I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 338 Era Changes: Sierra Civilization

【Player status】


[Life Level: 4 (Epic 'Demigod')]

[Divinity: +3 (Destruction, Night, Undead)]

[Physique: 487.28 (maximum 1000)]

[Age: 26 (up to 5000 years old)]

For the miraculous planet and the miraculous star field, it is nearly 1.5 million years old, but for the blue star, and even the Milky Way, it is only a week.

Ji Yu had already entered the semi-god state two days ago.

In the period of miraculous civilization, when the scale of crab people reached hundreds of billions, and when the crab people were only the oldest god 'Kreb', Ji Yu completed the so-called promotion task of 10 billion living beings to him. cognition.

Although for crab people, what they believe in or know is only sea crabs.

But the essence of the sea crab is Ji Yu's real incarnation and clone.

If it weren't for the barrier of time and space, Ji Yu's body should have been fed back by the sea crab to obtain higher benefits and characteristics.

However, after all, it is not bad that Ji Yu can benefit from the power of cognition through the speed of time and space.

Compared with the transformation of Miracle Planet, the changes of Blue Star and even Nolan Star are obviously a bit petty.

However, this is also caused by the time asymmetry between the two parties.

At present, Nolan Star is being rebuilt with the help of the Blue Star Nations, and at the same time, it is slowly moving forward under the watchful eyes of Xiaolu and Adam.


Nearly 100,000 years later, Miracle Star.

"Master Candace, the God of Thunder and Punishment, Kodd, is about to invade our Colonial Planet No. 9, and lead us back!"

"Yeah, we are about to lose our hold, and the base's resources have bottomed out!"

"Where is there a brother army, hurry back and support!!!"


"Support? Support what a fart, Mr. Candice is leading our first army to attack the No. 3 resource star of the God of Thunder and Punishment. You try to delay as much as possible, or delete the account and retrain at worst!"

"Goddamn Candice, why don't you delete the account of the goddamn First Army? Hurry up, if you don't bring back the main force, we will just run away!"

"I agree, Mr. Candice, you are a god anyway, so hurry up and say something, if you don't come back, we won't elect you as the head of the empire next time!"

"Don't talk about it, Candice's stupidity must be red-eyed, brothers, come on, I'll run first as a respect!"

"Run? Run Nima, I'm just talking about it, and there are people running? If you are offline, you are not afraid of the steel straight man of God of War who visits you from door to door, so just run!"

'The God of War Empire', in the country's public channel, at this time the various small channels belonging to the God of War Empire are filled with all kinds of curses and screams.

In the virtual reality [Star Wars] game, at this time the God of War and the Empire of the God of Thunder and Punishment are fighting in full swing.

This time, the two sides assembled a total of more than one million starships, and launched a grand duel in the star fields where at least eight planets are located.

God of War: "Don't panic, everyone. Our reinforcements are coming soon. I'm about to capture the No. 3 resource star of the Thunder Empire. Brothers on the No. 9 colonial star, you just need to hold on for another hour."

God of War, as the head of state, quickly put a voice on the top of all communication platforms.

"Reinforcements? Where do we have reinforcements?"

"Master Candace, don't fool us!"

"That's right, He said the same thing last time, but we lost three planets that time!"

"Nima? Why are you people so disgusting? Why don't you say that under the leadership of Master Candace, we went from nothing to colonization of eleven planets?"

"That's right, you're full and have nothing to do. If you have time to yell and scold on the public channel, it's better to seriously study how to defend. If you lose Colonial Star No. 9, you'll just wait to eat shit!"

"That's right, what is the purpose of our detour to attack the No. Built, you know? A bunch of idiots."


In the distant star field, God of War looked at the noisy national public with a slight headache, but managed to maintain his composure.

Currently, the battle for the No. 3 resource star has reached a fever pitch.

"How long will it take for the support troops of the God of Thunder and Punishment to arrive? Has our scouting team responded?" War God stood on the bow of the main ship and asked the adjutant beside him.

"Yes, just now the reconnaissance team got feedback. They found that the second army of the God of Thunder and Punishment is coming from the side of X star field Dawn, and there are about three days left for us." The adjutant looked at his hand The screen in the middle and looked at God of War.

"Very good! Three days, haha~, this time I must let the old boy, the God of Thunder and Punishment, suffer this boring loss!"

