Fairyland space.

In Li Qiuzhi's room, the quilt on the bed was kicked to the ground at some point, and Kafka and Yinlang, who were naked and exposed large areas of snow-white skin on their backs, buttocks, legs, etc., lay beside him.

Among them, Kafka lay on her side quietly, resting her head on Li Qiuzhi's right arm, while Yinlang half-lay on his left side, with his left leg straddling Li Qiuzhi's lower abdomen, sleeping in a slightly indecent manner.

In the past few days, Li Qiuzhi stayed with the two of them and finally won their favor.

Kafka was a person who could not show her emotions no matter how her heart changed, but she became much more active when they were close.

In the past few days, Yinlang's attitude towards him was obviously softened as his favorability increased. When they were close, his body would actively cooperate, but he often called him "you guy", "bastard", "pervert" and so on.

Her personality was like this, and she would not change much just because her favorability towards him gradually deepened. She had to continue to coax him well later.

Li Qiuzhi gently stroked Kafka and Silver Wolf's backs, then opened the character panel, first looking at the prompt that Kafka had a crush on him:

[Kafka has a crush on you, gaining 1 point of crush, current crush level Lv.10 (max level)]

As her crush on him reached max level, a prompt popped up to gain new crush skills:

[With your sincere heart and unremitting efforts, you are deeply connected to your own destiny, which has no intersection. From now on, the girl's fate star will also shine with you, and you gain the ability: spider-like tenderness. ]

Kafka's crush skill didn't seem to have much to say from the name, so Li Qiuzhi felt the detailed information fed back:

[Spider-like tenderness: can summon dark red spider silk to bind and dominate the target at will, and can use the target's ability at will during the domination period, and the target's strength limit is "the sum of the two people's levels". ]

Binding, dominating, and using the opponent's power seems to be a relatively functional ability, and the upper limit of the target that can be controlled is the sum of his and Kafka's levels!

It still feels a bit outrageous. As long as he is bound by this spider silk, the existence of the Star God level will be controlled by him. It is simply invincible!

However, Li Qiuzhi looked at his level. Because the average cultivation progress is 30,000 points per second, it is about 2.6 billion a day.

In total, it has been about ten days since I was promoted to level 170, and the total cultivation progress has been about 26 billion.

It took 8 billion cultivation progress to upgrade from level 170 to 171, and 8.1 billion to upgrade from 171 to 172.

It took 8.2 billion to upgrade to level 173, so a total of 24.3 billion has been spent. It will take a few days to upgrade to level 174:

Name: Li Qiuzhi

Level: Lv173 (1622595221-30000+/8.3 billion)

Race: Human

Title: Legendary Adventurer

Inherent Talent: Entangled Favor

Skills: Fluorescent Thoughtlessness·World Lv.10 (Void Star Sea), Flowing Sky Shooting·Ultimate Lv.10 (Frost Huashi) Star Abyss Power Lv.10 (Transcendence)

Features: [Girl's Beloved (Exclusive)] [World Tree's Thoughtless Gospel (Exclusive)] [North Wind's Anti-Demon Touch (Exclusive)] [Spiritual Rank (Exclusive)] [Imaginary Internal Energy] [Illusionary Sea Drifter] [Swallowing All Things] [Heroic Spirit Affinity] [Distance Between Stars] [Trinity] [Human Body Refining]

Experience Points: 854264856

This is his current level. More than 800 million experience points were obtained through the "Simulated Universe" test.

Although with the blessing of various abilities, Li Qiuzhi is confident that he can compete with the Star God, but he should not be able to crush him for the time being.

So, it is still a bit difficult to hit the Star God with the skill "Spider Silk Gentleness" and dominate Him.

Perhaps this is the so-called "a good cook cannot cook without rice".

But this improvement speed is already very fast. If others know that he is being promoted from a mortal to a Star God, some people will believe it.

