kaer's title.

"Long Jing, from what you said, do you think that the 29th seat of the 'genius club' has been resurrected? "

The speaker is Zhenzhu, a coral-haired woman sitting next to Shajin. If you look closely, you can find that she is a similar omnic to Screw Gumu.

"Otherwise, who else can restart the 'Metaverse Space'?" Long Jing, who was just a holographic projection, leaned back on the chair, gathered his red hair and spoke casually.

"Compared to the resurrection of Sisi Kaer, I would rather believe that other geniuses found a way to restart the 'Metaverse Space'." The white-haired young man Shu Ju sneered.

It has been countless Amber Ages.

All that was left of Sisi Kaer was the historical record. If a spider hair could be left, he might believe that someone resurrected her by cloning.

"These speculations are meaningless. Whether or not to invest in the 'Metaverse Space', you have to find someone who can invest. What do you think? "

Oper said, this time he didn't deliberately use a baby voice, but turned into a young man's voice with extremely confident tone.

"Metaverse" is a virtual world that can connect consciousness in any dimension. No technology can do it now. Its development potential is obvious. There is no reason for Interstellar Peace Company not to get involved.

"Let's start with that hacker. He actively promoted the restart of the 'Metaverse'. Obviously, he knows the inside story." Jade, wearing a black hat, said.

"Maybe we can contact Ms. Black Tower. As a member of the 'Genius Club', maybe she knows something about the restart of the 'Metaverse'." Topa thought about it and said.

"Well, let the company's people take action. The hacker should have news soon. As for contacting the Black Tower." Opal glanced at the others, "Who of you has time to visit in person?"

Although the company has the remote contact information of the Black Tower, it is better to go there in person to ask for help.

"I'm in the Morta galaxy, which is far away from the Black Tower Space Station. "The red-haired Long Jing shook his head.

"I'll go. My recent work is temporarily finished and it's not far from the Black Tower Space Station."

Topa thought about it and felt that he was more suitable, so he spoke.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, Topa."

Oper nodded, and then continued:

"Today's emergency meeting is mainly to find a way to understand the situation behind the 'Metaverse Space'. You can also pay attention to it after you finish your work. "

The emergency meeting of the Strategic Investment Department lasted for several hours before it was disbanded. After all, the matter was of great importance. If one was not careful, the "Meta-domain Space" would even shake the foundation of the "Interstellar Peace Network".

It is only safe if it is controlled by the company. Not only their Strategic Investment Department, but other departments of the company have also paid attention and taken action.

Outside Pierpoint, countless businessmen in the interstellar society who saw the business opportunity have spontaneously and quickly built factories to put into production the "Meta-domain Deep Diving Equipment".

This thing was originally developed and authorized by Sisi Kaer. Anyone can survive and manufacture it without paying any licensing fees.

As long as it is sold, it is profitable. The key is whoever is faster can make money. No one in the entire interstellar society will not be interested in the "Meta-domain Space".

This unprecedented large market is expected to have no saturation problems in the next few decades. You can imagine how huge this business opportunity is!

Fairyland Space, seven o'clock in the morning.

Maybe because they practiced for a long time last night, Ying and Xing were both tired at this time, so they lay beside him and had not woken up yet.

Li Qiuzhi stroked their snow-white backs, and after a while, he slid down to their soft buttocks and kneaded them gently.

Perhaps they felt something, the two gently slapped his hands away. Li Qiuzhi smiled gently, stretched out his hands to hug Ying and let her lie on him with her legs apart.

While Li Qiuzhi slowly pressed against Ying, he turned his head and kissed Xing's soft lips together, and slowly both of them woke up.

They looked at Li Qiuzhi who woke them up, and they were suddenly a little angry. It was not enough that he bullied them all night with his physical strength!

Xing and Ying looked at each other, and this time they had to make Li Qiuzhi surrender and beg for mercy!

However, two hours later, it was still Xing and Ying who were defeated, even if Noel, who came to call them for breakfast, was pulled in to challenge Li Qiuzhi together.

Several girls were too tired to sleep, so Li Qiuzhi got up first to have breakfast. Yesterday, he asked Yinlang to help promote "Void Yuanyu", and he didn't know what the situation was now.

By the way, I wanted to see if she and Kafka had met up with the other teammates of the "Star Core Hunters", so Li Qiuzhi used the "beacon" to ask the two of them while eating breakfast.

"Humph, although I was captured by you for a few days, it may be that your space and the abilities you gave me are really useful. After we successfully completed the task in accordance with the script, no problems were discovered.

"But Elio and our other two teammates are on other missions. We have to wait until they complete the mission before we can turn."

Silver Wolf felt a little uncomfortable about betraying his teammates' information, but there was no way, because he had to answer truthfully because he was controlled.

So if you want to control the other members of the "Star Core Hunters", you have to wait. After listening, Li Qiuzhi nodded slightly, and then continued to ask:

"How is the promotion of the "Void Meta-Domain" now?"

"I have hacked into the background of dozens of popular community websites and software and put the relevant information in a more conspicuous position. If nothing unexpected happens, most of the galaxy knows about the restart of the "Meta-Domain Space."

Silver Wolf also continued.

"Well done, is there a risk of being discovered? "

Li Qiuzhi asked.

