It took several seconds for everyone to react, and the mayor, Aishan, immediately shouted: "Barry, what are you doing? Stop! What are you guys still doing? Hurry up and pull him away, quickly pull him away!"

Several accompanying staff members and company workers rushed over to pull the beating Barry away. In just a few seconds, Ma Guangli was beaten black and blue.

Tang Xiaochuan said to Ai Shan puzzled: "Mayor, what's going on? Although Ma Guangli said that he was lazy to sleep during working hours and disobeyed the management, it should be dealt with by our company. This person Why did you hit someone?"

Ai Shan quickly explained: "Mr. Tang, the person who beat people is called Barry, and he is the head of Ma Guangli's village. Don't worry, we will definitely deal with the issue of beating people seriously!"

Tang Xiaochuan fell silent.

Ai Shan immediately called Barry over, "Barry, come here, what's the matter with you? Why did you rush over to beat people without making a sound? Although you are his village chief, you can't beat people casually." , Ma Guangli’s fault should be dealt with by their company, why are you involved?”

"No, mayor, you don't know, I hate iron but steel!" Barry, the village head, sighed, "This Ma Guangli has always been lazy, and he has three children in his family. Originally, there were dozens of cattle and sheep at home, and seven or eight Acres of land, but he is not only delicious and lazy, but also likes to gamble, lost dozens of cattle and sheep in the family, and likes to drink too much, and beats his wife when he is drunk. Left it at home!"

"The few acres of land in his family are not well planted. Others' land can harvest 500 catties of wheat per mu. Thank God for his family's land that can harvest 300 catties. Now his family is clinking poor. In this way, he still does not repent, and he almost lost his child to others. In the past, he beat his wife while drinking, but now he beats his child after drinking. The three children are afraid of him, and they are often beaten all over by him! "

"A few years ago, the village designated him as a poverty alleviation target, and the leaders sent from above wholeheartedly helped him out of poverty. It was fine for a few days at first, but after a long time, the true nature was revealed. More than 20 sheep bought with poverty alleviation funds and loans Lost again, do you think you are angry or not?"

"Other impoverished households in our village have been lifted out of poverty, but their family is still the same. Our village cadres broke their legs because of his affairs. They begged their grandpa and grandma to find him a job everywhere. How much, the mouth is worn out, it just doesn’t work, just now I saw that it was him who fell asleep, I couldn’t help it on the spot! Mayor, it’s wrong for me to hit someone, I’m willing to accept the punishment, and I’m willing to Paying medical bills, but I really can't do this job as the village head, and I really can't help it when I meet this kind of person!"

Everyone was silent. As the saying goes, a poor person must have something to hate, and Ma Guangli is a typical representative!

Everyone knows that in the current economic environment, as long as you don't be lazy, you can still find something to do if you want to do it. If you have a job, as long as you don't be lazy and work hard, it is impossible to become rich and wealthy, but it is not a problem to support your family. It is just the quality of life. There's just a difference.

Ai Shan sighed at this time: "Barry, you injured someone, of course you have to pay for the medical expenses, you take Ma Guangli to see a doctor first, and we will discuss how to deal with your beating when we go back to the meeting before making a decision!"

"Yes!" After Barry finished speaking, he yelled at Ma Guangli: "You unbelievable thing, I get annoyed when I see you! Go, follow me to the hospital!"

Ma Guangli seemed to be very afraid of Barry, and followed him tremblingly.

Ai Shan turned around and said to Tang Xiaochuan: "Mr. Tang, I told you to read a joke. We will deal with the matter of Barry's beating seriously!"

Tang Xiaochuan waved his hand: "I don't care about this kind of thing, it's the matter of President Fang and Manager Zhu, but I think Barry, the village head, has to continue to be the village chief. I can't suppress some tricky and slippery villagers! Some people like to sing against the village cadres, always looking for trouble and pickpockets, and the village cadres with weaker characters will be eaten to death, and there is no murderous spirit that can't cure such people!"

"In addition, I won't skip the issue of Ma Guangli's laziness and sleeping during working hours. Let Manager Zhu handle it. Our company is still based on the principle of curing diseases and saving lives. As long as he is willing to obey the management, work hard, and complete the boss's arrangement work, our company is willing to accept him!"

Ai Shan nodded: "We will seriously consider Mr. Tang's opinion!"

Regarding Ma Guangli's laziness and sleeping in the bar, Zhu Wanlin's treatment is mainly criticism and education. He will record a major demerit once, deduct this month's full attendance bonus, deduct a performance bonus of 100 yuan, and order him to write a written review. Lazy sleep during working hours, disobedience to management, and failure to complete work tasks seriously will be dismissed.

Shortly after Tang Xiaodong returned to Binhai, he received a call from Chang Ge.

