I Can Make Money by Watching Videos

Chapter 336 I Won't Find You If I Have Other Ways

Chang Ge was silent for a while, and she said, "Excuse me!"

Just about to hang up the phone after finishing speaking, Yang Ye said on the other end of the phone: "Wait... Chang Ge, I only have 6,000 yuan in hand, I will transfer it to you first, I know it is a little less, but if If you want to get money from my wife, she will ask seven questions, I hope you can understand!"

"...Thank you, I, I will return it to you as soon as possible!"

Chang Ge silently hung up the phone.

Not a minute later, Chang Ge's cell phone rang. She opened it and saw that it was Weixin from Yang Ye. He transferred 6,000 yuan on Weixin.

Although it was a little less, it was at least a hope, which meant that her former high school classmates could still lend her money. With some hope in her heart, she continued to call, this time calling Xiong Dawei, but Xiong Dawei didn't answer.

Chang Ge looked through the phone book again and found Wang Tonghui's number. Among these high school classmates, he was the only one who was the best.

"Hello, who is it?" Wang Tonghui's rough voice came from the phone.

Chang Ge wanted to give up, but when she thought of her son's illness, she had to cheer her up, "Wang Tonghui, I'm Chang Ge!"

"Chang Ge? Do you still remember my old classmate? I haven't contacted you for several years. Why do you want to call me today?"

Chang Ge was a little guilty. After all, she didn’t usually burn incense. She wanted to pray to God and Buddha at critical moments. She was afraid that the Buddha was not so easy to ask for. She bit the bullet and said, “Wang Tonghui, I, I want to borrow some money from you. inconvenient?"

"·······Chang, are you kidding me? Your first love and old lover Tang Hanchen is now a billionaire. You just need to open your mouth and the money will be in your account in minutes. Are you asking me to borrow money? Eldest sister, I can't compare with him, but you don't want to hurt people like this, do you?"

Chang Ge immediately cut off the phone, her face turned pale, now she finally understands why some people always say don't borrow money for anything these days, what it feels like, all kinds of sarcastic remarks in the process of borrowing money can completely wipe out your last trace of dignity Smash, if it wasn't for treating the child, how could she be so low-key and shameless, no matter how difficult life is, even if she eats steamed buns and boiled water every day, she will never ask anyone to borrow money.

"Often song!"

Chang Ge turned to look at her husband Ma Hongjiang, Ma Hongjiang said: "If you can't borrow money, don't borrow it. This is the way of the world now. We are usually friends and classmates. When you need to borrow money from them at a critical moment, Hiding faster than anyone else!"

Chang Ge said angrily: "What if you don't borrow it? How did you raise the initial 200,000 yuan? Didn't you hear Director Yan say that the child's life would be in danger if he didn't have the operation? Are you going to watch the child disappear?"

Ma Hongjiang was also irritable because of the fact that his child could not raise medical expenses for seeing a doctor. Chang Ge yelled at him, and he couldn't control his emotions. He shouted: "Do you think I feel better? Don't I want my child to feel better Is it? In order to treat Taotao’s illness, all the savings in the family have been used up, even the house has been sold, and relatives and friends who can borrow it have borrowed it all over again. What do you want me to do? I can’t afford so much money Come on, what do you want me to do? Even if I try to snatch it, I won’t be able to do it!”

Chang Ge couldn't bear it anymore, and burst into tears, the whole corridor was full of her crying, and Ma Hongjiang also shed tears silently.

After a long time, Ma Hongjiang took a deep breath and said: "Chang Ge, I have thought about it. We have done our best for the child. We can no longer afford it financially. Let's take the child back!"

Chang Ge panicked, "No, no, Taotao can still be saved. Director Yan said that as long as the operation is performed, there is a great chance that his kidney failure symptoms will be cured after careful recuperation. As long as the operation fee is raised, we can spend the rest of the money slowly. Think slowly!"

Ma Hongjiang yelled: "How did you raise the 200,000 yuan? How do you think of a solution for the 200,000 yuan left? It's easy for you to say, I want to take Taotao back, you go and pack your things, and I'll go to the doctor for discharge procedures." !"

"No, Taotao must stay here for treatment. If he is discharged from the hospital, he won't last long, and he will die!" Chang Ge yelled and pulled Ma Hongjiang.

"I'm fed up, are you going or not? You won't go, right? Well, I don't care about you, you can do whatever you want!" Ma Hongjiang said and left.

Singing's expression changed, and he immediately rushed to grab him, "Wait, what do you mean? You don't care about the child's life or death?"

"It's not that I don't care, but I have no ability to manage it. Since you insist on taking him here, then I'm leaving!"

Chang Ge cried and cursed: "Ma Hongjiang, you bastard, he is your son!"

Ma Hongjiang stopped: "We spent all our savings, sold the house, and borrowed money from relatives and friends who could borrow money. What do you want me to do? If you can exchange my life for his, I will Yes, you tell me how to do it, tell me!"

The expression on Chang Ge's face froze. It wasn't until this moment that she realized how difficult the situation of her family was. It wasn't that the child's father didn't love him, it wasn't that he didn't want to treat him, it was really impossible to raise money up.

Ma Hongjiang said with a painful face: "Take the child back, at least the child will have a better life at home, I will tell the doctor, you go and pack your things!"

"Wait," Chang Ge shouted, "I, I will make one last call. If, if we can't borrow any more money, we will take Taotao back. As long as we can borrow 200,000 yuan, we will treat him. As for the follow-up We have thought about the cost, we can initiate crowdfunding online, and we can count as much as we can raise!"