"Humph, who do you think I am? How could I be discovered?"

Silver Wolf said confidently.

For her, doing this kind of thing is just a matter of moving her fingers, and there is nothing to worry about.

And it's just a simple hacking into a few websites. She can completely erase any traces of herself. Even if she asks Screw Gumu to help, she is confident that he can't find any problems.

Especially after being improved by that bastard Li Qiuzhi in such a shameful way.

However, hackers of her level are pitifully rare even in the galaxy. When Screw Gumu can't find any problems, the scope can basically be locked on a few people.

And she had fought with Screw Gumu in the data field, so he suspected that he was more likely to be the one.

Although there was no evidence, it was impossible to arrest people just by suspicion, but unfortunately, they, the "Star Core Hunters", were all wanted criminals of the company.

If the Interstellar Peace Company knew about this, they might increase their efforts to catch them. I hope Screw Gumu would not meddle in other people's business.

After all, she mastered the "Ether Editor", and it was difficult for the company to catch her, but her teammates did not. If the company really decided to integrate forces to catch them, there would still be some danger.

"That's good." Li Qiuzhi had great confidence in Silver Wolf's strength. He smiled and said, "Then as a reward, you and Kafka come back for a while, and I will help you improve your strength. "

Improving strength is secondary, the main thing is to cultivate feelings.

Although Yinlang and Kafka were his captives before, after getting close to them, Li Qiuzhi already regarded them as lovers like other girls.

So it is necessary to ease the relationship between each other.

Since the other members of the "Star Core Hunter" cannot be seen for the time being, let Yinlang and Kafka return to the fairyland space to live and build good relationships with everyone, and by the way, let Li Qiuzhi improve his favorability.

"You guy! "

Hearing Li Qiuzhi's words, Silver Wolf's fair face turned red, and he gritted his teeth. This bastard only knew how to bully others.

But there was no way, because of the "Command Spell", she and Kafka were still teleported to Li Qiuzhi's side.

Li Qiuzhi, who was eating breakfast, saw the two people appear, so he hugged them on the left and right and sat down.

Among them, although Kafka was a little dissatisfied with Li Qiuzhi taking away her virginity, she was easy-going and considered that she had no ability to resist, so she let him do whatever he wanted.

Silver Wolf was a little dissatisfied, struggled symbolically, and turned his face away angrily, not wanting to see this guy.

Li Qiuzhi pinched Silver Wolf's cheek, coughed lightly and said:

"I'm sorry, I was fascinated by your beauty at the time, and I couldn't help bullying you. It's my fault, but since it has become a fact, I will be responsible for you. "

Considering that he wanted Kafka and Silver Wolf to be his wives, the first step to ease the relationship was to admit his mistakes and apologize.

After all, he was the one who bullied them and forcibly took away their virginity.

"In that case, then remove the control over us and let us go. If you don't have this little sincerity, what kind of apology is that?"

Silver Wolf curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

"Of course not. Although I want to marry you, it doesn't prevent you from being my captives. After all, you will not behave and do nothing after the 'Command Spell' is unlocked."

Li Qiuzhi shook his head and said.

"Damn it!"

Silver Wolf bit Li Qiuzhi's hand that was pinching her face and didn't want to talk to him at all.

Li Qiuzhi smiled. It didn't matter if he didn't agree now. After living together for a long time, they would fall in love with each other and naturally become his wife in the future.

He looked at the information popped up on the character panel:

[Silver Wolf has a good impression of you and gained 1 point of good impression. The current good impression level is Lv.1 (3/100)]

[Kafka has a good impression of you and gained 1 point of good impression. The current good impression level is Lv.1 (3/100)]

A few minutes have passed. Under the ability to make girls feel good about themselves, Kafka and Silver Wolf didn't know that they had a little good impression of him in their hearts.

As long as they spend a few more days together, their good impression of him will gradually become full, which is the effect of continuously attracting girls to have a good impression of him.

Speaking of which, although he bullied Kafka and Silver Wolf, they did not have a negative impression of him, which does not necessarily mean that they hate him.

After all, he has the expertise of "girls' favorite", the skill of improving charm, and the title of being more likely to get girls' favor, all of which greatly improve girls' favor of him.

It is still quite difficult to make a girl have a negative feeling about him.

Just like Kafka, it doesn't matter if he lets him touch her all over her body, but Silver Wolf is still a little bit dissatisfied, which is mainly due to her fearless female character.

When he gets along with her in the future, occasionally giving in should be able to quickly ease his relationship with her.

Li Qiuzhi happened to have nothing to do these days, so he planned to spend time with Kafka and Silver Wolf to improve their favor.

Considering that they are sticking to them all day long and practicing, their bodies can't bear it.

So he usually accompanied other girls, went to the "Quantum Sea" to find world bubbles, paid attention to the development of the "Sweet Flower Chamber of Commerce" and the "Void Meta-Domain", and saw if there was anything he needed to help, and when he went to bed at night.

He would let Kafka and Silver Wolf accompany him.

In this way, Kafka and Silver Wolf's affection for him naturally improved by leaps and bounds.

After a few days, the two of them had reached the maximum level of affection for Li Qiuzhi. (End of this chapter)

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