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Chapter 335: Based on your relationship, two million will be borrowed

"Boss, Mr. Dai is here!" Zou Dinghui knocked on the door and walked in to report to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan saw Dai Cong outside the door, beckoned, pointed to the sofa in the office and said, "Sit!"

Dai Cong walked into the office and sat down on the sofa next to the coffee table.

Tang Xiaochuan walked over with the candidates, and Dai Cong asked, "Boss, is there a problem with the preliminary selection of the candidates?"

Tang Xiaochuan said: "I've read the list of candidates selected for the primary and their resumes, and there is nothing wrong with them. However, among those applicants who failed the primary selection, I think some can enter the primary selection. There are sixteen candidates in total. Have you checked the resumes of these people?"

Dai Cong nodded and said: "Of course, we have checked all applicants' work history, education background, degree, academic articles they published, award certificates and experiences through the Internet. After the investigation, basically there is no problem!"

Tang Xiaochuan took the resumes of the sixteen applicants and said: "From the resumes of the sixteen applicants, it is true that some of the sixteen applicants do not meet the employment requirements, but your requirements are too high, and the recruitment of teachers cannot be fully qualified. Depending on education background, professional title, current unit and teaching experience, the main thing is to look at the teaching level, and some applicants for management positions also have to look at the management level!"

"Look at these sixteen people. Their academic qualifications and professional titles are not bright spots, nor are their current units and teaching years, but they are among the best in the local teaching competition! Among these people are several high school teachers. And junior high school teachers, they lead the graduating class for a long time, I want to ask you, why is this?"

Dai Cong immediately thought of it: "The graduation rate of their graduating class is high?"

"By the way, if the promotion rate of their graduating class is not high, why does the school allow them to lead the graduating class for a long time? The current school gives the impression that whoever has a high rate of admission to higher education is famous, which means that the quality of teaching is excellent. But the evaluation of professional titles does not only depend on the quality of your teaching and the admission rate of the class you lead, but also involves many considerations, and the competition is also huge!"

Tang Xiaochuan continued: "The teachers and administrators we need to recruit for running a school don't just need those with high academic qualifications and high degrees. These are all false. What we want are truly capable people!"

"Understood!" Dai Cong nodded.

Tang Xiaochuan took out a copy from his resume, "This Zhang Ming from Binhai Conservatory of Music used to be my university teacher and counselor. If he hadn't been implicated by me, he would have been able to become a professor with his ability. As a management position, I think he can be the director of the music department of Xingkong University!"

"I will not intervene in the recruitment of ordinary teachers in each school. I will leave it to you. However, I hope that after the re-examination is over, you will send someone to the unit or place of residence where they are currently employed. Understand their situation, if the talent is not discovered by us, it is not a big problem, we will continue to recruit in the future, but if the hired person does not find out their academic qualifications, degrees, resumes, certificates, etc. because of our careless work Falsification of aspects, or a problem with one's own character, this is dereliction of duty!"

Dai Cong took the resumes of all the applicants from Tang Xiaochuan, stood up and said, "Good boss, we will definitely implement your instructions carefully!"


The First Affiliated Hospital of Military Medical University.

In the Cardiovascular Ward of the Inpatient Department, Chang Ge put a quilt on his son Ma Tao who had been arguing all morning with a tired face, then took out a plastic bag from the side drawer, took out a steamed bun from the plastic bag He gnawed by the window.

The door of the ward was pushed open by a female nurse, who asked, "Is Ma Tao's family in bed 25?"

Chang Ge, who was eating steamed buns, heard the nurse's shout and quickly turned around and said, "I am!"

"Come with me, the attending doctor is looking for you!"

"Oh, okay, I'll be right there!"

Chang Ge agreed, and quickly put away the unfinished steamed buns and put them in a plastic bag, then put them in his pocket, and asked the family members in the nearby hospital bed to help take care of his son.

Led by the nurse, Chang Ge came to the inpatient doctor's office.

"Director Yan, this is the family member of Ma Tao, the patient on bed 25, and this is Director Yan from our cardiovascular department!" the nurse introduced.

Director Yan was in his fifties. Wearing glasses, he looked at Ma Tao's case and some test results, looked up at Chang Ge and asked, "Who are you from Ma Tao?"

"Hello Director Yan, I am Ma Tao's mother, and my surname is Chang!"

Director Yan nodded and said to Chang Ge: "Ms. Chang, it's like this. Your son's condition is not optimistic, and he needs to be operated on immediately. Your son is not only suffering from heart problems, but also has kidney failure. He also has kidney failure. The exhaustion is also more serious! You have operated on him before, right?"

"Yes, there was an operation, but then something went wrong!"

Director Yan sighed: "You guys came here a bit late. If he came here just after he found out that he had a heart problem, there shouldn't be anything left. Let's do the surgery first, but you have to be mentally prepared, because The patient has kidney failure, which makes it more difficult for the operation to succeed!"

Chang Ge quickly asked: "How high is the success rate of heart surgery? Can kidney failure be cured?"