The God of War's original dignified expression suddenly returned, and he smiled.

God of War was in a good mood, but just when he was thinking about seeing the scene where the resource star No. 3 was captured, his eyes suddenly became blurred, and then quickly darkened.

After a short period of darkness, when God of War came back to his senses again, he took a slightly embarrassed look at the beautiful figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

"My god, can you stop being too addicted to the game? Do you know what the mortals outside call you now?"

The person who came was the great priest of the Church of God of War. At this time, the priest roughly took off the virtual helmet on the head of God of War, and stood in front of God of War so angry and helpless.

"Uh, what's your name?" God of War sat up from the recliner with a little guilty conscience, and asked in a low voice at the same time.

At this time, the God of War was inexplicably muttering. He knew that there would be a housekeeper in his 'home' in the new era.

He said nothing when he came down to earth one time and would not adopt 'Julie' just for a moment of interest and to experience the feeling of being a human father.

As an old virgin for hundreds of thousands of years, for the first time God of War has the anguish of his unscrupulous father being preached by his little padded jacket.

God of War actually looks like a middle-aged man with a lot of muscle after exercising for a long time. He has a square face and a strong figure. He is full of male hormones and always exudes a unique temperament.

But the temperament still has to be accompanied by the clothes. At this time, the god of war staying in Shenju is wearing a loose floral shirt and shorts, looking like an unreliable uncle enjoying the summer scenery.

"What's it called? You don't know how to look it up online?"

"It's like 'God of Recklessness', and 'God of War in the Dead House' and so on. Can you tell me that this fits your identity?"

The God of War was stunned, and then pretended to be furious: "These mortals are simply blasphemy, go, let the kingdom's security department find out who first called out the nickname, and I will go and let them know why 'Maya Flower' is so popular."

The great priest 'Julie' gave the God of War a blank look.

"Okay! I said, Dad, you should find a wife to take care of you. Last time I saw that Aunt Yanshan Goddess in the gathering of the gods was pretty good."

"Goddess of the Rock Mountain? The goddess who has a group of 'sheep orcs' beliefs underneath?"

"Of course, otherwise, which goddess do you think can take a fancy to you? Besides, Aunt Yanshan's figure is not bad, and her physique is also moderate. I think she is very suitable for your priesthood as God of War?" Julie looked at God of War expressionlessly.

The God of War was stunned on the spot, and at the same time, he clearly recalled that in a certain god system in the orc kingdom, the rock goddess had a figure comparable to a gorilla.

At this time, the two 'God Attendants' guarding Julie were holding back their laughter.

Julie also held back her laughter, but she held it back, and then she stood beside the dazed God of War while sighing.

Among the void probes, she, who was already a demigod life form, took out a tablet from the white void and threw it to the God of War.

"Here, this is the latest border extension report of our affiliated Kingdom of Kliss. At present, they have followed Dreiser's ruling country into the Gray Saturn five light-years away. The land area they won this time is about 30 million. Square kilometers, two-thirds of it is useless after detection, and the other third has some heavy metal resources."

God of War sorted out his emotions, listened to his cheap daughter's words, and at the same time carefully read the contents of the report.

After about a few minutes passed.

"It's okay, this time I managed to get a little bit of oil and water, unlike last time, these guys were a step slower, and they were preempted by others to carve up the gas stars hidden in the space shock area."

The so-called space oscillation area is the result of the interaction between the edge of the miracle star field and the outer chaotic space due to the expansion of the universe.

In that area, there are inexplicable space explosions and turbulence all the time. In short, that area is still relatively dangerous for the current Second Epoch "Serra Interstellar Civilization".

The God of War who said this casually seemed to remember something and said again: "By the way, Julie, how is that ancient god doing recently? Is there any sign of him waking up?"

"Ancient God?" Julie frowned slightly: "I haven't heard any information from Dreiser's Ministry of Foreign Affairs about their creator's awakening. The orbital area is tightly surrounded, didn’t you hear that they built several large star rings last time?”

"It seems that the size of the ancient gods has become bigger again. In order not to affect the sleep quality of the ancient gods, they can only continue to expand some distances and guard them closely."

Having said that, as the first group of demigods among humans and orcs in the new era, Julie began to frown and doubt again: "By the way, Dad, is that ancient god really as powerful as the Dreiser people said? I heard it The length of its main body is one to two hundred kilometers, and it seems that there is a miniature planet of life created by the condensed laws of space in its body."