Ma Hongjiang sighed, rubbed his face and stepped aside to lean against the wall.

Chang Ge stretched out her trembling hand and took out her phone...


The elevator door opened, and Tang Xiaochuan walked out of the elevator, followed by Brother Bing and Brother Zhan. The lady at the front desk immediately showed a sweet smile when she saw it: "Morning, handsome!"

Tang Xiaochuan nodded with a smile: "Good morning, pretty girl!"

Assistant Zou Dinghui came up to him, "Boss, the documents that you need to deal with have been placed on your desk. At nine o'clock in the morning, Mr. Liu will report to you the work plan for the next month; at ten o'clock, the chief financial officer will report to you Last month's financial situation..."

While walking, Tang Xiaochuan listened to Zou Dinghui talk about today's work arrangement. After entering the office, a female secretary had already brought a cup of coffee.

"Dingling..." The phone in his pocket rang.

Tang Xiaochuan took out his mobile phone and saw that it was his uncle calling. This mobile phone is a private mobile phone. Only family members and some major relatives have this number. Others can only find him through other mobile phones, but Zou Dinghui usually controls these mobile phones when they are in working condition.

He answered the channel: "Hello!"

"Xiaochuan, I'm uncle!"

"Oh, good morning uncle, what's the matter with you calling so early?"

The uncle's voice came from the phone: "It's like this. You also know that Zhongyi has been dating a girlfriend for more than a year. They plan to get married, but her girlfriend and family ask Zhongyi to buy a house in Jiangcheng. Zhongyi You have only been working for two years, and you have no money at all. Your aunt runs a small teahouse, and her income can only support the family's living expenses. You also know that uncle has never done anything in his life. How can you get it? The money is used to buy him a house, so you see, can you lend some money to Zhongyi so that he can buy a house and take care of this lifelong event?"

Zhongyi is his uncle's son. He is twenty-three this year. After graduating from middle school, he went to a vocational high school. His grades were not good and he didn't take the college entrance examination. After graduation, he went to work directly.

My uncle has been lazy all his life. When he was young, his grandmother doted on him, and Tang Xiaochuan's mother and several aunts also doted on him. When he was seventeen or eighteen years old, he had a serious illness and almost died. The family spent money to treat him. After running out of savings, in the end, his grandparents left his uncle at his house. Tang Xiaochuan's parents had no choice but to sell the few pigs and two cows at home, and took him to Jiangcheng for treatment. It took more than half a year for him to recover. go home.

Tang Xiaochuan asked: "How much to borrow?"

Uncle said: "Two million and six hundred thousand, it should be enough!"

"Two million and six million? What kind of house does the woman want to buy?" Tang Xiaochuan asked, frowning.

"One hundred and twenty-three square meters. It is said that I have taken a fancy to a house in Poly. It has an area of ​​one hundred and twenty-six square meters, and each square is 16,000, which is a little over two million. If you spend 200,000 to buy a car, 2.6 million should be about the same!"

Tang Xiaochuan was speechless after hearing this, "I can lend him 2.6 million, but when will he pay it back? My money didn't fall from the sky, so I can't give it for nothing, right?"

But the uncle said: "I heard that my aunt's eldest daughter Lu Ling and her son-in-law Huang Kexing borrowed 30 million yuan from you in Binhai last year, but you didn't ask them to pay it back. How could you be so loyal to ask you to borrow 2.6 million yuan and you have to pay it back?" What? Are you treating him differently, are you looking down on uncle?"

"Hey, uncle, I didn't mean to look down on you, and I didn't say I don't want Lu Ling to pay back the money. They borrowed money to do business and made money. I will definitely ask them to pay back the money!"

On the phone, the uncle thought for a while and said, "Well, return it within five years!"

"Stop teasing me, how much is Zhongyi's monthly salary? Not to mention five years, even fifty years he won't be able to pay it back!"

"I promise to return it to you within five years, isn't it okay?"

"Oh my dear uncle, what kind of guarantee do you take? You said that Zhongyi wants to buy a house and get married. I support this. After all, young people are under a lot of pressure to get married. It is also good to get married early, but you want me to lend him the full amount If you want to buy a house or a car, I’m not happy about it. You want him to use my money to show off, right? You see that it’s easy for your nephew to steal a lot of stupid money, right? You and Zhongyi Said, if he wants to borrow money from me, let him call me himself!"

Tang Xiaochuan hung up the phone after finishing speaking, really a little angry.

"It seems that every time I go back, I can't give my uncle any more money. Sheng Mien fights Mi En, people's greed really has no limits, and they can have the cheek to ask for more than two million yuan to buy a wedding house for their son, and even more money." Buying a car, one step in place..."

"Jingle Bell······"

Another mobile phone rang, and he glanced at the screen, it was an unfamiliar number.

He answered the channel: "Which one?"

"I, I am Chang Ge!"

"Eh...you, hello!" Tang Xiaochuan almost didn't realize it. After all, he suddenly received a call from his first love, which was too unexpected.

"I, I'm not well. I'm calling you today not to catch up with you. My son is seriously ill. He is now in the First Affiliated Hospital of Binhai Naval Medical University. I want to borrow money from you to pay for the surgery. If not If I have an operation, my son will die. Anyone who can borrow has borrowed it. I... I will not find you if there is any other way..."

Tang Xiaochuan calmed down and asked, "How much?"


Tang Xiaochuan said: "The First Affiliated Hospital of Military Medical University, right? I'll come over right away!"

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