I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 339 Change and Nata Civilization

The kingdom of Oti, located in a palace in the sky.

The goddesses of magic and knowledge lying in the spacious bedroom full of flower scents took off their helmets one after another.

"Phew, it's really tiring. A virtual reality concert and autograph event is almost the same as the real one. It's hard to sign one million people, but the next second is another million people. With the appearance of the mosaic, the scalp tingles just thinking about it, we have to take a good rest recently."

Tessa, the goddess of magic, lay on the bed and pressed her head complainingly, looking quite tired.

"Isn't this all your own choice? At the beginning, you pulled me and said that you wanted to try to go out and create a different image in the new era. Then, this was your own choice to become a singer. How come you now Still tired?"

The goddess of knowledge teased with a slight smile, and then took out a book of interstellar travels and read it as usual.

Despite the rapid development of science and technology, the goddess of knowledge is still accustomed to reading paper books, not only the goddess of knowledge, but also many humans and orcs who love literature and books.

"Hey, I'm just complaining, who knew we could be so popular, didn't you notice the eyes of those men in the virtual reality concert?"

"Forget about mortals, there are some male gods among them, tsk tsk, our charm is really not covered, heh heh, it's too early for those 'goblins' from the orc pantheon to surpass us."

The goddess of magic sat up while hugging the waist of the goddess of knowledge from behind.

She pressed her face to the side of the Goddess of Knowledge, and said sadly, "Lois, do you think our current life is really the life that gods should have?"

"It always feels a little nondescript, and a little illusory. Who would have thought that the age of war and darkness could transition to what it is now."

The goddess of magic obviously remembered the era when the gods fought each other and the era when the gods harvested the mortals in the underground. Aren't those old times like the sky and the earth compared with the present?

For nearly 100,000 years, mortals may have forgotten everything. For the gods, the changes of these 100,000 years are only a small part of the years they have lived.

The feeling of yesterday is still vivid, which is also the reason why the goddess of magic sighed.

"The life a god should have?" The goddess of knowledge didn't look back, she just looked at the butterflies flying in the flower pavilion outside the window and said: "The past will eventually pass, what is the god? What is the god for?"

"Aren't we just living to maintain an attitude of superiority and intrigue? Obviously not, we are also a kind of Serra's life system, and we also have the desire to pursue a better life, and this kind of life may be what we should be. Protection and maintenance of life, right?"

Once you have experienced the entertainment life in the so-called technological age, it is almost impossible for the gods to return to the boring life before.

This is the age of peace, this is the age of abundance, the double enjoyment of spirit and material, this is the life that every living being wants to pursue.

Of course, except for some people who are tired of this ordinary life and want to pursue excitement.

However, for those who want to pursue excitement, then outside the planet, the expansion fleet of the Sierra civilization is the best place for them.

In short, in today's Sierra civilization, the whole world feels like a hundred flowers are blooming.

This feeling is a very good experience for mortals and gods.

"Indeed, it's Lois that your words are level."

"However, having said that, I am very worried that the Sierra civilization has touched some borders and will once again lead to the ancient 'mass extinction'."

The goddess of magic is really worried. The truth of the ancient mass extinction has long been an open matter among the gods.

Once a civilization develops to its limit in a certain star field, its external expansion will inevitably bring new challenges.

"What is there to worry about? There is a process in the development of things. Since everything is born, it will die, and gods are not excluded. We just have to let nature take its course."

The Goddess of Knowledge looked at it openly, and her tone of voice was very calm.

Looking at the goddess of knowledge, the goddess of magic suddenly shook her head and chuckled.

"Hey, sister, you really haven't changed at all."

"I don't accept what you said. What does it mean to let nature take its course? As gods, is it impossible for us to do nothing?"

"Since there are challenges, we should try our best to accumulate everything in advance and deal with it. The accumulation of divine power fruits is a means of our gods, but in addition, we have to make good use of the existence of that person."

"Speaking of which, tsk, I heard from those cancers that there seems to be an ancient god in the ancient 'miracle civilization'? I don't know how the so-called expeditionary miracle civilization is developing now."

"If they develop well, with the influence of the ancient god Kreb and Cancer, our "Sierra Civilization" might still be able to enjoy the benefits."

The goddess of magic was a little whimsical, while the goddess of knowledge shook her head helplessly.

The Goddess of Knowledge doesn't know how the miraculous civilization developed, but six or seven hundred thousand years have passed, who knows if their society still has the identity of the "miracle star"?

In addition, it is another ancient god who dominates them. Even if there are some ethnic groups of the ancient god 'Kreb' in that civilization, can those ethnic groups dominate?

It's impossible to think about it, what's more, those crab people may have forgotten their gods long ago.

Plus, it's still a good idea.

If there are still most of the ancient beings alive, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, isn't there any one of them who feels homesick?

Not to mention that most of them will come back to watch, but at least a small part will come back, right?