The God of War looked at his daughter speechlessly, and said helplessly, "How many times have you asked this? Who am I to ask? Anyway, I have never been to the 'starting star' mentioned by the Dreiser Empire." , Those giant crabs are all antiques, we can't enter that kind of place."

"As for the body of the ancient god, it is similar to what they advertised."

Julie was a little dazed. No matter how many times she asked or listened to, she always felt that the "Old God" was like an illusory myth, although he himself lived in the myth.

But the body size of the ancient god is actually a colossus of one or two hundred kilometers, he really can't imagine what a colossus it is.

With such a large body, it is simply not a life of the same era as them.

Just like the humans and orcs in the Sierra civilization all know the illusory and exaggerated existence of the "Mother Goddess" and "Serra", but no one has seen them after all, and no one dares to imagine what kind of state they are in.

Compared with the ancient gods, the will of the mother god and even the will of Serra, the civilization of Serra is obviously unkillable.

But planet gods are different, planet gods, belief in gods can be killed, at least the current Sierra civilization can do it.

The easiest way is to destroy the planetary ecology, and then besiege and kill these planetary gods and belief gods.

Although this process may cause a lot of losses, with the resources of the 38 stars colonized by the Sierra civilization today, and nearly 8 billion warships, fighter planes and mechs of various types, these gods can be consumed by living consumption. die.

However, as far as the state of Sierra is concerned, it is currently impossible for mortals and gods to confront each other. The reason is very simple, because the gods of the new era have long lived with humans.

Everyone is a support for civilization, not to mention that the gods are still the characteristics of the Sierra civilization, occupying a traditional high position, but they do not oppress the people. From this point of view, the situation of Sierra is relatively stable.

Although these gods seem to occupy high positions, they clearly say that they will not participate in the government affairs of the country.

Government affairs are still managed by the vassal kingdoms and imperial royal families, and in these traditional royal families, the people have the legal guarantee to choose their favorite emperor.

Elections are held every twenty years.

Such a system is somewhat similar to a constitutional monarchy, but it is slightly different from a constitutional monarchy.

In short, under this system, even if there are contradictions in the society, the main focus of the contradictions is concentrated on the royal family and the emperors of each period, and it will not hurt the rule of the gods at all.

As a symbol, as the existence of the people's beliefs, the gods actually control the general direction of the entire civilization in light and shade. This is the characteristic of the current Sierra civilization.

"Old God, although this physical existence may be a bit exaggerated, it is essentially different from 'Mother of Life' and 'Selah's Will'. Dad, do you think that today's technology can deal with him? ?” Julie asked thoughtfully.

"Eh." God of War didn't know what to say.

"Deal with? Do you think that the existence equal to our 'Mother God' can be dealt with by ordinary people's technological means?"

"Julie, is your idea dangerous?"

The God of War had a slight headache, and said at the same time: "The ancient god is not only a matter of size, maybe you don't know, but that carapace is all equipped with the power of rules, and his ability also has a large-scale anti-magic ability. domain, and all the technology of the Sierra civilization is based on the foundation of magic, and the energy is the spirit crystal and magic crystal used.”

"So you can't have such a dangerous idea, Julie. Besides, the main body of our Sierra civilization comes from him. The Dreiser Empire and Cancer are no joke."

God of War didn't want to continue this topic, and then said:

"Okay, okay, Julie, let's not talk about this meaningless topic."

"Hurry up, I'm waiting for the MV of Lois and Tessa's new song, it just happens to happen on time"

"Hurry up and hurry up."

After all, God of War didn't care about the wordless expression of his "daughter" and turned on the projection device in an instant, and clicked into the press conference of the new song MV jointly released by the goddess of knowledge and the goddess of magic in time.

Seeing the unreliable appearance of her daddy in underpants, although Julie was a little helpless, she also recalled everything about growing up with her daddy when she was a child.

Every time she thinks of her father, the "big guy", flustered after crying, Julie can't help but want to laugh, and slowly, looking at her father Julie in front of her, her eyes soften in an instant.

"Really, if you really like Lois and Aunt Tessa, Dad, you can change your attire a little bit and go out for a walk more. I really admire you."

The great priest Julie said so, but she sat beside God of War and watched the press conference of the two goddesses together.

There will be another update after midnight, above, code word code word.

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