Li Qiuzhi checked the favorability skills obtained from Kafka, and then checked Silver Wolf's:

[Silver Wolf has a good impression of you, and gains 1 point of favorability. The current favorability level is Lv.10 (maximum level)]

[With sincere intentions and unremitting efforts, you are deeply connected with your own destiny that has no intersection. From now on, the girl's fate star will also shine with you, and you will gain the ability: reality hacking. ]

Reality hacking feels like it is probably similar to the "ether editing" mastered by Silver Wolf. Li Qiuzhi thought about it and felt it carefully:

[Reality hacking: Any objective phenomenon, law, constant and other data can be tampered with. If the target of modification is a living being, the maximum strength limit of the target that can be modified is "the sum of the two people's levels". ]

The introduction is very short, and it is indeed similar to "ether editing", but it does not need "ether" as a medium to affect reality, and can be used even in places where "ether" may not exist.

Of course, the non-existence of "ether" is actually a false proposition.

In fact, there is another name for "Ether", which is "Memory". This is what Li Qiuzhi saw on the Interstellar Peace Network. It is the name given to Ether by "Liuguang Yiting".

The research on "Ether" by the Interstellar Society is not shallow.

For reality, it is a "false medium", because the real space is not life, it will not spontaneously derive this substance.

The birth of "ether", or "memory", actually comes from the spiritual aspects of life such as "memory", "emotion", and "spirit".

As long as there is life, there is "memory", even if a space without "ether" is artificially created to trap Silver Wolf.

But because Silver Wolf appeared in that space, as a life, she has "memory", "emotion", and "spirit", so that space also has "ether".

This allows her to use the ability of "ether editing" to leave calmly.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of "ether" that it can be said to be omnipresent.

Even in areas where there is no survival in the universe, "ether" can be born because life has cognition and memory of this area.

"Ether" is a false medium equivalent to the materialization of spirit and thinking, so the things or rules that thinking can think of can interfere.

However, despite this, Silver Wolf wants to use "ether editing" to modify rules, modify constants, etc., but with her technology and strength, it is still difficult for her to do so.

The "reality hacking" skill is like a natural magical power.

Using "ether editing" to modify the pi of a certain area to 3.14 with only two decimal places may not be possible without super high technology and mental power enough to pry a large amount of "ether".

But "reality hacking" is that although I don't have enough mental power, I can still activate this skill to make pi become 3.14 with two decimal places.

It's just that the duration may only last for a few tenths of a second due to insufficient mental power, but even so, pi is successfully modified.

This is the power of "reality hacking"!

There is only one thing that can limit this skill, that is, the acquisition of data, just like Li Qiuzhi wants to modify the length, width and height of a stone, then he must first know its length, width and height.

But in general, it is also an invincible skill. With his infinite "imaginary internal energy", it is no problem to spend some time to modify the rules of the entire universe.

Maybe it doesn't even take a little time, just calculate the required time, and then directly reset this time to zero, and modifying the entire universe is a matter of seconds.

Of course, he would only do this when he has nothing to do, after all, it is meaningless, and it may even cause a doomsday-like impact.

Li Qiuzhi would probably be happier to "destroy" the Star God when doing such boring things, and then other Star Gods would unite to beat him together.

It is not what he, who is low-key and humble, should do at all.

Li Qiuzhi, who was lying on the bed hugging the two girls, couldn't help but get excited after learning about Kafka and Silver Wolf's affection skills, so he slowly extended his hands that were stroking their backs to their buttocks.

Gently kneading their snow-white and soft buttocks, slightly lifted Silver Wolf's legs that were straddling his lower abdomen, and put them together again.

In the morning, he continued to practice with Kafka and Silver Wolf for a long time, and when he felt that it was about time, he got up and went to the bathhouse to wash his body.

In the past few days, "Void Meta-Domain" has continued to be popular in the interstellar society, and those "Meta-Domain Deep Diving Equipment" have been hyped to sky-high prices.

After all, it has only been a few days. No matter how developed the industrial capacity of the interstellar society is, it cannot meet the needs of so many curious people in the entire interstellar society for the time being.

At the same time, the "Void Meta-Domain" has opened up permissions to people, allowing them to freely create some digital products, such as movies, games, etc. This is a 100% realistic virtual world with unlimited business opportunities.