But how many years have passed? Can any life from the miracle civilization come back?

In view of this situation, there can only be two inferences: 1. Either the miracle civilization has been 'destroyed'. The destruction here has both the meaning of destruction itself and the possibility of a fault in the inheritance of civilization; 2. It is the miracle Civilization is in trouble and can only retreat to the ground.

In short, the goddess of knowledge is not optimistic about the state of the miracle civilization.

However, she didn't say it, and she didn't want to say it.

In short, cherish the present life, at least Goddess of Knowledge thinks that life and death are no longer too scary.

What is the state of the miracle civilization?

In fact, it was partly guessed by the goddess of knowledge, and part of it was not guessed right.


In the distant star field, in front of a huge star, a star ring similar to a Dyson sphere is being built on the edge of the star at this time.

On the huge star ring, there are huge space cities one after another.

These space cities are like hexagonal honeycombs densely packed on the star ring.

The miracle civilization has already been renamed at this moment, and it has been renamed the 'Nata Civilization'.

The word 'Nata' is the homophonic name of the sea snake originally under the sea snake family, and now the sea snake that leads the expeditionary force of the miracle civilization has naturally become the leader of this interstellar civilization.

Unlike the Miracle Star Field, after the Sea Snake led the Miracle Civilization out of the Miracle Star Field, the farther away from the Miracle Star Field, the slower the flow of time.

This kind of time flow is very slow, and it is slowly decreasing step by step across star systems.

The difference in time flow rate of the 'Nata Civilization' was not known before, but now it is known.

But even if they knew, they didn't care too much, they just regarded it as a natural phenomenon in the universe.

Now, nearly two hundred and fifty thousand years have passed since the entire Nata civilization broke out of the Miracle Star Field.

During these 250,000 years, the Nata civilization successfully destroyed the Stuka civilization that had previously caused disasters in the Miracle Star Field.

At the same time, under the leadership of the Sea Snake, and even with the absorption of non-magic technology, the Nata civilization has officially stepped forward to compete for the hegemony of the current galaxy civilization similar to the "Milky Way" near the edge of the universe.

In the past 250,000 years, the population of Nata civilization has almost exploded.

One hundred thousand years ago, their population had just exceeded 100 billion, and they occupied nearly thirty star systems.

However, 250,000 years later, their total population successfully exceeded trillions, and their footprints even covered half of the 'Nata Galaxy' named after the sea snake.

They control three million star systems in the slightly smaller galaxy Nata Galaxy, which does not include some individual "dwarf star fields" with less than three stars in the star system.

The Nata civilization is extremely capable of survival, and at the same time it is extremely hardworking. They have tens of thousands of races and swept away many civilizations along the way.

Even if there were occasional twists and turns in the process, they were all resolved by the sleepy sea snake.

Today, the entire Nata civilization is once again in trouble.

And this trouble is that the Nata civilization attacked a prosperous civilization called Grote.

The technological level of this civilization is much lower than that of the Nata civilization, but this civilization is a very terrifying biological civilization.

In the information obtained, the Nata civilization learned from the escaped civilization that this biological civilization was originally a primitive life, somewhat like bees, and even among the major interstellar civilizations, it was only an inland civilization occupying an inconspicuous planet.

However, under this kind of neglect, this civilization quickly copied the technology of a certain interstellar civilization after entering that planet for the first time.

And this kind of duplication is not the duplication of the metal civilization, but the duplication of the strange evolution carried out by the biological devouring technology.

As a result, after this race entered the starry sky, the situation got out of hand.

About 100,000 years after the Nata civilization entered the 'Nata galaxy', this civilization began to rise, and until now it has occupied a fifth of this galaxy.

They multiplied rapidly and continued to plunder the surrounding galaxies, and when the Nata civilization entered here, the two immediately fought together.

Today, nearly 250,000 galaxies have lost their hands on the front line of the Nata civilization, and the evolution and reproduction methods of the Grote civilization are almost as strong as they are strong.

When encountering the Nata civilization, the front was fine, and the Nata civilization even pulled out more than a dozen star system strongholds of this civilization one after another.

However, after this, the swarm of Grote civilization quickly backfired.

They have evolved again, and even the individual organisms that appear have the size of the main ship of more than twenty kilometers.

These starship bugs can not only spit out terrifying rays, but can also carry countless large space units. Then, after losing all the galaxies they acquired one after another, and after losing the 250,000 galaxies they originally controlled, the base camp behind the Nata civilization suddenly I couldn't sit still.

And now, beside this Dyson sphere-like star, a meeting is going on here, and the Nata civilization also plans to awaken their god 'Nata' again.

On the far side of the star, on a frozen planet, the sea serpent 'Nata' sleeps.

Thanks to the book friends holding the dimension; Yang An; Jian Xiaosheng; book friends 161031193828621 for their rewards, thank you.

The two changes are over.

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