"Have you decided what kind of store you want to open?"

Chang Ge's voice came from the phone: "I have studied cosmetology before, and I have done it for a while, so I want to open a beauty shop and recruit a few beauticians, so that I can manage the shop, and I can do it for a while. Take care of your son and have more free time!"

"Opening a beauty salon is mainly because it is difficult to find customer resources in the early stage, but as long as we have a fixed source of customers, we can maintain it!"

Tang Xiaochuan agreed: "Since you think it is possible, then do it! Have you found a shop, and have you calculated how much you need to invest?"

"I looked at a few locations, and I fell in love with one of them. The area is about 280 square meters. The rent has not been negotiated, and the investment has not yet been calculated!"

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll lend you 10 million, and everything is up to you. If there is anything unjustified, you can call me and I will settle it for you!"

"OK, thanks!"

"You send me a bank account, and I'll transfer it to you later!"


After a while, Tang Xiaochuan received a message from Chang Ge, and he transferred 10 million to the bank account she provided.

After seeing the text message notification that 10 million had been credited into the account, Chang Ge sent a message to Tang Xiaochuan, "Are you free tomorrow? I'll give you the IOU, and treat you to dinner by the way!"

"I really don't have time tomorrow. I'm going to the construction site. I don't need to write the IOU. Don't I believe you? As for eating, I have a lot of time in the future!"

"Okay then, I'll tell you the address when I confirm the location of the store, come and have a look when I have time!"

"Okay, I will definitely go!"

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiaochuan asked Lei Hu: "Old Lei, do you think it is profitable to open a beauty salon now?"

"Everyone has the love of beauty. No matter when, no matter what the environment, this point will not change. Is Binhai lacking rich people? No, is there no shortage of rich women? No shortage, so as long as Where there is demand, there will be a market, the key is how to find people with these needs and develop them into your own customers!"

"Just like the cosmetics and luxury goods market, even in wartime, these things are still marketable!"

What Lei Huohu said is the truth. Taking the sales of Desia Company one month after the Spring Festival and starting to open for business, the sales of all regions, stores and counters in the world have dropped a lot overall, but there are still sales from the past. Four-fifths of sales, the market share accounts for half of the overall global cosmetics market, and sales account for 66% of the overall global cosmetics industry. degree of desire.

Those women who have money can't buy daily necessities, but they can buy cosmetics and luxury goods. Since they can't buy daily necessities, why not buy more cosmetics and luxury goods? For those foreigners overseas who don’t have the habit of saving money, money is bastards, spend whatever you have, and never keep it in the bank for the New Year.

A few days later, Tang Xiaochuan received another message from Chang Ge: "My store will open tomorrow, do you have time to come over?"

After reading the message, Tang Xiaochuan called and asked, "Aren't you still looking for a store a few days ago? Why did you open it so soon?"

Chang Ge said on the phone: "That's right, the store I'm looking for is itself a beauty salon. During the tsunami, the proprietress here died. So there was a notice of transfer hanging outside, I went to talk to him, and I put the store down. There are regular customers here, which is a lot less stressful for me. All the beauty technicians here have stayed!"

Tang Xiaochuan didn't expect Chang Ge to pick up a bargain, and said, "Send me the address, and I'll check it out tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

The next morning, Tang Xiaochuan drove to Changge's beauty salon.

This place is a bustling area, and there are many high-end residential areas around, where rich people live densely, so the location is still very good.

The beauty salon is on the third floor of a large commercial center building. When Tang Xiaochuan got off the car, Chang Ge was already waiting at the gate of the commercial center building.

"Xiaochuan, here!" Chang Ge saw Tang Xiaochuan get off the car, waved his hands and walked over quickly.

Tang Xiaochuan stepped forward with a smile, looked up, and said, "The location of this location is very good. There should be no shortage of customer resources. This business is doing well!"

Chang Ge turned around and took Tang Xiaochuan into the commercial building, saying, "This place hasn't recovered yet. There used to be a lot of people here, but it's much worse now!"

Brother Zhan and Brother Wu followed with a flower basket each from the trunk.

After taking the elevator to the third floor, Tang Xiaochuan found that the flow of people here is indeed not very large. In terms of the scale of this commercial building, the current flow of people is estimated to be less than one-third of the previous one.

Arriving at the door of Chang Ge's beauty salon, Tang Xiaochuan asked Brother Zhan and Brother Wu to place the flower baskets on both sides of the gate, walked in and took a look, and couldn't help but said, "This layout and grade are not bad, how much did you pay for it?"

"3.8 million, the rent is 3.2 million a year, and the rent is due in July this year, and there are more than four months left!"

Tang Xiaochuan knew that in the past, it was impossible to win such a large area and such a high-grade beauty salon at this price.

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