Whoever is faster can make a fortune. This is an unquestionable fact. The former "Meta-Domain Space" was like this, but it was a pity that it was inexplicably closed later.

Although there is also the risk of inexplicable closure in this restart, this risk is simply not worth mentioning for the future of possible wealth.

"Tiantianhua Chamber of Commerce" has developed well in the "Quantum Sea" and Yalilo. The former has been running stably, and the latter has arranged personnel to build the basic framework of the Chamber of Commerce in Yalilo.

With a mature development model, it is foreseeable that it will develop successfully in the future.

Everything is developing steadily. Li Qiuzhi has nothing to do for the time being and is ready to continue to brush the girls' favor today.

Last time, I stayed with Charlotte under the pretext of experiencing the work of a reporter, and successfully raised her favorability to level nine and more than seven hundred.

Today, I should be able to fill up the remaining points.

Li Qiuzhi ate the breakfast carefully prepared by Noel and the others, and then went out to work like everyone else. He teleported to the Steambird Newspaper Office in Fontaine.

It was time for Charlotte to come to work, and Li Qiuzhi soon saw her in the newspaper office wearing a rose-colored hat decorated with a feather pen.

Her pink shoulder-length hair stuck out from under the hat and swayed as her snow-white legs walked. Seeing Li Qiuzhi, she ran over with a surprised look on her face:

"You took a few days off, so now you are finally done with your work?"

Li Qiuzhi experienced the work of a reporter with Charlotte, and then because the Star Dome Train was going to Yalilo, it stopped for a while.

But he did take a leave, and he couldn't do things without explanation.

“Yes, you know that the ‘Void Internet’ has been upgraded to the ‘Void Metaverse’, right? In the future, there will be not only people from Teyvat in the ‘Void Metaverse’, but also people from other planets.

"I just went to one planet these days. Do you want to go there and have a look? If you can interview people from other planets and report back to Teyvat, it will definitely make the "Steam Bird Newspaper" a big seller."

Li Qiuzhi said to Charlotte with a smile.

Although many people from the interstellar society had poured into the "Void Yuan Realm" at this time, Nasida and the others temporarily restricted their communication with Teyvat.

Because the impact and impact of allowing people from Teyvat to come into contact with the entire interstellar society at once is very large, and it needs to be slowly let go.

For example, we will first relax restrictions with Yaliluo, and then with the "Quantum Sea" side, and then open up the entire interstellar society after everyone has adapted.


Charlotte's face wearing a round-frame monocle was even more surprised. Interviewing other worlds, this is absolutely big news!

"Of course, you can prepare the topic of the interview first, and I can take you there now."

Li Qiuzhi said with great certainty.

In fact, the first introduction to Yaliluo No. 6 through Charlotte is also to pave the way for the later exchanges between the two places in the "Void Yuan Realm".

"Hey, you're so kind to me!"

Charlotte did not doubt whether Li Qiuzhi could do it and gave him a big hug excitedly.

At the same time, Li Qiuzhi saw a new favorability prompt pop up on his character panel:

[Charlotte has a good impression of you and gains 820 favorability points. The current favorability level is Lv. 10 (full level)]

Originally, his favorability was level nine and more than 700 points. After gaining this favor, Charlotte's favorability towards him has reached the full level!

He always hugged girls, but this time he was hugged by girls in public. Li Qiuzhi could guess that there would be some news about his love interest in the "Void Yuan Realm".

But the problem is not big, anyway, there are countermeasures.

Although he hopes that others will know more about himself and collect "spirituality", he also does not want to be known with a bad reputation.

Therefore, Li Qiuzhi has limited the flow of negative news about himself in the "Void Yuan Realm". He can post it, but it is basically the kind that will not be recommended to you if you don't search for it.

In this case, there will be no impact. At the same time, there will be no restriction measures for those heroic deeds of oneself, but they will not be recommended.

The main reason is that everyone in Teyvat should know about him now, and his children will already know his deeds by heart.

If you push it in front of people all day long, it will obviously only cause resentment. (End of chapter)

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