Director Yan adjusted his glasses, "How should I put it, the success rate of this heart surgery is relatively high, but no doctor can guarantee a 100% success rate, because there will always be various problems and risks in the operation, plus The last patient has kidney failure, which increases the difficulty and risk of the operation, I hope you can understand this!"

"As for renal failure, some early acute renal failure may be cured after active treatment. I personally suspect that your son's renal failure is caused by overdose of drugs. Whether it can be cured depends on the specific situation. About this, we will Invite nephrologists to conduct a joint consultation!"

Chang Ge said after listening, "Then when will the heart surgery be done?"

"We will make a decision on when to do it after consulting with nephrologists. If we can do it, it will probably be tomorrow morning or afternoon, because your son's heart problem is already very serious, and we can't delay it any longer! How about it, You prepare the relevant expenses first, there will be a consultation result at three o'clock in the afternoon, and you will be notified at that time!"

Chang Ge asked, "I don't know how much it will cost?"

"Prepare two hundred thousand first!"

"Does the surgery cost so much?"

"The first stage of treatment is about 200,000 yuan, and the follow-up treatment may need more. In addition, he has kidney failure, and he needs to be actively treated. The cost is not small. You have to be mentally prepared. Row!"

"Can you tell me about how much the whole treatment process will cost?"

Director Yan said: "I estimate that it will cost about 300,000 yuan, less than 400,000 yuan!"

"Is it possible to cure it with only 400,000 yuan?"

"Let's talk about the kidney failure first. Because it is acute, there is still a high possibility of cure, but it may also become chronic, which is more difficult to treat. We can only try to improve his quality of life; let's talk about heart problems. , Let me tell you this, if the operation is successful, there will be no major problems in life in the future, but you can't be like a normal child, such as not being able to do some strenuous exercise and physical labor!"

After coming out of the doctor's office, Chang Ge's mind went blank, her complexion was very abnormal, in the past two years, in order to treat her son's illness, she sold everything that could be sold at home, and in order to take her son to see a doctor and take care of him, she had to leave her work as well. After resigning, the family relies entirely on the husband to make money alone to support the family's life and son's medical expenses.

She walked to the door of the ward and looked around. Seeing that her son was still sleeping, she went to the end of the corridor and took out her mobile phone to call her husband.

"Hello, how are you?" Her husband's voice came from the phone.

Chang Ge said: "I have already stayed in the First Affiliated Hospital. The attending doctor is Director Yan of the Cardiovascular Department. I will ask a nephrologist for consultation in the afternoon. If surgery is possible, we will arrange it tomorrow morning or afternoon!"

"Why do you still need to ask a nephrologist for consultation?"

"Because Taotao was found to have kidney failure during the examination!"


"Hey, are you listening?" Chang Ge asked.

"Yes, how much does the doctor say it will cost?"

"Pay a 200,000 deposit first, and another 200,000 may be needed for follow-up treatment!"

"Can it be cured?"

"The doctor is not sure, why don't you come here!"

"...Okay, I'll take the high-speed train here in the afternoon!"

At two o'clock in the morning, Chang Ge waited for her husband outside the ward.

After dawn, when the doctor went to work, the couple went to see the doctor here.

Director Yan looked at the couple and said, "I told your wife about the situation yesterday afternoon. The success rate of heart disease surgery is still very high, and the problem of kidney failure is a bit troublesome. Director Liu from the nephrology department saw it yesterday and thought The possibility of cure is not high, we can only adjust slowly!"

Chang Ge's husband asked: "How long is the survival time?"

"With good conditioning, it may take five to eight years, but it is not absolute. It may also be that the child has a strong will to survive, and it may be possible for more than ten years!"

After the couple left the doctor's office, the husband suddenly said: "Chang Ge, we have no money, let alone 200,000, now we can't even get 50,000. It's not like you don't know about our family's situation. For medical treatment, even the house was sold, and all the relatives and friends who could borrow it... I really have no choice, or let's go back!"

Chang Ge shed tears. Before the child was ill, their family was a well-off family. Unexpectedly, the child’s illness has directly brought their family into the bottom poor class in the past two years. She took out the phone, "I still have some classmates, I don’t know if I can borrow it, so let’s try it!”

She dug out the phone book on her phone, found a phone number and dialed it.

"Hey, Chang Ge, why did you think of calling me today?"

Chang Ge tried not to cry, "Squad leader, didn't I bother you?"


"It's like this, my child is sick, I... I want to borrow some money from you, I, I know it's presumptuous, but I really can't help it, our family even rented the house to treat the child. sold······"

"Well, how much do you want?"

"My deposit is 200,000 yuan, we don't even have 50,000 yuan now, so..."

During the phone call, Yang Ye said: "Chang Ge... To be honest, our family's money is not in my hands, but my wife is in charge. I... By the way, you call Tang Hanchen No? What he has now is money, and with the relationship between the two of you back then, as long as you open your mouth, let alone 200,000, he will borrow even 2 million!"

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